The first batch of free-text V-safe data was released on February 15th, after a court victory. With 390,000 free text entries, it is time-consuming to browse and find the most revealing details.

There was one comment that said “death,” and another said, “died.” There were several results for “miscarriage,” while a few more comments mentioned a stillbirth or the death of a baby in utero. A Jeffrey Jaxen report for The HighWire in June of 2021 presented findings from a study that reported the rate of “spontaneous abortion” to be 12 percent of the 827 study participants. However, 700 of those participants received their vaccine in the third trimester, and it would not be possible to have a spontaneous abortion, which only occurs within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. 127 pregnant women in the study received the vaccine in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. One hundred four of those had a spontaneous abortion, which is a total of 82 percent.

Here are some comments from the V-Safe data:

“My baby died in utero on 1/2/2020; I got the vaccine on 12/21. She was 24 weeks.”

“I was pregnant at the time of my 1st vaccination. Two days later, I noticed no fetal movement. The baby was stillborn. Not sure if it’s related but wanted to provide that information to this program.”

“Cold symptoms- but my son had a cold. and abruption in my pregnancy, 34 weeks.”

“I was 6 weeks pregnant when I revived my vaccine on 12/26/20. I had a miscarriage on 1/1/21.”

“I had a stillborn baby at 24 weeks 4 days after my vaccine.”

There were also several reports of pre-term labor for mothers who were pregnant at the time of vaccination.

“Went into preterm labor that had to be stopped with hospitalization. Previous pregnancy no issues. No warning or reasoning for preterm labor at 32 weeks. Was stopped for now but likely will have a premature baby.”

“Pregnancy related as I was 35+1 weeks pregnant upon receiving first dose – Premature rupture of membranes at 36+1 weeks. Normal vaginal delivery without complications.”

There are many comments, including “breastfeeding,” most of which are for documentation purposes rather than to report adverse events. Several of these mothers reported their babies had a fever, vomiting, bloody stool, restlessness, and agitation post-vaccination. There were also reports of breastfeeding babies getting rashes.

“I’m breastfeeding my newborn baby and she broke out into a rash. I don’t know if it is related but she has red bumps on her neck, torso, and legs that her doctor said was from her immune system fighting off a virus.”

Many women reported concerning irregularities in their menstrual cycles. Jeffrey Jaxen reported about this in April of 2021 and discussed it with Del Bigtree on The HighWire.

“Haven’t had menstrual cycle since 11/30 and not pregnant”

“Since receiving my first vaccine my menstrual cycle had been off. I am normally very regular and since the vaccine I ovulated really and my period came 3 days early which is unheard of for me.”

“I’ve been on a menstrual cycle for 12days. This is abnormal for me.”

There are many reports of blood clots post-vaccinations. Since the rollout of the vaccine, there have been countless reports of blood clots. This includes several segments aired on The HighWire. Here are some of the comments from the V-safe data.

“Blood clot from my anus”

“Blood clot formed in my mouth”

“I’m currently in the hospital with blood clots in my lungs and groin”

“Still have occasional heart palpitations, feet felt like possible clots forming in them. No signs of stroke or heart attack thank heavens.”

While many severe side effects are described in the comments of the V-safe data, many of the subjects state that they don’t think the side effects are from the vaccine. A few of those comments state an alternative theory regarding the cause of their symptoms, such as other medical issues. However, many of the users don’t provide an alternative theory, which proves the overwhelming trust the V-Safe subjects have in the safety of these vaccines despite having serious post-vaccine side effects.

Other comments referenced doctors who, in many cases, were hesitant to point to the injection as a cause for concerning adverse events.

“Developed spots on both feet that look as if they are small blood clots. Went to the ER and was informed it isn’t related to the vaccine. I felt it was best to report the symptoms anyways per Doctors request.”

There are over a thousand comments with the search term “doctor,” including one comment that states “I sure wish I could talk to someone the doctors don’t know anything.” There is a certain hopelessness that is evident in some of the comments after post-vaccine side effects. Some doctors dismiss the vaccine as a potential causal pattern without evidence, while the public is told VAERS reports will include health concerns not caused by the vaccine. When correlation does not equal causation, there is no way to prove the vaccine did or did not cause the particular health concern.

Some comments mentioned that they reported their symptoms to VAERS, and one comment expressed frustration for not receiving a call back from VAERS regarding their symptoms.  

“I continue to have peripheral neuropathy on my hands and feet, along with joint pain in my hands. I have received 2 calls from people reporting to be from VAERS and each time they say they will call me back, and no one does. This is very concerning.” 

The data includes results for memory, dementia, and brain fog. These comments also say they have difficulty concentrating, articulating, or hearing words in conversations. The V-Safe data raises a lot of questions about the actual safety profile of the vaccines, as well as their efficacy. There were many “positive” results, of which the vast majority state they tested positive for COVID-19, post-vaccination. Some of them were shortly after, which may indicate the vaccine caused them to test positive.

The CDC website still states, “Vaccines cannot cause infection with the virus that causes COVID-19 or other viruses.” Regardless of whether the vaccine caused individuals to contract COVID-19, it is known through data and observation that the vaccine does not prevent somebody from contracting COVID-19. This is despite Anthony Fauci, Rachel Maddow, and President Biden all making statements to the contrary. This information was available to the CDC in late December 2020 and January 2021 before the vaccine rolled out to the general public.

This is only the first batch of 390,000 V-safe free-text data entries. The CDC is

ordered to release a fresh batch on the 15th of the month for the entire year with the final batch arriving on January 15, 2025. The judge in the trial was skeptical about the CDC fighting so hard to keep this data hidden from public view. The data is now starting to be revealed so the public can make its determination on whether the CDC purveyed misinformation during the vaccine rollout in 2021.


Steven Middendorp

Steven Middendorp is an investigative journalist, musician, and teacher. He has been a freelance writer and journalist for over 20 years. More recently, he has focused on issues dealing with corruption and negligence in the judicial system. He is a homesteading hobby farmer who encourages people to grow their own food, eat locally, and care for the land that provides sustenance to the community.

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