Feel the change coming! TOMORROW on The HighWire l January 27th, 2022
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Every Thursday, 11am PST (2pm EST)
#DefeatTheMandates #RonJohnson #VaccinatedDeaths
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Every Thursday, 11am PST (2pm EST)
#DefeatTheMandates #RonJohnson #VaccinatedDeaths
Del: Thanks for everything you and your team are doing. As this man made Covid disaster plays itself out we really need to ask ourselves, as a nation and a people, how was this possible? The mass psychosis is palatable. The true origin and cause of this despotic behavior is a compliant society and a despotic totalitarian government establishment. These problems have to be addressed or we will end up in the same place once again. Back in 1978 the world watched as 1000 people drank cyanide laced Kool Aid and even poisoned their own children in the Guyana jungle. I asked myself how was this even possible? Well, guess what! We’re seeing a repeat of the mass brain washing and hysteria that occurred back then. This time on a huge scale. Instead of the Rev. Jim Jones we now have Anthony Fauci, an accommodating population, and an evil political establishment. Progressive liberals (Biden, et al) are the worse of the worse. You may think this is over, but until the cancer that is the genesis of this man made evil is addressed it will never be over.