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  1. I’m from the Gulf Coast and I used to chase hurricanes, so I’ve had LOTS of experience with FEMA. I’ve also been in the game for 18 years, so I know exactly what FEMA is all about.

    If they were to help those people properly and allow all those supplies though, they wouldn’t be able to run them off their land. They need them to be desperate, so they’ll give up and move. They do it under the guise of safety and protecting people, like regular Americans would be trying to poison fire victims with tainted supplies.

    Anyone who thinks FEMA is on their side just doesn’t truly understand FEMA. Also, when I was searching for what to do with my life, I joined the Red Cross. Again, after years of research and real life disaster experience I can assure you that they’re no better than FEMA.

    Just a bunch of crooks and scam artists tricking good people into giving them money. Churches ALWAYS do better than the Red Cross and government.

  2. All I can say is I hope that people are taking note of the completely incompetent govt leaders we have and come election time it wont be about parties anymore, it’ll be about who is really for the people and not for themselves.
    Too much has happened since the COVVID sham and Biden taking office to allow this to slide unchecked. Today it’s Maui…….tomorrow, it could be your neighborhood. Only the united voice of the people can make it stop. Time for the people to join hands and rise up for each other and not for the continued corruption of those who line their pockets fleecing the people!!!

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After the devastating fires in Maui, Lahaina resident Mike Cicchino tells his horrifying story of having to flee the fires with his wife and child, taking refuge in the ocean for hours. He details his family’s experience, the loss of their home, and separates fact from fiction. Also, hear from two experienced disaster relief responders on the ground in the fire’s aftermath with their take on where the government’s disaster warning systems and relief have failed.