On November 30, 2023, government and nongovernment puppet leaders from around the globe will assemble in Dubai for the United Nations (UN) 28th annual climate meeting, dubbed COP28 (Conference of Parties). This year’s 12-day meeting is consequential because it aims to keep alive the controversial goal set in Paris in 2015 of limiting long-term global temperature rises to 1.5C and limiting greenhouse gas emissions from human activity to the same levels that they say trees, soil, and oceans can absorb naturally—known as net zero. To help things along towards the outlandish 2050 goal, last week, climate ministers in the EU’s 27 member countries unanimously agreed to push for a world-first deal to phase out CO2-emitting fossil fuels at next month’s COP28. This week, over 130 woke companies also jumped on board, signing a letter calling on governments at COP28 to adopt a global plan to phase out fossil fuels that operate without carbon capture, declaring:

“Our businesses are feeling the impacts and cost of increasing extreme weather events resulting from climate change. We have an important role to play in sending a clear signal about our future energy use, which is rapidly becoming cleaner through renewables.”

Not surprisingly, vaccine fiend and self-appointed global prophet Bill Gates has been calling on an oil and gas ceasefire to be front and center at COP28 for months. Besides giving $1.4 billion to help smallholder farmers cope with the impacts of climate change and break their reliance on fossil fuels, in May, Gates spoke via video to an audience of over 1,000 policymakers, executives, entrepreneurs, investors, and financiers gathered in Abu Dhabi for the first annual Climate Tech conference. Undoubtedly aimed to jumpstart the transition towards transhumanism, the conference offered technology, innovation, and investment opportunities, showcasing over 100 companies “pioneering disruptive technologies including AI, robotics, carbon dioxide removal, and alternative fuels.”

In step with the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, it is no shocker that Gates founded his own enterprise that same year to profit from the breakthrough climate innovations he now promotes. Called Breakthrough Energy Ventures, co-founders along with Gates include Chris Stolte and Ben and Lucy Ana Walton, along with billionaire board members and investors including Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg, Richard Branson, Jack Ma, and Reid Hoffman, to name a few. In describing the assignment of the affluent group of deep-state-connected overlords and their overarching goal, Breakthrough Energy’s website points to the Five Grand Challenges facing humanity they must fix, noting:

“At Breakthrough Energy, we are committed to supporting new technologies that change the way we live, eat, work, travel, and make things so we can avoid the most devastating impacts of climate change.”

Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, one would be hard-pressed not to realize Gates’s peculiar fixation on transforming the world into a synthetic, less populated, zombie robot-like jungle, using climate change as his motivation. Indeed, he is attempting to do so by changing the way we live, eat, work, travel, and make things. Nonetheless, now that 131 companies representing nearly $1 trillion in global annual revenue are urging national governments at COP28 to address once and for all that burning fossil fuels is the primary cause of climate change, Gates’ abnormal obsession with humanity stands to lose some focus.

But not really. Interestingly, despite recent proclamations that the world can’t “unplug” from the existing fossil fuel energy system, the group’s letter demanding that society abandon fossil fuels was coordinated by the We Mean Business Coalition, and it partners through the Fossil to Clean campaign—with clear ties to Bill Gates. At least one of We Mean Business Coalition’s supporters—a group called CDP, “the gold standard of environmental reporting”—is partnered with Gates’s Breakthrough Energy to “fast track investment in new sustainable solutions.”

Moreover, most of the other We Mean Business partners behind the letter to ditch fossil fuels are subsidized by Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Meta, Walmart, Nestle, Proctor and Gamble, and other big business cartels. If you look deep enough, more often than not, significant funding from Bill Gates is involved.

For example, one of We Mean Business’s “implementation partners” is an outfit called World Resources Institute, which received a grant from Bill Gates in 2021 to put together a workshop on “Engineered Land Management Strategies” in Africa. Besides funding the workshop to restrain Africa’s small farmers, Gates—along with the WEF, UN, Walmart, the World Bank, Google, Ikea, and Meta—was a significant donor to the World Resources Institute in 2022. Another World Resources Institute “implementation partner,” C40 Cities, enjoys funding from deep-state donors, including Gates, George Soros, The World Bank, and the Clinton Foundation.

The same scenario exists for “implementation partner” Mission Possible Partnership. While the company doesn’t list Gates directly, its founders are Jeff Bezos, the We Mean Business Coalition, WEF, and RMI. In 2016, RMI received a $1 billion investment to facilitate major advances in clean energy production from Bill Gates, along with other investors, including Richard Branson, Jack Ma, and Jeff Bezos. Cleverly strategic in their crisscrossed ventures, by all accounts these billionaires stand to make billions more off of their climate change agenda, while the rest of the world suffers and pays the price.

Looking broadly across the climate change narrative landscape a more extensive sinister agenda comes into focus—one that will shutter life and freedom as we know it. With an unfathomable combined pocketbook indeed reaching into the upper trillions, the tyrants pushing climate change, if real, could reverse it with their wealth alone while also making life more promising and valuable for all of humanity. So, why aren’t they?

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Tracy Beanz & Michelle Edwards

Tracy Beanz is an investigative journalist with a focus on corruption. She is known for her unbiased, in-depth coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic. She hosts the Dark to Light podcast, found on all major video and podcasting platforms. She is a bi-weekly guest on the Joe Pags Radio Show, has been on Steve Bannon’s WarRoom and is a frequent guest on Emerald Robinson’s show. Tracy is Editor-in-chief at UncoverDC.com.