Episode 389: THE DARK HORSE
Episode Segments
Episode 389: THE DARK HORSE
Del details former New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo testimony before the Select subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic this week; Jefferey Jaxen reports on Digital ID’s, global tracking systems, and electronic vaccine cards as world powers push toward a digital dystopia; Del sits down with The Dark Horse Podcast host, Bret Weinstein, for an incredible, in-depth conversation about his evolution in awareness of some of the most critical issues affecting our world today.
Guest: Bret Weinstein, PhD
AIRDATE: September 12, 2024
That interview on Darkhorse with Dr. Malone is what got me on the trail of the issues with the injection. It was such an eyeopening podcast. Led to following Dr. Malone and Steve Kirsch and led to so much great information.
Good afternoon. Is something happening with highwire today? Is it being hacked? I can’t watch
I cannot watch either today. After I click play button, it flashes and then a dark screen.
This new browser sucks!!!
I think it’s absolutely possible that yes, they have drugs and preventative measures for themselves.
Thank you so much for bringing this excellent content. I’m a physician whose eyes are opening
Please look into UCC Legislation designed to take our Home & Assets
Rep. Julie Auch of S Dakota.
G Edward Griffin look at his books. They have a long game discovered.
B17 vitamin story
chapter 13
When Del asks “How do they tell themselves… I have a theory,that I’ll put out but.. I…
I get , you believe in this technology.. ‘You’r probably thinking- we’re sweeping som eof the injuries under the rug on all the childhood vaccines. Yeah, maybe autism, maybe some of them ar, you know, triggered by vaccines. ‘ Everyone at the top.. I have to assume there is some knowledge that… We have a little bit of a problem here.. but… .how do they convince themsleves they can do that… without the greatest risk of all times.
Let me explain.
These decisions are not made by individuals. The individual sinvolved are just followers. But there is no “leader”
The leader is the community that profits. The community that benefits.
Communities have no morals. This community has a profit goal, and no morals. The community only needs a little bit of assistance crom thos who are able to facilitate the profit. And those people profit a little bit at a time . But the profit of individuals is “residual”. It stops if the indivudal stops giving to the community. The individuas are trapped. The community makes the decisions.
This situation is acutally commooplace, where the community makes decisions the individual would never make. Think “Lord of the Flies”. The community develops its own goals and takes over the individuals. Think the Holocaust. The communty takes over and enhances the power of individuals who support the community goals. Think Think Adam and Eve, who would not eat the forbidden fruit. But the snake talks, and then they talk, and the communit takes over. Who made the decision to eat? Was it Adam? Was it Eve? Was the serpent to blame? The serpent just told the truth. The community of Adam and Eve were imprisoned in the garden. The community broke out of the garden, even though Adam and Ever would never have done it, and were punished for the actions of the community.
to your health, tracy
Bret is right. It is so gastly that it is human. Communities are not human. Community spirits are not human. Communities are insane. Communities develop a life of their own – and are much harder to control than individuals. Bret says “it’s dark” but he doesn’t see the reality. Community spirits are dark. We can’t see them. But they can control our behaviors.
The beehive dosn’t care about the individual bees. It cares about the community – the individual hive, making it bigger, more honey. The military doesn’t care about the lifes of individual soldiers. It cares about the community – the individual army, the individual country’s army, making it bigger, more powerful. The immune system does not care about the patient. It cares about the immune system community – which is the indivudal person. And the vaccine communy doesn’t care about the individual members of the community, it cares about making more vaccines, making more money. Indivudal motivation is not important. Communities distort indivudal motivatioins to their own ends. The vaccine community is wide and deep. Most of the people, even most of the organizations that are in the vaccine promotion community do not even know they are part of the community, part of the goals of selling more and more vaccines.
I agree – one of the most important episodes so far. I am going to try and get my daughter and her husband to watch it. Thank you for what you are all doing. Jennie Buckle
Excellent Show, as expected. I’m continuing with my monthly donations, until we can’t anymore. Del, your guest speaker was amazing, and he added many more pieces to this Global Horror Picture Puzzle. But, come’on, Del, just say it, just say it. After this amazing guest, it is “crystal clear” now, who are all behind this Global House of Horrors. It’s ALL been intentionally planned for many, many decades. And, they are ready to put the icing on the cake. Just say it; Bill Gates, Soros, Rockefeller, and so many others, in the Trillionaire Club. They want over 90% of the world’s population gone. And, they will achieve their goal, via the mRNA technology. They have the Antidote; Ivermectin and other treatments that they are using to keep themselves alive, and healthy, and evil. Just say it, Del. We are not stupid about what is going on now. This all wasn’t a lab accident, or professionals making mistakes., etc. Just say it, Del Bigtree, ok?
Impossible to watch… Has the Highwire been hacked?
Excellent show. They just get better and better. We will win.
Nobody should take these poison jabs. The government and some politicians just trying to push something that is not safe and effective. These people face a judgment day that they will not be able to make lame excuses. They truly are evil people.
Whenever I see Bill Gates speak, I always want everyone to remember him speaking back when he was in a deposition for antitrust violations in regards to Microsoft. He had to “define” so many words. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmeGPudmSjs&t=293s&pp=ygUVYmlsbCBnYXRlcyBkZXBvc2l0aW9u
Hochl is a communist and a liar.. She absolutely cannot be trusted. People, do not give these poison jabs to your children or anyone you love. These jabs do not stop the spread of anything. I even refuse self-checkout to do the same thing, save jobs.
Hi Del,
I’m not sure about your claim regarding the founding fathers’ belief about wanting everyone to vote. It was a primarily white male protestant privilege, and while wanting to open it up to all white males, documentation of their belief to open it up beyond them is something I’ve never heard of. If you have information I can read about it, please share / cite. Here is the basics of my understanding of the history of voting: https://votingrights.mit.edu/history-voting
Bill Gates is one sick dude and has a mental problem. He definitely needs to stay our of our lives. It is evident he cares nothing about our Constitution, America or the American people. I am very leery of AI.
How terrible that our opinions and thoughts are not respected because our government does not want us to think and reason for ourselves. Big Pharma, MSM and
crooked politicians do not want us to see and know the truth. It is not about free thought but control of the masses.
I looked at the psychology and narratives to the inoculations and it did not look dissimilar to the physiology and use of hydrogen cyanide for the final solution by the Nazis. The Nazi final solution is right in line with the great reset orchestrated by the NWO.
this evolutionary biologist knows a lot – i ask him to consider that the beauty and intricacy of the immune system show us that we did not “evolve” but are designed and we are not “evolving” but “devolving” (see Genesis Chapter 3