Did you know that in September 2022, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced they were spending $3.1 billion taxpayer dollars to implement a massive climate change initiative whose ultimate goal is to regulate the greenhouse gas emissions of American farmers and ranchers? Called Partnerships for Climate Smart Commodities and passed with zero congressional approval or oversight, the project will use information provided by farmers and ranchers to turn around, regulate, and control them. Or, put another way, destroy their livelihoods and further advance their sinister deep state agenda.

With many of the nation’s largest universities, associations, and agriculture corporations (Farm Journal, the country’s largest ag media corporation, accepted $40 million) receiving mega-millions from the USDA’s Climate Smart Commodities Projects, “includ[ing] every major company in the food business, from Cargill to Costco,” Lonesome Lands Jim Mundorf recently summarized the grave harm of the calculated scheme. Pointing out that the Biden administration has directly declared, “We have to reduce emissions from the foods system.” Thus the SEC proposed a rule forcing farmers and ranchers to report their greenhouse gas emissions; Mundane explained:

“The Kool-Aid drinkers that go along with these programs will say, “What’s the harm?” If you’re a rancher, what’s the harm in signing up for Farm Journal’s Trust in Beef program, where they will probably show you how to use an app where you input your data like cattle rotations and feed (agriwebb.) When you sign up, I’m sure you will probably be handed a check and told about the wonderful service you are doing for your industry, your farm or ranch, and your planet. They will tell you that you will show the world that agriculture can be part of the solution. So what’s the harm?

The harm comes from giving an administration that is continually blaming agriculture for destroying the planet the tools to regulate you out of business. The harm comes from when they tell you that what you’re doing is not enough. The harm comes from when you get told you need to reduce your herd by 25% in order to do business, get a loan, or sell your cattle. The harm comes when you realize the system that you helped create and put in place is the same system that is driving you out of business.” 

Undoubtedly, the harm on the horizon set to befall America’s farmers and ranchers is extensive and not limited to this one initiative. No indeed. With the U.N. climate summit, COP28, now in the rearview mirror, over $7.1 billion in new funding commitments were mobilized for climate action. These commitments neatly align with ESG or Environmental Social Governance—the sinister ruse devised to create alliances between governments and corporations to exploit the lives of humanity under the disguise of equality and environmentalism. With 152 countries on the record at COP28, they’ve agreed to advance the deep state’s unprecedented covert mission to tackle climate change, including significant devastating changes affecting food and agriculture. 

Along with the USDA’s climate initiatives, in 2021, the United Arab Emirates and the United States announced plans to launch the Agriculture Mission for Climate (AIM for Climate/AIM4C). The program was unveiled by Vice President, Prime Minister, and Ruler of Dubai, H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoumat at President Biden’s Leaders Summit on Climate. Expressly, AIM for Climate is framed to ignite investment and innovation within the agricultural industry to address the growing climate crisis funded by the billionaire elite.

Endorsed by the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Germany, and many other nations and corporations—with the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Food and Agriculture Organization—AIM4C seeks to significantly increase investment in support for “climate-smart agriculture and food systems” innovation over five years (2021 – 2025). With Bill Gates involved, there is no doubt that poisonous pesticides, soy, GMO seeds, synthetic meats, and bugs are part of the agenda.

Looking closer, AIM4C has an arm called Innovation Sprints, which is an increase in aggregate self-financed investments from non-government partners to achieve an outcome/output in agriculture innovation (self-financed investments—aka the global elite, or deep state). It operates under an expedited timeframe initiative focusing on four specific areas: 1) Smallholder Farmers in Low- and Middle-Income Countries; 2) Methane Reduction; 3) Emerging Technologies; and 4) Agroecological Research. Well, this should speed the destruction of farmers and ranchers along nicely.

Incredibly, according to the independent think tank RethinkX, the world is on the cusp of “the fastest, most profound, most consequential disruption of agriculture in history.” They predict that by 2030, the number of cows in the U.S. alone will have fallen by 50%, and the cattle farming industry will be all but bankrupt. Likewise, all other livestock industries will suffer a similar fate, “while the knock-on effects for crop farmers and businesses throughout the value chain will be severe.” Without question, the stage has been being set for this unimaginable scenario for years, and the COVID-19 pandemic helped hasten it along.

Mundorf points out that there has been almost no pushback from farmers and ranchers to the looming greenhouse gas emissions reporting. Remember, this reporting will open the door to regulations and loss of freedom. With billions flooding into the cause from investment firms pushing ESG, enormous entities like the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and the American Farm Bureau are all naively on board with the covert mission of crushing the livelihoods of the nation’s farmers and ranchers. After all, Mundorf reminds us that massive amounts of money make people blind to the ultimate end goal. Hoping against hope for the true essence of the agriculture industry to wake up and see what’s happening, Mundorf remarked:

“If there is to be any pushback at all it will have to come from those who make up the backbone of the agriculture industry. The small farmers and ranchers whose livelihoods are truly at stake. Stopping this plan will be incredibly hard… next to impossible. I am now writing this with the hope that America’s farmers and ranchers will not only stand up to the government but also to the largest ag corporations, associations, universities, and media. Odds are not in my favor, but I have always believed that the most powerful word in any language is, freedom. And no one loves freedom more than America’s farmers and ranchers. If they can come to see this movement for what it truly is, having nothing to do with the climate and everything to do with taking away their freedoms, then I think we might have a chance…. but we are going to need some help.”

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Tracy Beanz & Michelle Edwards

Tracy Beanz is an investigative journalist with a focus on corruption. She is known for her unbiased, in-depth coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic. She hosts the Dark to Light podcast, found on all major video and podcasting platforms. She is a bi-weekly guest on the Joe Pags Radio Show, has been on Steve Bannon’s WarRoom and is a frequent guest on Emerald Robinson’s show. Tracy is Editor-in-chief at UncoverDC.com.