After 17 years as a non-speaker, Jamison learned how to communicate with the world around him through a groundbreaking method, ‘Spell to Communicate’. He not only learned how to unlock his voice, but went on to co-author a book and produce the documentary, Spellers, with Autism advocate, Jenny McCarthy.
My grandson had massive brain swelling and organ damage after the MMR vaccine at 18 months. He went into a coma and was in the hospital most of the next year. That was 8 years ago. They call it “Autism”, but its actually brain damage from the toxins in vaccines. Today, he wears a diaper and is tube fed. His speech improved greatly after implementing Lugols Iodine. My grandson was normal and healthy until that day at the Pediatricians office. Lets not give it a nice name like “Autism”, its damage from the neurotoxins in vaccines, by design, an intended outcome these sick pharmaceuticals profit off of. Vaccines are not safe nor are they effective. We would have rather have risked the potential acute infection like measles than a life of misery, suffering and poverty. My daughter cant work, he is a 24/7 job. His diapers are $200 a month, where is help from pharma……crickets.
That was amazing. A possibly interesting experiment to add to this maybe is adding different color categories to the various letters (like vowels and other groups of characters), and see how it affects their uptake and speed with it. And then get Apple to eventually make the colored keyset.
There’s also a faster keyboard arrangment called Dvorak that’s already supported in Mac and iOS. The standard keyboard layout is hard to use by design, because of jamming problems with early typewriters. It was meant to slow people down! You can google how to set it.
Oh in ALL HONESTY, this was by far my favorite HIGHWIRE ever! Congratulations Del and team. What an awe inspiring HIGHWIRE….Jamie, you are a joyful breath of fresh air. It is so SOOOO wonderful to see you enabled to voice your thoughts and feelings. I’m a teacher and I’m now looking into retraining as a S2C practitioner. What an absolute privelage it would be to see someone trapped, enabled to speak through the S2C training!!!! God Bless!!!!
oh and Del/team, you really should have had a disclaimer to get your tissues for that episode….I cried like a baby – with joy of course!
I just can’t imagine the incredible frustration Jamie (and all his friends) experienced before being able to communicate. No wonder there was so much anger.
Wonderful watching Jamie blossom and his parents experience such joy at finally being able to connect with and support their son in this way.