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  1. The interview with Dr. Zelenko was so awesome, thank you so much. Love that you guys showed the medical study that showed, clearly, the spike protein is accumulating in the ovaries, more than anywhere else in the body. These government officials asleep at the wheel need to wake up before the human race gets wiped out!


        The report on the United Kingdom. A passage from the report:

        Covid-19 has had a devastating impact on older persons living in care homes in England. 28,186 “excess deaths” were recorded in care homes in England between 2 March and 12 June, with over 18,500 care home residents confirmed to have died with Covid-19 during this period. UK government decisions and failures resulted in violations of the human rights of people living in care homes, notably the right to life, to health and to non-discrimination. From discharging 25,000 patients, including those infected, into care homes; to denying care homes residents admission to hospital and imposing “do not attempt resuscitation” orders on them without due process, to failing to provide PPE (personal protective equipment) and testing to care homes. Older persons living in care homes were abandoned to die.

        I guess; “people in care homes had their right to life violated”, sounds better than; “people in care homes were murdered,” but it is less accurate.



        1. If people just used the money they send Del to prepare for a month long strike, just shut everything down for one month, ‘the criminals that be’, would be crying uncle in about two weeks.

          Del is there to give you false hope that the legal system is going to save you, and rob us of any chance we have to turn this around.

          Del is controlled opposition, just don’t say you weren’t warned, unless Del censors comments like this and why wouldn’t he? He already has hundreds of times in the past couple months.

          1. conscientious objector; why don’t you fight for justice for the hundreds of thousands of elderly people murdered in nursing/care homes?

            Is it because you are also controlled opposition.

            What is it about their murder that you find acceptable?

          2. Sadly, it’s people like you that have no idea how non-profit organizations function and how they are obligated to match funds with all incoming donations.

            Perhaps, instead of spouting your conspiracy theory about Del you could do a little homework so you don’t appear to the rest of us as an internet troll.

            Del Bigtree is an American hero. He has laid his Hollywood career bare to take the time to inform the rest of us, spending millions of dollars to do so with the help of very wealthy contributors who want the public to know what is truly going on.

            I’ll tell you who is controlled opposition – look in the mirror.

            Either understand the enemy and how to fight them or get out of the way of the rest of us trying to do so.

            You’re a detriment to American freedom, not an asset.

          3. Del is Rallying folks. Remining us we do out number “them”. I personally appreciate it.

          4. I don’t believe he is controlled opposition but that is not the goal of my response to you. I think it is going to take all of us doing all that’s possible to beat the communistic goal of population control guided by Bill Gates. The legal aspect, protests, writing letter, organizing people and talking to our governmental members in person, if possible. Anything and everything we can do to fight this insanity. We all have to stand together and refuse the tyranny.

          5. Is that why your very opionated comment is still sitting here? ? The left are the emporers of Censorship…like Fakebook. Don’t like his Facts or opinions…why are you here then?

        2. Same thing happened in New York, California, Ohio and one other state in America. Sounds like a paid off plan. The elderly are useless to the Government and considered a Liability. It is sick mind that takes away every precious day and a peaceful transition. Should all be hung

    1. They are not stupid. They know what is going on. The real questions are: Do these officials want to reduce population? Or not care if women are sterilized?

    2. I too loved this video. I did get confused though as the protocol Dr. Z talks about is different on his website than what he talks about.
      Also, the Frontline doctors that are mentioned earlier I feel are a scam. I paid the $90 for a Dr. visit and did not get any help at all and they won’t even reply to my questions.

      1. Well, it definitely is not a scam for those who needed to get hydrochloroquine and could not get it from their mainstream local dr due to a ban in their state. I got the HCQ in a few days from Florida and the 90 dollars were more than worth it!

    3. I agree! We The People need to push back, stand our ground! Lives, Freedoms and Liberties are at stake. This is all about Control, Power, Money and a movement to One World Order! God Bless Us All!

  2. The paper trail back to the US is undeniable, Ralph Baric had a “break through” in weaponizing a Bat Corona Virus in 1999. As Baric documented in a Published research paper. Patent data also confirms this. Wuhan was a US set up to push the Blame onto China. Yet everything originated in the US and the US Government funded all of the Wuhan research was funded by the US Government. The US Military through DARPA was the driver of mRNA vaccines after Robert Malone et al came up with the initial idea of mRNA vaccines. DARPA called these mRNA Vaxes “Population Manipulation & Species Extinction Technologies!” Today we see in Israel, the UK Vietnam and every other highly vaccinated country, that these mRNA & DNA /Spike Protein generating vaccines, have the highest rates of covid the highest death rates from covid and the highest vaccine related injury & death rates!!! Whether planned or unplanned we are witnessing a mass-extermination of humans around the world.

