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      The report on the United Kingdom. A passage from the report:

      Covid-19 has had a devastating impact on older persons living in care homes in England. 28,186 “excess deaths” were recorded in care homes in England between 2 March and 12 June, with over 18,500 care home residents confirmed to have died with Covid-19 during this period. UK government decisions and failures resulted in violations of the human rights of people living in care homes, notably the right to life, to health and to non-discrimination. From discharging 25,000 patients, including those infected, into care homes; to denying care homes residents admission to hospital and imposing “do not attempt resuscitation” orders on them without due process, to failing to provide PPE (personal protective equipment) and testing to care homes. Older persons living in care homes were abandoned to die.

      I guess; “people in care homes had their right to life violated”, sounds better than; “people in care homes were murdered,” but it is less accurate.




        Playing Russian roulette: Nursing homes told to take the infected. California, New Jersey and New York have made nursing homes accept Covid-19 patients from hospitals. Residents and workers fear the policy is risking lives. See this New York Times article.

        On March 25th, 2020, New York Governor Cuomo issued an executive order forcing the transfer over 4,500 Covid-19 patients from hospitals to their nursing homes (also called old-age or care homes). In the following weeks the nursing homes saw 6,000 deaths from Covid-19…. See here.

        You could make a strong argument that the USA’s deadly coronavirus problem is largely a nursing home problem,… See here.

        Republican Whip Steve Scalise announced that he had sent letters to the governors of California, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, demanding they explain why they ignored protocols and forced Covid-19 patients into nursing homes. Scalise noted, “While nursing home residents make up 0.6% of the U.S. population, they account for 42% of nationwide Covid-19 deaths”. That is, 70% of all U.S. Covid-19 deaths had (up till that time) been in care homes.



          On March 25th, 2020, New York Governor Cuomo issued an executive order forcing the transfer over 4,500 Covid-19 patients from hospitals to their nursing homes (also called old-age or care homes). In the following weeks the nursing homes saw 6,000 deaths from Covid-19.

          The New York Governor, Cuomo, refuses to say who conceived of the order (to send Covid-19 positive patients to care homes). But as you can see (from the above), the person/people who gave the order, gave it worldwide. Who has this sort of power? Perhaps Cuomo should be charged with murder to loosen his tongue.

          Recently, the media has been trying to impeach Cuomo over the massive under-counting of nursing home deaths, and numerous accusations of sexual harassment. These are designed to throw the real issue into the background. However, Cuomo will eventually have to be thrown under the bus to protect those who actually designed (and understood the implications of) the policy which Cuomo carried out.

          Unsurprisingly, those countries known to have adopted this policy (of sending Covid-19 positive patients to care homes) have the highest number of deaths (per unit of population). It would be interesting to know if the other countries with very high death percentages, namely, Bulgaria, Portugal, Slovenia, and Czechia, also subscribed to this evil policy.


          1. I happen to think that, while the policy was insane and probably did cost some lives, I’m not sure it was that many, because many of the homes had already had cases before the order, and once a home has a few cases of a highly transmissible virus, it is conceivable that the rest of the staff, residents, etc. will be exposed to it and that many will become infected. I could be wrong but that’s the way I see it. Glad that Cuomo is gone either way, and though Hochul seems worse, it was a step in the right direction. As they say, you have to lose a little to gain a lot.

          2. As heinous as it was, the sending of covid patients to care homes was only the secondary crime.

            The worse crime was the deliberate spreading of the virus to the care homes in the first place.

            As of 1 June, 92% of all Covid-19 deaths in Nova Scotia, occurred in long-term care homes.

            As of 1 June, 88% of all Covid-19 deaths in Quebec, occurred in long-term care homes.

            As of 1 June, 81% of all Covid-19 deaths in Ontario occurred in long-term care homes.

            As of mid-June, 70% of all U.S. Covid-19 deaths had been in care homes.

            This was the same in all western countries.

            In all western countries covid started in the care homes.

            How could that be?

            It is because it was spread to them first.


