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Episode 262: THE BIG PUSH



  1. In regards to the story about Grace. I have a horrific story of patient experimentation that is or was being done while I was hospitalized. I emailed the paper to your channel where I documented what happened. Someone needs to do more investigation.

  2. Sounds like the Schara family was deliberately targeted for some unknown reason. Scott may need to revisit his past and make the proper connection. What happened to Grace is called MURDER!

  3. It’s not just COVID that is fake… The whole science of virology is fake… How a virologist knows there is a virus and it causes disease is such ridiculous garbage “science” that I can’t believe it took COVID for people to finally start looking into how none of it makes sense nor would any of this pass a “science” in any other field other than “medicine”…. That being said, there are no vaccines for something that doesn’t even exist.

    1. You are so right. Just see this documentary – “The Viral Delusion” – to get convinced once and for all.
      We’ve been lied to for over a century! Isn’t it a high time to wake up and put all those criminals behind bars, or worse? Let’s all consider it our most urgent Christian mission now, because it truly is about saving humanity as created and meant to thrive by God!

      1. You are so right. Just see this documentary – “The Viral Delusion” – to get convinced once and for all.
        We’ve been lied to for over a century! Isn’t it a high time to wake up and put all those criminals behind bars, or worse? Let’s all consider it our most urgent Christian mission now, because it truly is about saving humanity as created and meant to thrive by God!

  4. What happened to Grace was a hate crime and these Dr’s should be sued as such. Their prejudice and total lack of understanding of her abilities and worth, is why she was a target. It was murder for profit pure and simple. The strengh of the Schara family to stand strong after such a tragedy and diservice is inspiring. May God continue to support you in your efforts to honor your very special gift from God, Grace. ?

  5. The murder of Grace by the hospital reminded me how that the nazis in the war murdered disabled people and seems nothing has changed and the world has learnt no lessons from history.

  6. i remember how a late friend of mine went into hospital for a chest infection which caused his diabetes to play up…he was over 60 years old and simple in his mind and the doctor asked my friends sister if ok to let him die…this is the state of so called medical hospitals who will kill people they deem not worthy of saving.

  7. Del please contact Dr. Brian Ardis about the hospital protocol that killed Grace and so many others. On this video with him and Diamond and Silk, he starts explaining how the U.K. and US hospitals are killing tens of thousands of patients with the morphine and lorazepam combo, including the others given to grace, and they are killed and labeled as a covid death. Please watch this video starting at 46min and continue to at least 50 min. Watching the entire thing would be best but please watch minutes 46-50. This is a rumble link and not spam. Please team up with Dr. Ardis. This is a genocide.


  8. I often wish that this show had just a little more courage when it comes to things that could hurt their profit from their viewers. All their data always support “germ theory” which the fact that the PCR test tested for exosome as opposed to viral matter disapproves. They have had people like Dr. Zachary Bush and Dr. Young, brilliant men who know this topic inside and out, but they will not touch it with a 10 foot pole! !?

  9. I can’t believe that what happened to that young lady happened. First it blew my mind then it chapped my ass to no end. What do these doctors and nurses think is going to happen? One day someone is going to say enough. Then there will be no more doctors and nurses. They keep this up they will be hated more than police. People have gotten so greedy there is nothing they won’t do for that almighty dollar.

  10. It is deeply disturbing and annoying AF that people are fighting tooth and nail for the religious exemption, when basic bodily autonomy and integrity is enshrined in the Constitution. I should not have to prove some allegiance to and/or alliance with a God, a Religion, a Belief System, or anything other than my own rights as a Person to refuse chemical or mechanical impingement upon my own sacred Being.


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Episode 262: THE BIG PUSH

Hollywood Under Siege!; CDC Health Policy Hurt Kids; Pfizer adds 600 to Process Injuries; Fauci vs Fauci on Immunity; Family’s Tragic Loss; Ex-Cop Exposes Mandate Madness

Guests: Scott Schara, Pierre Kory, MD, Jamel Holley, Leigh-Allyn Baker, Joel Aylworth