Aaron Siri Sets the Record Straight about Fraudulent NYT Hit Piece Against RFK JR. NO, He Doesn’t Want to Ban Polio Vaccines


The world is a better place because attorney Aaron Siri is in it. He fights the tough fights, and he wins. All while relentlessly striving to protect our children. He is often wholly misquoted in the Big Pharma-funded mainstream press. However, those intentional misquotes allow him the opportunity to highlight further what is grossly wrong in healthcare today. Siri recently spoke with Tucker Carlson about a petition he filed on behalf of a client asking for a reevaluation of one specific polio vaccine licensed in 1990. The petition did not seek to ban or remove all polio vaccines from the market. Instead, it demanded a proper clinical trial with long-term safety monitoring and adequate control groups—something this trial lacked. Notably, the petition had no involvement with Bobby Kennedy, Jr., nor was Kennedy consulted in any way related to the petition. That didn’t matter to the mainstream media Oligarchs. They dug in their claws and got the rumor mill spinning, attempting to change the narrative.

Before we get to that, it’s important to note that the polio vaccine in the petition was developed using a new technology at the time which involves Vero Cells (chromosomally modified monkey kidney cells). The cells are immortalized to live forever and are similar to cancer cells. Concerningly, the clinical trials used to license the vaccine reviewed safety data for only three days post-injection—with NO control group. What? This approach is known to be insufficient to evaluate long-term or even shorter-term adverse events. An inquiry is a smart thing to do—and something that the FDA should have done. But hey, it certainly seems like a contradiction to both promote vaccines and make sure they’re safe when you’re in Big Pharma’s pocket.

Thus, with that in mind, serious concerns were raised about the vaccine’s safety, particularly given that the trial’s design could not identify potential developmental or immunological effects that manifest over weeks, months, or years. Siri emphasized that his client’s petition, if granted, would not have deprived any child or adult in the US access to a polio vaccine, as other licensed versions are available and the petition only concerned licensure for children. The goal was to ensure proper scientific standards for vaccine safety and transparency. Because right now, what we have is more of the same—”regulatory capture” via the FDA and a failure to enforce rigorous safety standards for vaccines.

Now, back to mainstream media Oligarchs. Right on cue, instead of correctly detailing the mission behind the petition filed by Siri, the mainstream media headlines, notably the New York Times (but others followed), first fully roped in Kennedy (who, again, had nothing to do with the petition), and falsely claimed that the petition sought to eliminate “the” polio vaccine entirely from the market. ENTIRELY. The New York Times headline read, “Kennedy’s Lawyer Has Asked the FDA to Revoke Approval of the Polio Vaccine.” In the first two sentences, the authors remarked:

“The lawyer helping Robert F. Kennedy Jr. pick federal health officials for the incoming Trump administration has petitioned the government to revoke its approval of the polio vaccine, which for decades has protected millions of people from a virus that can cause paralysis or death.

That campaign is just one front in the war that the lawyer, Aaron Siri, is waging against vaccines of all kinds.”

Who are the so-called journalists writing such dangerous garbage? The authors are Christina Jewett and Sheryl Gay Stolberg, and they should both be stripped from journalism. Christina Jewett boasts that she covers the FDA for the Times. She claims she wants all of her work to be fair and accurate and that she makes every effort to “understand issues from multiple angles.” I certainly don’t think she did that here. Sheryl Gay Stolberg covers health policy for the Times. She states, “I’m interested in how the partisanship that divides America is affecting the nation’s health.” OK, Sheryl, but first, let’s think about how your dishonest reporting is dividing the nation and affecting the nation’s health. She, too, claims she wants her work to be accurate, fair, and impartial. Ladies, real Americans don’t have time for your shenanigans. Or your newspaper.

Besides trying to discredit Kennedy by linking him to a non-existent ban on vaccines and lying about the petition filed by Siri, the Times ladies also blatantly overlooked the scientific basis of the petition. What happened to their declaration of fair, accurate, and impartial? Instead of correctly reporting that the petition focused on scientific and regulatory shortcomings, such as the three-day safety monitoring period and the lack of a control group during the trials, Jewett and Stolberg promote the “anti-vaccine angle” while categorically downplaying the regulatory and scientific issues raised by the petition. Moreover, the petition used a formal legal mechanism requiring the FDA to reconsider its licensure based on the inadequacy of safety data, seeking a pause on the specific use of one vaccine in children until a proper trial was conducted. Instead of being good journalists, the girls chose to “simplify” the intent. Then, they mischaracterized it as an attempt to ban or remove the vaccine rather than push for updated safety protocols.

No, Jewett and Stolberg, this is not acceptable journalism because it is not based on facts. But THANK YOU for giving Aaron Siri an excellent opportunity to set the story straight.


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Tracy Beanz & Michelle Edwards

Tracy Beanz is an investigative journalist with a focus on corruption. She is known for her unbiased, in-depth coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic. She hosts the Dark to Light podcast, found on all major video and podcasting platforms. She is a bi-weekly guest on the Joe Pags Radio Show, has been on Steve Bannon’s WarRoom and is a frequent guest on Emerald Robinson’s show. Tracy is Editor-in-chief at UncoverDC.com.