          3. Why did Covid-19 hardly spread at all in Asia (and Africa)?

            Simply because old-age/care homes are rare in Asia (and Africa).

            Here the elderly live with their children.

            This made it much more difficult for the evil nutters spreading the disease to get at the vulnerable.

            Western countries proved particularly soft targets.

            Initially, they killed as many people in the old-age/care homes as possible in order to scare everyone into taking their vaccines.

            Big bucks were at stake.

        2. These policy makers are decidedly not stupid or inept. They know this data. Their actions are carefully considered to reduce social security , medicare, va, retirement obligations. One more pandemic, as is predicted by Fauci/Gates et al, and the social security solvency probem is solved. This is a no brainer.

        3. Individual Australian police officers are going to get tired of beating and firing on their neighbors, friends and family and you’re going to see them start to mutiny because of their conscience.

          1. Yes it’s true. Our local pharmacy declined a scrip for hydrochloriquine because it was to treat covid. So sad! It’s terrible that we are being forced to get the vaccine to work, but people don’t need it to get unemployment or a welfare check!

          2. Not many Gestapo agents rebelled. Even K G B (N K I V) rebelled against Stalin, even knowing that their own families were in grave danger, even they themselves. TOO EFFIN COWARDLY. Plus, they ENJOY the power.

        4. “You’re vaccinated, you are the SMART ones”
          Indeed. Listen to how many times she says “smart”! This is the new species of humans!!! This RIGHT NOW is the verge of homo sapiens to HOMO SMART!!!! The new human species that’s been enhanced by non divine interventions!!! Like GMOs, now humans are GMOs!

          1. The secret servants of Satan are taking control of governments throughout the world.
            I don’t believe that Biden got a real vaccine.

      2. Thank you for Standing United for Truth! Canada has ,& is still participating in this elder abuse & genocide! It must be stopped! E5Crimez Against Humanity!!! Telegram @nbcarol

      3. Im Steavenson Dorce living in Chile they have being pushing covid vaccine on the population now they decided on 1 november for everybody to have a vaccine passport if not you can not get on the bus or train please we need help here spread the message for me im in Chile Santiago

      1. The bulk of this webpage is devoted to creating this skinny difficult to read format from the old format.

        The old format is hidden behind all this. It has simply been distorted by javascript and CSS.

        Sometimes you can see the old format flash past before the scripts gets to act.

        If you want the old format just save the file as file.htm and globally replace https://thehighwire.com/ by the empty string (i.e. nothing). Then save the changes and view file.htm in your web-browser.

    2. He will Never take Real Vaccine, it’s all fake and fallacious…Show off…. To make the world believe that they are smart and we all are stupid and dumb heads

    3. This is insanity! If we didn’t have the 2nd Amendment, we would look just like Australia does today! They are ripping us from our ability to earn money via Clot Shot mandates! They are destroying our worldwide financial and logistic systems. And, they believe we will bow down to them. They miserably underestimating We The People! God will have no pity on souls which were willfully given to Satan!

    4. It is my opinion that the reason Australia is fast Forward with their dystopian society is because they took their guns and maybe even knives away. That is the reason they can use them as a trial run. Americans hear me and any of the world that still has their guns. They have been working for along time here in the US to take our guns from us for this reason. This fact isn’t shared enough.

    5. The
      Mandate is happening they are making people have the jab or loose there job
      Some people can’t afford to loose their job
      So the end up getting the jab and have not wanted to get it
      What do they do

    6. She’ll be right…Australia gave up their Guns…so She will never be right…as she can’t lift up their arms against the tyranny of the money laundering land of down under it has become as one of the leading 5 Eyes Deep State Intel Countries. When Truth to Power doesn’t listen to Logic and Reason…then Bullets do the talking. You can’t find freedom under the grown.

    7. I AM THAT I AM driving all of the Satanists’ evils and weapons back into themselves for their own destruction so that they QUICKLY REAP WHAT THEY SOW and DESTROY THEMSELVES and EACH OTHER. I AM THAT I AM replacing all of the Satanists with the GOD-VICTORIOUS, LIGHT ALL-GLORIOUS, FLAMING JESUS CHRIST PERFECTION and HEAVEN ON EARTH.