  3. Note: Del asked Dr. Richard Bartlett if people should get treatment as soon as they test positive for COVID, but personally I believe if you actually wait until you test positive, you’ve waited way too long and now you have such a high viral load in your body, it’s going to take a huge amount of treatment to turn it around. If you act at the VERY FIRST sign of unwellness, like fatigue, a sore throat, a headache, etc., you can kill off the virus when your viral load is VERY VERY LOW, and at that point it’s easy. Oregano oil works very well for this, and I say this because I’ve USED IT. I live in the town where there was a WHOLE LOT of COVID spreading all over the place, early, because all those the Princess Cruise passengers were released here. Oregano Oil kills COVID for the same reason it kills the flu. It has a very thin lipid bilayer that is easy to lyse, and once cell lysis happens in a COVID virion, it completely falls apart. I took 10 drops of Oregano oil in a capsule, plus baking soda and lime juice (sounds crazy but I can give 20 pretty big pieces of evidence why it actually works), and Wellness Formula. All my symptoms were gone within hours, including one time where I had a headache, fever, body aches, and a sore, scratchy throat. I would NEVER wait until I could test positive for COVID because that would take too long, and those tests have been shown to be bogus, anyway! We need to use the tools mother nature gave us, and mother gave us a lymphatic system to alert us EARLY, as soon as we are having a viral infection of any kind, INCLUDING COVID. Don’t wait, people. This virus is SUPER EASY to kill, AS LONG AS you act early.

  4. Just got to Dr Bartlett interview, funny how he can’t describe the Mono-clonal anti-body treatment to any degree at all except it’s a “100% wonderful?” @ 41250 a session it’s a thousand times more expensive than IVM or HCQ with the same efficacy rates. I prefer Peirre Kory’s FLCCC protocl or Dr Zelenko’s protocol. Bartlett quotes an Oxford University Projection after Oxford has been completely discredited for it’s outrageously ridiculous “projections from the start of Pandemic. Fauci is a clown but the fact that Oxford may support IVM is the only thoing they appear to have got right for 18 months.

    1. “This work was sent to Wuhan when Obama banned gain of function research in U.S.”

      Not exactly. It was established in Wuhan so that they could frame the Chinese if their evil plan went wrong.

      The Wuhan Institute is a fall-back position for when the main story/fable is not believed.

      It has all been set up to deceive you.

  5. I heard that Dr. Fauci has part ownership in the patten for Rendeservier (spelling sorry). I am not surprised it was pushed after Trump got it. But no one calling by name instead saying monoclonal antibodies (hope spelled correctly). Yes, all part of the plandemic to squeeze all the funds possible out of every phase of the disease even a “cure”. They Planned death toll to be high in the beginning by sending every early case home to get worse so the FEAR FACTOR would be driven up toward the vaccine savior. The release from the lab, (which ever lab) does seem to have been premature because Pig Pharma had to jump through their boots to create enough Vials to sell to the world governments. Any way, you can see from the Rabbi Zalenko interview, that BiBi was not the only leader to sell his country’s freedom out for dollars. Perhaps Australia, France and US. All need to take back citizen’s rights ASAP. So glad to become a reoccurring donor to the Highwire. Every time The Highwire gets Legal with Dr. Fauci, I get happy. I recommend everyone help fund the lawsuits the Highwire will soon be filing. Thanks RogueIsland

      1. “Pig Pharma had to jump through their boots to create enough Vials to sell to the world governments.”

        Not exactly. All the research had been down for SARS and MERS and was basically ready to go.

        They created SARS and MERS as well.

    1. If folks just used the money they send Del to prepare for a month long strike, just shut everything down for one month, ‘the criminals that be’, would be crying uncle in about two weeks.

      Del is there to give you false hope that the legal system is going to save you, and rob us of any chance we have to turn this around.

      Del is controlled opposition, just don’t say you weren’t warned, unless Del censors comments like this and why wouldn’t he? He already has hundreds of times in the past couple months.

      1. You are right, $(21, 25……with max 200) of monthly donation is enough money to prepare you for that strike. In fact that money could also be used to coordinate the strike effort too mr/mrs. smart crack. If you are that hurt and jealous that people are donating for this cause, I think you should jump on the strike coordination campaign where people will then be donating to you to save the humanity through your strike ideas you have uniquely come up with.


    Playing Russian roulette: Nursing homes told to take the infected. California, New Jersey and New York have made nursing homes accept Covid-19 patients from hospitals. Residents and workers fear the policy is risking lives. See this New York Times article.

    On March 25th, 2020, New York Governor Cuomo issued an executive order forcing the transfer over 4,500 Covid-19 patients from hospitals to their nursing homes (also called old-age or care homes). In the following weeks the nursing homes saw 6,000 deaths from Covid-19…. See here.

    You could make a strong argument that the USA’s deadly coronavirus problem is largely a nursing home problem,… See here.

    Republican Whip Steve Scalise announced that he had sent letters to the governors of California, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, demanding they explain why they ignored protocols and forced Covid-19 patients into nursing homes. Scalise noted, “While nursing home residents make up 0.6% of the U.S. population, they account for 42% of nationwide Covid-19 deaths”. That is, 70% of all U.S. Covid-19 deaths had (up till that time) been in care homes.


    1. It’s not just about nursing home residents. They’re going after all of us! I got a call from my state department of health, wanting to talk to me about the jab. I won’t be returning their call.
      So wake up! This affects all of us!

