In the face of unprecedented attacks from the industrial farming complex, Joel Salatin’s Polyface Farm has exposed the truth about biosustainable farming. Del dives in for a day working on the non-industrial, self-sustaining farm and ranch as Joel Salatin, one of the premier experts on Biodynamic farming, explains how he turned a third generation family property into one of the most environmentally friendly working farms in the U.S.
I’ve seen some of his videos thanks to another homesteader. What he’s done is truly amazing.
Those 3 headed frogs and dead zones also happen naturally. They didn’t necessarily happen because of us.
As much as I admire what Joe Salatin has done, in certain cases his points can be used to make other cases. His a priori assumption that living naturally means eating meat is not an automatic logical deduction. There is no reason to assume that being an (e.g.) ethical vegetarian is disconnected from “nature” or working against the nature of things. Or that ethics may preclude the slaughter of animals.