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Del BigTree
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening. Wherever you are out there in the world, how about we all get together and hop on to the HighWire. Welcome. You know, I have to say I have one of the coolest jobs in the world. It really is. I mean, it was awesome working for CBS and being a producer, but to get to be a part of the HighWire and our non profit, the Informed Consent Action Network gives me so many opportunities I never would have had before. The biggest one, and I think the thing that I enjoy the most is traveling this great nation of ours and meeting so many of you. I’ve been on tour almost every weekend over this last month. I got two more months going. Mississippi. I got to meet with some of the leaders of spiritual communities in New York. It’s just fantastic to see, no matter what walk of life, race, religion, creed, nothing is separating us anymore. It just appears that we now have an issue that in one way is so dark, but the beauty is that it’s bringing all of these people together. It’s almost biblical, but no matter how you look at it, it’s fantastic. It’s happening, it’s real. And we were celebrating it in Mississippi this week.
Del BigTree
I got a call from some friends and said we really would love to have you in Mississippi, and I was sitting and thinking about it. And I just thought, Mississippi’s my people. I mean, in all honesty, without Mississippi, I don’t even know that I’m here.
Rally for Medical Freedom in Mississippi
This is our 12th rally that we’ve had, and y’all may not know that we’ve been having rallies for years because until a vaccine was pointed at adults, nobody was paying attention. But welcome everyone who is waking up to this agenda, this evil agenda with open arms.
Tammy Clark
I am an OSHA credentialed, OSHA expert, OSHA trainer instructor and OSHA inspector. What is OSHA now telling all of our businesses to do? Mask up your employees, vax up your employees. And it is 100 percent in violation of their own PPE and respiratory protection standards.
Del BigTree
Now, the President of the United States is going to forcibly vaccinate you if you want to keep your job, you if you want to be a nurse, you if you want to be a doctor.
Rally for Medical Freedom in Mississippi
You’ve got to show your papers if you’re going to eat. You’ve got to show your papers if you go into a restaurant. You’ve got to show your papers if you’re going to buy groceries at the grocery store and now you’re going to have to show your papers if you’re going to make a living for your children and your families.
Rally for Medical Freedom in Mississippi
They’re telling me and you that you don’t have the right to have power over your body. You don’t have the right to have power over your children.
Del BigTree
Now, if I could get all of the doctors and nurses, people that never before would have stood in this issue before, can you come up on stand on the stage with me? All across this nation right now, doctors and nurses are walking out of their hospitals by the tens of thousands. Thank you all.
Tammy Clark
Thank you so much for the healthcare workers that are here, that are standing up, that are choosing to walk away or to get fired rather than just comply. You are the ones on the forefront. You are the change agents. You are the ones leading the way to help others reinvent the system.
Rally for Medical Freedom in Mississippi
My 16 year old grandson came home from work and told his mother his part time job told him, you don’t get the jab, you can’t work here. He stood up to him. He said, screw that job, forget it. Now, that’s a painful thing. I know some of you are going to lose your job, but guess what you got going on for you? You got your life. Is life more important than that? Because you can go get another job.
Rally for Medical Freedom in Mississippi
We see greater threats to our medical freedom, to our rights as Americans, as individuals than we’ve ever seen.
Tammy Clark
I decided at all costs come what may, I am going to speak truth. I am going to expose the lies and I am going to blow the whistle on this government agency.
Rally for Medical Freedom in Mississippi
This is the greatest opportunity we have to rewrite history. This is our season. We have to find it in us to make sure we build a new world for ourselves. So when they say you can’t go into their restaurants, you’re going to open up your own. When they say you can’t travel, that’s why we created freedom travel alliance. You’re going to open up your own airline.
Rally for Medical Freedom in Mississippi
This is the time. This is the moment. We are the people and we are not alone. We’re going to stand up. We’re going to speak out and we’re going to be heard on this. God, be in our witness.
Del BigTree
The moment you recognize this only ends one way if you stay where you’re at. You are captured. It’s over. Your freedom’s gone. Your life is gone. In that moment and that recognition, you get up, you look at that line, you find the weakest part you can, you charge it and you fight like hell.
Del BigTree
So what do you really mean? You know, it’s amazing. It’s amazing, and I know that we all…I just want to say for all of us, even here at The HighWire, there’s days that are really hard. I mean, we find ourselves now in the most outrageous situation in our lifetime, perhaps in the history of this world. As you know, more and more oppression comes down upon us. The idea of when does this end? Where does it go? There’s no end in sight. There’s no science. There’s no explanation for masks, no explanation for vaccines. It just seems like they’re going to do whatever they want to do. Yet because of that insanity and because of that sort of historical pressure, more and more of us are finding that it’s actually cool to have the language that we have, to have the position we have and we’re finding each other. And so today I really want to celebrate America. I want to celebrate the world. I want to celebrate all of our brothers and sisters that are stepping up in so many different ways.
Del BigTree
Of course, we’re going to be talking about Southwest Airlines and other places where we’re seeing the effects of a vaccine mandate. But when it comes to that vaccine mandate, obviously here in America, that is being driven down upon us by one man, Joe Biden, the President of the United States of America. This is the headlines this week as we read them, Biden announced his sweeping vaccine mandates affecting millions of workers. [REF] We already kind of knew that, but how is he going to do it? Biden employer vaccine mandate a step closer to reality as OSHA submits rule text to OMB for review. [REF] Now, I think there was a lot of questions on whether there actually was an executive order. I know a lot, I’ve been seeing a lot of tweets and Facebook posts like he didn’t make an executive order. Well, this order was really towards OSHA, and then OSHA is supposed to sort of then, I guess, mandate upon us. Well, look, in order to understand how OSHA works, why don’t we bring in our in-house OSHA experts? I’m talking about Tammy Clark and Kristen Meghan, who are joining me now. Hey, you guys. How are you guys doing today?
