Dr. Richard Fleming presents ‘Event 2021’, A science-based presentation on the Covid Pandemic, from the Virus, to vaccines, treatments, and the Public Health response.
Dr. Richard Fleming presents ‘Event 2021’, A science-based presentation on the Covid Pandemic, from the Virus, to vaccines, treatments, and the Public Health response.
Very saddened to see these..VERY…
the first is regarding dr. hotzke, not fleming. the second about felony, he states he is innocent. there was no court of law. If it was truly intentional, there would be hundreds of violations, not just one. as far as the soy chip, who cares. this guy is doing good work. leave him alone and using fake news
The report on the United Kingdom. A passage from the report:
Covid-19 has had a devastating impact on older persons living in care homes in England. 28,186 “excess deaths” were recorded in care homes in England between 2 March and 12 June, with over 18,500 care home residents confirmed to have died with Covid-19 during this period. UK government decisions and failures resulted in violations of the human rights of people living in care homes, notably the right to life, to health and to non-discrimination. From discharging 25,000 patients, including those infected, into care homes; to denying care homes residents admission to hospital and imposing “do not attempt resuscitation” orders on them without due process, to failing to provide PPE (personal protective equipment) and testing to care homes. Older persons living in care homes were abandoned to die.
I guess; “people in care homes had their right to life violated”, sounds better than; “people in care homes were murdered,” but it is less accurate.
Mirdee by CoViD19 modofued mRNA gene-code sweum that the author of this article wrongly calls a vaccine. Rather should call it an inoculant of a gene code serum. Sone say gene therapy, but I don’t see how it is even “therapy.”
CORRECTION NOTICE: Since I saw no way to go back to edit my previous reply, I’ll do it here:
“Murder by CoViD19 modified mRNA gene-code serum that the author of this article wrongly calls a “vaccine.” Rather should call it an Inoculant of a gene code serum. Some say gene therapy, but I don’t see how it is even “therapy.”
TheLive Wire, if is about truth in reporting , should at least preface each article regarding this controversial mRNA shot, to correct the record that this is NOT a true vaccine. The legal medical definition can be found in a hardcopy dictionary. Since Oncology using the same or similar delivery system (as does a mad scientist Fauci lead govt office), a lipid protein packet, calls it Gene Therapy and perhaps immunotherapy, but NOT a vaccine.
You will not get my info… sorry
You used fact checkers. That says it all. The American people have the right to process information and decide for themselves. This isn’t a communist country.
I agree. It was never about the bioweapon . It was always about control.
The same people who brought you covid , are bring you the vaxx . That is sick.
This is the real deal. Every since the virus hit the us I have not been able to find any scientific truth about anything until now. This man needs an award for his work and effort.
The so called ‘Fact Checkers’ DO NOT have medical degrees. Dr Richard Fleming has over 50 years in practice. Do the math.
What is insane is you use his medical experience and degree to validate what he says. Yet the very fact checkers you mock are the people silencing hundreds of experienced, degrees, veteran medical doctors and specialists who are WARNING about these so called vaccines.
After 40 years of independent vaccine research, I believe that there is NOT one safe vaccine. They (scientists) do not consider the accumulative effects of all the additives and adjuvants. They do NOT check for systemic problems from all the toxic ingredients. They may look at the blood but that is not enough. The take the typical MD approach, looking at one part and do not look at the whole. They may see some titers BUT what about the accumulation of aluminum in the whole body after exposure from a vaccine? Vaccines are not safe and the aluminum can also cause micro-vascular ischemia (blood clotting). I support Natural Immunity! That is where the focus must be to improve health. I recently published a book on this tiopic. Mary Tocco
Well stated Pull! As crooked as our own government has been lately, I wouldnt be surprised if this doc was recently added and post dated! If you read the vague charges there is a clause stating the crime could be making “false claims”, and as we know now days this may have been initiated simply because he told the truth!!!
Nonetheless, Flemming includes docs and a solid paper trail to back up all claims… Conversely, the cdc, fda, and who will not publish actual proof of safety. And what they do publish contrdicts their claims. And the plan for global population control and converting Humanity into transHumans as part of the 4th Industrial revolution is very very clear on the WEF website, being planned for decades!!! We need no longer wonder why they are doing this!
