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      The report on the United Kingdom. A passage from the report:

      Covid-19 has had a devastating impact on older persons living in care homes in England. 28,186 “excess deaths” were recorded in care homes in England between 2 March and 12 June, with over 18,500 care home residents confirmed to have died with Covid-19 during this period. UK government decisions and failures resulted in violations of the human rights of people living in care homes, notably the right to life, to health and to non-discrimination. From discharging 25,000 patients, including those infected, into care homes; to denying care homes residents admission to hospital and imposing “do not attempt resuscitation” orders on them without due process, to failing to provide PPE (personal protective equipment) and testing to care homes. Older persons living in care homes were abandoned to die.

      I guess; “people in care homes had their right to life violated”, sounds better than; “people in care homes were murdered,” but it is less accurate.




        Playing Russian roulette: Nursing homes told to take the infected. California, New Jersey and New York have made nursing homes accept Covid-19 patients from hospitals. Residents and workers fear the policy is risking lives. See this New York Times article.

        On March 25th, 2020, New York Governor Cuomo issued an executive order forcing the transfer over 4,500 Covid-19 patients from hospitals to their nursing homes (also called old-age or care homes). In the following weeks the nursing homes saw 6,000 deaths from Covid-19…. See here.

        You could make a strong argument that the USA’s deadly coronavirus problem is largely a nursing home problem,… See here.

        Republican Whip Steve Scalise announced that he had sent letters to the governors of California, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, demanding they explain why they ignored protocols and forced Covid-19 patients into nursing homes. Scalise noted, “While nursing home residents make up 0.6% of the U.S. population, they account for 42% of nationwide Covid-19 deaths”. That is, 70% of all U.S. Covid-19 deaths had (up till that time) been in care homes.



          On March 25th, 2020, New York Governor Cuomo issued an executive order forcing the transfer over 4,500 Covid-19 patients from hospitals to their nursing homes (also called old-age or care homes). In the following weeks the nursing homes saw 6,000 deaths from Covid-19.

          The New York Governor, Cuomo, refuses to say who conceived of the order (to send Covid-19 positive patients to care homes). But as you can see (from the above), the person/people who gave the order, gave it worldwide. Who has this sort of power? Perhaps Cuomo should be charged with murder to loosen his tongue.

          Recently, the media has been trying to impeach Cuomo over the massive under-counting of nursing home deaths, and numerous accusations of sexual harassment. These are designed to throw the real issue into the background. However, Cuomo will eventually have to be thrown under the bus to protect those who actually designed (and understood the implications of) the policy which Cuomo carried out.

          Unsurprisingly, those countries known to have adopted this policy (of sending Covid-19 positive patients to care homes) have the highest number of deaths (per unit of population). It would be interesting to know if the other countries with very high death percentages, namely, Bulgaria, Portugal, Slovenia, and Czechia, also subscribed to this evil policy.


          1. As heinous as it was, the sending of covid patients to care homes was only the secondary crime.

            The worse crime was the deliberate spreading of the virus to the care homes in the first place.

            As of 1 June, 92% of all Covid-19 deaths in Nova Scotia, occurred in long-term care homes.

            As of 1 June, 88% of all Covid-19 deaths in Quebec, occurred in long-term care homes.

            As of 1 June, 81% of all Covid-19 deaths in Ontario occurred in long-term care homes.

            As of mid-June, 70% of all U.S. Covid-19 deaths had been in care homes.

            This was the same in all western countries.

            In all western countries covid started in the care homes.

            How could that be?

            It is because it was spread to them first.


          2. Dude stop spamming. We know this stuff. You are preaching to the choir. Can you not post this in a more constructive platform?

      2. For some years prior to this, the reality of elder abuse became clearly known. In many cultures, sending family elders into non-family institutions is unacceptable, obscene, and sacrilegious.
        If you look back to the first years of “SRM” heavy application, aka chemtrails, 2000 on, there were two summers in a row in London in which the saturation of the air column caused so many elder deaths that the streets were lined with portable morgues.

    2. We are already having privacy taken, so now they have individual s in neghborhoods? Or media hubs keeping vids from playing on apple devices. So their fearful of your voices and the truth getting out. We contribute to Ican.

