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  1. Biden now saying today he wants all the Govt workers vax and mandating it!? He his a true idiot and does not know how to lead this country! Media is saying he can make it a law change laws? I don;t think so only legislation in our Govt can do this! No president or Governor make laws how his he going to get a way with this!? Ha, scary stuff, were looking more and more like a socialist country! the women I heard interviewed from Venezuela 2 yrs ago concerned that the U S, it can happen here to, like it did in her country!

    1. Del is losing what’s left of his mind, that’s what happens to people who deny the truth.

      One week he looks like he’s ready to kill, the next he looks like a pathetic clown.

      Just a matter of time before this fraud tells his followers to take the shot, because we did all we could do in the courts, and we need to do what our lawmakers tell us, it’s not a prefect system, but it’s all we have … blah, blah, blah, and his braindead followers will line up for the shot …


        The report on the United Kingdom. A passage from the report:

        Covid-19 has had a devastating impact on older persons living in care homes in England. 28,186 “excess deaths” were recorded in care homes in England between 2 March and 12 June, with over 18,500 care home residents confirmed to have died with Covid-19 during this period. UK government decisions and failures resulted in violations of the human rights of people living in care homes, notably the right to life, to health and to non-discrimination. From discharging 25,000 patients, including those infected, into care homes; to denying care homes residents admission to hospital and imposing “do not attempt resuscitation” orders on them without due process, to failing to provide PPE (personal protective equipment) and testing to care homes. Older persons living in care homes were abandoned to die.

        I guess; “people in care homes had their right to life violated”, sounds better than; “people in care homes were murdered,” but it is less accurate.




          Playing Russian roulette: Nursing homes told to take the infected. California, New Jersey and New York have made nursing homes accept Covid-19 patients from hospitals. Residents and workers fear the policy is risking lives. See this New York Times article.

          On March 25th, 2020, New York Governor Cuomo issued an executive order forcing the transfer over 4,500 Covid-19 patients from hospitals to their nursing homes (also called old-age or care homes). In the following weeks the nursing homes saw 6,000 deaths from Covid-19…. See here.

          You could make a strong argument that the USA’s deadly coronavirus problem is largely a nursing home problem,… See here.

          Republican Whip Steve Scalise announced that he had sent letters to the governors of California, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, demanding they explain why they ignored protocols and forced Covid-19 patients into nursing homes. Scalise noted, “While nursing home residents make up 0.6% of the U.S. population, they account for 42% of nationwide Covid-19 deaths”. That is, 70% of all U.S. Covid-19 deaths had (up till that time) been in care homes.


          1. It is 9/11.

            Remember this:

            There is a very simple proof that the WTC buildings were demolished.

            The proof is:


            That’s it. That’s proof.

          2. My Dad died in Paramus VA on April 8th 2020. The staff was told not to wear masks they would scare patients. Doctor who was told not to tell staff left. It was a mess. We were not told right away he had symptoms. No good bye, no funeral, fuck Governor Murphy! Fuck all these governor’s, Fauci and all who knew!

      2. you are talking nonsense
        This man & his team are definitely & CLEARLY opposed to the shots, otherwise why would they work at gathering all evidences from health researchers & scientists testimonies from all around the world to reveal how bad these injections are, and probing the agendas behind it? Maybe you should stop speaking of a future you know nothing about.


          1. I’m sorry you have bitten the bullet friend BUT the good news is you don’t have to die, JESUS SAVES…and yes we all will be FORCED into the shot..(it’s in the fairytale book called REVELATION, by St. John who was not only the only apostle NOT killed for his faith BUT before he knew Jesus practiced homosexuality..NO sin is too great to be SAVED.) ..Come

        1. I think you should think about what you are saying due to the fact anyone who even puts any -thing on social media they shut it down and they are really good at it. have you ever heard of whistle blowers? so many people have lost there life trying to get the truths out.

        1. At least I know what happened on 9/11 and who carried it out. The fool is the freak who publicly admits that John Kerry is his hero, and thinks 19 Arabs with box cutters did 9/11?

          How many more mass-murderers and pedophiles does Del idolize?

          I bet the idiot thinks that Lee Oswald killed JFK too, he’s a moron, and he’s stealing millions from people under false pretenses. He needs to be in prison with his lawyer cohorts.

          1. So you know what happened on 9/11?

            There is a very simple proof that the WTC buildings were demolished.

            The proof is:


            That’s it. That’s proof.

          2. Correction Sir or Ma’am, it WAS FREE-FALL for the first several seconds! Yes like 25 floors below completely disappeared (resistance) for several seconds. The more Evidence I see of the “Conscious Objector” comments, it would seem, the objective is to collect comments like this. To collect comments saying Del’s followers believe in the laws of physics therefore they must be crazy… If Del and the Highwire DID Censor, Surely this, “The Conscious Objector”, person would be first on the list IMO. This fact alone is reasonable circumstantial evidence there is likely NO CENSORSHIP happening here… Cheers

          3. Correction: @conscientious objector

            I believe I called you a “Conscious Objector”. My mistake.

            Please provide a Link (or name of a person, place or thing) where I can go to find your truth. I anxiously await your reply so I can adjust my life perspective and get paid handsomely to comment negatively in a sea of good people… Cheers

          1. “Conscientious objector” is not worried that the BANKS are currently stealing trillions of dollars from these same gullible people?

            And you are not worried that Jews stole six trillion dollars from US taxpayers to have millions of their enemies in the middle-east killed. Reports say that the US killed over a million Arabs, for the Jews.

