Since early 2020, the world has longed to “get back to normal.” Bill Gates (who is not a doctor) said we couldn’t get back to normal until almost all 7+ billion people got the rushed, poorly-tested, gene-altering COVID shots – which he later admitted were his best investment. The corporate media present Gates as a “great humanitarian” and never mentions his enormous conflicts of interest.

With the help of Jackie Schlegel, founder and executive director of Texans for Medical Freedom, Texas passed SB7, which is described as the most comprehensive COVID bill in the nation. Most states now bar mandates for the COVID shots and masks.


Jackie Schlegel on The HighWire with Del Bigtree, 11/16/23


However, over 100 colleges still have COVID vaccine requirements ahead of the 2023 school year. “Of the more than 1,200 four-year schools measured, 101 academic institutions across 19 states currently have mandates in place for the coming academic year. Among them are notable names such as Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and Rutgers. No College Mandates, who compiled the information, describes itself as a “group of concerned parents, doctors, nurses, professors, students, and other college stakeholders working towards the common goal of ending COVID-19 vaccine mandates.”

The corporate media (much of it “Brought to you by Pfizer”) continues the fear-mongering and pushing shots to protect against a “tripledemic” of COVID, the flu, and RSV. However, the resistance is growing as Reuters shows only 4 million Americans got updated COVID shots.

Global Calls To Stop COVID Shots 

Esteemed cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough said: “The official pandemic narrative that has been fiercely guarded by establishment media and social media censors is completely crumbling….People don’t want these vaccines. The vaccines should be pulled off the market. They clearly are not solving the problem.” 

According to The Epoch TimesDoctors Around the World Say It’s Time to Stop the Shots, reporting: “There has been a surge in sudden, unexplained, age-inappropriate deaths in at least 30 countries in the industrialized world…. doctors and health experts around the world, many of whom are risking losing their jobs, are now speaking out against continuing to give mRNA injections.”

Former Blackrock Portfolio Manager Ed Dowd is the author of the December 2022 book “Cause Unknown”: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022. He has been interviewed by Bigtree, Tucker Carlson, and many others. His recommendation is to stop the COVID shots immediately.

Largest Infant Mortality Rate in 20 Years

CDC Reports Largest Infant Mortality Rate Increase in 20 Years

After falling since 2021, the U.S. infant mortality rate rose 3% during the 2021-2022 period studied by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Possible explanations included restricted healthcare access and economic instability during the COVID-19 pandemic.

U.S. infant mortality from all causes rose 3% in the year 2021 to 2022 — the first increase since 2001, according to a report from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). The trend represents a sharp reversal, as between 2000 and 2020, infant deaths decreased by 21%.

On the cusp of the new COVID-19 booster shot rollout, former BlackRock Portfolio Manager Edward Dowd gives Del a shocking update highlighting the colossal rise of excess deaths in children in the UK since the COVID-19 vaccine was rolled out.

Biden Creates Permanent Pandemic Office

On April 10, President Biden signed a bipartisan congressional resolution to end the emergency used to justify the unprecedented COVID policies. However, The HighWire reported on July 27 that Biden created a permanent pandemic office. It also referenced the role of the US military in the COVID policies.

“On the heels of evidence that Dr. Birx and the U.S. military drove the American pandemic response, the White House has announced a new permanent pandemic office in the Executive Branch run by an ex-Pentagon & NSC asset. The move aligns with the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty agenda, setting up a concerning turn-key global response to “public health threats” driven by the WHO.

Bill Gates Predicts “Next Pandemic

Bill Gates went to great lengths to get the new smallpox/monkeypox vaccine approved in June 2021. In November 2021 Gates gave a speech where he warned that it is very likely that we would have a smallpox/monkeypox outbreak in the near future. Coincidence?

Neenah Payne

Neenah grew up in Washington, DC, and graduated from Smith College. Between her junior and senior years, she worked as a bi-lingual secretary (Spanish/English) at the Inter-American Development Bank. After graduating, she traveled to Brazil with nine other Americans as part of the Experiment in International Living. After passing the State Department's simultaneous translation test in Spanish, French, and Portuguese, she served for two years as an Escort Interpreter for Brazilian dignitaries invited by the US Department of State on their one-month tour of America. Nina then moved to New York, where she got a Certificate of Applications Programming from New York University and worked on Wall Street for 20 years as a Technical Writer. Most recently, she worked at the United Nations. Since 2012, she has been writing for the Activist Post, Hive, and Natural Blaze. Her website is New Paradigm Writer. Her Urban Gardens Revolution site was featured in the July 2021 issue of the online Counter Markets magazine. She created the New York Acupuncture Healthcare site for acupuncturists.

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