      1. She says, ” We feel like we’re free,” while being not free to even go outside, go visit friends and family, go to the park, work. While the police are checking on them, weekly . … ???

    1. Hochul is a Jew.

      Hochul says the Jew-god enabled the Jew-scientists to produce a wonderful vaccine.

      It is a gift from the Jew-god to you.

      Therefore, you and everyone else, must take it.

      The Jew-god has spoken.

          1. Is the Jew-god the same as the Christian-god?

            Many Christian sects say they are the same, but according to the Gnostic Christians, the Jew-god (Yaldabaoth/Jaldabaoth) is actually the Christian devil.

    2. Great and so uplifting to hear the radical of mainstream. Jefferey and Del, among plenty others like yourselves, are believable. We got to trust in media somewhere. And to listen to you guys speak truth who can disagree and run from it? 911 is not this freakin scare/scamdemic. This is not like the shitty shit whoremonger government regarding 911. Many many more lives lie in the balance, world wide. Truthers unite, we are winning and will only rise up us mighty warriors.

  1. Can’t find you on Bitchute anymore… and the past episodes are gone as well ? Are you using any video hosting site anymore ? rumble ? I like to download the shows, but now I can’t.

    1. I see there is a download option on TheHighwire site… but the file is 3.2 Gig… 10X bigger than I usually have when I download off Bitchute (MP4 file, 640 x 360). If THW could offer this MUCH SMALLER video option to download, that would be great ! And it would save you $$ on bandwidth as well.

    1. You’re right about that Rich, the holocaust would have never happened if the Jewish people and other ethnic minorities were armed and killed ever Nazi in sight.

      You don’t have to kill them all, once a few of them get the hint, they’ll be too busy cleaning poop out of their drawers, to ask anyone for their papers, or give anyone a shot.

      A 12 gauge shotgun slug will stop a charging grizzly bear dead in its tracks. That’s the preferred weapon for household defense against any predator imaginable.

  2. I have no sympathy for any health worker that was happy to take theor paycheck and went along with the scam – including injecting people – and then when it came their turn to get the vaccine.. oh no..

  3. I am in Melbourne and in construction management. I said no to the mandated vaccine, I was lucky enough to be able to work from home.

    I am hoping people power will overcome this madness. We are from the UK and can not legally escape if we tried.

  4. The police in Australia are evil, inhumane thugs. They MUST pay for their actions, and so must their handlers. The next “Nuremberg” should be “Melbourne”.

    1. Uh…have you heard anything about the Taliban recently? Sorry but it’s still radical Islamists with their strict sharia law and terrorism (not “the Muslims”, it was always a small minority of radicals), we’ve only added a corrupt and insane govenment, pharmaceutical industry, and media to make things severely and exponentially worse. Oh and by the way, the palestinian-Israeli conflict is technically about land occupation and not about Islam, even though the distinction between PALESTINIAN terrorism and RADICAL ISLAMIC terrorism is basically nonexistent as the two have become intertwined, and both camps have used the others theology to justify and excuse terrorist activities.

    1. Where’d those thousands of guns the govt. bought off the citizens come from then? They got them from the aboriginals? Oh, no, actually, they murdered the aboriginals flagrantly until the seventies, legally, as was done in California until there were no free natives left. It’s discourageing how folks know nothing of their own history these days.

    1. It’s too bad they did, but that’s water under the bridge.

      They need to start making firearms. They have craftsmen down there, they better get busy.

      You can make a primitive rifle out of small bore pipe. There’s a lot they can do if they choose life, liberty and justice.

  5. There are a lot of people in and around my social circles, who totally believe in the whole “get the shot, it’s safe & it works” line and try to convince me to get it. I’m even possibly being threatened with losing my job, which puts me in a fear state.

  6. so what about after the vaccinated majority that after five years mostly die off . what is left to survive is the original antigenic non vaccinated people

  7. Maybe defund the police actually has the right idea after watching these videos. I am so sad for those families who lost their members who fought for freedom and this is how they treat their memories!!