    3. Is there any way to take legal recourse to the Pharma companies for either not reporting or not following up with original trial subjects on their antibody levels 6 months after injections. They should have known before the rollouts that boosters would be necessary and the vaccines were waining correct?

      1. So, if your product doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do by it’s own definition, then all u have to do is change the definition. Oh, I guess it is just that easy to justify insanity. Insanity = doing the same thing over and over again & expecting different results. We are literally dealing with Insane people.

  1. YOU DON’T NEED THE DRAMA MUSIC – its all facts and heart wrenching to hear without it-delete the music when these people are pouring their hearts and minds and sacrificing everything

        1. So, if your product doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do by it’s own definition, then all u have to do is change the definition. Oh, I guess it is just that easy to justify insanity. Insanity = doing the same thing over and over again & expecting different results. We are literally dealing with Insane people.

  2. We are fighting here in CT for Medical Freedom and the insanity of mandates. As I watch the mandates unfold..how can they hide the mere number of adverse reactions and deaths overall. The average number of deaths per year for any reason will spike substantially in the next year with this vaccine. Especially now that it is approved for kids. Please tell a friend about the Del and The Highwire.

  3. This world is blinded by fear, and complacency..There are no real freedoms being vaccinated , all it makes you is a compliant slave, nothing more!!!!! Only God is in charge, not Joe Biden , or Justin Trudeau.

  4. This is the second time I’ve tried to post this…..
    Look They are killg us.
    It’s happening , it’s not in our imaginations.
    DONT take any VACCINES.
    the VACCINE has the same effect as Aids ,it kills your Immune system.
    This is real People. WAKE UP .
    DR EADS has spoken publicly, Myocarditis is just one of Many Illnesses this so called vaccine produces.
    how much will it take ! .
    they , want to Murder your children.
    I believe everyone who has taken the VACCINE is a walking time bomb.They have a damaged immune system.
    Dr Eads said : this winter millions could die. she calls the Vaccine a bio weapon. no-one even knows what is in the VACCINE.
    Only God can help you. !
    This Vaccine has NEVER been approved .

    1. I agree with you. Bill Gates has said for years, and there used to be videos, that we need to eliminate 80% of the population of the earth. Watch as the food shortages begin. Soon, by spring, people will start dying in droves and people will be in the streets looking for any food they can find. This is way more than a “great reset.” It is human genocide. The hunger games.

    2. “the VACCINE has the same effect as Aids ,it kills your Immune system.”
      Yep. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny was warning of this a year ago, did hundreds of interviews trying to get the word out.

      Now I’m seeing many who were jabbed are suddenly all sick at the same time…

  5. Revoke the no responsibility clause for pharmaceutical companies! It’s clear that there’s an agenda behind these shots, and that is genocide. STOP THE SHOTS! Now they’re going after our children! Arrest those pushing this mass murder and all behind the screen who developed it!

  6. I agree with John above. This was a very emotional video (the Washington testimonies). Didn’t need the music. It is not a movie.
    But still, thank you thank you thank you for posting this and for all that you have done.

  7. I agree, lets tone down the music during the emotional testimonies, its super powerful without the dramatic music. keep up the good work, though!! we love you for all the work you’re doing.

  8. Thank you for this powerful information. Justice must be served! I cannot believe this is happening. I pray that these people do not suffer in vain!

  9. ..”John
    November 4, 2021 at 7:48 pm

    YOU DON’T NEED THE DRAMA MUSIC – “……John…for some, the music is healing…which one needs when watching this….because this is drama.

    1. No, it is not “drama” . I know that word has been 1984’d, and is used to dismiss other’s “movies”, another term misused.
      “Drama” is entertainment. Perhaps you dropped into the wrong channel.

  10. You said ” How Long” Del just what I thought as I was watching your comments on the HW your episode 240. I live in Perth Australia. I pray people will wake up soon. So many professionals living in fear of telling the truth though.

    So refreshing to watch you spread it. Like you said on a previous episode we will have to clone you!!! We need more shows like this one.