          2. At least he is not forcing, coercing or threatening anyone to donate like you and your HELL dwellers do.

          3. I hear you knocking but you can’t come in.. “conscienious injector.” Just because you drank the koolade doesn’t mean we should” Find a platform that supports you..like faust or I mean fauci..

      3. People that don’t like Del and that think he’s a fraud don’t watch Del’s show, right? Why, then, are you watching it? I don’t think you would know truth if it slapped you in the face.

        1. I started off just like everyone else here, thinking he was a good man, but good men don’t lie the way Del does about censoring people, and good men don’t have pedophiles and mass-murdering war criminals, like John Kerry as their heroes.

          Good men don’t ignore 9/11 for twenty years and they don’t surround themselves with scumbag lawyers who should be in prison.

          Del is a lying scumbag, and he made it possible for me to say that about him unabashedly.

          1. Get lost you fool ! your rants are like a form of contamination…Or a deadly hate virus! Go have lunch with Fauci!

          2. I would seriously suggest that you stop watching Dels show..unless of course you are getting some kind of renumeration for all your stupid comments. Who on earth would watch a show that you don’t like !!

        2. Totally my friend. Some are just called to dispute the truth. They have cognitive dissonance ..(My government woud never do this to me!!)

          Bought into the fear ..nothing we can do .

        1. Contentious Objecter is not really trolling, he’s sincerely convinced that Del is some sort of boogeyman. I think he’s had some sort of psychiatric break with reality and needs our compassion. I hope he gets the help he needs. In the meantime, it appears he has compensated by fixating on Del and his supposed “crimes”.

      4. “Del is losing what’s left of his mind, that’s what happens to people who deny the truth.”

        How much are you paid to say that? If you don’t like the show, why are you watching?

      5. I think you are full of yourself and s..t Del has so much more to offer that a moron like yourself cackling and pointing fingers. Maybe you should point your finger at FAUCI the lier, instead of a good intelligent caring human being like Dell! Now get lost and go somewhere else o brain dead one!

        1. “Conscientious objector” is trying to annoy Del, etc, so much that they establish the censorship needed to stop people find out about all the massive Jew lies.

          1. Radical Zionists is, IMO, a more correct term but to each their own. I also think this term more palatable to those that still don’t understand this problem (without turning them off before they can investigate)…. You are correct though… Anybody interested in investigating, find books and info from Texe Marrs, Historian Howard Zinn, William Cooper…. (and “Loose Change” the movie)… Cheers

      6. Why are you still here? Seriously, If Del is the Demon you purport, PLEASE TELL ME WHY DO YOU CONTINUE TO WATCH and constantly comment like you do? (or do you even watch?) AND MOST IMPORTANT!! PLEASE TELL ME WHERE SHOULD I GO FOR THE “REAL TRUTH” YOU BELIEVE IS NOT HERE? PUT UP OR SHUT UP! Add a Link please.

      7. @conscientious objector
        “Del is losing what’s left of his mind” ?? “Del” ?, I hope you’re not referening to Del Bigtree , if so then you really are babbling, not making any sense whatsoever ! Did you just receive the mRNA jab ? cause it could sure sound like the induced spikeprotein may have entered your brain and shut it down ? Or maybe you instead of Del meant Biden !

      8. Do you mean the truth that there is no pandemic ? I know 4 people that beat covid with ivermectin… it’s been around for 40 plus years. They don’t want you to use it because they don’t make any money on it. Ivermectin is approved by the FDA… the vaccine isn’t…wake up!!!

      9. If you cannot handle the truth because your delusions and defeat keep you in your comfort zone. Just feel at ease and acknowledge truth is just not for you.

        Your statements are a mere demonstration of defeat and emotional despair.

      10. Well….you got that one wrong, once again on many fronts. Are you sure you’re not the delusional idiot in the fairy tales you keep espousing?…lol!

        Good Luck Sparky…you especially are gonna need it since your reasoning & deduction skills are so flawed 🙂

      11. I love you, hope and pray the best for you. May God bless, guide and protect you and your family. I pray for abundance , health and prosperity in Jesus Name.

      12. Dear conscientious objector u might be right about forced compliance some day. I find it fascinating your conscience allows for hateful defiance against North America’s Jesus Freedom but YOU fear putting your name on your comments. (Come out, come out whoever you are…)?

      13. We need to do what our law makers tell us?!?! Forgetting our responsibility to oppose unjust laws much? Stop regurgitating what CNN MSNBC fox and others are parroting. Think for yourself. And hey, you can have my jabs, I won’t be needing them.

      14. So are you stating line up for the shot!, would that included lining up for the shot before an execution squad.
        How stupid! So you lack any intellect to do any research on this matter.
        If you would do any research you would find that Del is got you and many others on his mind when he does his research.

      15. Those of us who aren’t getting the shot are not influenced one way or the other by talking heads and their opinions. The fact we have not complied is because we do our own research, evaluate it, think for ourselves, and come to our own conclusions. Plus, I’m guessing, like me, most of us don’t take the flu shot nor take any medications. And I’m 67 years old. I’m healthy by good fortune, good sleep, going outside in the sun, exercising, and eating the proper human diet. And we know natural immunity is far more effective than a Covid-19 vaccine. No one who would not take the vaccine before would take it if Del Bigtree said to go ahead and do so. That’s a ludicrous assertion.

      16. You are just plain nasty. You should learn some manners instead of just vilifying someone who has obviously done his homework. That would be “Dell Bigtree” just in case you don’t know.