  8. I don’t think they give a true vaccine to any of the top people. It’s not required for white house employees. And many other agencies. I think it is a placebo. Also I think many of the shots out there around the world are placebos. Maybe more placebos then actual mRNA shots because if you have an agenda and know that many will get antibody dependent enhancement then your plan will fail if too many people start dropping. Each round of boosters will have mRNA and placebos so over the course of 10 years you can reach your target. Whether that target is tracking, depopulation, sterilization or all of those is anybody’s guess.

  9. How does Del know he hasn’t had the COVID? With an antibody test? Or a T cell test? Some people develop immunity without having symptoms. Especially if they are taking good care of their health. Dr.Richard Urso of America’s Frontline Doctors says it is possible for those who have natural immunity to the COVID to pass on their immunity to others simply by being around them. So if Del hasn’t had a T cell test he might not know if he is one of those who was given immunity from being around COVID survivors.

  10. My company is giving employees 2 weeks to get vaccinated or face unpaid leave of absence and then termination if you don’t comply–doesn’t matter if you work from home. Has nothing to do with patient care. Los Angeles is out of control. You will need vaccine proof for stores (except food so far), restaurants, movie theatres etc.

  11. When the snit will hit the fan, politicians will blame researchers, doctors and all medical staff. Hopefully all this “medical staff” who advocate the pro-vaccination ,for now, will be able to deal with people anger at that point.

  12. My husband and I are 65 and have comorbidities. We got covid a month ago. We immediately got Regeneron infusions, took HCQ, zinc with quercetin, a z-pac, and prednisone. We only got mild colds and coughs. We are still tired though.
    My question though is if we are still vulnerable( although much less so I know) to new covid variants because of our comorbidities even though we have natural immunity? If so, what should we be taking to protect ourselves?

  13. I hope they don’t let there guard down if Australia let’s up when they hit 80%. Because if they do. In a few weeks they will grab and force vax the non vaxed one by one. I guarantee it. If you really don’t want to be vaxxed, you will never be safe until all governments around the world have all new people in the positions.

  14. We will need a New Nurenburg trial against ANY poliitician, ANY businessman, ANY NGO organization, ANY scientist,ANY journalist, ANY military, ANY judge, ANY MD and nurse that participated in this crime against humanity. The agenda is GLOBAL NAZI GERMANY LIKE MEDICAL TYRANNY. And some of them will have to be hanged. We have to take care of these people like we did with the NAZIS, because that is what we are dealing with (even in Israel)

  15. This chaos is being done by purpose. People have to get this into their heads. YOU DO NOT NEGOCIATE WITH ADOLF HITLER. Because this is what people like New-York politicians are. These people deserve to be arrested, tried for crimes against humanity and EXECUTED like the NAZIS they are.

  16. Biden is a puppet just like the rest of them and he definitely did not have the vaccine booster shot. If people are afraid of this scamdemic they the politicians and Governments around the World are also afraid hence Biden has to be in a hidden bunker somewhere in the back of Wall Mart.

  17. As much as I appreciate all the facts, you have to understand that no scientific argument counts for the TYRANTS. You can argue as you want, nothing will change with them, as long as they people are not removed from power by hook or by crook. They are hell bent on installing a totalitarian pseudo medical tyranny where you will own NOTHING, not even your OWN BODY !!!! The objective is transforming USA and all countries into a chinese like slave colony,

  18. Agreed, there is no way you take the political risk of a live vaccination.
    And I have always wondered how that lot of placebos got out to the public . . . Would love a random audit of various lots of vaccines in queue now.