  11. Hello,
    I’m just wondering why every episode I try to watch is always buffering throughout the entire episode. It buffers every two sentences or so. One two hour episode takes twice as long to listen to. I don’t miss any episodes. I love what all of you who put these together every week are doing!! It’s just really aggravating and I can’t really get others to watch them…too time consuming because of this. Can this problem possibly be fixed?
    Please keep up all the good work all of you are doing. I really appreciate it!!!

    1. I have the exact same problem. I love Highwire, too, and eagerly look forward to watching it, but cannot seem to get it to play more than a few minutes at a time, especially if I try to watch live, or any time the first day of broadcast. Sometimes, the older it is, the longer I can watch before it buffers. Can’t figure it out in my end.

  12. This is a major time commitment, but well worth it. We keep recommending you to others. In Alberta Canada we’re being treated like property of the gov’t.
    Death mandated by government.

    1. That’s what conscription always was. Does Canada still have conscription? I don’t think so. Did it ever?
      For a fact, the US has been Europe’s military breeding ground, beginning at birth with extreme circumcision for many many years. This had to be fought.

  13. Where can I find the entire 3 hours of footage — no music necessary — this is so important. The Highwire version is so professional; clear audio, closeups — unlike the CHD version, which was inaudible and only one camera or two, full-shots of the room only. Supposedly Sen. Johnson said the entire presentation would be available for viewing. Where??

      1. Del we were able to get the vids and reports on highwire sight. They stopped. Went to channel on brighteon. Listened there to lawyer aaron seri vid. Then today can’t listen on brighteon to vids. They spin and won’t play. This is not a matter of updates to browser. Seems interference to suppress the Truth.

  14. Good job Del, including the music.
    With the FDA being warned and then lying about safe and effective, hopefully we can at least have a Nuremberg like criminal hearing. For the thousands that are responsible for the hundreds of thousands of innocent victims.

    1. Hopefully, “Nuremberg 2” will be more convincing and effective that “Nuremberg 1”, which for sure wasn’t known at the time to be the first installment in a series. Hopefully, we won’t need a “Nuremberg 3 or 4 or….”. Maybe the lawyers do, tho. I don’t know.

  15. I so want to help this movement! I am a retired RN of 34 years. ER,ICU,Anesthesia, and Case history experience. Thanks for all you do and please contact me if I can help.

  16. My 87yr old mother received the ‘booster’ and has slowly but steadily declined ever since. Heart issues and immunity problems- has been hospitialized twice in 3 mo. Implored her not to receive anymore shots, her response has always been that ‘vax injuries represent such a tiny number of people compared to the numbers of people who’ve been vaxxed.’ My question to her in response has been this; So, WHO DO WE SACRIFICE?? Your children? My children?? Who do we sacrifice…

    1. I don’t know about a parent. My family threw me away at 21 yrs. old. But I had to fight for months and months, a bloody battle, to get my son to listen. it didn’t happen until I crossed a line, and stated clearly to him, 27 and gung ho for all of life, that this shot had no liabilities attached whatsoever, and that if he was going for it, he needed to figure out who was going to pay all his bills and take care of him and support him if he should be injured and disabled from it.
      That made an impression, as his girlfriend did not immediately jump in and say “I will!” He consulted with a friend, whose answer was a clear and concise “Hell, No!!!”

      It wasn’t easy. Post traumatic stress just keeps piling up. I’m talking butting up against two exceedingly independently raised boys in their twenties, and I’m 70. My youngest of six.
      Pour your heart and soul into it now, let it all be shown. Then, whatever, you will know you were responsible.
      Blessed Be. They are tearing our hearts to shreds, and we must must must continue to heal, incessantly. Don’t ask me how. There are days when I have no will to continue in this nightmare.

  17. Why are people shocked? They have been erasing animals and humans from studies for years. These trials weren’t tested against saline, but another vaccine, so some side effects in both groups cancelled each other out. The shock can only be from finally looking into the facts. Other children, over the years, were hurt, but never got MSM airtime. Many in other countries were hurt, killed or maimed – some from our discontinued formulations – and we didn’t care. Where was BLM?
    We need to take a good hard look at how we have protected democracy, our federal agencies, and our children. Too comfortable in the heart of the empire, distracted by bread and circuses, and dangerously repeating history we never learn from. This has been long in the planning.


      That’s how. That River that ain’t in Egypt.
      When have Native American lives mattered? Who sold you your land? How’d they get it?