      17. Calling people names is a debased statement.
        You don’t win your point by trolling the audience you wish to convince.
        Your argument was not convincing, jumping from misinformation to absurdity.
        0/10 points.
        Get better.

      18. This statement is totally ridiculous. Why the heck would Del change his mind on the vax when it’s his biggest passion to educate people on vax injury?! So you think he’s a clown. So what? If you’re going to criticize the show and it’s audience – say something more intelligent or move on.

      19. We know who the pathetic clown is–you. Del will not do what you say, liar–he fights against vaccines on many fronts and is effective. You will get nowhere here with your lies, go work on Biden.

      20. I’m just sorry that a sad Nazi collaborator like yourself didn’t take the shots … because it would be doing humanity a favour … ya wee Cabal Arce licker you ! What a pathetic piece of matter you are, if you think any of us would be swayed by such a numb nut comment … 🙂 you’re more ignorant than I initially thought !! How do you sleep at night or look in the mirror and like the person you see ?! Perhaps you ain’t even human … you certainly don’t have a brain nor a soul !! Just scum ! 🙂

      21. The government only has the authority we give them. All we have to do is laugh at them and tell them to go home, and the system would change or end overnight. We do t have to recognize them as authority anymore. I’m all for a free republic with a voluntarist free market society. That or go right back to the days we enacted the constitution.

      22. Troll. Your choice. Listen and learn. Live truth. Participate in lies, death, destruction. Love. Hate. One life to live. One. After this life, eternity that you choose … isolation forever or Heaven. Where you spend eternity is dependent on the choice you make here … God and truth. Or Satan and lies.

      23. What the hell are you talking about? Perhaps you should change your screen name to unconscious objector. None of your conclusions come from a reality based perspective. Whatever syndrome you, like so many others, are suffering from, in addition to the elimination of any common sense, it seems to cause an inability to understand or relay real facts obvious to the rest of us. In other words you are an ignorant, confused, liar.

      24. Clearly a rant by an uneducated person who believes the MSM and doesn’t dig into the subject matter or does not understand what he/she is reading. The only clown in this place is the prez and people like you who are tearing down our freedoms.

    2. From your message:

      He his a true idiot and does not know how to lead this country!

      My response:

      You and 99.999% of humans on planet earth are literally dumber than rocks. For anyone to claim that ANYONE should “lead” a country (or any other humans) is explicit support for UNIVERSAL SLAVERY. And you probably consider yourself an advocate of “freedom”.

      Are you kidding me? Freedom? Your idea of “freedom” is to have some other human LEAD you and TELL YOU WANT TO DO AND WHAT NOT TO DO ???

      Humans are dumber than rocks.


      Do not accept the notion that ANYONE is your leader, that ANYONE is MASTER … which inherently makes you their SLAVE.


  2. Del is losing what’s left of his mind, that’s what happens to people who deny the truth.

    One week he looks like he’s ready to kill, the next he looks like a pathetic clown.

    Just a matter of time before this fraud tells his followers to take the shot, because we did all we could do in the courts, and we need to do what our lawmakers tell us, it’s not a prefect system, but it’s all we have … blah, blah, blah, and his braindead followers will line up for the shot.


        On March 25th, 2020, New York Governor Cuomo issued an executive order forcing the transfer over 4,500 Covid-19 patients from hospitals to their nursing homes (also called old-age or care homes). In the following weeks the nursing homes saw 6,000 deaths from Covid-19.

        The New York Governor, Cuomo, refuses to say who conceived of the order (to send Covid-19 positive patients to care homes). But as you can see (from the above), the person/people who gave the order, gave it worldwide. Who has this sort of power? Perhaps Cuomo should be charged with murder to loosen his tongue.

        Recently, the media has been trying to impeach Cuomo over the massive under-counting of nursing home deaths, and numerous accusations of sexual harassment. These are designed to throw the real issue into the background. However, Cuomo will eventually have to be thrown under the bus to protect those who actually designed (and understood the implications of) the policy which Cuomo carried out.

        Unsurprisingly, those countries known to have adopted this policy (of sending Covid-19 positive patients to care homes) have the highest number of deaths (per unit of population). It would be interesting to know if the other countries with very high death percentages, namely, Bulgaria, Portugal, Slovenia, and Czechia, also subscribed to this evil policy.


        1. I refused the vaccination and now have been ordered by my workplace to be tested on a weekly basis. I don’t mind as long as they can’t force me to get the caccination. That scares me far more than the virus.

        2. Oh I think we ALL know what’s and Who’s behind this holocaust. Animal testing was to find the formula that would kill humans and still cover their tracks. 7,000 people in America have died of the shot already and it’s just the beginning. This will backfire, Evil, Hitler, doesn’t win especially if Americans take up the cross and do what’s right!! C”mom people United WE Stand, divided WE fall.

    1. You be wrong friend..be careful..there ARE people in hell and it’s a real place. Would hate to see spirits defile you and send you there too. (Remember this, “JESUS, SAVE ME”) you will need that some day…soon too.

  3. I bet Joe Biden is one of Del’s heroes too, Obama too, but I think he finds Madcow attractive, what a sicko. What else can you say about someone who calls John Kerry his hero?

    Is Madcow a man in drag? Serious question. Or is that rayciss hate-spaych?