  19. Extremely Urgent : August 31, 2021 – COVID GAME OVER
    The WHO has been replaced by the “Global Health And Wellness Consortium” Effective immediately All Covid Vaccines Must be destroyed as they have been deemed Biological Waste/Weapons . Please view Ratified in the Hall of Records Order to Cease and
    desist Immediately Covid Vaccines . and also Cures for Covid/Corona Virus Anyone continuing to administer Vaccines Will be held accountable in their personal and Professional Capacity On a Civil And Criminal Basis.
    Please Forward in Your City , State, Country to all Doctors, Hospitals , Pharmacies, Police Officers,State Governments, Militaries, News Media , Business’s , Lawyers and all other’s involved in promoting or administering Covid Vaccines. It is now Illegal
    Please Print the Cease and Desist order and give to any law enforcement unaware.


  20. You do not try reasoning with NAZIS. You are dealing with NAZIS and NAZIS know only one language. I see the SAME NAZIS now in Israel.

  21. Believing in vaccines ? It is not scientific to say you believe in vaccines. One vaccine may save lives. But all vaccines ? No. It takes 10 years to be testes adequately. Now did the criminals against humanity that are the FDA the CDC and nazi like US politicians like Biden and Trump allowed due process ? No. We will indeed have to arrest these people and send them to Nurenburg. Mass murder like the one presently in process should be followed by capital punishment, poliicians included. I expect that in the long term 2 billion people and more will soon be dying. I pray that I am dead wrong. But that being the case 40 000 people dead in Europe and USA is already good enough for indeed a good hanging. I NO CONSENT. That is the only phrase that is sufficient to stop the insanity. But the People will indeed have to remove the tyrants before all this happens. It is truly a MEDICIDE.

  22. The reason health cares are fighting being vaxed is very hypocritical. They had no problem with giving the vax to everyone else but now when they have to be vaxed they object. History always repeats itself. I will never be vaxed

  23. “Do it, or else!”. We are now at that very precipice we all saw steadfastly coming straight at our health professionals and first responders who are being ordered to take an untested, known to be very harmful even deadly, contaminated, ‘vaccine’ or losing their jobs.

    Truth being blocked and even deleted from most if not all major media platforms. Going so far as to even make unavailable archived material that shows it was available and downloaded months ago. That alone should concern you greatly, if not justifiably scare you as to the lengths they have gone and will go to keep the majority of the populace ignorant and in the dark. Only being able to watch and get dis-information being touted as truth, and sadly, believing every word coming at them from the news and trusted officials they elected to protect them. What al those politicians and pro-vaccinated people that absolutely hate very educated un-vaccinated people should take to heart is this. Thousands and thousands of the very best and brightest healthcare professionals that are being fired or have quit WILL NOT BE THERE when/if you get Covid and go to a hospital! Who is going to treat you? Doctors, nurses, therapists, laboratory workers, that know their jobs, have the best experiences and are the best you can get are all going to be GONE! Who is going to treat you? Ponder on that for awhile.

    There you are, wide eyed and struggling to breathe, skin moist with cold sweat as your body goes through the various stages as your vital signs spiral ever downward before you’re told your best option is for them to render you unconscious and jam a breathing tube down your trachea. You’re scared sh*tless because you realize with each agonizing shortened breath that the best of the best are no longer there. That all of you that relentlessly pushed to get everybody ‘vaccinated’ have all shot yourselves in the foot.

    Hmmm. . . I wonder who or what is going to be treating you? Witch doctor with a chicken bone through the nose? One of those doctors that pretend they are curing you by magically pulling chicken guts out of your body? How about edible clay? No? Then Jilly Juice is your answer. Proprietress Jillian Epperly claims that you can live to be 400 years old, AND, it can even re-grow lost limbs! Show me one health care professional that can do that for you! Uh-huh, good luck with those picks. But seriously, who do you want caring for you or a loved one should you ever get Covid? I hope you now can see how important this push-back is, for everyone. Even though you have been vaccinated, you can all still play a very important role in turning around these forced crimes by becoming educated WITH TRUTH, not mainstream misinformation (that ‘they’ say we are spreading). Stand with us for the future of mankind, to ensure these crimes are not allowed to happen again, and to hold those who are guilty accountable for all those who have died or have become terribly disabled and cannot get justice for themselves.