Even this coming week The TeansHuman Code summit is being held at the Vatican because “protecting the transHuman” is now urgently neccessary since the transition has aleeady began…ie.the initial vaccines have initiated the transHuman agenda. Why is the passport being pushed so hard, for a common cold virus? Look at Australia, passports to prove vaccination reqd to even leave your home., $5000 fine if no vaccine, and prison camps under construction! US needs to wake up!!!! Resist at all costs, this can come here as quick as it did in Australia! Now Canada is beginning to same lickdown cadance as Australia,..
this is not conspiracy, its happening! The lockstep has begun and the more we comply the faster it will grip the US.
Just do a searches on startpage to find the WEF plans for you, and pray!
He lies about having 50 years in practice, he was born in 1956. You do the math.
This is exactly why you need to be your own “fact checker”! Don’t trust deep state controlled internet engines that are there to fact check for you. Rediscover your own common sense and research the truth yourself!
10 years ago those internet search engines were fabulous. I can’t believe how now the algorithms are so blatantly biased. Sad
Haaaaa You fact checked this. You are a paid Propoganda sell out to humanity.
Have you had a fucking labotomy you fool.
I’d be surprised if can even google a cookie recipe let alone and truth on vaccines.
Ad hominem attacks = You can’t handle the truth.
Actually the second link isn’t even for Dr Fleming. It’s for another Texas doctor ?
These fact checkers are employed by google have no medical degree LOL 🙂
It looks like you didn’t look deep enough into this…
Like sure this guy is gonna speak for 4 plus hours for nothing spreading false info? Common sense tells me bullshit the goverment as always doesn’t want anyone to know their secrets
Let’s see if this guy mysteriously disappears. Another thing the government likes to do
The very worst part is that our government well the people who created the virus and vaccine are the very people who are funding fact checkers to silence us and the fact checkers have also been proven to be wrong ? fact checkers are bias and in the 1776 report the presidents advisory 1776 commission they knew we needed our own freedom and mind to think it was very important yet our government refuses to let us have such thing hmm
Why would you ever give any credence to This is a political propaganda organization dedicated to promoting neo-fascism, falsehoods and suppressing any facts that are contrary to its goals.
A good example of large pharmaceutical companies attempting to halt progress for the sake of maintaining their own profit margins. I notice the legal system immediately stood behind the large multinationals rather than acknowledge a breakthrough that would be of benefit to huge numbers of people worldwide.
There is nothing new here of course. Discoveries like this are continually swept under the carpet or locked away where they will never again see the light of day. All in the interest of keeping lucrative drug supply chains alive that would otherwise become surplus to requirement.
There is another such example of this type of unacceptable behaviour dating back to 90’s that springs to mind here. I believe it was an Australian doctor who had discovered a cure for a particular type of stomach ulcer. Of course it used existing drugs for which I think the patents had expired. Despite very promising results he was all but ignored. It was years before his research was begrudgingly taken seriously despite the fact his methods had almost certainly reversed cancer in at least one patient with an advanced condition. This doctor was of course ridiculed in a similar manor to Richard Fleming by those in control. I often wonder how many other breakthrough treatments have gone by the wayside in the interests of keeping the real drug dealers of the world in business.
A visit to Richard Flemings site not only opens up a huge amount of valuable data relating to COVID19 (among other things) but it clearly demonstrates his expertise in the fields he practices. He understandably has a limited amount of positive feedback relating to a number of Government agencies but all of the information I have seen presented here is firmly based on science. Wouldn’t it be nice if some of the main stream media outlets would practice the same kind of openness.
I found so many errors in the Fact Checkers arguments it became futile to continue reading. The arrogance and lack of actual facts is bewildering.
Fact check. Is sponsored by Facebook, Bill Gates and Google. In the end, always follow the money and see who has the most to gain
The fact checkers are paid by technocracy and alphabet soup agencies who promote operation mockingbird and mk ultra and monarch programs of mind control. Sticking your fingers in your ears and saying ” la- la- la- la ” won’t change truth . It will only make you look foolish for not recognizing a lie for what it is … A lie. Our government and china ‘s government created a global crisis that put humanity at risk with bioweapons. If they cared about you , you would be in Cheyene mountain with the top military leaders that evacuated before all this.