      1. scary!!! Wow. I made a 2-pg document of all my research on all this, and I send this list od Medical Experts and Legal Heroes to others to whoever I see is acting in alignment with the Holocaust on People; The Jewish Times-celebrating the Rabbis telling all to get the death shot. Governors, and concerned citizens…sharing the truth. The truth is UNCHANGEABLE. Our power is in unity, so thank you for being here, sharing. Global Psychosis will end with love uniting us all. Tell The Truth. Aloha, Claire

  7. Sorry to say thing are getting worse in California. They’re mandating teachers, firefighters, healthcare workers, basically everyone. You have to show a vaccine card to get into restaurants and clubs. Companies are now mandating vaccines even for remote workers

  8. Ya, not convinced at all by the monoclonal antibodies treatment… Regeneron’s biggest stake holder is Sanofi – one of the big pharma top four. And why are we still talking about covid tests? They don’t work, they don’t work, they don’t work.

  9. Bravo and God bless you Del. You never cease to amaze and inspire. Keep doing what you’re doing , and hopefully we’ll get more people to wake up and take charge of their own lives.
    Much love and appreciation,
    Sue A


    Each of the nine VSV hybrids, as well as the spikeless particles, were used to infect each of the three cell cultures. This gave thirty cultures to report on. The results are shown as a matrix of small photos (shown below) of the cultures 48 hours after infection. These photos show the results of having the various spike proteins expressed on the surface of the Vero E6 cells. They indicate the level of damage done by the various spike proteins to the ACE2 expressing cells in your body…..

    The SARS-2-S(opt) hybrid virus looks amazingly dangerous. The relevant photos are (1,1) (1,2) and (1,3). Here, syncytia formation is extreme. Here the cleavage motif at the S1/S2 cleavage site has been destabilized by adding extra arginine (R) and lysine (K) units. In other coronaviruses this causes the spike proteins to be so unstable that they are able to fuse neighboring cells without the need of any receptor.

    Fortunately, such heavily multibasic motifs can never establish themselves naturally…..


  11. @ What is it about their murder that you find acceptable?


    September 3, 2021 at 10:47 am

    conscientious objector; why don’t you fight for justice for the hundreds of thousands of elderly people murdered in nursing/care homes?

    Is it because you are also controlled opposition.

    What is it about their murder that you find acceptable?


    Controlled opposition was setup well in advance of this plandemic, just as it was setup well before 9/11.

    The people behind this agenda plan things well in advance of the event, they don’t leave much to chance.

    With 9/11 it was Alex Jones bragging that he predicted 9/11 before it happened, the truth is he knew it was going to happen and he was the controlled opposition. It started with ‘9/11 was an inside job’ to gain a following, and it changed to ‘The Saudis Quarterbacked 9/11’ which is where he wanted to lead people in the first place.

    Del doesn’t care about the victims of 9/11, well into the millions, he only cares about how much money people are sending him. Del doesn’t care about old folks, he cares about the money and helping like-minded people, who believe in abortion, and animal rights. People who think eating pork or beef is worse than murdering a child in the womb.

    I don’t do this for kicks, I think del is leading people astray on purpose, and I can’t just remain silent while it happens.

    If people keep listening to Del, millions will die that didn’t have to, and we may never be able to turn this around.

  12. That statement is actually consistent with China’s views in general, and their views that western countries are hypocritical. I’d have to agree, that our leaders definitely are hypocrites. As far as the covid situation, all of our countries have been on it. Faucci worked with the lab here in Canada, which is where the ebola spike came from. Also, there is no pathogen. There was no covid until they injected people with it, and since these jabs are nanoparticles and not live virus, that means a person is also not contagious.

  13. Yo the all in the highwire team, thank you immensely. Keep spreading the truth.
    Listen to the Public enemy song called “he got game”
    Some pivotal lyrics easily relatable to today’s reality!
    Much love
    Brendan Melbourne Australia ??

  14. Australians join us at http://www.FreeAustralia.Today
    resources and community!
    Thanks for finally letting someone say that this is a genocide! FINALLY the Full TRUTH. Thank you Zev. Thank you HIghwire team.
    Now the truth is out there.

    Next up you need Dr Robert Young’s spectrometry and microscopic proof of the 4 vaccines ingredients.
    Graphene oxide, Copper, iron, stainless steel, chromium and of course a lovely death brining parasite!!

  15. I have enormous respect for Del Bigtree.I have enormous respect for Zelenko as a medical doctor. Like Professor Didier Raoult, he instinctively treated his patients and bravely kept at it. he saved thousands of lives. But what Del and he get into at the end is just silly and fear mongering. We do not need MORE FEAR. We need sensible discussion of things that you can verify. I thought this show was based on verifiable facts. I will always follow Del and RFK and Polly Tommey but Zelenko talks extravagantly and wildly. Compare him to the wonderful Jaxxen, who just talks sense and facts.

  16. Monoclonal antibody infusion.. Great you have that, you recover, do you have T-cell immunity?
    You will still be mandated to get the toxic jab even if you have natural immunity in this evil medical tyranny.