    1. Amen I’m so glad you’re educated in the truth. As well as others no this guy shows the truth also Doug hagman as well. And what he’s talking about is the vision loss the hospital guy I’ve seen that personally with my daughter getting the vaccine and headache and heart palpitations. Thank goodness she’s okay now I do want her to get a blood test done to make sure she was tested before the vaccine and she was just fine and healthy she’s a little spaced out not the same daughter but she’s still here I love her. I let her make her own choice. I might not be happy with it.

  4. Awesome episode, especially the coverage that shows Rachel Maddow is gonna have to eat a fat slice of Crow Pie. Hoping this can be turned into an individual clip to share. Same thing for the segment with Dr. Young. So great to see all those microscopic photos of Graphehe Oxide. Would be good to share that with friends and family members who can’t seem to believe it’s true. This show gets more and more exciting every week!

  5. In the following video Erin Marie Olszewski is interviewed regarding her time at Elmhurst Hospital in New York.


    She shows that people who had repeatedly tested negative for Covid-19 were being labeled as Covid-confirmed, were put on Covid-only floors where they caught the disease, then put on ventilators when their oxygen levels fell. Once on ventilators, they almost always died.

    Even though they did not have coronavirus when they checked in, many were given the disease, put on ventilators, and died.


    Erin records a conversation between nurses, and doctors, where the nurses refuse to kill a patient by letting him die when he could have been saved. Apparently, the doctors had been instructed to treat patients as DNR (do not resuscitate) even though they were not DNR. The nurses refused to go along with this.

    You may ask why the media has refused to investigate her claims.

    You may ask why the media has refused to even report them.

    The media seems to be an evil institution.

  6. My doctor prescribed ivermectin over a year ago for a parasite – It worked. And if what Judy Mitkovitz says that ivermectin works on a variety of things, why is the system making such a big issue of it? It’s all about the money.

  7. I can’t abide the huckster there at the end. People on all sides will take advantage of what’s happening to the world and my tolerance for bullshit is at an all time low. Bless you Del and Jaxon for what you do and what you endure. Thanks ?

  8. You may want to investigate further on the Australian camps. I believe these were built in lieu of quarantine hotels for return citizens and residents…not sure of the numbers but there may be around 10,000 people still outside this country.

    The situation in Australia IS crazy though. I’m holding strong against the jab as is my family. We’ve be in and out of ‘hard lockdown) for several months with very few ‘deaths’…covid? My area has seen one positive and recovered.

    But please investigate the purpose of these camps so you don’t look like you’re spreading fake news. I am a supporter and want to see you stay with your intentions.

  9. Don’t you love the fact that thehighwire.com’s tech boys add “a bad internet connection” to all nearly every guest.

    This breaking up of the guest’s speech NEVER happens with today’s commercial strength internet connections.

    It may occasionally happen with your home connection, but it never happens with better connections.

    This breaking up of the guest’s speech is deliberately done to downgrade the guest’s credibility and impact.

    Or,… in some cases, to “add credibility” to the guest. To suggest that there is a hidden hand trying to stop his message being heard.

    Is Del complicit in this? Don’t know.

  10. The first half of the show was great! The second half was…um…well… I looked into superparamagnetic nanoparticles in vaccines some time ago. Check out SPIONS, superparamagnetic particles, magnetofection and yes, graphene in vaccine research. It’s really easy to stumble onto a ton of studies. I learned that while lipid nanoparticles can protect the spike protein (or whatever they’re trying to deliver to human cells), it may not be able to deliver the protein into the cells very well. The research into superparamagnetic nanoparticles in vaccines is for delivery purposes because these particles have shown efficacy for this purpose. It’s true that there are likely toxic effects to humans. It is also true that there is research into controlling animal behavior, like in zebrafish larvae and mice, with magnetofection. Research this some more pretty please.
    Bill Gates is a psychopath but Marina Abramović is just an artist, not a demon.
    I’m not crazy about partisan politics in vaccines. It isn’t a partisan matter (just like that Teachersforchoice guy said), it’s just being pushed as a partisan matter by the media. The media does this to DIVIDE and CONQUER us so we should stop pandering to that propaganda. I appreciate everyone who opposes vaccine mandates, I don’t really care what side of the aisle they subscribe to or not.

  11. After hearing Dr Young on your show , and seeing the telephone upgrades around the Capitol regeion of NY ( Albany – Saratoga etc. ) regeion . It seems to me the 5G could also be like an Electronic Pet fence , and the vaccine the dog collars .

    Any thoughs ?? I would not put it past the people , Dr Young did call the material transmitters and receivers .


  12. Robert Young is full of ***.

    He says that “SEVENTY percent of the vaccine is being directed to the ovaries, and testes,… ovaries of a woman”. (With his “miss-speaking” he even gets to include testes.)

    This is not even close to what the (fake) document actually states.

    The document that he refers to has been tampered with (or is entirely fake).

    Anyway the (fake) document says that:

    max concentration of nanoparticles in muscle (at injection site implied) = 192 ng/ml
    max concentration of nanoparticles in ovaries = 12,300 ng/ml
    max concentration of nanoparticles in testes = 320 ng/ml

    Anyone with a brain should understand that the concentration of nanoparticles in the muscle of the injection site has to be greater than that at the ovaries and not the other way around.

    This document & Robert Young are part of some misinformation campaign.

    It is similar to the nanothermite BS that the same people spout when lying about 9/11.

    If you want to look at the document it is here:


    1. Del,… they are trying to make a fool of you.

      Robert Young is totally full of ****.

