HHS, NIH, NIAID & Fauci Concealed Mpox Gain-of-Function Plans from Congressional Committee


Dr. Anthony Fauci, the HHS, the NIH, and NIAID have been using taxpayer money to conduct potentially catastrophic gain-of-function research and lying about it long before their COVID-19 deception became obvious. In early June, following a 17-month investigation, the House Energy and Commerce Committee (E&C) released a report detailing that for almost a decade, Fauci’s institute concealed plans to engineer a different virus capable of a pandemic with a case fatality rate of up to 15 percent. This research, if successful, could have had devastating public health implications. During the Committee’s investigation, Fauci and his crew intentionally concealed the fact that since 2015, they’d had the approval from the NIH’s Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) to work on dangerous gain-of-function research of concern (GOFROC) to engineer an mpox virus with high transmissibility and moderate mortality.

Noting that in civil law, when a party refuses to produce evidence in its possession, a jury is permitted to draw an adverse inference that the information not produced was unfavorable (meaning they did indeed conduct the risky gain-of-function research on mpox), the detailed report states:

“This deliberate, prolonged effort to deceive the Committee is unacceptable and potentially criminal. HHS, the NIH, and NIAID continue to insist the GOFROC experiment transferring material from clade I into clade II was never conducted, despite being approved for a period of over eight years. However, HHS has repeatedly refused to produce any documents that corroborate this claim.”

From August 2022 until February 2023, Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, caused a public health emergency in the United States, with a strain of the clade II virus behind the outbreak. Mpox is endemic in Africa. Clade I, which is more deadly, circulates in Central Africa, and the more transmissible clade II circulates in West Africa. According to the CDC, Mpox has infected over 20,000 people and caused more than 1,000 deaths in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where clade I is more present.

As society finally caught a real glimpse of the other side of the preposterous COVID-19 pandemic, many were not fooled by the fear the media and government agencies propagated during the mpox scare. And you can bet money that Fauci and others weren’t expecting a September 2022 article in Science to reveal the lies and coverup surrounding their covert mpox research. The article shared that “many researchers say we shouldn’t worry too much yet” about monkeypox. That could change, the article explained, if one “bad scenario” came into play. Bernard Moss, a veteran poxvirus investigator at NIAID, explained that the scenario would be if mpox evolves to replicate faster in humans.

Moss then revealed that, in an attempt to figure out the crucial difference between two variants of monkeypox (clade I and clade II), he and his colleagues swapped dozens of clade II genes, one at a time, into clade I virus, hoping to see it become less deadly. They had no luck with that experiment, so Moss revealed that “they are planning to try the opposite,” endowing the clade II virus with genes from its deadlier, highly pathogenic relative, clade I. Here we go again. The new chimeric (combined) virus could have retained up to a 15 percent fatality rate and a 2.4 reproductive number. In other words, every sick person could infect up to 2.4 people on average, giving it pandemic potential.

The Committee documented that its attempts to learn more about the experiment were ignored. Even though the NIAID maintains the experiment was never conducted, it has yet to provide any coexisting documents to support that claim, such as lab notebooks, emails, etc. Moreover, as obsessed with underhanded virus research as this gang of hoodlums is, it is hard to believe they didn’t carry out the second, more dangerous experiment, that Moss shared with Science.

The Committee, which launched its investigation in October 2022 but was only allowed to view critical documents in camera on March 19, 2024, asserted that the obstruction and misrepresentations by the agencies involved are also concerning if the experiment, in fact, never occurred. The in camera review confirmed the IBC’s formal approval in 2015 of the experiment, including a proposed transfer of genes from the more lethal clade I into the less lethal but much more transmissible clade II. Prior to that day, the HHS and NIH made numerous statements that such a gene transfer had not been formally proposed. Referencing these blatant lies, the Committee wrote, “such behavior illustrates the lengths to which NIAID will go to evade outside oversight just for the sake of evasion.” Moreover, the Committee reported that NIAID also misled Science and STAT News in saying the gain-of-function mpox experiment was never approved.

The Committee wrote that the interim finding—the deception—is particularly relevant given that the White House Office of Science and Technology (OSTP) recently issued updated policy and related guidance on dual use research of concern (DURC, which Fauci and gang were also doing) and gain-of-function (GOF) research. Incredibly, the new OSTP policy continues to give funding agencies like NIAID primary responsibility for oversight of GOFROC and DURC experiments involving potentially dangerous pathogens. In other words, for the vast majority of experiments involving potentially dangerous pathogens, the agency conducting the experiment is also tasked with regulating and overseeing the experiment.

According to the Committee, policy improvements include codifying public input through a community oversight board, which is already in place for high-containment biosafety level four labs and moving final approval for GOF research out of NIAID. With Fauci finally gone after 38 years at the helm, the Committee stated it would continue to press for full accountability and transparency, along with a culture change at the NIAID away from secrecy. The Committee pointed out that the current arrangement—where the agency conducting the experiment also regulates and oversees the experiment—would be immediately recognized as a conflict of interest in almost any other scientific field or industry, necessitating independent review and oversight. Except, of course, in the equally lucrative and sinister pharmaceutical sector.

Seriously, as CRISPR and DNA manipulation take over, these taxpayer-funded lab shenanigans—that can bring life as we know it to a screeching halt—must end.



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Tracy Beanz & Michelle Edwards

Tracy Beanz is an investigative journalist with a focus on corruption. She is known for her unbiased, in-depth coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic. She hosts the Dark to Light podcast, found on all major video and podcasting platforms. She is a bi-weekly guest on the Joe Pags Radio Show, has been on Steve Bannon’s WarRoom and is a frequent guest on Emerald Robinson’s show. Tracy is Editor-in-chief at UncoverDC.com.