    1. I doubt that “the best” can somehow suddenly move totally away from the fact that medical malpractice accounts for the third highest cause of death in the US. And as the first two are cancer and heart disease, guess who’s totally implicated in those deaths also? Yep, leeches, or known by their succeeding name, “doctors”, doctoring the results for their own benefits, as incited by their medical insurance coverage, the absolutely most important aspect of being a leech.
      We’ve already seen the proof of less deaths due to medical suspension of services. NO unexplained “crib deaths” in Italy while vaccinating was suspended. Soon as it started up again, so did the infant deaths of such consistent mystery.
      Frankly, I’ll attempt to kill anyone as tries to take me to any hospital, as my children have known for years now. I’d rather die peacefully out under the open sky than in their paid for murder hands.
      Try a reading of The Birth of The Clinic, by Michel Foucault.

      1. If that’s not enough, try Murder by Injection by Eustace Mullins. Then we can talk “medicine” as practiced. See Amazing Polly’s recent incisive look into “intensivists”, who control intensive care policies.

  24. Canada has a national interest exemption for American NBA players that are not vaccinated permitting them to travel and play in Canada. Yet the unvaccinated Canadians are under restrictions. Follow the science 😉

  25. Almost no vaccine is a dead virus any more. They all seem to be attenuated or live viruses that permit transmission to the unvaxxed. The dead virus vaccinations did not do that.
    ALL of the COVID vaccines carry the spike protein. Novovax gets it from a MOTH; you still get the spike protein even if it’s not in mRNA. Between the fact that the COVID vax allows transmission and doesn’t prevent the illness, and the respiratory illnesses I get as a result of the flu vax, I am becoming an “unbeliever” in vaccines. This is not what vaccines were meant to do. The function of a vaccine is “To stimulate the development of specific defensive mechanisms in the body which result in more or less permanent protection against a disease. An attack of small pox or diphtheria, for example, usually leaves the recovered patient permanently immune to those diseases. As a result of infection, the body succeeds in building up its own defenses, so that a new infection causes no illness. A successful vaccine does the same thing without risk of illness.” Source: “Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary” Copyright 1981 by F.A. Davis Company; Fourth Printing November 1982
    Also: the vaccines don’t produce immunity as defined by the CDC:
    Definition of “Immunity”
    “Protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.” Source: CDC. And they have absolutely no way of knowing what you get will be “less severe”. They use a computer program for that. Plenty of people still die after they get the vax

  26. Frank says the NSW government said if they get 80 percent vaccinated they will get their freedoms back. We were told that in Ontario, Canada too. We are over that threshold and last week vaccine passports came in so there is no return to freedoms. Death rate in Ontario has been virtually zero percent since June 20. Still enforcing vaccine passports, still wearing masks, still capacity limitations.

  27. Dr Fauci should be hanging from a hope with Bill Gates. Hundred of millions of people in the world think the same thing. USA is ruled by GENOCIDAL MASS MURDERERING PSYCHOPATHS.

    1. Has been for a long time. All colonial nations have been subject to genocide, no one more than the Native NOrth American, whose genocide is marked by historians as the most complete ever. The USA was built on genocide from the start.

      1. I agree. But injecting these fuckers would be better. Drag out their torture like they drag out the chaotic torture of millions and millions of people.

  28. News Article Snippets

    Connecticut woman who survived 1918 flu, world war succumbs to COVID-19

    She lived a life of adventure that spanned two continents. She fell in love with a World War II fighter pilot, barely escaped Europe ahead of Benito Mussolini’s fascists, ground steel for the U.S. war effort and advocated for her disabled daughter in a far less enlightened time. She was, her daughter said, someone who didn’t make a habit of giving up.

    And then this month, at age 105, Primetta Giacopini’s life ended the way it began — in a pandemic.

    This year, during a visit on Sept. 9, Dorene noticed her mother was coughing. She knew her mother’s caretaker had been feeling sick after her husband returned from a wedding in Idaho. All three had been vaccinated. But as she drove away, Dorene guessed that her mother had contracted COVID-19.

    Two days later, Primetta was in the emergency room. Her oxygen levels dropped steadily over the next six days until nurses had to put an oxygen mask on her.