  18. Interestingly, I didn’t even notice the music until it was pointed out. Once again, as always The Highwire delivers comprehensive information in a flat out and articulate manner. Every segment is informative, inspiring and well worth hearing. I listened to the 3 hour panel discussion. I wish everyone would. Thank you. Your broadcast is the best !

  19. I wish Leigh Dundace was aware of “Operation Paperclip”, which did not execute the people involved with in those autrocities. Rather it put them into the USA’s military operations.

    1. Some of us are older than you are, and have had violent accidents and injuried that have compromised out hearing. Should we just forget it, or drop out?
      Is this a matter of rightness, voting, loyalty, or is there a little room for compassion?

  20. I guess you need to keep the appearances up of not rushing to justice-seeking conclusions… but it seems so clear that ALL THESE CRIMES are precisely the necessary outcome of having THE AMERICAN MENGELE in charge of public health and govt medicine, and have had that evil psychopath in charge for over THIRTY YEARS… this is no surprise, it is the logical consequence of the AMERICAN MENGELE IN CHARGE

  21. I have the same buffering issue. The same. We get about one sentence and then wait several minutes. It is just getting to be too much as much as I thoroughly enjoy watching.

      1. I don’t think so, look at all the other comments on many of the videos. I am in the UK and only have this problem with The Highwire and some key videos on Bitchute.. This is not by accident.. Frustrating.

  22. The same is happening all over the world. Here in Australia medical apartheid has begun especially in the state of Victoria. Those injured or killed by the jabs are a minority in the eyes of government, Big Pharma and MSM , so they don’t count. This is about $$$ and an agenda to “reset” the world population. They will keep up the fear to keep most compliant . I see not way out of this horror story 🙁

    1. You can still hear the testimony. We should really be grateful and try not to complain over such subtleties. I don’t think anyone meant harm. Try to see the good in things first and you won’t as easily find faults.

      1. Is covid 19 a coverup diagnosis for a attempt to destroy humans and creat an AI World?

        Are we really challenged by 5G and other Controls under the guise of covid 19?

  23. Another amazing episode! Leigh Dundas ROCKS! I have long suspected law suits against cab/uber/lyft drivers that get into accidents while wearing a mask on the job all day! Or, as we now know, pilots putting our lives at risk for having taken the jab. An increased risk of blood clots does not benefit from high altitudes. The elites work to achieve depopulation any which way they can get it, it sadly seems.

  24. So many people worried about the music. I never even noticed it. It’s great, factual information that’s what I’m looking for, music or no music. I’m sure not going to get hung up on the music and miss the info.
    Thanks Del and crew, you’re doing an awesome job.

    1. Sorry to offend you, Theresa.

      I am actually a musician, and I live for music. However, at 71 yrs. of age, I suffered head injuries from the first and only auto accident of my life this year, and have resulting loss of hearing in one ear. So, this is why , in this instance, when I am having a hard time hearing the words of the witnesses, I would prefer the music be at least turned down.
      Thank you for your consideration and understanding. It’s so hard for people these days to imagine living conditions outside of their own. It’s truly extraordinary.

  25. Del, you really need to get Dr. McCollough to investigate the supposed non-vaccinated deaths to see if they received a flu vaccine as C19 began in early 2020. I recall a big push to get people to get flu vaccines. We know Judy Mikovitz said the vax used in Italy for flu likely had spike protein. I just saw a study that revealed a nasal spray flu vaxxine had graphene oxide in it. I’m guessing they’ve been putting it in the newer 2020 flu vaccines period. It looks like they’re using it as a substitute adjuvant.

  26. They tell us only a minority are injured. Do you believe that?
    The pysop mainstream state controlled media puppets are feeding the public censored, state approved narrative.
    Just because its on tv with a script reading employee with a camera filming them, doesn’t make it TRUE…

    Engage your discriminating critical thinking brain. Why is constructive scientific debate that’s been a healthy method of working things out for years suddenly disallowed and aggresively attacked.

    Everything in your soul is screaming this is ALL so illogical and morally wrong. Listen to your intuition. Stay sane, strong and well everyone. Get ivermectin, zinc, or hydroxy.

