Moderna, under CEO Stéphane Bancel, has earned over $19 billion in profits from the experimental mRNA COVID-19 injections over the past two years. Supporting their efforts and using taxpayer money, the federal government directly provided $1.7 billion to Moderna’s COVID-19 jab research and development in partnership with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and DARPA. After that, the Biden administration guaranteed the company billions more in sales. Given the failure of the vaccines as well as the Biden administration’s tyrannical handling of the pandemic, that significant amount of money must come with accountability yet, as pointed out by Dr. Peter McCullough, the recent hearing before the Senate handled Bancel with “kid gloves,” failing to ask critical questions.

Importantly, as Americans remain duped while waiting on the federal government to contemplate the origins of COVID-19—which is undoubtedly ripe with collusion and corruption—when allowed to question Bancel on March 22, Senators either “didn’t have the foundational understanding, perceptiveness, or courage” to ask at least five questions sets that demand answers. Before sharing the fundamental questions related to Moderna that connect to the devastating pandemic, and the Senate’s negligence in uncovering answers, Dr. McCullough defined his frustration as to why digging for answers is essential:

“While the countenance of Senator Rand Paul was stern and his questions on the surface appeared intimidating, he and the committee failed to drill Bancel on issues that would reveal corruption, racketeering, fraud, conspiracy to commit domestic terrorism, public harm, or mass negligent homicide.”

Screenshot / Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Situation Report – 10 / WHO

Surely remembering that Moderna has leaned heavily on taxpayer-funded research since its inception in 2010, lawmakers convened to grill Bancel over the company’s plans to increase its COVID jab from $26 to between $110 and $130. Facing the senators’ attacks, Bancel refused to give in under pressure, justifying his company’s upcoming pricing increase, insisting that “in the pandemic market, we had one customer: the U.S. government. In the endemic market, we’re going to have 10,000.” Dr. McCullough argued that lawmakers on both sides of the aisle missed a valuable opportunity to expand the discussion and ask Bancel consequential questions that may hold the key to the COVID-19 “vaccine debacle.” McCullough’s questions are:

  1. What was Bancel’s involvement with the Chinese in the construction of the lab annex? Was it intended for bioterrorism? How many times did Bancel visit the lab between 2007 and 2020?
  2. Did Moderna collaborate with or rely upon Dr. Ralph Baric’s NIH work on chimeric SARS-CoV-2 as published in 2015 in Nature Medicine and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science? Is the patented genetic code for Moderna mRNA derived from Baric’s chimeric virus or another one originating from the WIV BSL-4?
  3. Did Bancel know ahead of time his product would cause myocarditis, neurologic injury, blood clotting, and immunologic syndromes (VITT, MIS)?
  4. How many deaths and serious adverse events did Moderna record in its 90-day obligatory post-release safety data? Why has this dossier not been released to the public? When will it be? Assuming Moderna’s dossier has similar numbers of fatalities to Pfizer, why did Moderna fail to pull their product off the market early in 2021 due to excess risk of death?
  5. Has Moderna, or FDA, or any third party at any time inspected its mRNA-1273 vaccine for quality, purity, and concentration as it is being produced by biodefense contractor National Resilience or other supplier? How does Moderna assure the quantity of mRNA in the final fill and finish of the vials before they are shipped to pharmacies and vaccine centers?

With a decades-long focus intently set on making mRNA function like a drug as it alters and contaminates the body, Bancel asserted in his Senate testimony that, after reading about an outbreak of “a pneumonia-like illness in Wuhan China” over Christmas break 2019—before the virus had left the communist nation and long before the mention of the word pandemic—he reached out to the U.S. government “because I believed our mRNA technology could make a positive impact.” So, for context, when there were less than 45 patients with “pneumonia of unknown etiology” reported by the WHO to be located solely in China—and no deaths—Bancel saw and jumped on what he perceived as an opportunity to test his “privately funded mRNA platform.” Noting that “over the years,” his company has partnered with the U.S. government when “pressing health crises have emerged” to develop “specific medicines,” Bancel, who, allegedly lied to lawmakers about heart issues related to his gene-damaging product, told lawmakers:

“In parallel, I directed my team to begin leveraging our proprietary mRNA platform that we had invested in for ten years.

We started working on our vaccine as soon as Chinese scientists posted the virus’ genetic sequence online. Our mRNA platform work on coronaviruses enabled us to develop our COVID-19 vaccine in a matter of days. We did all this work before the first case was reported in the U.S. and months before the WHO declared a global pandemic. We did this because we felt a responsibility to do what we could to address the human suffering. Through my prior work on infectious disease outbreaks, I saw how viruses can grow exponentially. I knew every day and every hour mattered in the fight against COVID-19.”

In his Senate testimony, Bancel, who began working with the Chinese to build the biosecurity annex level 4 at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2007, was oblivious to the growing evidence supporting the experimental COVID-19 jab’s contribution to severe and lasting injury and death. Instead, he boldly stated that “COVID-19 vaccines had already saved the U.S. economy approximately $428 billion.” With Moderna’s objective to remake healthcare with mRNA products and its under-construction Kenyan manufacturing facility “capable of producing 500 million vaccine doses per year,” it is paramount that McCullough’s questions be posed by lawmakers and answered by Bancel. Americans need answers before Moderna is allowed to underhandedly destroy the health of humanity around the globe. Summarizing up his disappointment in the Senate hearing, McCullough wrote:

“In conclusion, the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions needs to step up its game if America wants to get to the bottom of what is going on with the COVID-19 vaccine debacle. I suggest they call in some doctors with courage, expertise, and clear vision to advise them on questioning. Wednesday, March 22, 2023, fell short by a Kentucky mile, and Bancel must be skipping away in relief.”

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Tracy Beanz & Michelle Edwards

Tracy Beanz is an investigative journalist with a focus on corruption. She is known for her unbiased, in-depth coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic. She hosts the Dark to Light podcast, found on all major video and podcasting platforms. She is a bi-weekly guest on the Joe Pags Radio Show, has been on Steve Bannon’s WarRoom and is a frequent guest on Emerald Robinson’s show. Tracy is Editor-in-chief at