    She became confused and fought them so hard she had to be sedated, Dorene said. Chest X-rays told the story: pneumonia. Faced with a decision of whether to put Primetta on a ventilator — “They said nobody over 80 makes it off a ventilator,” Dorene said — she decided to remove her mother’s oxygen.

    Primetta died two days later, on Sept. 16. She was 105 years old.
    Sad. All 3 were vaccinated, yet they caught COVID and she passed away. I wonder how the caretaker and her husband fared through this.

  29. I dont think you get it. These are not irrational policies and nonsense science if your goal is EXTERMINATING by stealth 90% of world population. They will indeed have the convenient alibi that they got the science wrong. In reality mass murdering criminals like Gates, Walensky and Fauci and Bourla know perfectly well what will be the consequences of provoking ADE pathogenic priming. This is their goal. The political class is truly ruled by eugenicists in all countries. It is indeed as if there is a hidden hand pulling the strings. But they are easy now to spot. The all each year meet in DAVOS Switzerland or at the CFR and the UN.

    1. Thousands of them need to die, not just a few, practically the entire “Federal Family” needs to pay with their lives, and I could not be more serious about that.

  30. All vaccines are dangerous so why do you keep pushing the illusion that the vaccines before covid are safe. When there’s plenty of proof and deaths associated with previous vaccines. I don’t appreciate the narrative that’s being put out that all of their vaccines are safe except for this one.

  31. I do not understand why no one has studied exactly what is in these injections. Has any lab tried to identify the ingredients? Is it just too dangerous for a scientist to do that?

    1. Trusting these people is like trusting a serial killer, you don’t get a second chance.

      You need to wakeup or die, it really is that simple.

      All of these people need to be put to death, or they will kill us, without remorse.

  32. Vaccine hesitance is not promoted by truth. It is not promoted by lies. It is not promoted by anyone telling stories about vaccines or their negative consequences. Vaccine hesitancy only exists when we need to manipulate people.
    Vaccine hesitancy is simply not defined except by those involved in vaccine promotion.. Here’s what the Sage Group says “The SAGE Working Group on Vaccine Hesitancy concluded that vaccine hesitancy refers to delay in acceptance or refusal of vaccination despite availability of vaccination services.”
    Let’s read that again more carefully. It says
    “vaccine hesitancy refers to
    in acceptance
    or refusal of vaccination
    despite availability of vaccination services.”
    to your health, tracy
    Author: A New Theory of Cure

    1. You used “vaccine hesitancy” more times than I could count without going cross-eyed.

      People are not hesitant, they are saying F^ck You, I’m not taking the Mother F^cker.

  33. STATE OF INDIANA has been using National Guard for last 6mos at least to fill healthcare professional positions. I’ll bet those nurses would be interested to know that there are at least 12 National Guard members in a single Unit that are NOT “vaccinated”!!! Hypocrisy!

  34. I agree with Robzilla. It doesn’t make sense that all the vials contain the “poison cocktail.” They wouldn’t want millions to drop dead at the same time. So little by little as the boosters are administered, more people will die. My question: is there a lab anywhere that is testing the vials randomly?

    1. The stew peters show had a doctor on that pointed out the documents that shows there is different strengths of the vaccine, and all the people participating in this trial are guinea pigs, so yes they will know and record the effects to each human guinea pig. So yes your assumption of what they’re doing is spot-on.

  35. For me, it is not vaccine hesistancy, it is No. I support medical freedom. Thanks Del Bigtree and team, and others like the NVIC.org, for bringing us documentations and information.

  36. I don’t know if president Joe Biden received a vaccine or non-vaccine in the publicity stunt. I don’t care about this aspect. I care about the real information about the vaccines and drugs, which is hard to get. The mass media is unreliable. … I support medical freedom.

  37. Can everyone start publicly asking our elected officials to help Australia return to freedom and out of tyranny like we pretend we are doing in all the other countries we send our troops to. Put pressure on them to respond in front of cameras. Do we stand for freedom or not?

