PRESS RELEASE: Del Bigtree Vindicated As NY Supreme Court Overturns Ban


LOS ANGELES, April 6, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — One week after Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) founder Del Bigtree delivered a controversial speech at the Texas Capitol, referencing Rockland County, NY, attempts to ban unvaccinated non-adult teens and children from public spaces through an emergency declaration, the ban has been overturned by New York State court.

Bigtree ignited a firestorm when his presentation in Austin, TX, ended with the Emmy-winning producer of “Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe,” briefly brandishing then pinning to his jacket a yellow “Star of David,” to symbolize solidarity with Rockland County’s Hasidic Jewish community. Before the emergency declaration was overturned, unvaccinated Hasidic Jews in the county were banned from public spaces, including their own synagogues during Passover.

In overturning the declaration, New York State Supreme Court Judge Rolf Thorsen stated that the 166 cases cited by the county since the measles outbreak began last October did not reach the level of an epidemic or constitute a disaster. County Executive Ed Day’s use of executive law in issuing the emergency declaration “may have been misplaced,” Judge Thorsen’s decision declared.

In Austin, Bigtree stated: “For all the Hasidic Jews in New York right now who never thought this moment would come, I am saying I stand with you!  I stand with a nation that said we will never oppress the minorities, we will stand for your religious convictions.  We have seen that before and we will never let this happen in this beautiful country.” 

It is also on YouTube:

“The HighWire with Del Bigtree,” one of the fastest growing independent online news series, with more than 33 million total views, airs live Thursdays at 11am PST on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and other video platforms.

SOURCE Informed Consent Action Network

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