SB7 Victory: One Mom’s Revolution Ensures Medical Freedom for All Texans


Taking charge where the U.S. federal government has blatantly failed, Texas just passed an unprecedented medical freedom bill, and residents have one compassionate mom to thank for preserving their liberty—a calm, tenacious warrior named Jackie Schlegel. A mother of three young adults, including one with profound developmental disabilities and complex medical needs, over the last eight years, Schlegel has become the state’s most influential advocate for medical freedom and is the driving force behind the state’s sweeping ban on COVID-19 vaccine mandates by private employers, Senate Bill 7 (SB7), which is now on Governor Abbott’s desk awaiting his signature.

SB7 cleared its final hurdle on Tuesday when senators agreed on a 17-11 vote to accept the House version of the legislation, which raised the fine for employers who punish workers for refusing the deadly jabs from the initial proposal of $10,000 to carry a fine of $50,000. Schlegel, who serves as the Executive Director of Texans for Medical Freedom, was instrumental in maintaining the integrity of SB7 by strengthening the protection by expanding the language to include protection for medical students, as well as drastically increasing the administrative penalty fine to the strict punishment of $50,000.

Incredibly, a humble Schlegel remarked that once signed by Gov. Abbott—a task Abbott shared he looks forward to—SB7 will be the most comprehensive and enforceable ban on COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the United States. Considering the death and destruction caused by the untested mRNA gene-damaging jabs, this feat is monumental.

Indeed, with unwavering determination and an outward display of respect for all whose path she crosses, Schlegel has met every state legislator and stakeholder eye-to-eye on their level, bringing a much-needed platform of awareness to the reality that we all deserve the right to informed consent, medical privacy, and vaccine freedom of choice. Sadly, with the blatant tyranny behind the failed COVID-19 jab campaign barely in the rearview mirror, this level of awareness is unfortunately absent on a federal level.

So, how did Schlegel’s voice become so influential? She shared that in 2015, copying legislation passed in California, a Texas legislator filed a vaccine mandate bill that would have stripped parents of their right to informed consent when choosing what vaccines their children would get. With a well-established reputation in the complex care community because of her special needs child, Schlegel “threw her hat” into the political arena in reaction to the proposed bill. Putting her reverent and down-to-earth demeanor to good use, she promptly organized other devoted parents to become effective advocates for vaccine freedom in the state legislature.

Subsequently, in victories that have allowed Texas to maintain its medical freedom position, under Schlegel’s unwavering leadership, the group successfully defeated the vaccine mandate bill and fifteen other bills introduced in that 2015 legislative session that would have infringed on Texans’ right to medical autonomy.

Since then, Schlegel has methodically built bi-partisan coalitions among legislators and stakeholders to advance sound policies that protect the rights of parents, patients, and professionals alike. In 2021, as a direct result of Schlegel’s dedication to working diligently alongside legislators at all levels of the Texas government, a revolutionary medical protection bill was passed unanimously through both the Texas House and Senate, and a ban on vaccine passports was signed into law, by Gov. Abbott.

Watching clips of well-liked Schlegel in action over the years, it is impossible not to notice that her endless energy, courage, and caring, common-sense approach to healthcare are contagious in the best possible way. In the inherent language that is motherhood, there is no doubt that the devoted and protective maternal instincts radiating from Schlegel touch the hearts of others and inspire them to want to learn more and take charge of their health care to advocate for themselves and their loved ones effectively for the cause of medical freedom. Without question, Schlegel’s determination has motivated individuals from all walks of life—personal, professional, and political—to work together to ensure that the foundational right of medical freedom is preserved for future generations.

In an Oct. 25 tweet, State Representative Jeff Leach congratulated Schlegel and Texans for Medical Freedom on the passage of SB7 in the Texas House, calling it “an honor to partner with my colleagues on this important bill and to lock arms with Jackie—who has been a tireless and effective warrior for medical freedom for many years.” Following Wednesday’s overall SB7 victory, Schlegel shared with The HighWire that the praise bestowed upon her by Leach, along with Governor Abbott’s commitment to signing SB7, was “icing on the cake.”

Undoubtedly, Jackie Schlegel is a beacon of hope for an unstable nation scarred and hoodwinked by often unsafe and harmful products, including vaccines. The state of Texas is blessed to have a smart medical freedom fighter like her in its corner. And yet, despite the victory of SB7, Schlegel expressed she will never stop fighting for medical freedom.

After the nightmare of the past three years, the significance of medical freedom cannot be understated. With that in mind, it is paramount that other states in the nation—led by moms and dads and those who cherish liberty in this great nation—recognize and pay attention to the infectious breath of fresh air and truth Schlegel brings to the cause. Get involved and learn more about Schlegel—she truly is inspiring. When we asked her for a quote summing up Wednesday’s medical freedom win in Texas—which is HUGE—Schlegel requested we convey the message of hope she voiced yesterday on X. Proudly watching and supporting her, we share the brave words of freedom-fighting warrior Jackie Schlegel:

“The recent special legislative session, including SB7—the ban on COVID vaccine mandates—has given each Texan hope that our voice still matters. 

Because of our work, we now have the most sweeping legislation in the country that returns your individual rights and liberties back to you so that you can decide what is best for yourself. 

We finally saw a common-sense law passed that shows the nation, regardless of the scare tactics used, the Constitution still matters.

Detractors continue to chirp that it isn’t enough. But let me say this loud and clear. We will never stop fighting to return your individual liberties back to you. 

And we are proud to have won this battle and know that there are many more still to come.”



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Tracy Beanz & Michelle Edwards

Tracy Beanz is an investigative journalist with a focus on corruption. She is known for her unbiased, in-depth coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic. She hosts the Dark to Light podcast, found on all major video and podcasting platforms. She is a bi-weekly guest on the Joe Pags Radio Show, has been on Steve Bannon’s WarRoom and is a frequent guest on Emerald Robinson’s show. Tracy is Editor-in-chief at