  17. “I don’t do this for kicks, I think del is leading people astray on purpose, and I can’t just remain silent while it happens. If people keep listening to Del, millions will die that didn’t have to, and we may never be able to turn this around.”

    Let’s say that Del is trying to lead people astray,…. how does that lead to millions of deaths?

    1. Have you tried getting any of the facts shared on the Highwire by any search engine Google, Yahoo etc? None of the scientific research or data comes up. The extent of Censorship happening around Covid is astounding! Any valid voice of authority is ignored or wiped and any scientist offering any dissent is vilified and misrepresented. Del is a straight up HERO. What is new about your contribution, exactly?

  18. to conscientious objector
    September 4, 2021 at 6:08 am
    “I don’t do this for kicks, I think del is leading people astray on purpose, and I can’t just remain silent while it happens. If people keep listening to Del, millions will die that didn’t have to, and we may never be able to turn this around.”

    Let’s say that Del is trying to lead people astray,…. how does that lead to millions of deaths?


    You’re right, it’s probably in the billions, if we can’t turn this around.

  19. “You’re right, it’s probably in the billions, if we can’t turn this around.”


    Since you work for this site you ought to be able to say what you want.

  20. The people behind this agenda read these comments and others posted around the internet, about Wuhan, batshit, and Fauci, about this variant or that variant, and they are laughing their butt’s off because they know that people are chasing their tails and have no idea what’s happening and what needs to happen to turn this around.

    This isn’t about a virus that probably doesn’t exist in the first place, and people like Del want desperately to keep it about a virus, and defending rights in the corrupt courts that no longer exist, thanks to the shredding of our constitution as a result of allowing them to get away with 9/11.

    Want to turn this around?

    Then we need to deal with everything from the creation of the Federal Reserve, the JFK, RFK, MLK assassinations, the USS Liberty, Okay City 95, 9/11 and much more.

    Then you will get to the bottom of this and begin the long, slow, painful process of digging ourselves out of our own graves that this fake pandemic was designed to do.

    Del won’t even discuss it publicly for fear of being called a conspiracy theorist. But he’s not afraid to tell us that his heroes are criminals like John Kerry.

    Del is controlled opposition, even if he isn’t working directly with these criminals and is not consciously supporting genocide, (which I think he is) he’s playing right into their hands and refuses to even consider that he might be wrong about his approach, which in the end is just as bad.

    A corrupt legal system is a major factor in what is destroying America and Del is too brainwashed to even consider it, not the right man to lead anyone with a brain who can think for themselves.

    This man is one of the most credentialed lawyers in the world, and I agree with him 1000%.


    1. I agree about all the false flags and the Fed., I’m also very aware of all the corruption in our government, which, we the people let happen! I also believe there are some things being done about it, too!

    1. Del is wrong on almost everything, and ignoring that fact is not helping anyone.

      This depopulation agenda is a symptom of much larger problems that we need to deal with, whether Del wants to help or not. He has his platform for a reason, and it’s not to help this situation, same with Alex Jones and others who are purposely ignoring reality.

  21. The misleading Concientious (no conscience) Objector (prime Del Troll probably hired by Fuchshy) tries to take down Del.
    Got get up a lot earlier with that ugliness to work here.
    Have you checked you DNA lately to see how much of it is human, lately?
    Just sayin’ – telling humans not to believe the truth kinda’ tells me you’re not human.
    Not seeing and noticing and noting. For anyone who missed it. ;P
    The CO Troll won’t see it that way though.
    I can’t believe he thinks it would work here. LOL

    1. I realize that 9/11 was perpetrated by the Bush regime, traitors in the pentagon, elements of the Mossad and elements of NATO. (The NATO countries that were involved in the looting that took place and had troops involved, also had teams of well-paid “debunkers”) I have no trouble explaining that to humans.

      I realize that Del refuses to even talk about 9/11. (A Cardinal sin for people like Del)

      He so far has refused to talk about how corrupt the legal system is, (another cardinal sin) pretending that he can make a difference in court, which is only possible if you can “pay for play”, which may very well be what he has in mind, but he’s not telling people of his intentions, if that’s the case. Most likely he is just selling false hope until it’s too late. Then my guess is he’ll say, “OH WELL, we did all we could in the courts, now it’s time to roll up our sleeves, because we did all we could, and it’s the right thing to do.

      Del and others know all I want is the truth, and that’s good enough for me. Kooky people like you will say the damnedest things, not to have to deal with reality.

      The reality is that this is not about a virus and informed consent, it’s about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, it’s about restoring the republic before it’s too late.

  22. Dr. Zelenko’s interview was THE BEST. please make a mini video of the entire discussion so we can share this with others. He’s soooo right on the spiritual front. I pray God cure him so he can continue the fight with us on earthside. it truly is a fight between good and evil and once most people get out from this spell. Insha’Allah. Masalaama

  23. Some people distrust Dell’s intentions despite the transparency of information provided to all of us. He even encourage us to do our own research and appropriate the right conclusions, and to question the government and the official narrative. It takes only one thing: recover our power, shed our fear, and adhere to the facts, not propaganda. This is the only journalism with adherence to facts.

