From Tony Fauci to Boris Johnson, the definition of ‘vaccinated’ is now changing to include a 3rd and maybe even 4th booster.
From Tony Fauci to Boris Johnson, the definition of ‘vaccinated’ is now changing to include a 3rd and maybe even 4th booster.
The report on the United Kingdom. A passage from the report:
Covid-19 has had a devastating impact on older persons living in care homes in England. 28,186 “excess deaths” were recorded in care homes in England between 2 March and 12 June, with over 18,500 care home residents confirmed to have died with Covid-19 during this period. UK government decisions and failures resulted in violations of the human rights of people living in care homes, notably the right to life, to health and to non-discrimination. From discharging 25,000 patients, including those infected, into care homes; to denying care homes residents admission to hospital and imposing “do not attempt resuscitation” orders on them without due process, to failing to provide PPE (personal protective equipment) and testing to care homes. Older persons living in care homes were abandoned to die.
I guess; “people in care homes had their right to life violated”, sounds better than; “people in care homes were murdered,” but it is less accurate.
Is there a video that makes this whole idea of the “vaccine” making this worse instead of better easily digestible…so be forwarded to others to get the word out!?!? Please share a link…thanks.
The title of this thread is disinformation.
The so-called vaccines are a huge success, killing people as expected and the boosters will be even more effective than the first round of shots, many of which are saline injections.
The Highwire is spreading disinformation and promoting “kook doctors” who refuse to say that this is a well funded depopulation agenda.
So you’re going to reject everything Bigtree says because his truth isn’t “pure” enough? That’s a great way to ensure that “divide and rule” continues. Why don’t you try playing on the same team by focusing on what you might have in common with the views on this show? (Unless, of course, you yourself are a disinfo troll.)
Chris; Grab a copy of “The potential for antibody-dependent enhancement of SARS-CoV-2 infection: Translational implications for vaccine development,” by Wang and Zand.
It has a diagram (page two) showing how antibody-dependent enhancement works.
You are the first person to get it right speak the truth keep it up thank you
@ Jon
If that was directed at me, thank you. They seem to go out of their way to make this website as difficult as possible to understand and navigate.
Try this link – it is stuffed with information.
Most of this mess is placed on Donald Trumps shoulders. He was bamboozled by Fauci, Birx, and especially that scumbag Bourla. The goddamn fool still brags about these dubious, ineffective Gene Editing Therapies…..
Trump is part of, and in full support of this agenda.
Dr David Martin presents;
The names and faces of the people who are killing humanity.
Amazing stuff.
Download it from:
If there going to keep this booster game rolling, you knew sooner or later they where going to bull shit more and more about the JAB not working, but they had to wait til the last min to make sure everyone got one …..there not going to call bull on there JAB off the gate ….again this should be no surprise…
I’m a perfect example of natural immunity, and I HAVE PROOF! I tested positive for COVID19 on May 7, 2020, because I work in the mobile xray, I registered with Baltimore County Maryland to be tracked. I get the PCR test every week that I work, and have tested negative since my recovery. I also had 2 SarsCov2 antibody test, one on September 3, 2021 and the other on October 28, 2021. While the DEATH JAB DOESN’T EVEN LAST 6 MONTHS, MY NATURAL IMMUNITY HAS LASTED AT LEAST 18 MONTHS. I’m still xrying people with covid and haven’t been reinfected.
@Murder by covid please stop copying and pasting the same few posts. We get it. Post something original. I’d like to hear your opinions or comments instead.
Then ask some questions.
And yes, you’ve seen it; but most haven’t.
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus
(CoV), is currently an immense global health threat. There are currently no effective treatments
Yes the authors simply believe what they have been told by the lying media.
Both hyroxchloroquine and ivermectin haven been conclusively shown to be of benefit to covid patients.
A review article on ivermectin concludes that: Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in Covid-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin.
If you remember back a few months you will recall that covid was getting out of control in India.
Cases, hospitalizations, and deaths were sky-rocketing.
The authorities in the state of Uttar Pradesh (200 million people) decided to provide covid-packs containing ivermectin, an oxygen meter, aspirin, and vitamins, for all 200 million people. The packs cost a few dollars. A few weeks later the disease had almost disappeared (new cases now being very rare). At this time only about 20% of the population had been vaccinated.
Do you hear anything (from the lying media) about India now that they have had success? Of course not.
Both hyroxchloroquine and ivermectin haven been conclusively shown to be of benefit to covid patients.
Ivermectin is also approved by the FDA but nobody in the media tells you that; nor will the hospitals because the hospitals are being paid a 20% bonus to use “remdesivir” which is a killer drug.
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of blogging, that genuinely how to do running a blog.
I am one of the “vaccine”(??☠️?CCP-Death/Harm Jab!) injured people?
Is this fauci guy straight out lying? or is he dilusional? He wont even bear witness to factual science. The facts are the cdc so-called vaccine, does NOT work!!!
I am sorry for those who have trusted in it hoping and confiding in a solution to this virus, but we need to read, research, and cross reference what this devilish government says. Fauci is also a pawn being used by the hands behind the hand that we see.
Anyone who can or have caused the people to think has been censored, banned, hurt , or killed. All to keep us ingnorant. BUT the masses are awakening. The alarm has sounded!
From the opening clip of Fauci from 0:11 seconds to 1:12 minutes is jibberish language that translates to: The vaccine and boosters does NOT work. I typed this in plain english in 7 seconds.
Please take a moment to comment. There are only 277 comments. There should be thousands.
The OSHA regulation halting mandatory C-19 vaccines is in place until Dec. 6. It is now open to public comment. Our response as a nation will decide if it comes to a judicial review. Go now to the link below and voice your opinion before Dec. 6th. Share with everyone you know!
If there going to keep this booster game rolling, you knew sooner or later they where going to bull shit more and more about the JAB not working, but they had to wait til the last min to make sure everyone got one …..there not going to call bull on there JAB off the gate ….again this should be no surprise…