      Carona in the Latin means crown, not radiation, as the jerk claims, etc, etc,…

      He says “Aluminum, titanium, magnesium oxide, and now the graphene oxide.”

      The first three are nothing like the last. So for this dork to compare them is ridiculous.

      Robert Young is simply trying to make you look like a complete idiot.

      1. In my rushed reading of the table I didn’t notice that half of it is on the previous page (it is on pages 16 & 17).

        Here the max concentration of nanoparticles in the muscle at the injection site is said to be 128,000 ng/ml

        In any case the claim that SEVENTY percent of the vaccine is being directed to the ovaries is complete garbage.

        Also, corona in the Latin means crown. This comes from the Greek κορώνη which is the name for the “crown of light” or halo, of the Greek sun-god El or Helios. This halo was known for its brilliance, so there is actually some small connection to radiation.

  13. Dell I’m from Melbourne Australia and yes we couldn’t be living under more of a dictatorship, we are now being threatened by our Premier that if we don’t take the injection we will be “locked out” of society, no healthcare can you believe this!!! Its certainly not about our health, considering we have been locked down for over 210 days, so they certainly don’t care about our mental health.

    1. Now you see why they wanted your guns, but being a female, it probably still isn’t sinking in.

      You people “down under” are victims of your own stupidity.

    1. At least I know what happened on 9/11 and who carried it out. The fool is the freak who publicly admits that John Kerry is his hero, and thinks 19 Arabs with box cutters did 9/11?

      How many more mass-murderers and pedophiles does Del idolize???

      I bet the idiot thinks that Lee Oswald killed JFK too, he’s a moron, and he’s stealing millions from people under false pretenses. He needs to be in prison with his lawyer cohorts.

  14. Great show today Del. I got a lot of really good information and cleared some things up for me. Now just tell me where I can get some of the treatments you talk about. Ivermectin, HCQ, etc. Thanks

  15. @Jackbooted

    “Conscientious objector you are a fool it’s that simple”

    At least I know what happened on 9/11 and who carried it out. The fool is the freak who publicly admits that John Kerry is his hero, and thinks 19 Arabs with box cutters did 9/11?

    How many more mass-murderers and pedophiles does Del idolize?

    I bet the idiot thinks that Lee Oswald killed JFK too, he’s a moron, and he’s stealing millions from people under false pretenses. He needs to be in prison with his lawyer cohorts.

  16. De, you are making a huge difference in this chaotic world. Trying to make sense of it all. This distracter that is writing, what a waste of time to even read this crap. I thank God everyday for you and Jefferey and your attorneys. I will. continue to support you and the truth that you make every effort to bring to us.

  17. Opinions and knowledge change constantly. The main point is critically think, be skeptical and keep an open mind. Del does a good job of this comparatively. If it gets people to critically think and they think it has value and want to donate, let them.

    Spewing your points on 9/11 are not waking anyone up or actually doing any good. The government lies all the time, most “conscious” people understand that. Most people who critically think understand that. People are on different levels, some have hope there is saving the system the way it is. Others seem to think there’s no hope and everything needs to be torn down (you I assume?) Either way, if it brings any type of freedom of thought who cares who anyone’s idol is… and I believe evolution also involves being able to change your opinions of people.

    If we were all written off becuase we admired the wrong people before we had all the knowledge then probably half these people wouldn’t meet your standards. It’s about becoming better people, whatever opens eyes even a little. No one is prefect, and you will find most people won’t listen when you come off aggressive, judgmental, and hostile. So if you really want to make a change, try relating instead of irrationally emotionally attacking. It’s def not going to further your cause conscientious objector…

  18. The Jews had , people killed on / so that the Jew George Bush would have an excuse to attack middle eastern countries, which he did, for the sake of Israel. says:

    conscientious objector said “At least I know what happened on 9/11 and who carried it out.”




    It was the Jews (mainly through their Mason subsidiary). Right?

    The Jews had 3,000 people killed on 9/11 so that the Jew George Bush would have an excuse to attack middle eastern countries, which he did, for the sake of Israel.

    This same group wasted around 6 trillion of your tax dollars killing Arabs for the sake of Israel.

  19. Wow, Del, I’d be careful using Dr. Young. He wrote the book, “pH Balance” and was accused of facilitating a woman’s death when she followed his diet and had cancer, then died instead of getting treatment. Also, from the chart at 1:22:27, he identifies Ni as Nitrogen (actual symbol is N) when clearly the caption at the bottom of the chart states it Nickel.

  20. It is truly time we as a Great Nation take action. I have been one of those in the past that keep saying we are goin to be ok. We ARE but we need to Stand today. I am so sorry I have sat on not reacted. I am today.

  21. Dr. Young is talking the real talk and it makes many people uncomfortable, including followers of Del. He is absolutely correct, “virus” originally means “toxin” or “poison”. No “virus” as a disease causing pathogen has ever been proven to have been isolated, let alone proven to be the single “cause” of any disease. Follow the work of Stefan Lanka. Hell, follow the work of Robert Koch, of the Robert Koch Institute, Germany’s equivalent of the CDC. Note, Dr. Koch’s own Koch’s Postulates destroyed his own ambition for a tuberculosis treatment when it turned out that, whoops, the supposed tuberculosis bacterium did not past the very first Koch’s postulate – that is, a) that the “pathogen” be found in EVERY case of the “disease” for which it is the alleged cause; AND b) the “pathogen” must NOT be found in ANY healthy host. Which completely negates the myth of “asymptomatic” transmission.