    1. “Some people distrust Dell’s intentions despite the transparency of information provided to all of us”

      That happened for me when he started censoring people, if he has such good intentions and is so transparent, then why did he start censoring?

  24. It doesn’t matter what religion you are? Like God Almighty is one size fits all??? The Bible is very clear on this… Jesus Christ WAS God manifested in the flesh! His name wasn’t even mentioned, neither was the Gospel. If you believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins, was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures… God immediately seals you with the Holy Spirit and you’re saved instantly. See 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 & Ephesians 1:13; 4:30

    Should the tribulation happen in our lifetime, and should you deny Jesus’ deity and the Gospel… your era of truth is the tribulation’s Antichrist.

    P.S. God hates religion. You cannot add anything to Christ Jesus’ finished work on the cross.

  25. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. “All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.” John 1:1-3

    “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” John 1:14

    The Word = Jesus Christ


    LATEST UPDATE OF VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) DATA:

    As of 27 August 30 2021 (the latest available) the number of deaths associated with the three vaccines given to Americans are:

    PFIZER 2766
    MODERNA 2865
    JANSSEN 621
    TOTAL 6280

    As to Myocarditis we have:

    PFIZER 969
    MODERNA 458
    JANSSEN 34

    The VAERS data has been presented in a way that makes it essentially useless, unless repackaged.



  27. A shocking report from Ontario, Canada, reveals that over 100 mostly young people were hospitalized for heart inflammation after receiving the experimental mRNA injection. source: infowars || Imagine if we had just listened to Mullis tell us the PCR test was not for diagnosing anything. These kids would not have been damaged for a lifetime. Search bitchute for Kerry Mullis. || Now, every single case and death attributed to sarscov2 (the never isolated virus) and covid19 (the symptoms of the never isolated virus) was verified by the PCR test. The antigen test is even more inaccurate.
    What are you people doing? We know that conservatively 200K people die every year from properly prescribed medications. We know that from 2013 the FDA has recalled over 8,000 medications.
    Me thinks the allopathic system of medicine needs reformation. And I do mean a 95 thesis nailed to the NIH castle door.

  28. Fauci is an imbecile. He says we now have to vaccinate all children to achieve herd immunity. Doesn’t he realize that we won’t have true herd immunity until we vaccinate every dog and squirrel and cat + every other animal in the entire world? Also, we have to vaccinate every flower, tree and blade of grass everywhere. And don’t forget about vaccinating all of the fish! After all, these magical viruses are EVERYWHERE- even in outer space, according to the panspermia theory. (I’m joking, of course, about everything except for Fauci being an imbecile.)

  29. The fact that the REPLY button does not work shows a form of “censorship” (through disruption) that is clearly being applied by the tech boys that run thehighwire.com.

    Is Del complicit in this? Don’t know.

      1. So you have turned it back on.

        Anyone with access to the server can turn it on and off at will.

        You can even do this for specific browsers.

        It is simply an adjustment in the CSS file.

        All one has to do is look at the previous comments and see that a number of replies are not in the correct place. These occurred while the REPLY button was not working. Its just Jew sabotage. Nothing unusual.

  30. Very good broadcast, especially the interview with Vladimer Zelenko. He had a tremendous speech with his friends in Israel, and I hope those friends will spread Vladimer’s advice. I pray for healing for Vladimer, and that the Eternal’s will be done through him. God bless you Vladimer, and I also send my blessings to Del.

  31. The interview with Dr Zelenko was AMAZING…
    I LOVED what he said about being nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.
    And his wrap up at the end of the interview was truly beautiful.
    Thank you Dr Zelenko, you are truly a hero in God’s eyes and as brothers we love you.

  32. Dr. Robert Morse can save Zelenko’s life naturally. Iridology

    As well in Houston. For anyone wanting to know, you too Del.

    Real beneficial insight through the eyes.

  33. Thanks for the Vladimir Zelenko interview. The oppressors have being using fear since the time of Pharaoh to control and bamboozle us and break our minds, so that we can no longer think rationally, or ask questions, and must simply OBEY. Follow THE Science, they say, but their science is simply gamed numbers and statistics, and bought and paid for “scientific studies” that contradict our lived experience and our deep inner sense of what is right and good. So many of my former friends have been zombified and Stockholm syndromed into hating themselves, all humanity and the complexity and staggering beauty of all of Creation. I fear for them, as sheep being led onto the killing floor. I pray they can regain a sense of self, and love and wonder – and skepticism of authority!
    In solidarity with all fellow beings, the birds, the trees, the Water Protectors of Standing Rock, and Dr. Zalenko.

  34. The fact that the comments are presented in a tiny box shows a form of “censorship” (through obfuscation) that is clearly being applied by the tech boys that run thehighwire.com.

    Is Del complicit in this? Don’t know.

    1. Doesn’t matter if he knows about it or not, he is responsible.

      This is the most heavily censored platform I have ever seen.

      It’s clear to anyone paying attention, that Del is not who he says he is.

