Mikki’s Willis’ long awaited third installment of his Plandemic series, The Great Awakening, premiered last weekend in Austin, TX, with a red carpet packed with luminaries of the health freedom movement. If you weren’t one of the thousands of people who watched it all live on The HighWire, here’s a little taste of what you missed.
I watched the entire documentary The Great Awakening. |It was put together professionally and worth seeing. I’m a little disappointed though. I was extremely political and political in an “American” way. It almost sounded like a 1950s propaganda film saying “Communism bad, Castro bad, Che Guevara bad, Hugo Chávez bad, Bernie Sanders bad.” I will not address China which I lost tremendous respect for, Russia which is just “Eastern Oligarchs” brothers and competitors with the USA oligarchs. Which brings me to the obvious, oligarchs run the world. I don’t find this disputable in 2023.
If I’m not mistaken, since the American Spanish War, and Littlle Race War with Cuba (Negro Rebellion) where foreign policy was already being controlled by American oligarchs. Our oligarchs and those of the UK where already planting the seeds for the great Imperialistic take over around the world. I understand this is deep and heavy, however if you are going to slay the heads of dragons you can’t promote it with fear like “Communism Bad!” Getting back to oligarchs. Are they not the same people waving an American flag and invading other countries? Are they not the same that experiment on our citizens? It is much deeper than “Communism Bad.”
Some countries were forced to be socialistic/communistic and we all know not one country on this planet has ever been 100% Socialistic/socialistic, under the pressure Capitalistic oligarchs waving red white blue, and paying for the US Armed Forces along with controlled hypnotized tax payers. I guess the powers to have the power hypnotize the MASSES to believe anything. Imagine if you , or I had that power. A power that should be put in a box, locked, and never opened. That is Free Will ‘s oppressors’ !
Corruption is the oppressors preferred tool.