    1. People have entirely no clue about stages, actors and actresses, and scripts. They are embedded in one, unconsciously!! Most have quickly forgotten that Donald Trump is a “reality tv show” actor!! Good one, I guess!

  27. They tell us only a minority are injured. Do you believe that?
    The pysop mainstream state controlled media puppets are feeding the public censored, state approved narrative.
    Just because its on tv with a script reading employee with a camera filming them, doesn’t make it TRUE…

    Engage your discriminating critical thinking brain. Why is constructive scientific debate that’s been a healthy method of working things out for years suddenly disallowed and aggresively attacked.

    Everything in your soul is screaming this is ALL so illogical and morally wrong. Listen to your intuition. Stay sane, strong and well everyone. Get ivermectin, zinc, or hydroxy.

    1. Reed Elsevier has “previous”, i.e. criminal history, in dishonestly retracting peer reviewed and published papers, it pulled the Seralini research into cancer in Monsanto product fed lab rats, they even castigated him for using the Sprague Dawley rat Monsanto had used them too, the big difference was that Monsanto’s trial period was very short, a wider time frame and all the rats were dead, Monsanto had parachuted in a safe pair of hands and Sar-Cov 2 is coming out of the same bunch of unaccountable capitalist criminals.

  28. Love this show, look forward to it weekly. However, after the first 3 weeks of getting the show notes along with each week’s show, they are no longer in my weekly email. Is it possible to have them sent along with the email again?

  29. The situation God alone knows the truth
    Do not worry over these past genocidal demonically oppressed gvt goons

    God has their ticket number, yes and that you Pelosi he has yours for all your evil you have instituted

    There is no escape from our heavenly loving Father

    1. Santa Claus? I’ve been very concerned about Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy during this epidemic. They are all quite old, and as real as covid.

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  32. Admiring the time and energy you put into your website
    and in depth information you present. It’s great to
    come across a blog every once in a while that isn’t the same outdated rehashed material.
    Great read! I’ve saved your site and I’m including your RSS feeds to my Google account.

  33. Italy Higher Institute of Health: Covid Deaths With No Co-Morbidity Corrected From 132,161 to 3,783 and of those how many died of just normal seasonal type A & B flu or pneumonia and over 70 years old ? this is a global scam , is it not !
    You can’t vaccinate your way out of a pandemic. This will result in Rona super-bugs.
    wait till everyone finds out that CVD 19 is nothing but P & I , pneumonia, and influenza that started with yearly flu and pneumonia seasonal injections , now called covid 19 . and they are using the wrong hospital protocols on purpose to keep the fear on top of there NWO agenda. why are they not using pneumonia and influenza protocols ? which it really is ?

    1. Please check out John Cullen. He knows that this COVID sham is rebranded flu. He has the data to prove it from the mortality data on CDC and FluView. Why is it that other parts of the world aren’t dying as much from COVID, especially 3rd world sub-saharan Africa?

    1. I’ve been as brave as I can be watching all these episodes. This one has reduced me to ruination. I pray for you all that come the day of God’s wrath, all of you receive the love and justice you deserve. For those pushing these poisons, know that Jesus will be dealing with you too. I do not want to know the outcome for you.

    #HEY TEACHERS, LEAVE THEM KIDS ALONE! ALL IN ALL WE ARE “NOT” JUST ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL! The only “SHOT” I will stand for is a repeat of 1775 American Revolution which was aptly named “THE SHOT HEARD ROUND THE WORLD!” Imagine That!

  35. Thank you so much Del & many more behind the scenes for coming forward, breaking code, speaking out for the freedoms of our country!! We can & we will fight back because our children will have our same freedoms one day in their incredible future! Thank you for the heads up about the supply chain! We’re ready to fight back no matter what. I WILL NOT COMPLY EVER!!! I’m so grateful for faith, strength, love, caring & sharing! God will always prevail! You’re finished Satan!!!

  36. Who’s behind the scene?

    When Trotsky left New York to, in his own words, “go and rule Russia”, he was apprehended at Halifax on the order of the British, the British Embassy received a phone call from the U.S State Department.

