Episode Segments
Del gives updates on HHS confirmation hearings; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on the USAID fiasco, and the unprecedented attack on Farmers globally; Dr. Neu Breaks Down the Mawson Study, the MAHA Movement, and the coming MAPS conference for medical Professionals.
Guest: Dr. James Neuenschwander
AIR DATE: February 6, 2025
It is deliberate genocide! Let’s get real here. This has been done over and over all over the world.
wildlife now we have more wolves in the netherlands killing sheep all over the place. and now they talking about shooting them. more nature,more wildlife..etc
The World Economic Forum (WEF) does not have a stated agenda to “destroy” Western farmers. Instead, the WEF focuses on transforming global food systems to enhance sustainability, resilience, and equitable economic development. This includes supporting smallholder farmers in developing countries to improve their livelihoods and contribute to local economies.
One of the WEF’s key initiatives is the “100 Million Farmers” platform, which aims to empower farmers worldwide to adopt sustainable practices and integrate into global value chains. The goal is to create a tipping point for the sector by transitioning one in every five farmers towards more sustainable methods.
The WEF also emphasizes the importance of investing in smallholder farms, particularly in developing countries, as they are central to restoring the health of our planet and combating climate change. Supporting these farmers is seen as beneficial not only for the 2.5 billion people who depend on them but also for global food security and environmental sustainability.
While the WEF advocates for global agricultural transformation, there is no evidence to suggest that this involves closing farms in Western countries to relocate them to developing nations. The focus is on enhancing agricultural practices worldwide to ensure a sustainable and equitable food system
Does wireless radiation affect mental health?
OK…I’m going to say this again,and keep saying it, until people start listening…
“Climate Change” is an anti-human agenda….((They)) are demonizing “carbon”…hmmm…
Carbon is “greenhouse gas”…yes it is…Greenhouses pump “carbon” into their environments to…wait for it…PROMOTE PLANT GROWTH…However ((their)) narrative pushes it as “contributing to Global Warming” and must be limited..hence “Net Zero”
Carbon represents .04 percent of our atmosphere…so removing it would be akin to removing a cup of water from your bath.
I would preface…an example of a ”
Net Zero” carbon environment…THE MOON!
That doesn’t exactly infer warm and fuzzy feelings does it.
So that said…search…”Elements necessary for life”…please do…don’t take my word for it.
Scientists believe that about 25 of the known elements are essential to life. Just four of these – carbon (C), oxygen (O), hydrogen (H) and nitrogen (N) – make up about 96% of the human body.
SweaterBill is not a One Trick Pony. Let’s not insult those ponies! He is a no trick psychopath who likes to have power over people in underdeveloped countries, whom he happily uses as his guinea pigs, and he does not care if they die from the experiments. He is making money, and that’s what matters to SweaterBill the Psycho.
Sweater bill was on the View talking about the next pandemic.
NEWS: May I suggest that we all stop calling news “news stories”? News should not be “stories” … fairy tales are stories. News need to be hard facts with proof to back it up. It does make a difference. Please! Follow through!
Del, Hawaii has eliminated religious exemptions.
You’re playing whack a mole.
And Autism Speaks says Vaccines do NOT cause Autism.
The UK government is robbing the British farmers of their farm land. Why? Go figure… I figure their motivation to do this isn’t pure at all.
Climate Change… remember a few years back, it was called “Global Warming”. Why did they change it? Well, first of all, that way they are free to say it goes up or down, as it suits the occasion. I can assure you that in the mid-1970s, so about 50 years ago, the Max Planck Institute, one of the supposedly most serious scientific research institutes in the world, published papers stating that the world is headed for a confirmed new Ice Age! Yes, you read this right. Ice Age. We must have been doing a Sleeping Beauty black out not for a hundred but for about one hundred thousand years, while the Ice Age happened and finished. Yeah, that’s gotta be it. Now it is Global warming!
Maybe just maybe, the democratic Senators are not evil people, but sure enough I state that they are ignorant people. My personal take, not necessarily the position of the HW! Let it be stated!
There is plenty of science showing the connection of brain and neurological inflammation and the consumption of refined seeds oils. There’s also science showing aluminium can trigger brain inflammation. There’s also mechanisms by which immune issues (auto-immunity, etc.) can trigger brain inflammation. We have a situation in which there is a convergence of numerous issues of modernity. Vaccines play a role. Diet (fake-food) plays a role. etc.
It’s not a binary black and white issue. That’s excessively reductionistic. We need to look at the broader environmental context in which children are developing autism. Vaccines is one very important factor in their environment. As is toxic food and hyper-inflammatory seed oils (which mothers are eating, and baby formula are loaded with).
Jonathan Evatt
Too much talking, Del…. let the good Doctor speak, that’s what you invited him for, right? thanks.
There is not just Autism, in my opinion. There is also Cerebral Palsy. There are many people who suffer from it who were told they were diagnosed at birth with it. However, I think that when newborns are injected with Hep B and other vaccines, the damage to the brain is being caused from the first moment of their life ex utero.
The extro was too funny, and you took the words right outa my mouth… I hope that doesn’t sound like the channel you referred to, either, ha ha ha
The British created great starvation in Ireland the same way they did in East India. The Irish people were the slaves (in their own country) of the English land owners (who stole their land), created a potato famine, and kept other cash crops such as corn which Ireland grew in great quantities too from the ordinary people to feed themselves and then to ship to other countries. .
I am not surprised with the mental health issues based on 1) mass media entertainment with an emphasis on death, 2) public schools having students think about their death, 3) drugs with known side effects of homicide and suicide. … All of this seems to be deliberate.
I love the conversation with Dr. Neu. My son was not vaccinated, except for the Vitamin K shot (which I didn’t realize was a problem)and he has Autism. Yet, I know vaccines are A cause of Autism. I am also certain that had I followed the CDC vax schedule, my son would not be the mainstreamed high school and college graduate that he is.
Thank God for Donald Trump! None of this would be happening without this man…
Mayer Amschel Rothschild of the famous banking family stated:
‘Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.
Think the Federal Reserve……..
At Burger King the Strawberry flavor for the strawberry milk shake contains 60 chemicals alone.????🤯