Episode 408: STARGATE TO HELL?
Episode Segments
Episode 408: STARGATE TO HELL?
Medical Freedom Makes Inaugural Splash; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on Oracle CEO Larry Ellison’s $500 Billion AI/mRNA Cancer Vaccine Commitment, Biden Pardons Fauci on his Last Day, and Trump Orders include WHO Withdrawal and Reinstatement of Unvaxxed Military; mRNA Pioneer Shares Concerns About Larry Ellison’s mRNA Cancer Vaccine Announcement.
Guest: Robert Malone, MD
AIRDATE: January 23, 2025
I’m also opting out of the facial recognition at TSA.
Interesting. Is Highwire censoring comments?
How could this information, relating to Trump pulling out of WHO in 2016, saving 281 millions dollars but turning around and giving 1,16 billion to GAVI, have escaped the scrutiny of Jefferey Jaxxen who is normally so good at finding this kind of nugget?
I have also heard that Aaron Siri has been discarded as an advisor to Kennedy and Trump for the presidential transition…:-(
Plus what about this information saying that Calley Means who advised RFK Jr to join Trump after the first assassination attempt is actually a member of the Council of Foreign Relations and very likely connected to the CIA…
Remember that weird phone call between Kennedy and Trump that leaked on the social media ?!?!
Vivek Ramaswamy is also out supposedly because he was getting on everyone’s nerve at Mar-a-Lago…
And what about Elon Musk not saying anything about the return of Sam Altman and the Stargate project… Musk considered him quite unethical, right?
This is all very concerning and I am so afraid we might have been deluding ourselves from the beginning and that a very nefarious plot might be unfolding before our eyes.
Totally agree with your view!… I may not follow the HW anymore soon…
Yes. It certainly appears that way. All of my comments about Bigtree being a shill for Trump and Israel have been removed. all of my comments pointing out that Bigtree has done a 180 about the “father” of the clot shot Trump, how he is totally in love with the man now, even though he is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, have been removed. I was wondering how long it would take for them to turn into controlled opposition.
I have friends who warned me years ago that he was of controlled opposition, I could not believe it at that time but now I start to believe that EVERYTHING has been planned by the globalists/deep state to regain the trust of the ones who have never submitted
Yes. It certainly appears that way. All of my comments about Bigtree being a shill for Trump and Israel have been removed. all of my comments pointing out that Bigtree has done a 180 about the “father” of the clot shot Trump, how he is totally in love with the man now, even though he is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, have been removed. I was wondering how long it would take for them to turn into controlled opposition.
I hear you man…. it’s definitely difficult to hear the Trump worship…even though because Robert asked us to…. We voted for him. He has NOT spoken about the drastic toll it took of millions of lives and the whole world.
Yes. The Highwire is censoring our comments. All of my comments about Bigtree being a shill for Trump and Israel have been removed. all of my comments pointing out that Bigtree has done a 180 about the “father” of the clot shot, Trump, how he is totally in love with the man now, even though he is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, have been removed. I was wondering how long it would take for them to turn into controlled opposition.
Well, @Putter64 says he is having his comments deleted. Comments saying Bigtree is a shill for Trump and Israel, but there they are. Three, in fact, so I think the answer is no.
I would have preferred Trump to pardon the January 6 protesters before leaving his first term as President, and take responsibility for causing that event to stop the vote in Congress to confirm that he did not win in that election. That would be more honorable than leaving without doing that, avoiding taking responsibility for it.. and now he gave a blanket pardon even for those who seriously hurt many officers of the law.
Trump is the divider in chief that is like a double edge sword. Due to MAHA and claiming he wants to end wars, there is hope for a better world than continuing the Biden-Harris show. Meanwhile Israel is expanding its plan to take over the west bank. Will Trump block Netanyahu for causing even more devastation?