  22. What’s more, he correctly summarizes the true factors that impact EVERYONE’s health: 1) nutrition; 2) exposure to toxins (of all types, including those that are endogenous as well as exogenous); 3) exposure to EMR; and 4) stress, including acute (which can be as severe as shock), chronic, oxidative. I’m rather impressed with Del letting that very controversial understanding be articulated by Dr. Young, without interrupting or attempting to contradict him. Because that dissertation, in fact, completely negates the entire “germ theory” of disease. Period. The End.

  23. The best way to resolve this insanity is apologizing to the Muslims and ask for their help. In Islam you can’t force anyone into religion it’s in 2nd chapter of Quran so Muslims don’t believe in force and I believe 80 plus percent of Muslim don’t agree with what’s going on globally now we the American Christian nation have blamed the Muslims and Islam for things we’ve lied to our own people about. Ask yourselves this if America is a christian nation doesn’t that mean that in 2020 state shutdown state mandates state mask force vaccines 6.2 trillion bailouts and pharma money all this nonsense done by christians. Quarantine Camps sounds pretty historically christian to me. Look at all the countries doing all the lockdowns and force vaccines European Colonial christian/catholic nation. But was this to be foreseen yes remember last year almost 2 million people where protesting in Hong Kong pandemic handled bye bye to that remember when Modi PM of India ( buddies with Benjamin Netanyahu ) created a bill persecuting Muslims that was in 2019 remember France banning headscarfs, remember trump Muslim ban. Remember New Zealand Mosque shootings that was covered up hella quick. Anyone remember all that. Of course not. Now I just want remind everyone that Muslims don’t have a history of oppression Jewish people like the christians do Nazi Germany comes to mind The Black Plague oh and even in the bible is says Jews are children of Satan. And fyi to all you pro Israelis out there Palestinians are descendants of Jews in case you did not know so supporting them isn’t anti semetism because they themselves are semites ( dumbasses ). Now look at all the countries lockdown force vaccinations quarantine Camps Germany is one, NZ, Australia and I’m sure many other European countries. Sorry christian/catholic European countries. Why did I say apologize to the Muslim well Americans/Christians/Catholics lied about 9/11 Tower 7 is the smoking gun, Lied about Weapons of Mass Destruction killed over a million people, lied about the patriot act and persecuted Edward Snowden the whistleblower and Julian Assange, Did Muslims write in no fault divorce laws or was it Ronald Reagan a christian who help destroy the nuclear family, Richard Nixon wasn’t a Muslim but when he could pay the foreigners thier gold because America didn’t have any what did he do took the dollar off the Gold Standard this making money into Debt. Did Muslims do that. I can go on and on with evidence beyond evidence. Somebody should really call Joe Biden a Catholic and Somebody should call out Trump a christian for the lies and the bs,

    Here’s a strange development president trump contracted Covid 19 and took regular medications got better than in August 2021 he came out and said he got the vaccine ahhhhhh what? Anyways

    Apologize to my people and take responsibility for this shit you christians/Catholics create and stop trying kill us true monotheist the Jews/Muslims

  24. Del, After watching this episode you lost all credibility. Your guests today took your show to a level of insanity. To think I’ve wasted 2-3 hours a week for the passed year and a half for you to completely loose it today. What was informative has become craziness! I’m done ?‍♀️

  25. I live in a small town in Italy and just this week they came to hook us up to 5G,,so there is most definitely a connection to all the shit going on.i am going to watch the trees near by the tower dry up 🙁

  26. “Dr” Young is a fraud. He went to prison in 2017 and had to admit in court that he has no qualifications post-high school. He stole much of this graphene oxide information from the Spanish and Italian teams. They have done some good work, but we should not be hearing about it from this conman, as it undermines it.

  27. Yeah, lets blame Biden ? It doesnt matter who is in the W.H. TRUMP wants you to get vaccinated. TRUMP wants credit for the vaccine. Now tell me how he isnt involved !! 🙂

  28. Do mRNA vaccine nanoparticles get into your brain?

    The 2017 paper Preclinical and Clinical Demonstration of Immunogenicity by mRNA Vaccines against H10N8 and H7N9 Influenza Viruses,[30] tells you where the nanoparticles end up when administered to mice. It tells you the concentration of nanoparticles in the various tissues, which indicates how much spike protein will be produced, which indicates how much damage the spike protein will do to these tissues. The numbers below are from Table 1 of the paper. They represent the maximum concentration of nanoparticles in the various tissues (ng/ml) after having received the jab.

    Bone Marrow 3.35
    Brain 0.43
    Cecum 0.89
    Colon 1.11
    Close Lymph Nodes 2120.00
    Distant Lymph Nodes 177.00
    Heart 0.80
    Ileum 3.54
    Jejunum 0.33
    Kidney 1.31
    Liver 47.20
    Lung 1.82
    Muscle (Injection Site) 5680.00
    Ovaries ????
    Plasma 5.47
    Rectum 1.03
    Spleen 86.90
    Stomach 0.63
    Testes 2.37

    The study uses Moderna’s lipid nanoparticles.

    From http://preearth.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=1184

  29. This is just a suggestion in order to maintain clarity and perspective as it pertains to this Covid affair and by extension, this administration’s approach and position on same.

    First: This ‘administration’ is by all credible accounts (and they are growing by the day), Illegitimate. Yes.

    Second: With the aforementioned in mind, this ‘President’ can barely keep track of himself, let alone thinking through anything that is not carefully prepared and presented for him. In other words, a ‘puppet’ in the truest political context.

