Member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) are expected to vote on the final text of the agency’s “pandemic agreement” during the 77th World Health Assembly, convening in Geneva, Switzerland, on May 27 – June 1, 2024. However, the WHO’s management of the COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a global uproar, with many expressing their concerns about the deep state-funded group potentially gaining even greater control over global health matters in the future. Despite this—operating as the self-appointed specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health—the WHO remains steadfast in its tyrannical position. With that in mind, in a move that is undoubtedly strategic ahead of the new treaty, the group has changed the terminology of airborne viruses, now referring to them as “pathogens that transmit through the air.” Additionally, they’ve partnered with CERN to develop an online tool called ARIA to assess the risks of future airborne transmissions in countless public and private settings.

Why did the WHO do this? Is it because the revised WHO treaty may lend them the authority to mandate the so-called “vaccines” globally if pathogens meet certain criteria? Only time will tell. For now, according to the WHO, the change ends a scientific rift that hampered the early response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In a press release on April 18, the WHO contends that “following consultation with public health agencies and experts,” it is introducing updated language for pathogens that transmit through the air, previously called aerosol transmission. According to the WHO, the change follows two years of consultations involving hundreds of scientists from four major public health agencies: Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Hoping the change will add clarity for future pandemics, WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Jeremy Farrar remarked:

“Together with a very diverse range of leading public health agencies and experts across multiple disciplines, we are pleased to have been able to address this complex and timely issue and reach a consensus. The agreed terminology for pathogens that transmit through the air will help set a new path for research agendas and implementation of public health interventions to identify, communicate and respond to existing and new pathogens.”

Conveniently confessing to its own mistake, the WHO revealed that when the COVID-19 pandemic got underway, the group insisted that SARS-CoV-2 wasn’t an airborne transmission—a determination it now admits “cost lives.” In November 2022, then-WHO chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan said the WHO’s acknowledgment should have been made much earlier based on evidence at the time. Nonetheless, the WHO didn’t amend its official document on COVID-19 transmission to include airborne transmission until December 2021. Due to its delayed action, Nature wrote that “early infection control and prevention advice focused mainly on surface cleaning, handwashing, and social distancing, rather than mask-wearing and improved ventilation.” Under the WHO’s new change, in an entirely different manner of lockdown, it is easy to envision that facilities lacking proper indoor ventilation will be shuttered in a future pandemic until its systems are updated.

Reporting on the WHO’s definition change, which is a baseline and could be tweaked further, Nature declared that virologists now recognize that SARS-CoV-2 spreads primarily by airborne transmission of tiny particles that are inhaled and can remain in the air for hours. Now, instead of focusing on the distinction between aerosols and droplets (words used during the pandemic to distinguish between particles above or below five micrometers in diameter), the WHO has cleverly coined the term “infectious respiratory particles” (IRP) to describe all such particles, regardless of size, and accepts that smaller IRPs can be transmitted at both short and longer ranges. Ultimately, totalitarianism is more uncomplicated if one size fits all. 

Indeed, the WHO’s technical report on the suggested terminology change does not describe all pathogens that spread through the air as airborne. Instead, it uses “through the air” as a catch-all term to describe any mode of transmission that “involves the pathogen traveling through or being suspended in the air.” The report breaks it down further into two categories. The first, ‘airborne transmission/inhalation,’ is when IRPs are inhaled from the air into the respiratory tract. Second, ‘direct deposition’ is when such particles travel a short distance before landing directly on a person’s mouth, nose, or eyes. Nature advised that “under this terminology, COVID-19 would be recognized as spreading through the air by airborne inhalation/transmission, with a much smaller risk of transmission by direct deposition.” 

As expected (and an integral part of the reset dialogue), DEI was a sticking point amongst the scientists working on the WHO’s report. Helping to set the scene for the re-vamping of life as we know it, per the deep state agenda, Bloomberg dutifully reported that “infections capable of spreading long distances through the air on tiny respiratory particles may call for rigorous and expensive infection control measures, such as the wearing of particulate-filtering respirator masks and specialized hospital rooms in healthcare settings.” Pointing out mixed feelings amongst scientists, Bloomberg shared that the report added, “This would have legal, logistical, operational, and financial consequences that have global implications with regards to equity and access.” In the meantime, as the divide, conquer, and squabble over equity, the WHO’s terminology shift sets a common language that will make it easier for the WHO to determine the broad implications of airborne particles and the countermeasures needed to deal with them. Farrar remarked:

“In the first hours, days, and weeks of a new respiratory pandemic, it’s issues like, ‘do masks work?’ And, if masks do work, ‘what type of mask,’ which will have [an] enormous impact on the ability to protect communities and healthcare workers.”

How does CERN—which has been working with the WHO since 2021 “to improve understanding of COVID-19 airborne transmission risk in indoor spaces”—fit into the new pathogen terminology? With little fanfare, CERN, the intergovernmental organization that operates the largest particle physics lab in the world, and the WHO introduced ARIA on May 6, 2024. The duo shared a short publicity video demonstrating the WHO ARIA tool developed using the CERN Airborne Model for Indoor Risk Assessment (CAiMIRA). Given CERN’s blossoming role in the future of gene-altering healthcare and the WHO’s desire to control and regulate the health of humanity, the collaboration between them is noteworthy. Will CAiMIRA help facilitate how the WHO reins in control in future pandemics? It seems as if it could. CAiMIRA’s website explains:

“CAiMIRA has been developed by CERN with the intention of allowing members of personnel with roles related to supervision, health & safety, or space management to simulate the concerned workplaces on CERN sites. A hosted CERN version of the CAiMIRA Calculator is available on this site to members of the CERN personnel.

[The] WHO has invited CERN to become a member of a multidisciplinary expert group of international experts called ARIA, which will work to define a standardized algorithm to quantify airborne transmission risk in indoor settings. This will ensure that the model includes not only the science related to aerosol science but also the virological effects, such as host-pathogen interaction.

The collaboration takes place within CERN’s wide-ranging engagement with other international organizations, promoting shared solutions to societal challenges.”

Meanwhile, like clockwork, on May 3, Mr. Farrar was focused on the “highly pathogenic, airborne transmissible” H5N1, remarking that the “animal pandemic” has evolved and has developed the ability to infect humans. He remarked it may soon acquire the ability to transmit from one human to another. Farrar added, “We have to make sure that H5N1 does not come across humans as it can easily develop the ability to transmit between humans.” Make no mistake, this bunch of ghouls—who spent two years squabbling over a terminology change for airborne pathogens instead of investigating the deadly mRNA jabs—will be declaring the next pandemic soon enough. And they’ll be pushing their “vaccines” to go along with it. Fortunately, as previously noted, many, including Attorneys General from 22 states and the amazing World Council for Health, are standing up to the tyranny.

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Tracy Beanz & Michelle Edwards

Tracy Beanz is an investigative journalist with a focus on corruption. She is known for her unbiased, in-depth coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic. She hosts the Dark to Light podcast, found on all major video and podcasting platforms. She is a bi-weekly guest on the Joe Pags Radio Show, has been on Steve Bannon’s WarRoom and is a frequent guest on Emerald Robinson’s show. Tracy is Editor-in-chief at