      1. Also, you are posting your spam as replies to people, when your spam has nothing to do with what they said.

        You accuse others of working for the “tech boys” on this site, but it looks to me like another rat, who is smelling his own hole first.

        1. It is very common for a group of mainly religious Jews to patrol the comment sections of a web-site.

          They do this in conjunction with those who run the web-site.

          This is completely organized in order to “guide the flock.”


    Each of the nine VSV hybrids, as well as the spikeless particles, were used to infect each of the three cell cultures. This gave thirty cultures to report on. The results are shown as a matrix of small photos (shown below) of the cultures 48 hours after infection. These photos show the results of having the various spike proteins expressed on the surface of the Vero E6 cells. They indicate the level of damage done by the various spike proteins to the ACE2 expressing cells in your body…..

    The SARS-2-S(opt) hybrid virus looks amazingly dangerous. The relevant photos are (1,1) (1,2) and (1,3). Here, syncytia formation is extreme. Here the cleavage motif at the S1/S2 cleavage site has been destabilized by adding extra arginine (R) and lysine (K) units. In other coronaviruses this causes the spike proteins to be so unstable that they are able to fuse neighboring cells without the need of any receptor.

    Fortunately, such heavily multibasic motifs can never establish themselves naturally…..


  36. Hello Del,
    God bless you, and Dr Zelenko, and all your team. I found the video of the Rabbis’ vaccine advert chilling, not just for its content but because it was so horribly familiar. Have a look at this: https://youtu.be/JWf3Ji11EaU
    Same script writer? Has anyone found similar adverts from leaders of other faiths?

    1. There’s an Archbishop of the Catholic church who has just blown the whistle on the Pope and the true intentions of the Catholic Church. You’ll have to search for it, if you are interested.

      Most evangelicals are also on board with this depopulation agenda, not surprised at all by that. They have never been anything but lying scumbags, leading people straight to hell for the almighty dollar.

      If you think that you’re a “born again Christian”, who has been following these reprobates, you better think again.

  37. This new comments platform is horrible! The long, skinny side-screen “chat” format is user-unfriendly– it’s a chore just to try to scroll past the new troll/spammer(s) constant “contributions” clogging up the column.

    Even reading worthwhile comments is difficult; it’s now much more like the YouTube setup, which is the worst on the Internet.

    This is a sorry example of what results when website designers typically ignore the sensible principle of “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”

    Sadly, Highwire seems to discourage member feedback on these supposedly New! Improved! website updates instead of inviting feedback. I assume only other commenters may read this, if they get this far.

    It’s very disappointing and aggravating. I can only hope it is miraculously replaced by a proper comments platform– the previous one wasn’t perfect, but it was way better than this one!

    1. I don’t know what YouTube is like now, but they used to have a similar setup to the one that the Highwire had a couple months ago. It’s pretty obvious that the Highwire is using this style of commenting as a form of censorship.

      Del doesn’t want people criticizing him or his way of thinking, and this format is helping him accomplish that.

      It will end up biting him in the ass, if it hasn’t already , and will only get worse.

      BTW, You aren’t the only one disappointed over this, far from it.

      1. also, this MURDER BY COVID clown didn’t show up until after the new format, that should tell us something, I think he’s part of the deception.

          1. Good point, never assume that a malefactor is a man, more often than not, they are female, I stand corrected.

  38. Great interview with dr. Zelenko, he helps us a kot with his advices for us, WHO live in the country, where use of Ivermectin and HSQ is not allowd . Tank you Del

  39. I don’t see the clip interview with Dr. Zelenko. This was a powerful interview and so worthy of sharing. People need to see this on its own. Can you all upload that? Thanks.

  40. Yes, I don’t like the new skinny comments format either. Also, perhaps more moderation is needed. Or perhaps it doesn’t really matter- most people probably just watch the segments and don’t bother with the comments anyway. I wish, though, that the episode segments were available for individual viewing when a new episode is first available- instead of a week or so later. A 2:30 episode is a big long to watch in one setting.

  41. Is there any way to watch this in a lower bit rate? It keeps stopping and pausing. On my phone, I can’t even get the website to play the videos. 🙁

    I really want to be able to watch these episodes! Thanks!

  42. The bio weapon was created in a lab and the nanotech delivery has been put into the flu vaccines and other medical products to start the plandemic. Now it has been spread up he nose and in the arms of those willing to be lab rats.