    What we are witnessing here is nothing more than a stage presentation of a policy – or policies as the case may be, that have been carefully crafted and planned well in advance (Event 201, SPARS, GAVI, the Gates Foundation, et al.) of this so called ‘pandemic’ and the subsequent over-the-top responses to it by this government and those behind the scenes who actually run the place. Hint:
    it isn’t Biden nor Harris…

    The sooner that people figure this out, the sooner they will stop chasing their tails and start asking the questions which should be asked, and start pointing the fingers at whom they should be pointed at. 2nd hint: It isn’t Biden or even Dr. Fauci – although he is the public ‘face’ – or better stated, ‘Frontman’ for it.

    Folks, this goes deep and dark, to places that most – even if shown the evidence, cannot wrap their heads around, because it is so over-the-top evil, as to be unbelievable.

    And therein lies the absolute brilliance of the entire plan. No one would ever believe that people inside their own nation – fellow citizens of the United States even, would hatch a depopulation scheme, using a simulated virus and a gene altering drug as the weapon.

    Start thinking (and seeing) outside the box of Democrat vs. Republican. Start looking outside the box and realize this is global. It involves global $players. Some names you know and are familiar with; many more you are not.

    This is the takedown – and they mean to Win.

    1. I have been pointing out the condition of Cognitive Dissonance to people I talk with. This is the Brains inability to cope with information that is outside of a persons belief system. Its covered in psychology. This is something we all seriously need to address to “break the ice” and open someones mind. We are dealing with this and “addiction” (to MSM information via TV addiction). So the first thing we need to do, I believe, is show media as the propaganda it is. If I lie to you more than once you will never take me seriously, so this episode shows some of those lies, I think this is the “real” starting point to be able to introduce new information into a cognitive dislocated person… Cheers

  30. Del – great show as usual, but you really must stop reffering to those testing positive via PCR as someone “catching a cold”. Ninety plus per cent of them are just false positives

  31. Hey everyone. Don’t forget that if a Troll gets you fired up, that is the purpose the troll has in mind. We are better to just ignore them because we just feed them when we respond to them. And they get us talking about everything but what is important. 🙂 Let’s keep having quality discussions about what is going on and not get sidetracked. We’ll be better off for it. Don’t fall into the Troll’s trap. 🙂

  32. I really appreciate the update on monoclonal antibodies. It would be great if you could have a more comprehensive segment in the near future with a couple of independent experts on this subject. This is an experimental emergency use authorization product which contains animal protein, like vaccines, whether it is tested on aborted fetal tissue or not. We need to have more independent clarification about this experimental product because it is now being pushed on everyone, vaccinated or vaccine hesitant. This technology, like gene therapy has only previously been used for cancer patients and is now, like the “vaccines” is being “recommended” for every single human on earth. It is supposedly only effective within the first ten days of onset of symptoms, for mild or moderate illness so it would be interesting to understand how it is having success with severely ill individuals. Maybe it’s recommended for high risk patients to keep them from becoming severely ill?

  33. Conscientious objector does not know the simple proof that the WTC buildings were demolished.

    Conscientious objector does not want to know the simple proof that the WTC buildings were demolished, otherwise he would have asked.

    What is conscientious objector’s game?

    The proof is simply:


    That’s it. That’s proof.

  34. This comment has been added to force some sort of censorship.

    The Jew “web-warriors” do this (and much worse) to all sites that do not censor to their satisfaction.

    And if you think this is bad, wait till they get the Russian Jews to completely fill the site with Cyrillic ads and porn.

  35. I usually love this show and look very forward to it all week! I have to say first half was quite good. The second half of the show was really strange and a departure from the show’s normally very credible guests/ interviews. Dr Young did not seem like a credible interview and he struggled quite a bit with technical terms he was using. To be fair, I am not a scientist, but this guy talked about a lady turning on the tv with her mind without discussing where the hell that info came from.? The last guest sounded like a Q grifter.

    Please go back to sharing science and verifiable info!

  36. I wish you would talk about all of the people in the world who have metal in their bodies such as a plate from a fusion or a pin or screws in the body. It has already been a nightmare for me. I wish you would ask Dr. Young what will happen to us when they turn on the 5G. I don’t expect to survive because of the amount of metal in my body.

  37. There is a very simple proof that the WTC buildings were demolished.

    The proof is simple:


    That’s it. That’s proof.

  38. Heartfelt thanks from Greece. Your show sends light and truth and gives so much hope. Unites and kicks ass as you say.
    Love watching. Look forward to it every week !

  39. Be Careful Of getting tested with the swab because it may be treated…My Doctors Office offered a blood test
    for Covid…Anyway we should invite this conscientious person to coffee and have a talk and see who he really is and who is paying him or her ??? He is ragging on Del pretty hard and he or she is all over the map with convoluted rantings…I would pay no attention to this persons Conscientious Objective comments because they are pure rhetoric A.K.A. Bull….

  40. Graphene oxide – nano and other forms is for REAL.!!
    Chinese patent filings in 2017 for use in fertilizer on crops and widely used also as a jet fuel additive so it is in the air, rain water and the food globally as well. Apples and zeolite have potential for toxic metal detox. Everyone should be checking these things out.

  41. In order for Del to lose credibility with this interview, he had to have some credibility to begin with, and a man who calls John Kerry his hero, and who thinks that 19 Arabs with box cutters did 9/11, has no credibility.