    In an article in Maclean’s Magazine – Toronto Lieut-Colonel J B Maclean reported in an article “Why Did We Let Trotsky Go?) he reports various explanations but concludes that the Embassy acted on the request of US State Department who were acting for some one else”.

    It was what we call Bolshevism but that’s just a badge for the evil of global control and repression, unrestrained capitalism with no national allegiance and faux global socialism are two sides of the same very old coin.

    1. May I offer some lines from an original song?
      “With the right hand we pay them, with the left we try to slay them, and they’re laughing ’till it makes them cry.”

  37. Every country suffering which is at the reach of the tentacles of this squid.
    They even stretch as far as countries such as Egypt, Australia, Thailand , Europe to name a few.

  38. Your news would have a lot more impact if you listed the individuals who are exempt from taking the needle. If they are the people who are mandating the use, then we would have all the information we need to say no.

  39. FUCK OSTERHOLM! He never stops with his DOOM and GLOOM! He wants to see the whole world vaccinated and is pushing for all kids to get vaccinated! He strongly believes the mRNA vaccines are at least 3 doses. I hope he gets ADE and dies! He is WORSE than Fauci!

  40. This genocide plandemic was not the first time. I followed the Lewis and Clark trail to South Dakota. I learned the story of two trading companies, one was a Native American village. That village got wiped out by Smallpox. The other trading company from New England by luck tripled their inventory before Smallpox. And Wikipedia is claiming in 1721 they were vaccinating people for smallpox. see Dr. Zabdiel Boylston of the Harvard University School of Medicine begins the first public inoculation campaign in order to slow the smallpox epidemic in Boston

    1. Yes, and there was much resistance to it both in the US and in Europe. It was a horror show. Suzanne Humphries, who researched all this, has a new book coming out.. thank you for being aware of history. It sure helps. Have you read Foucault on the plague? Here’s an awesome quote:
      https://www.bitchute.com/video/TbvTHVW1kyMW/oops, wrong one came up, let me try again here.
      You know that there is an extremely interesting body of literature in which the plague appears as the moment of panic and confusion in which individuals, threatened by visitations of death, abandon their identities, throw off their masks, forget their status, and abandon themselves to the great debauchery of those who know they are going to die.
      There is a literature of plague which is a literature of the decomposition of individuality; a kind of orgiastic dream in which plague is the moment when individuals come apart and when the law is forgotten. As soon as plague breaks out, the town’s forms of lawfulness disappear. Plague overcomes the saw as it overcomes the body. Such at least is the literary dream of the plague.
      But you can see that there was another dream of the plague: a political dream in which the plague is rather the marvelous moment when political power is exercised to the full. Plague is the moment when the spatial partitioning of a population is taken to its extreme point, where dangerous communications, disorderly communities, and forbidden contacts can no longer appear. The moment of the plague is one of an exhaustive sectioning of the population by political power, the capillary ramifications of which reach the grain of individuals themselves, their time, habit, localization, and bodies. Perhaps plague brings with it the literary or theatrical dream of the great orgiastic moment. But plague also brings the political dream of an exhaustive, unobstructed power that is completely transparent to its object and exercised to the full. You can see that there is a connection between the dream of a military and the dream of a plague stricken society.

      Michel Foucault, “Abnormal: Lectures at the College de France, 1974-1975; pg. 47

      Voila!!! Enjoy.

  41. I know we are all sick of saying and reading these two words but WAKE UP before its your child next, these entities [i can’t refer to them as people] have no morel code or empathy left, two of the main qualities that make us human, therefore they have nothing to lose by continuing with this evilness untill we the people stand up on mass and say enough is enough, and end this madness.

  42. Another amazing episode, Del and ICAN team! I’m proud to be a monthly supporter of this most important work! And happy to share InjuredByCovidVaccine.com on social media!
    And by the way, I loved ALL the music. 😉

  43. Disengage from the narrative – I and my children do not consent. We already homeschool and I own my own business. Finding people of like mind and getting ready to hunker down for several years. Thank you Del, for bring truth to the people.

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D.C. Panel Highlights Vaccine Injuries; CDC Approves Covid Shot for Kids; Conflicting Data on Myocarditis in Kids; America Stages Walkout

GUESTS: Brianne Dressen, Peter McCullough MD, Leigh Dundas, Esq.