October 7 was an inside job. That film and perspective is posted on my blog. https://flybynews.wordpress.com/2024/09/04/october-7-films-and-discussion
Also what is true about the moon landing hoax and 9-11. Will the truth be exposed fully. Without truth there is no justice, and without justice there will be no peace.
jre: comparing to the “standard of care”. Take note: There are no “standards of cure” for cancer. Cured is not medically defined for cancer. When any case of cancer is cured, no matter what caused the cure – the cured status cannot be proven medically. It is impossible to find a cancer cure, because it is impossible to find a case of cancer that has been “cured” even after it has been cured. How many cases of cancer have been cured in all of history? We have no idea. Offically? Not a single case has been recognized as CURED.
to your health, tracy
Author: A New Theory of Cure
Malone speaks on the premise that viruses that have never been isolated or proven do exist. Virology is therefore a fraudulent science at the outset.
American health is essentially compromised by unhealthy eating – far too many young Americans are overweight – and the toxic environment – sprayed herbicides and pesticides and the bombardment in cities of WiiFi radiation, exposure to LED street lighting, opioid consumption, and lastly but not least the toxic mix sprayed through geo-engineering, NOT “viruses”.
Fupi…So you’ve never been around someone that was sick and you got sick youself? Hmm? I have, thus viruses do exist. The last time I was sick was after my buddies wife got her 2 teenagers influenza immunized and with 72 hours all 5 us were sick as dogs with what I’d call the stomach flu. The last time I got that sick was over 30 years ago after I got the Influenza Vaccine, hence why I don’t ANY vaccines. Just because corruption & mainstream medicine is pseudo-scientific, doesn’t mean viruses don’t exist….it just means they did yet another crappy study & published it in the toilet paper peer reviewed journals is all. Also, you do know the Measles virus(s) can CURE Cancer?….Most don’t but now you do. Peace
Would you stop complaining about Trump “celebrating” the vaccine as if he had a choice? They did this on purpose, knowing it was an election year and that if he went against Fauci and the rest of the Kabal, it would be political suicide. And just how much do you really think he knows about vaccines and viruses. Even though he just got us out of the WHO, the Paris accords and is doing the right thing for our troops, you are STILL complaining. Just stop already.
What’s with Larry Ellison’s arms and face in the interview? Clots? Purpura?
He just looked really strange to me. Cringe worthy.
Here you go: mRNA vaccines are NOT a vaccine against a virus or bacterial organisms. It is a type of gene therapy, that permanently mutates (changes) the DNA structure of every cell. The DNA is the coding of every cell. In the case of the mRNA covid shots, it was to mutate cells to forever manufacture spike proteins. Some feel you can reduce overall load from spikes, but no one can alter the DNA mutation that has been made. Period.
Using mRNA platform in a anti-cancer witch hunt will allow the kill switch to be installed…along with the other programming. mRNA is a bio- technical software program. It, in truth, has nothing to do with cancer detection or treatment. Millions will volunteer to kill themselves. Cancers are either a metabolic disease progression or the result of parasite accumulation.
I’ll add Cancer is also caused (etiology) by Environmental Toxins, Fungi & Retro-viruses that are commonly found in Vaccines e.g. SV40 Polio.
Tal Zaks former chief medical officer at Moderna called it “the software of life” …. I get censored on you tube for repeating that quote…. hmmm even still they don’t want the truth about it and STILL the government lies about it.
Elon Musk: Humans must merge with machines or become irrelevant in AI age PUBLISHED MON, FEB 13 2017 8:21AM ESTUPDATED MON, FEB13 202711:11:34EST THUMBNAIL ARJUN KHARPAL @ARJUNKHARPAL
Del maybe you should have Elon on to discuss THIS
Biden is not in his right mind! I don’t believe he is in the frame of mind that he thought of it so it should be null and void. Somebody was paid to have Biden sign it and read the paper or prompt. Just like you can fight a will, you have to be in a capable frame of mind. The man has dementia. NO WAY! I bet he isn’t in a capable frame of mind.
I opt out of the facial recognition at TSA too, and it seems like I get attitude from the employees when I do so. The vast majority of people just line-up for the camera. Recently I went on an international flight, and we had to step up to a camera to board the plane. There wasn’t an option to decline.
I really hope RFK Jr. gets confirmed. I’ve nervous and have been praying about it. I wish so much I could go to the hearings, but it’s in the middle of my work week.