How about you make a judgement from the information itself, rather than trumped up FBI charges and so called “fact checkers” that anybody with 2 cents worth of brain cells no longer has faith in. The only thing to be so called “saddened” about really is your comment in and of itself. But your honestly no dumber than 50% of the country since our average IQ is now in the double digits, so be of good cheer.
Look ,dude snopes got busted for plagarizing and Fact Checkers work
for the same people who brought you covid and the vaxx. Research that with the money trail.
Best presentation since the bioweapon situation began.
Ding! Ding ! Ding!
You Sir are absolutely correct.
Fact checkers, Really.. You should check these so-called fact checkers as their responses are completely political. Learn some science, ND check yourself. They gave you sources, CDC, WHO, NIH, and data from many countries like sources. If you cN learn, then decide for yourself, provided you can learn, and you will discover same as they did. You are guaranteed, by the Constitution, to decide for yourself. You should take advantage of that right as you will discover you are blindly following political fools !!
The so-called “fact checkers” are owned and/or funded by the likes of George Soros and company. Check it out. They are paid to deny/delete/discredit any conservative views or those that do not promote “the narrative.” And they arej not even well educated or have any journalistic training. do your homework.
Fact check ??? Hahahaha you dolts are rediculous with your Deception and covering up the truths ! Fact checkers have no medical background that can even match Dr Flemings degrees and experience ! Sit down and shut up !
It must be awful ‘Gregory’ to have no conscience and no soul, but I guess at least you get to sleep at night. Like Fauci and the rest of the collaborators. You won’t stop those who stand up against the tyranny and the truth will out. Shame on you. I hope you got paid.
Being he brought to everyone’s attention that people who challenge the NIH always end up dead…I am guessing this fact check crap, which we all know is funded by Democrats…and is nothing but censorship …had to slander his character for their Christmas bonus.
You do know that Johnson & Johnson is the sponsor of ? You haven’t caught onto how it’s a schill organization?
@Perri Chase: Excellent reply!
@ Gregory Correa: How is it that top scientists and doctors in the world who dare to ask questions, speak up & voice their concerns regarding the virus, the vaccines & the dangers are now being either censored, discredited, vilified, even having their very livelihoods put n jeopardy? Doesn’t sound very scientific to me. Dr. Robert Malone, an early pioneer of mRNA technology has also voiced his concerns “…Malone also stated that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was aware that the spike proteins were “biologically active and could travel from the injection site and cause adverse events, and that the spike protein, if biologically active, is very dangerous.” Malone is now accused of spreading misinformation. Maybe you (Gregory) need to know a lot more details about the case brought against Dr. Fleming. Have you ever challenged Big Pharma? Of course, we know that the law is NEVER wrong right? The courts are always fair justice is always served. (sarcasm) I don’t even think Gregory has reviewed any of the material presented by Dr. Fleming or is able to dispute any of the science with his own supporting evidence. Fleming even used data anyone can get from the CDC’s site to show the efficacy of the vaccines (or did you miss that part?). Are you are of the revolving door between Big Pharma & the CDC? Did you know there are 9 new billionaires since the rollout of the vaccines? Were you aware Google is invested in both Pfizer & Novartis? And guess who funded the mRNA studies that led to this pandemic?
Regarding Dr Fleming’s comment at about clearing clincal clients to participate in their clinical trial, if they came up postive on a PCR test for CoViD19. I would ask how many cycles did they run on that test, but that is irrelevant, since clearly the late Doctor Kary Mullis(probably murdered) said that it was NOT designed for giving a medical diagnosis.
It would be one thing to use that PCR test between 10 and 20 cycles to replicate the biologicals isolated from the patient, but it won’t tell you what the specific biological is. Dr Fleming in this speech did not say if they were testing for CoVid19, much less, using the acronym “SARS-CoV2” or the whole words. I would not want to assume, being of scientific thought, although tempting. Afterall, this is a seminar. In this case, it appears that the clinical practitioners are only assuming the patients are SARS-CoV2 positive, just like Fauci & the CDC advised of clinicians everywhere to do…hmmm.
