Humanity has arrived at a rare, explosive moment where several avenues of information are converging to shatter a major paradigm much of society and medicine has accepted as their reality. Which direction will we go? It was last month that Englands health service announced it would stop prescribing puberty blockers to transgender kids. A move…Continue reading Medically Transitioning Children: Have We Reached The End of This Medical Experiment?
Government-sanctioned guardrails on what speech is deemed acceptable. Imprisonment of up to 7 years. Guilty until you prove yourself innocent. Home inspections by authorities if wrong speech is being committed under one’s own roof. No, this isn’t a lost chapter in Orwell’s 1984 nor is it legislation passed by some historical authoritarian regime we were…Continue reading Scotland Police ‘Cannot Cope’ As New Hate Crime Law Reports Breaks Yearly Record in One Week
Over the recent weeks the American public has endured a constant barrage of media-manufactured hysteria surrounding the measles. The regular talking points have been on full display to create a false narrative. Andrew Wakefield created ‘anti-vaxers,’ vaccines pose no risk, the science is settled, and so on and so on. Low information reporters from multiple…Continue reading The Sacramento Bee Caught In Measles Hysteria Lie, Readers Force Retraction
Multiple media outlets are celebrating the comments of U.S. Food and Drug (FDA) Commissioner Scott Gottlieb who has taken it upon himself to weigh-in on the record vaccine legislation across the U.S. Currently, there are over 100 active bills in 30 states with over 50 aiming to expand and protect against several facets of coerced and mandatory…Continue reading WHY THE FDA SHOULD STAY OUT OF THE CURRENT VACCINE DISCUSSION
A breaking 60 Minutes report tracks the genesis of the American opioid crisis back to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In 2001, with no science to justify the move, the FDA officially relabeled the powerful opioid OxyContin to be used for an ‘extended period of time.’ Former FDA Commissioner Dr. David Kessler told 60 Minutes: ​ “We…Continue reading Pharma Whistleblower: The “Root Cause” of Opioid Epidemic Was FDA
As of March 14, 2019, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is monitoring 141 bills filed in 35 states proposing to expand, restrict or eliminate vaccine informed consent rights. READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE Sign-up to the NVIC Advocacy Portal to see what is happening in your state