Here is the thing about Trump. He will meet with people and listen to him, but that doesn’t mean he is signing onto what they’re proposing. He was chatting up Obama at Carter’s funeral. I think he’s a guy who can schmooze people and be personable one on one with them, but he has his own ideas.
So I’m not worried about Bill Gates. I expect Trump will go talk to RFK about what Gates told him. I do think it’s amusing that Gates seemed charmed by Trump though.
That aside, I was floored listening to the Oracle guy. What the heck? We don’t want your stinking mRNA garbage! Go away!
It’s all theater.
It’s hard to believe that anyone can still be fooled at this point in this game.
John 12:40 “He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, so they can neither see with their eyes nor understand with their hearts, nor turn and I would heal them..
Even a big sinner like me can see and understand.
Pre-emptive pardons, like retro-active laws, are both wrong. With retro-active laws one can be charged for activities and conditions in the past when legal or illegal and one doesn’t know where their stand with the respect to the law.
Larry E. does not say government personnel, elected officials, judges, bureaucrats, etc., would be monitored.
Shows how far the American diet has descended when fast food fried in beef tallow is healthier instead of chemically extracted oils. It remains fried food, not normally considered health food. … Yes, vote with your money, don’t depend on the medical pharmaceutical government industrial complex to help you.
Del needs to lose 50 pounds as he is only adding to the unhealthy Americans. Gray hairs does NOT mean you are intelligent or wise as Malone seems to think. Promotion of health instead of treating disease MUST focus on the rural areas of America as they are 20 years behind the times of change and the mental illness and LOW intelligence in this nation. So watch out for those 20 thousand doctors who are bought off and corrupt. Make sure YOU and your loved ones DON’T go to those doctors. SOMEONE BESIDES KENNEDY NEEDS TO EDUCATE TRUMP ON VACCINES RIGHT NOW SINCE HE’S COMPLETELY DUMBED DOWN ABOUT THEM OR IS HE? A GREAT LEADER ALWAYS ADMITS THEIR MISTAKES AND LEARNS FROM THEM. Trump admitted NOTHING about the MISTAKES on the vaccine he made.. REMEMBER THAT.
I was fact checked on FB last week!
Can’t reply to individuals here. People posting that comments are being censored… but lots of criticism seems to be staying up. Is there a little controlled opposition in the chat room?
33:00… You can make sense and rant on all you want to Del, but the man Donald Trump who you said you fell in love with has vowed to speed this up and it’s an emergency because they have to beat China in the AI development.
The Golden Age will canker and rust and the AI surveillance dystopian nightmare will ensure.
Polly Anna all you want. Trump and the technology Moguls already had this planned and didn’t say anything about it in his campaign speeches.
Love the Highwire but not the Robert Malone interview. The guy is shifty as, he uses lots of science sounding words but actually says very little of substance. Had to resort to ad hominem attacks (being insulted etc) which isn’t necessary when mRNA vaccines are such an obviously bad idea. I can’t trust someone who’s supposedly been developing vaccines. Please can we have less interviews with the CIA asset. 🙏
Correction. It’s not so much that he’s saying nothing of substance. It’s that he gives multiple reasons these vaccines can cause issues. That it’s basically a witches brew with no guard rail. Then we’re expected to believe either Malone couldn’t see the potential harms during his research and therefore is not the great scientist he’s portrays OR he knew exactly what he was doing and continued regardless.
what the heck with all the comments. what a bunch of negative bullshit. if you don’t like the content then don’t worry about it, if you do then you have some information but to make all these negative comments isn’t serving anyone. this is voluntary to watch, instead of bitching just move on to someone you do think is correct.
Why would Gates want to prepare a vaccine for HIV?? All his current vaccines cause HIV, are you sure you want the guy that is responsible for the 20 million deaths in America?
This is crazy!!
Putter64, If your comments about “Bigtree being a shill for Trump and Israel have been removed”, then why are there 3 comments from you on here, saying exactly that, that have not been deleted. Are you a troll? OR an AI that’s after Bigtree?
Notice how Larry does not mention the technology watching politicians and corporations so they do not “behave badly”., only the police and regular Joe Blow. Unreal. Entitled pr….ck.