At this point then, the medications they were using on their clinical subjects were, symptoms specific treatments only.
As a professional, I would assume if the PCR comes up positive for a virus or bacteria, that he would run a test to isolate the SARS-CoV2 to confirm if indeed, that is what it is. He claimed that the SARS-CoV2 has been isolated using cryomicrograph microscopy. That microscope can only show you a Corona virus, but there should be a test to let you know what type of corona virus it is. Afterall, a Rhinoviru looks almost like a Corona Virus, and a corona virus is known another of a few other types that are responsible for the Common Cold.
Overall, this presentation, I was able to learn a lot more about the SARS-CoV2, and the mad scientists involved in it’s creation. I also, learned of the potential coming diseases for those who took the CoViD 19 gene-code serum inoculant(s).
Fauci and his accomplices should be tried in a court of law, and once found guilty, be given the ultimate sentencing a military tribunal can give. His medical license should be terminated indefinitely before or during his sentencing. He’s now the rudist armchair doctors on the planet.
This lecture is by far, the most comprehensive work presented on this dreadful “Plan”Demic”! However, the clip about the Swine Flu made me absolutely sick to my stomach. Bureaucrats have been lying to the American public for decades and Anthony Fauci is lying to us now. Why Fauci has not be indicted is beyond me?
I’m so happy that Dr. Fleming was spoken about by Alex Jones. It was through Alex Jones, that I went to High Wire and found this full length training.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
Steel Sharpens Steel!
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This was EXCELLENT – very thankful that a friend shared it with me and I have sent it to others. VERY eye opening – I was suspicious of the vaccine all along and the motives behind it. The virus is too highly survivable to warrant the risk of these experimental vaccines and the blank leaflets in them give no reassurance. Also thankful for the hope presented at the end. God bless Dr. Fleming and all the doctors and researchers who have spoken out against it.
The segment that shows the video clip from 4-13-2005 (“Funvax”) that is supposedly Bill Gates is a fake. I have enjoyed Dr. Fleming’s presentation so much, but must admit when he showed that clip as actual footage it was somewhat disappointing.
More likely someone else like ted talk moderna tal zaks. They have been at this for along time. Longer than 2020. Look at the grave of Nellie Smith who died from compulsory vaccination in 1901 at 12 years old.
Dr. Flemming did not state that the person in the clip was Bill Gates. If someone else should re-circulate the clip and call it Bill Gates, that’s their mistake. Clearly the person’s voice in the video is not Bill Gates.
so, in short….the government is trying to create a battalion of wendigos?? Wendigos with h.i.v. No less
I will never take the covid 19 vaccine, Dr. Fleming has been very gracious to break this down in terms of understanding this whole situation. If a all possible I would love his feedback on what would actually happen in my body if I were to take the vaccine, considering I’m a cardiovascular patient with 3 stents, I also take plavix , aspirin, metoprolol, and rapatha shot twice a month. Rapatha is a mRNA that creates antibodies in my body already to lower hereditary high cholesterol.
This is to poster “Gregory Correa”{if this you real name/Identity]
You must paid shill, and you do not do a very good job at it.
The two link’s you posted are all “Propaganda” – as defined by;
“Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.”
“Truth will always be truth, regardless of lack of understanding, disbelief or ignorance.” ~ W. Clement Stone
The information in the recorded presentation is the “TRUTH”
I am very grateful for Dr. Fleming, his work, tenacity, dedication, and adherence to the truth. This broadcast has solidified much of the information that I have already gleaned, has expanded my knowledge base and has furthered my understanding of this virus and how to help myself, my family and my community when the “powers that be” refuse to do so.
I knew all of this because I did my research. But to hear it all put together by someone who has integrity and to see him visibly upset is just heartbreaking all over again. I hope everyone watching this and reading this will give your heart to God before it’s too late. This world is so evil. ??
A good example of large pharmaceutical companies attempting to halt progress for the sake of maintaining their own profit margins. I notice the legal system immediately stood behind the large multinationals rather than acknowledge a breakthrough that would be of benefit to huge numbers of people worldwide.