  43. Mike Pompeo was Director of CIA in 2017 with access to US bio weapons research so he would have known that US NIH funded research at University of North Carolina before it funded research in Wuhan bio research lab:
    In https://nature.com/articles/nm.3985 published in 2015 Prof Ralph Baric at University of North Carolina bio lab, funded by NIH to research gain-of-function on SARS CoVs wrote:
    “we built a chimeric virus encoding a novel, zoonotic CoV spike protein from the RsSHC014-CoV sequence that was isolated from Chinese horseshoe bats”
    “30 March 2020 Editors’ note, March 2020: We are aware that this article is being used as the basis for unverified theories that the novel coronavirus causing COVID-19 was engineered. There is no evidence that this is true; scientists believe that an animal is the most likely source of the coronavirus.”
    But in Baric’s 2015 UNC article in Nature Medicine:
    “Reported studies were initiated after the University of North Carolina Institutional Biosafety Committee approved the experimental protocol
    (Project Title: Generating infectious clones of bat SARS-like CoVs; Lab Safety Plan ID: 20145741; Schedule G ID: 12279).
    These studies were initiated before the US Government Deliberative Process Research Funding Pause on Selected Gain-of-Function Research Involving Influenza, MERS and SARS Viruses.
    This paper has been reviewed by the funding agency, the NIH. Continuation of these studies was requested, and this has been approved by the NIH.”
    Toni Fauci unsuccessfully trying to deny NIH funding to Wuhan bio lab at US Senate hearing was to turn attention away from Ralph Baric’s research funded by NIH at UNC?

    1. “unverified theories that the novel coronavirus causing COVID-19 was engineered.”

      It’s almost OBVIOUS that the covid virus (SARS-CoV-2) has been genetically engineered.

  44. Here in NSW, Australia, vaccine passports are coming later this month. Basically pubs/clubs, events, restaurants etc won’t let you in unless you’ve had at least one dose. I work from home, so I’ve been fortunate that I don’t have to be vaccinated in order to work, but the requirements in Sydney are spreading out into the rest of the state, and then it’ll be the rest of the country. I feel like Victoria was the practice state for lockdowns, and NSW is now the practice state for mandatory vaccination. So yeah, not a lot of hope right now, sadly.

    The following is from the mouth of the person who is “leading” the state, Gladys Berejiklian, and I literally burst out laughing when she said this during yesterday’s press conference (I literally wrote this verbatim) because of how utterly nonsensical and downright bizarre it was:

    “If you’re doing the right thing, there’s no reason you’ll end up in hospital. Wait, I shouldn’t say that because sometimes, obviously, Delta doesn’t provide the symptoms, and people don’t even know they have the disease, until it’s uh, until it’s uh, the symptoms are made available.” – 05/08/21

    So yeah. This^ is in control of our state.

  45. What does on say to one’s dr who follows the narrative and tells me that all the dr’s mentioned are ‘fake’ – so wont listen or watch anything that I send him. Do I just go find another Dr – or do I try and continue to “educate” him – so he doesn’t do more harm?

  46. Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIDsKdeFOmQ

    Erin Marie Olszewski is interviewed regarding her time at Elmhurst Hospital in New York.

    She shows that people who had repeatedly tested negative for Covid-19 were being labeled as Covid-confirmed, were put on Covid-only floors where they caught the disease, and put on ventilators when their oxygen levels fell. Once on ventilators, they almost invariably died.

    Even though they did not have coronavirus when they checked in, many were given the disease, put on ventilators, and died.

    She calls it murder, which it was.

    Erin records a conversation between nurses, and doctors, where the nurses refuse to kill a patient by letting him die when he could have been saved. Apparently, the doctors had been instructed to treat patients as DNR (do not resuscitate) even though they were not DNR. The nurses refused to go along with this. You may ask why the media has refused to investigate her claims. You may ask why the media has refused to even report them.

  47. I have observed buffering, pauses, lagging on their website from multiple browsers and devices over the course of the past 12 months. This is likely interference from an outside source of their site and or server.

  48. Thank you so much Del you are giving us strength to be brave and never give in with the lies. God bless you and all those who are making a difference. We need a better world and is so sad they are after the children now, is disgusting that the governments of the world are willing to experiment on children without the parent consent, a child can’t consent without properly informed.

  49. Thank you for the information Del. I still dont think Covid exists becausr it was never isolated. I think that takes away a lot of the fear and anxiety especially around any variant that comes our way supposedly. I’m suprised you havent interviewed dr. Carrie madej yet. I dont think youre a scam though or doing us any harm. Im so grateful for your show. I know that if people did these protocols whether that for pnemonia, asthma, vaccime side effects, etc., it would be better than them going on ventilators. Im so grateful you gave that info out early on. Ignore the trolls. God bless.

  50. In the future we will have to decide whether we want to procreate with GMO humans or natural humans who haven’t had the DNA/RNA modified by vaccines.

  51. CDC statement on vaccines

    “No. None of the authorized COVID-19

    vaccines in the United States contain

    the live virus that causes COVID-19.

    This means that a COVID-19 vaccine

    cannot make you sick with COVID-19.

    COVID-19 vaccines teach our immune

    systems how to recognize and fight the

    virus that causes COVID-19.”

    “CDC, None of the authorized COVID-19

    vaccines in the United States contain

    the live virus…”

    The vaccines do not contain a virus!

    “CDC…vaccines teach our immune

    systems how to recognize and fight the


    How the hell does it teach our bodies to fight the virus if the virus is not in the shot?!

  52. Great information. Thank you
    I am one of those nurses, I stood up for what I believe in and resigned. Mandates like this should not be legal! If you are mandating something like this vaccine there should be safety protocols and options for those who will not take it. A lot of these hospitals are using vaccine or cant be employed here approach and are loosing a lot of very experienced staff. It is unbelievable.

