A new and concerning development in mRNA technology has arrived, with Japan being the first country to approve a self-amplifying mRNA (sa-mRNA) COVID-19 vaccine. Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare just granted approval for a new self-amplifying mRNA (sa-mRNA) COVID jab that create more copies of the modified, synthetic mRNA over extended periods of time, creating higher levels of spike protein and aim to eliminate the need for ongoing boosters. Manufacturers of the sa-mRNA jabs have yet to pursue approval of this next-level mRNA technology in the United States but have filed for European Regulatory approval. Undoubtedly, it is only a matter of time before these jabs are pushed on the American people. After all, in 2022, BARDA partnered with the very same company supplying the new technology in Japan to develop a sa-mRNA-based vaccine “for rapid pandemic influenza response.”

Why is there a rush to move on to the next level of dangerous mRNA injections? Did clinical trials merit support in Japan for ARCT-154, the sa-mRNA COVID-19 jab that has been approved for initial vaccination and booster in adults 18 years and older? Dr. Peter McCullough recently wrote about a May 2024 “enthusiastic review” published in Nature Communications by Comes et al that analyzed the trial data and declared the new shots, sold under the trade name KOSTAIVE, as safe. No surprise there. McCullough, who has repeatedly condemned the World Health Organization (WHO) and the toxic COVID jabs, remarked that rarely had he seen in a review such as this so many paragraphs “dedicated to safety concerning biodistribution, limitation of replication, integration in the human genome, genetic merging with other viruses, and unforeseen toxicities.”

Navigating into the highly profitable next phase of mRNA, in November 2022, Arcturus Therapeutics announced its strategic partnership with CSL Seqirus to develop and commercialize self-amplifying mRNA jabs. Boldly, they titled their announcement ‘Study Shows Novel sa-mRNA Vaccines Offer Robust, Broad, Enduring Protection Against COVID-19 Variants.’ The lucrative agreement fetched Arcturus $200 million upfront, with the potential to receive over $1.3 billion in development milestones and more than $3 billion in commercial milestones. Beyond that, Arcturus is eligible to receive a 40 percent net profit share for COVID-19 vaccine products and up to double-digit royalties for jabs against the flu, pandemic preparedness, and “three other globally prevalent respiratory infectious diseases.” Additionally, sounding eerily similar to science fiction, Arcturus stated:

“Under the terms of the agreement, Arcturus will provide CSL Seqirus with a license to its STARR™ self-amplifying mRNA technology, LUNAR® lipid-mediated delivery, along with mRNA drug substance and drug product manufacturing expertise. CSL Seqirus will lead development and commercialization of vaccines under the collaboration.”

CSL’s Vice President, Clinical Development, Vaccines Innovation Unit, Esther Heijnen, M.D., remarked that her company was “encouraged by the findings of the study,” which she declared indicates that the sa-mRNA platform possesses the potential to solve the challenge of mRNA vaccine waning immunity over time, and thereby deliver prolonged protection at lower doses. No doubt prepping for the next pandemic, she insisted the venture “is another example of CSL’s relentless pursuit of disruptive innovation when public health and patients can benefit.” But were the study results actually encouraging and worth the risks?

And why—instead of using RNA from an influenza virus or the actual SARS-CoV-2 virus as do the current mRNA jabs—do these next-level sa-mRNA “vaccines” (also known as destructive gene therapy products) use RNA from a mosquito-borne Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV)? In other words, a replicon backbone from an insect-transmitted virus. Using VEEV as the replication backbone of sa-mRNA seems questionable, especially since, according to a September 2017 article published in PubMed, VEEV was developed as a bioweapon by the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War because it offered an extremely low infectious dose and the ease of aerosolization. Indeed, both the CDC and USDA classify VEEV as a biosafety level 3 (BSL-3) select agent pathogen. Dr. Fauci’s National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NAIAD) classifies it as a Category B priority pathogen. Perhaps there is a viable reason for using VEEV, but on the surface, it certainly raises questions.

If nothing else, it raises serious doubt when considering that, upon analyzing the trial results himself, Dr. McCullough highlighted what he described as “disappointing results” on sa-mRNA vaccines. According to the study in Nature, McCullough explained that vaccine efficacy was not at all compelling. Instead, it was a discouraging 56 percent. He noted that there were no reductions in COVID-19 hospitalization or death as primary endpoints. There were no deaths in phases 1, 2, and 3a, but 21 deaths occurred in phase 3b, of 5 vaccinees and 16 placebo recipients. Of these, none were related to vaccination, but ten were considered to be associated with COVID-19 infection, one being in a vaccinated individual and nine in a placebo. Disappointing indeed.

But yet, as with the initial mRNA jabs, it’s smoke and mirrors, blinders on, billions in profit, and full steam ahead for Arcturus Therapeutics and CSL Seqirus. Like so many aware of the scheme, McCullough underscored the speed at which this dangerous biotechnology is being thrust ahead. Indeed, it has the power to change animal and human populations permanently (what are they doing here?). Questions abound, such as whether the choice of a VEEV mosquito-borne RNA viral RdRP/Replicon indicates a potential to use a viral backbone from a virus already modified to be transfected by a mosquito or a fly. With the push towards lab-grown meat, is this scary technology covertly behind the ever-emerging veterinary cases of H5N1? These are obvious concerns, yet some groups of innocent people are still unaware of the alarming plan spanning the globe, despite the millions of adverse events and deaths following receipt of the mRNA jabs. Outlining the scenario at play, Dr. Peter McCullough remarked:

“The COVID-19 vaccine debacle has left many unvaccinated beginning to believe the human species is under attack. Vaccinated persons have a hard time seeing there is anything wrong since they literally drank the  Kool-Aid through an injection of synthetic mRNA.

Be on the lookout for more advancements in this area from a well-funded Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex free of liability or regulatory hurdles at this point. The preclinical dossier and safety concerns should be front and center in terms of biodistribution, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, control of antigen production, replication cycles, genotoxicity, etc. Sadly, we are hearing little of any of that from an unbridled Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex poised to change veterinary and human populations forever with a flood of new vaccines.”


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Tracy Beanz & Michelle Edwards

Tracy Beanz is an investigative journalist with a focus on corruption. She is known for her unbiased, in-depth coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic. She hosts the Dark to Light podcast, found on all major video and podcasting platforms. She is a bi-weekly guest on the Joe Pags Radio Show, has been on Steve Bannon’s WarRoom and is a frequent guest on Emerald Robinson’s show. Tracy is Editor-in-chief at UncoverDC.com.