There is nothing new here of course. Discoveries like this are continually swept under the carpet or locked away where they will never again see the light of day. All in the interest of keeping lucrative drug supply chains alive that would otherwise become surplus to requirement.
There is another such example of this type of unacceptable behaviour dating back to the 90’s that springs to mind here. I believe it was an Australian doctor who had discovered a cure for a particular type of stomach ulcer. Of course it used existing drugs for which I think the patents had expired. Despite very promising results he was all but ignored. It was years before his research was begrudgingly taken seriously despite the fact his methods had almost certainly reversed cancer in at least one patient with an advanced condition. This doctor was of course ridiculed in a similar manor to Richard Fleming by those in control. I often wonder how many other breakthrough treatments have completely gone by the wayside in the interests of keeping the real drug dealers of the world in business.
A visit to Richard Flemings site not only opens up a huge amount of valuable data relating to COVID19 (among other things) but it clearly demonstrates his expertise in the fields he practices. He understandably has a limited amount of positive feedback relating to a number of Government agencies but all of the information I have seen presented here is firmly based upon science. Wouldn’t it be nice if some of the main stream media outlets would practice the same kind of openness.
I was at hospital for family member and over heard a doctor on cell talking to his patient about the covid vaccine. he said told the person if they contract the virus with a vaccine the virus payload is way less than nonvaccinated. like 1000x less It not just the politicians its the medical industry pushing these vaccines as well.
I’m just so happy they are using humans as guinea pigs and not animals.
Animals should NEVER be used in this manner to save us undeserving low life humans.
Thank you, Dr Fleming! I am trying to send this video to everyone I know. I can’t do much to change people’s mind, but I can atleast start them on the path where they research for themselves, instead of blindly listening to medical experts in the media. Just met a couple when I was shopping, who told me that they both got the vaccine, because their family doctor told them they need to take it asap 🙁 They both have bad side effect and inflammation in their legs..They also now understand that they should not have taken the vaccine. THANK YOU, DR FLEMING. Wish there were more people like you, much love and blessings to you
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The report on the United Kingdom. A passage from the report:
The following was so deceptively worded that I have added explanation (in brackets).
The Department of Health and Social Care…. adopted a policy,… that led to 25,000 patients, including those (known to be) infected (with Covid-19, and also those who were) possibly infected with Covid-19 (as they) had not been tested, being discharged from hospital into care homes between 17 March and 15 April—exponentially increasing the risk of transmission to the very population most at risk of severe illness and death from the disease. (This, while being denied) access to testing, (being denied) personal protective equipment, (while having) insufficient staff, and limited (and confusing) guidance. (As expected) care homes were overwhelmed.
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Hats off to you, Dr. Fleming! Great job of explaining all that is going on with Covid!
Thank you for having the Balls to stand up against the anarchy and treason going on with this pandemic (which is not a pandemic after all).
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Exactly!! The fact checking sites are such a joke.
I’ve yet to see one person, who doesn’t go along with the designated agenda, be countered with legit studies and other facts. It’s always they were debunked, misinformation etc because we say so.
It’s a given what they’ll say before even reading them as they’re equivalent to asking a cheater if he’s cheating and using his married friends, also cheating, to verify whatever they’ve said. ?
I recently watched a doctor who pointed out at this time they don’t know a lot. That covid 19 is a fairly new strain of sars, and using mRna technology as a vaccine is also new. He then read through questions he’s received like will it do this, or cause that etc and after every single question he’d say something along the lines of”the honest answer is we just don’t know, we don’t have the data as of right now ” occasionally citing a specific study that was started whenever and due to be turned in xx/xx/2028, or what we have seen, followed by mri’s, blood slides etc of the same patient.
The entire speech just made one think, or consider questions for their own doctor. The very next day it was flagged misinformation, debunked, attempted to have the doctor discredited etc but had a link for further questions answered by legit sources. I couldn’t resist, so I emailed and asked what exactly was debunked, conplete with specific questions stating I couldn’t find answers for any of the “we just don’t know”s the doctor had said. My reply was a generic reply that lead right back to the original narrative.. Since when did medicine become an exact science, with nobody allowed to question it.?!
Things like that should have been a red flag for anyone smart enough to use the internet.
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