In the final installment of Siri Testifies: New Hampshire, ICAN’s lead attorney, Aaron Siri, presents a powerful testimony before the New Hampshire House Committee on COVID Response Efficacy. He tackles the critical question: do all vaccines stop transmission? With exclusive data and insights, this must-watch show challenges long-held assumptions and reshapes the public health conversation.
AIRDATE: December 26, 2024
The polio documentaries are just too valuable in terms of vaccine hesitancy to hide them behind a pay wall. I desperately need my son to “wake up” by seeing this.
The polio presentation is fantastic! I think people would by cds to give away.
buy. not by
Amazing program – informative, factual.
These videos don’t properly load. If you Pause and then hit Play it does nothing, just a black screen. Needs a FIX>
“Phoenix rising out of the ashes” is not a good analogy since it is a mural in the UN, and linked to the Satanic New Age movement.
Maybe for you but I don’t buy that. It’s a mythological reference much older than the UN and has plenty of other meanings that the one you attribute to it.
As a former NH resident, I was very impressed by this testimony and the questions asked by the Representatives. I am going to double my contribution to ICAN in gratitude.
I’m curious if their report reflected what they learned or not.
I had chickenpox probably around 1963.
Our older kids had chickenpox in the early 1990s. In 1995 I got shingles, I think, from a child in our home school community who had received a chickenpox vaccine. A couple weeks after my shingles resolved, our younger children got the chickenpox. I was pregnant. The doctor couldn’t even figure out what it was at first. I was pregnant; maybe it had nothing to do with it, but he was born with epispadias
Gates is not a doctor and all these so-called experts were liars. We know the poison jab never stopped the spread of COVID. People like Rachel Maddow and the ret of the media are guilty for all the damage done to the American public.
can you please bring back the closed captions?