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  1. It is very easy to think that all the hormone disturbing chemicals we get exposed to in our environment, have a part in all these children and young people that feel wrong in their body.

    I, a woman in my 50’s, was also a tomboy as child, but I actually got upset when someone took me for being a boy. I feel so lucky not to be child/young today – society would probably have coerced me to become a boy….

  2. The increase in transgender people may be tied to the proliferation of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from pesticides, plastics, etc. which interfere with pre-natal development. A survey by Dr. Scott Kerlin of sons exposed to DES, an EDC, given to pregnant women, showed 30% to be trans. Poultry farmers gave DES to young roosters to turn them into hens. See Toxic Bodies, Langston, p.66. Atrazine, a common pesticide, turns male frogs into females that produce eggs as documented by Tyrone B. Hayes of UC Berkeley’s. These changes appear to heritable.

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Dr. Patrick Flynn, AKA ‘The Hormone Whisperer’, breaks down the inherent differences between the hormones in men and women and the devastating long term dangers of puberty blockers on young adults.