  38. Based on the government and police tyranny and brutality in Australia, there is reason to believe the government won’t stop oppressing the inalienable inherent freedom of movement if a high percentage of the population is vaccinated.

  39. They are hiring a bunch of thugs to do their dirty work to threaten businesses. I’ll bet they are getting paid a lot of money and have been promised all sorts of perks, maybe even a place in the “new regime.” Whatever horrible scenario you can (or can’t) imagine is part of their plan.

  40. Can the people stop NY governor Kathy Hochul on the basis of violation of the 1st Amendment? The governor is creating the VAXED (AKA VAXXED) religion. … I believe the first amendment is about personal beliefs and associations, not just organized religions and spiritual entities. For example, the original communism forces the belief of atheism, making the whole state the religion of atheism.

  41. Where the law ends, tyranny begins.

    We lost the rule of law on 9/11/2001

    Want it back? Deal with 9/11 or die at the hands of the psychopaths who perpetrated that cowardly attack.

  42. I’m confused and maybe missed it but can someone explain to me why original antigenic sin is only being applied as a result of the vaccine and not those who acquire natural immunity? I’m genuinely curious why this would not be an issue with any type of immune response. Del suggests in his demonstration that only those vaccinated would be prone to this and thus the new variants would not stick to the unvaccinated with natural immunity. But he also says in the same clip that those with natural immunity would get the variants and would defeat them with ease, which seems a contradiction. Is the explanation perhaps that when an individual encounters the virus whether it be the original strain or a variant, if they have been primed already to produce a certain antibody response, a certain portion of their immune system will be uselessly distracted producing these antibodies, thus wasting effort that is needed to combat a different strain? Do people often encounter different strains at the same time? If not, I fail to see the connection that only vaccinated would suffer this issue.

  43. Look at his shoulder. Compare it to the previous vaccine that Joe got. His shoulder got verrry hairy since then.

    I submit that that is not even Joe’s shoulder…. but rather a prosthetic…. to ensure a needle doesnt penetrate his skin.

  44. The third voice missing from this debate was Mike Yeadon. He dismisses Vanden Bosche’s position. He now recognises these vaccines for the deliberate kill shots that they are. Not once did either of these two industry shills address the problem of what is really in the vaccines. You are being suckered Dell.

    1. Sadly I think they know there limits, take a look at Rand Paul, he does a great job supporting the right to choose and denounces Anthony fauci but still endorses the vaccine. It’s like they know what speech will get them killed. Give me a name of one Republican politician that has said this vaccine is dangerous and deadly.

  45. I had a dream last week, I saw a blue game piece from the game trouble, Del Bigtree, and nets… it gave me a chill when I saw the piece about city of austin(or wherever) trying to set a legal trap for Del to arrest him. Praying for Del, and always praying that truth would win!

  46. We all know the Covid test is highly inaccurate and dangerous, but you tell your audience that you take a covid test every morning before you come to work to protect your workers, then you say it’s good to catch covid to produce antibodies. This flip-flopping is not helping our cause, the same thing with saying you’re not anti-vaccine when when you know that vaccines have been known to kill a lot of people for years, so what is it? I donate to ICAN but this mixed messaging is really killing your credibility.

  47. My very first thought- before the clip even started rolling- on the first IMAGE of the clip, I KNEW that it was a fake shot. ???. Some of us have eyes, ears and MINDS to actually use, Del. ??????

  48. The injured and disabled from the vax are going to need alot of care. Maybe God will take care of them, you know, change diapers for these injured adults,
    feed them. No, we the unvaxxinated will be asked to care for them. This is gonna be rough.

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Tyranny Down Under; NBA Standoff; Thousands Fired Over Vaccines; 7,200 Sign New ‘Rome Declaration’; NY Restaurant Under Threat; The Meeting of Two Covid Giants

Guests: Taylor & Frank Winterstein; Irene Siderakis; Deborah Conrad, PA-C

#CovidGiants #VaccineChoice #RomeDeclaration #BidensBooster #VAERSWhistleblower