    Del Bigtree is a mentally ill liar, who is doing everything he can to push this depopulation agenda, whether he understands that or not, makes no difference. He’s a criminal who belongs in prison.

  42. Don’t forget:

    There is a very simple proof that the WTC buildings were demolished.

    The proof is:


    That’s it. That’s proof.

  43. This comment has been added to force some sort of censorship.

    The Jew “web-warriors” do this (and much worse) to all sites that do not censor to their satisfaction.

    They need to have this censorship to stop people finding out about all the massive Jew lies.

    And if you think one or two comments like this is bad, wait till they get the Russian Jews to completely fill the site with thousands of Cyrillic ads and pornography.

  44. Anyone look into possibility that PCR tests used allegedly to diagnose COVID19) (But which have been shown to be inaccurate in diagnosing COVID19) are in reality being used to collect the Human Genomic DNA? Most people would not voluntarily give up their DNA, where does our DNA go after it is catalogued by a lab? Just a thought.

  45. I’ve been browsing online more than 2 hours today, yet I never found any interesting article like yours.
    It is pretty worth enough for me. Personally, if all site owners and bloggers made good content
    as you did, the internet will be much more useful
    than ever before.

  46. Utah is hiring Contact tracers this week…

    “COVID-19 Contract Tracer
    State of Utah 3.7/5 rating – Salt Lake County, UT
    $20 an hour
    Work remote weekend shifts each week, Saturdays & Sundays (12PM – 6PM). MUST be available to work at least 3 shifts (12pm to 6pm) a week.
    Just posted “

    1. The above (but one) comment has been added to force some sort of censorship.

      The Jew “web-warriors” do this (and much worse) to all sites that do not censor to their satisfaction.

      They need to have this censorship to stop people finding out about all the massive Jew lies.

      And if you think one or two comments like this is bad, wait till they get the Russian Jews to completely fill the site with thousands of Cyrillic ads and pornography.

  47. first segiment of the episode, yea they do it all the time now, and every time they do so, they keep signing their own death warrant.
    people like to know the truth, they usually don’t like being lied to.
    so when people are lied to by msm, and other news outlets and papers, they start to go away after realizing they are being lied to.
    and thats whats going on here. the ratings from cnn, msnbc and even fox news are going downhill, while independent media and up and coming outlets such as newsmax and OAN, are coming up, even RT and infowars are major news outlets now, but one is heavily censored, and the other is basically on satellite tv for the moment.
    and soon, blazetv will be a major news outlet, and so will highwire.
    because the media don’t care about truth, its all narrative pushing now, and slowly people are seeing the lies and narratives from MSM, and bout to do research
    last night while i was doing doordash, i was at a 7-eleven picking up for a delivery, when i walk in and theres this guy talking to the cashier about child support and how the system considers it as a de-facto court.
    ive yet to look it up, but he seems smart.
    i would’ve gladly talked bout vaccines with him, and the real science showing the opposite to mainstream narratives, among others but i had a delivery to do.

    keep doing gods work del. love the show, wish y’all had a app so i can listen while doing doordash but its one of those things i suppose.

  48. Wow, these comments have become useless- too much ranting and trolls (who are probably being paid to do so by the opposition). I think the Highwire should just get rid of this forum.

    In my opinion, Del, RFK Jr, Dr. Mercola, AFLDS, etc. are heroes. I certainly don’t agree with everything they say, but they’re on our side!

    1. del isn’t perfect, neither is the chat. nobody is expecting perfection, but to suggest that the chat and forum needs rid of, sounds more like someone that wants censorship.
      at the end of the day, a forum, or a chat, is basically forms of communication and all forms of communication is protected under the 1st amendment.

      to expect anything but debate on the subjects of the show, is bad. everyone should be allowed in.

  49. One more “useless” comment become I practice what I preach and stop ranting myself. Dr. Young certainly doesn’t help his case: too much rambling techno-babble.

    Graphene Oxide in the vaccines has become widely reported since La Quinta Columna first made this claim. But very few are taking LQC’s other claim seriously: that COVID-19 is due to deliberate GO/EMF poisoning, NOT a virus!

    1. the reason why is kinda obvious. most likely what del said on the show, because he takes extra steps to make damn sure what he gets in terms of information is filtered from the misinformation and propaganda so you get the full truth.

  50. It felt like the Twilight Zone when Ricard O Young mentioned about the leg bracelet. Didnt have to wear one after he was released from prison for practicing without a medical licence. At one point during the conversation, I was sure he was going to say that the Covid vaccines is Alien technology.

    1. 1. whats your evidence dr young has be imprisoned for practicing medicine without a medical license?
      2. whats the point of practicing medicine anymore if its something that anyone can do now? the average doctor is just bout as dumb on actual health subjects as msm is.
      its like expecting a cop to know the laws he/she is enforcing, a cop won’t know everything, and in some newer instances the cop doesn’t know shit about what they are enforcing and the ethical and moral implications.
      3. and finally, a lot of what doctor young said is very possible with current technology. it very well be that we could have graphene in our bodies and someone is secretly controlling people from the wayside.
      at the very least what dr young proved here is another poison in our bodies thanks to vaccinations and other critical things.

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Mainstream Misinformation Goes Viral; Biggest Vaxhole on Earth Builds Camps; Evidence of Graphene Oxide in Vaccines; NY Teachers Pushing Back

#Ivermectin #NYTeachersUnite #GrapheneOxide #ZeroCovid #Israel #Sweden #QuarantineCamps #TheHighWire #DelBigtree