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Episode 319: AWAKENING



  1. Terrible news today about WEF chair becoming CEO of Twitter. WEF has infiltrated everywhere and now here too. What can we do about this?

    1. I will not over-react until I have more information. Instead, I will be watching to see if this is some ploy to further uncover more criminals from deep in fog of evil. Were it not for Musk, we would not be seeing the amount of shite the Schabs, Faucis, & Gates of this world have prepared for us, or much of who they really are. I remain strong in the believe that Musk himself is not an out of control capitalist, but seeks to uncover those who are, regardless of political or religious affiliation.

      1. Walensky has been lying for years and repressing and censoring REAL doctors and scientist and now is coming out with her phony humility that she failed.She didn’t allow these expert scientist to speak!This is ridiculous she want to be more transparent!!!.We don’t buy it!She belongs in jail!!!

  2. Has anyone looked deeply into the history (childhood history) and wounds and traumas of the nut cases like: Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, etc that makes them so sociopathic?

    1. EVERYONE has trauma. Anyone who does not understand this will become a target. Stop feeding the trolls. Best word to learn and speak and mean is NO. Do it. It will save your life and your family and their future.

  3. Buckle up, Buttercup. It’s all in the script. Don’t fall for it. Move on. Stop feeding the Trolls. There is nothing healthy about twatter, musk or the WEF. The word is ‘no’. Learn it. Speak it. Mean it. Save yourself and your family.

  4. EVERYONE has trauma. Anyone who does not understand this will become a target. Stop feeding the trolls. Best word to learn and speak and mean is NO. Do it. It will save your life and your family and their future.

  5. EVERYONE has trauma. Anyone who does not understand this will become a target. Those who manipulate the masses understand that and that mere fact accelerates their control.

  6. The DAMN has been breached and the seepage has begun. There is no stopping it now. The sewage is spewing from every orifice and the masses are awakening. Let the games begin.

  7. Christianity literally says Christians are united as one in a body – much like cells – this is what Plandemic3 producer was saying at 25:00.

  8. Rumor is, she was arrested by a faction of the military when she re-entered the USA to met up with her boy-toy and taken to a military tribunal for swift justice.

    1. Please stop with the Q rumors. My parents are heavy into Q and not a single thing they have shared with me, or what I have watched myself, has come true.

  9. Chelsea Clinton is connected with Bill Gates? Not so shocking.

    She does not make it clear in this video that most of the children who will be getting “caught up” with their “vacksinashuns” are in Africa and countries other than the US.

    At the end she adds on “including kids in the US”. Hmmm…

  10. OMG!…How can I say it…Geert Vanden Bosshe is an insider who helped plan the C19 plandemic…of course he knows what’s going to happen…Fyi, he knows C19 is a bioweapon, yet he propagates the variant BS…The C19 Experimental Gene Therapy Technology jab is shedding(interestingly has the same symptoms) thus creating the so called “variants”.

  11. I really got a good vibe from Mikki Willis last time he was on the show.
    Now this time he’s spoken accurately about Democrazy and he’s also brought up the issue with Collectivism. It’s a rare find to come across someone who has his finger well and truly on the pulse. I trust this man more than most!

  12. Great show. I do, however, disagree with the idea that democracy means majority rule, and I’m tired of being lectured about this. Democracy is a term that covers a wide spectrum of systems, the unifying feature being that the people control the government rather than the other way around. Majority, or “mob” rule, is simply one, extreme form. A republic like we have is another form.
    Here is Webster’s definition of democracy:
    1. Government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is retained and directly exercised by the people.
    2. Government by popular representation; a form of government in which the supreme power is retained by the people, but is indirectly exercised through a system of representation and delegated authority periodically renewed; a constitutional representative government; a republic.
    3. Collectively, the people, regarded as the source of government.

  13. So let me get this straight, so I’m up to speed.
    There were over a million deaths in the U.S. from Covid. Except the deaths were due to hospital malpractice because ventilators basically kill people, as does Remdesivir. And so, if you took a healthy person and put them on a ventilator and gave them Remdesivir, then there’s a good chance they’ll be on deaths door, regardless of any other infection.
    But even though the deaths were caused by hospital protocols, there most definitely is a real virus, which is lab made and dangerous…

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Episode 319: AWAKENING

Are You Ready for Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening? The Highwire is hosting the Global Premiere Livestream, and we want to join the Party!; Walensky’s Legacy; Chelsea Clinton and the WHO want your kid caught up!; New Data Suggests Secondary Infection Main Killer from COVID; SPELLERS Doc Shattered a HighWire Record and Warmed Hearts

AIRDATE: May 11, 2023