Gates-Funded Drones Allow Mass Vaccination in Lower-Income Nations
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance—a public-private deep state alliance that recently received a $1.6 billion pledge from the Gates Foundation—states on its website that in other countries, the pentavalent vaccine (PV) is vital to the survival of children under age five. For those unaware, the pentavalent vaccine is a five-in-one combination vaccine that, in this case, is assumed to protect children from diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae Type B, and Hepatitis B. Thanks to drone-borne vaccine delivery, vaccine rates have risen, and pentavalent vaccine coverage in 57 Gavi-supported nations increased from 0% in 2000 to 81% in 2022. The mass vaccination of young children with pentavalent occurred despite a peer-reviewed study demonstrating that the death rate with the pentavalent vaccine was double that of the previously given DPT vaccine (Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus). Sound familiar?
Besides funding Gavi, the Gates Foundation also funds WeRobotics in an effort “to expand the World Health Organization’s (WHO) understanding and use of drone delivery.” Remember, these NGO pawns would do anything to vaccinate all of humanity. Coordinated by WHO’s African Regional Office (AFRO), WeRobotics has established continuous drone deliveries in Ghana with Zipline, WHO Ghana and Ghana Flying Labs, and in Madagascar with Aerial Metric, WHO Madagascar, and Madagascar Flying Labs.
Zipline International Inc., whose board members include U2 frontman Bono (his Rise Fund invested in Zipline) and Anne Wojcicki (co-founder of DNA-thief 23andme), launched its vaccine delivery network in Ghana in April 2019. At the time, Zipline announced it had set the standard for developing drone delivery programs in developing countries, declaring that it was the world’s largest vaccine drone delivery network. Before entering Ghana, where it increased its volume of deliveries by 100 percent, Zipline developed its systems in Rwanda and Tanzania. Upon its 2019 entry into Ghana, fittingly, during World Immunization Week, Dr. Seth Berkley, CEO of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, reported:
“The ability of the Government to supplement routine immunisation on demand will allow us to make sure that there will always be enough life-saving vaccines for every child in Ghana. This is an exciting development for Gavi that is ultimately going to ensure we leave no one behind and help us protect more children living in remote areas against vaccine preventable diseases.”
America’s corrupt Big Pharma was in on the groundbreaking moment to deliver vaccines to all corners of the globe, too. The Pfizer Foundation signed a four-year agreement with Zipline to “use the power of drones to expand access to care, reach medically underserved communities, and strengthen health systems.” The foundation neglected to include the use of drones to deliver healthy, organic food and sanitary hygiene supplies, but they’re Big Pharma, so why would they? Nope, instead, Pfizer said that “together with Zipline and other partners, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Gavi Alliance, and the UPS Foundation, it supported the Government of Ghana in establishing its medical drone delivery system. Helping to “close the gap for zero dose children around the globe,” the Pfizer Foundation boasted of its mRNA COVID-19 vaccine delivery, stating:
“In 2021, Zipline and Pfizer launched a pioneering drone delivery program in Ghana, providing thousands of doses of the Pfizer and other mRNA Covid vaccines to the hardest-to-reach corners of the country. This was made possible through the Pfizer/Zipline end-to-end cold chain project where Pfizer packaging and cold chain experts worked with Zipline to test and validate the end-to-end vaccine delivery under strict temperature requirements at national scale.
Since the program’s launch, Zipline has significantly expanded vaccine deliveries in Ghana from 150,000 doses of Pfizer mRNA vaccines in April 2022 to more than 3.5 million Covid mRNA vaccine doses from various manufacturers as of February 2024.
Kenya, Nigeria, Côte d’Ivoire, and Rwanda have also built on this approach to launch a Zipline vaccine delivery model, which includes routine vaccinations in addition to all COVID-19 vaccines.”
As Pfizer, the Gates Foundation, the Gavi Alliance, WHO, and all the others (you know, the WEF, Wellcome Trust, the World Bank, the United Nations, and so on) target the adults and children in 78 lower-income countries (as of 2025) for an overload of vaccinations—and use drone technology to reach every single last one of them—there is reason to be terrified. After all, that means 1.1 billion children. Never mind that these goons completely ignored that the Pentavalent vaccine doubled the number of deaths in children. Indeed, their neglect is disturbing and unacceptable.
Equally as disturbing, with dangerous global consequences, during the pandemic, Pfizer announced it would provide all its current and future patent-protected medicines and vaccines available in the U.S. or EU on a not-for-profit basis to lower-income countries. We witnessed their negligence with the deadly mRNA COVID-19 experimental jabs. So, what will be the outcome when the vaccines delivered by their drones are largely AI-driven and mRNA-based?