  53. CDC statement on vaccines:

    “None of the authorized covid-19 vaccines in the United States contain the live virus that causes covid-19.”


    “This means that a covid-19 vaccine cannot make you sick with covid-19.”


    Covid-19 vaccines teach our immune systems how to recognize and fight the virus that causes covid-19.





    1. So you think the virus exists in the first place?
      Ask the cdc if they have an isolate of cv19.
      The answer is NO.
      So where does the spike protien come from? A computer generated rna string.
      So its a guess then!
      No you say ive seen a picture of it. No you have not if it has never been isolated what is the picture? It is an exosome which is created by a cell if it is poisoned or under stress. This very small exosome communicates with other parts of body as a warning signal and even passes on a signal to other life around it that there is a possible danger. Trees do it also.
      The pandemic is one of fear and innacurate testing of well people lying all the way about asymptomatic people spreading a virus. Absolutely wrong.

  54. По сути своей “Умног голосование” сегодня это политическая стратегия, изобретена российским внесистемным политическим деятелем Алексеем Навальным как средство борьбы с “Единой Россией” умного голосования, проголосовать за главного оппонента кандидата “Единой России” во многих одномандатных округах везде по стране, вне зависимости от общественно-политической принадлежности и взглядов этого соперника.
    А ряд его последователей приехал в другую страну, и они конечно все еще работают над списками умного голосования на грядущих выборах.
    Как к примеру, в случае, если у либералов намного больше вероятности выиграть избирательный район, нужно проголосовать за него, когда даже вы ненавидите их.
    Скажем, когда у коммуниста намного больше шансов победить избирательный округ, следует отдать голос за него, если вы лично этого не жаждете.
    Сегодня Алексей Навальный пребывает в тюрьме, и его собственное политическое движение заявлено “противозаконна”, потому оно не имеет права действовать в России.

    [url=https://navalny-team.com/]база данных участников умного голосования скачать[/url]

  55. Hmmmm call me crazy but….I’m a little suspicious of this monoclonal antibody infusion…what else is it putting in the people? I wonder. I mean, we know the pharmaceutical sickcare industry is NOT interested in keeping people alive sooooo what is this treatment doing?? Don’t trust it.

  56. 1) How does the MD go about differentiating between illness from a variant vs illness from ADE? 1) Do you have any concern about vegan/vegetarian taking quercetin–I have read it interferes with plant protein absorption? Thank you for all you have done and are doing. You are in my prayers.

  57. Medical government suckers are the highest paid, such as psychiatrist, psychologist,medicines, surgeons, state hospitals, veterans hospitals… trillions of taxpayer money poured in government medical waste and military wasted money. Everything government teaches citizens to be in debt same as the USA government.. old folks are money makers for government

  58. What a great video. I love Dr. Zelenko. I love this ICAN and the amazing work you all do and like you, I pray for all of us. This is the Great Awakening. Thank you for this great info on how to stay safe..

    If you follow this channel, you will be among the 10% who make it to the other side, God Willing. Stay safe all of us.

  59. Fauci seen, has a mask on, you can see it at the neck, I am so sick of him and all this crap going on. Enough is enough and I would never take this horrible jab Love and pray for you Del every day.

  60. God Bless Dr. Zelenko! How are we not ALL believing the TRUTH we just heard? May the gods above be with him…and us! I took ivermectin 200mcg/kg and got over “bad flu” in 24 hrs…64y/O with no health issues! Been giving it to my goats for years!

  61. There is nothing more frustrating than viewing a video presentation and not knowing the “date” the video was produced and the date the video was uploaded.

    It’s like watching an important news report from the mainstream media showing an interview of a guest speaker and not seeing a caption with the name of the guest speaker, without the location of the interview, and without the date the interview was recorded.

    Such video presentations are rookie presentations and have no regard for competent video production professionalism.

  62. My son got his 2nd Pfizer shot in the afternoon on this past Friday and went to bed with chills. He woke up around 2 am with chills so bad that he couldn’t get back to sleep. He came to find me saying he was feeling terrible at 2:40 am at which time we tried giving him tylenol. As my wife handed him the tylenol he collapsed. His jaw broke his fall and woke him up. He had no idea what had happened but He did tell me he felt like he was going to die. We had an ambulance take him to the hospital and his heart rate was very low but OK.

  63. Dr. Zelenko through a friend of mine provided me with medications and he is nothing short of awesome. He also speaks the truth in the the Rothschild created Zionist state of Israel is using the Jewish people by way of promoting victimhood for their own ends which is world domination. It’s all documented as there were many who became heads of state upon the founding of Israel that collaborated with the Nazis

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China Fires Back on Covid Origin; ICAN Sues NIH; ACIP Rebuffs Biden & Plotkin; New Data Reveals Shocking Vaccine Risk; Dr. Bartlett on Monoclonal Antibodies; Dr. Zelenko Is On a Mission

Guests: Dr. Richard Bartlett & Dr. Vladimir Zelenko