
FDA Says Heavy Metals and Other Contaminants in Menstrual Products Are “Unlikely to Harm”

This week, an op-ed was published in The Conversation, discussing a lack of transparency regarding the materials used to manufacture tampons and other period products. Studies have shown the presence of endocrine disruptors in period products, including “phthalates, volatile organic compounds, parabens, environmental phenols, fragrance chemicals, dioxins, and dioxin-like compounds,” according to a 2024 study.Continue reading FDA Says Heavy Metals and Other Contaminants in Menstrual Products Are “Unlikely to Harm”

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FDA Says Heavy Metals and Other Contaminants in Menstrual Products Are “Unlikely to Harm”

This week, an op-ed was published in The Conversation, discussing a lack of transparency regarding the materials used to manufacture tampons and other period products. Studies have shown the presence of endocrine disruptors in period products, including “phthalates, volatile organic compounds, parabens, environmental phenols, fragrance chemicals, dioxins, and dioxin-like compounds,” according to a 2024 study.Continue reading FDA Says Heavy Metals and Other Contaminants in Menstrual Products Are “Unlikely to Harm”

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White Coat Waste Project Uncovers $10 Million in Taxpayer-Funded Transgender Animal Experiments

The White Coat Waste Project (WCWP) revealed that $10 million has been spent on taxpayer-funded studies that use mice and monkeys for transgender experiments, including surgeries and hormone treatments. Senator Rand Paul released his annual Festivus report of wasteful government spending days before Christmas and included $33.2 million in transgender monkey research. The HighWire reportedContinue reading White Coat Waste Project Uncovers $10 Million in Taxpayer-Funded Transgender Animal Experiments

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Bayer Seeks Capital Raise to Cover Roundup Lawsuit Settlements

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Amazon Removes Option to Opt Out of Voice Recording Storage

Amazon announced it is removing the option to opt out of sending voice recordings for users of the Echo Dot, the Echo Show 10, and the Echo Show 15. This feature was reportedly only used by 0.03% of users, while all other consumers who utilize these devices have been sending their recordings to Amazon. TheContinue reading Amazon Removes Option to Opt Out of Voice Recording Storage

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