Kristen Meghan
Good afternoon. We’re doing as good as we can be in this world of tyranny.
Tammy Clark
Yeah, hey, Del it’s great to see you again.
Del BigTree
It’s great to see you too. Now, first of all, just so people have an understanding of your backgrounds. Tammy, really quick, just sort of what’s your history of working with OSHA and your expertise?
Tammy Clark
Yes, well, for the last 20 years, I’ve been an occupational environmental, health, safety and compliance professional. I’m OSHA trained, OSHA credentialed and basically I work with lots of different industries to make sure that all employees in the workplace are safe and healthy and that the employers are following OSHA’s compliance and regulatory standards.
Del BigTree
Great and Kristen, what’s your background?
Kristen Meghan
Yes, I have 19 years experience working in the field of occupational environmental toxicology as a senior industrial hygienist. Nine years of that was active duty in the Air Force, doing the same exact thing. But my most relevant aspect of this is that I am an expert in risk mitigation related to health hazards, and I have 12 years experience in pandemic planning preparedness and response embedded within health care systems.
Del BigTree
All right. So you guys are fairly qualified on this issue. Good, because I think a lot of us have a lot of questions. Now, the reason…Tammy, you and I were both in Mississippi at that incredible event there, and we’re sitting backstage and you were talking about how OSHA, sort of the state group of OSHA in Michigan, decided that they were going to push this sort of mandate on the state. And you guys pushed back and had some success shutting that down. Can you very quickly help me understand what happened there?
Tammy Clark
Yes. So basically, what happened was Governor Whitmer was going to extend the temporary emergency rule that they had in place, and she decided she was going to make a permanent COVID-19 standard and permanent rules. And we knew, Kristen and I know, as OSHA credentialed experts, that that is not following the rule making process. That is illegal. Federal OSHA does not have a standard or a mandate, so the individual states are not allowed to enact their own. So we mobilized everybody. We gave them the emails and the phone numbers to contact Michigan OSHA, and we knew we could shut it down by flooding their offices if we armed the people with the truth and the information and they did. Within a day that was shut down.
Del BigTree
Fantastic. So since we’re into arming our population, all the viewers out there, The HighWire and beyond with information, Kristen, when we see OSHA now. This is now federal OSHA, not just a state OSHA, is now going to sort of bring down this mandate on America. And of course, this is about employers, employers that have over one hundred employees are going to have to enforce a vaccine mandate being forced by OSHA to do that. Having worked for OSHA and knowing sort of their charter and their mandate, where do you see…are there problems with their ability to do that?
Kristen Meghan
Well, I don’t work for OSHA, I work with OSHA, we’re like liaisons for the public sector in the government. But first of all, this is called an emergency temporary standard they’re trying to push through. That is never pushed through the executive branch. It’s done through the legislator. And also in order to impose an ETS, the emergency temporary standard, you have to meet certain criteria, which is the scripting of grave danger. Are we in grave danger? Because it looks to me that we are firing qualified health care professionals during a pandemic left and right. Also, it must be deemed that this is a needed standard with needed controls, force vaccination, as a necessity, key term necessity to work in a safe environment. This is not a necessity and the reason I say that Del is we follow something in our field called the hierarchy of controls. And it’s the hierarchy of controls, I think that they are trying to list the vaccine as a form of elimination, except we’re not eliminating a virus through a non 100 percent efficacious vaccine that is known to wane and we’re ignoring natural immunity. So legally, this could be fought in court because it cannot be classified as a form of control when we have other methods, methods that are already proven in court to reduce the hazards. For example, through engineering controls, increasing air exchanges through ventilation through dilution and destruction technologies, installing units on HVAC systems that can kill ninety five to ninety six percent of bacteria, viruses and mold. We have other withstanding and working and verified confidence in those controls. And the last thing too Del, if you were going to impose a control through an emergency standard, we, people like Tammy and myself, have to be able to go verify the confidence in those controls. How are we to verify the confidence in a vaccine in a body when we all have different human and genetic factors? For example, studies just came out saying that if you have low iron, iron anemic, if I were to get this, I would need to get my iron levels up to receive the claimed efficacy for this.
So we are ignoring again individual human and genetic factors. Vaccines cannot be a form of control. This is not legal.
Del BigTree
Tammy, when I think of OSHA, we think of things like masks. We think about air quality standards. We think about HVAC systems, making sure there’s no mold, like the building, I always think of OSHA really more as the building surrounding me that I’m working in or the environment that I’m working in. And maybe a mask, but have we ever, has there ever been a moment in OSHA’s history that they have said, you have to take a drug or you have to be injected with a pharmaceutical product? Is there a history of that?
Tammy Clark
No, in fact, OSHA wrote a letter, a clarification letter to a state representative who questioned during the flu vaccines whether or not it was legal to require the flu vaccines, et cetera, and OSHA clearly stated that they are not able to enforce or require vaccines, any medications or anything like that on people, on the public. However, they said the employer could. So they made it very clear in their own letters of interpretation that they cannot. They do not have the ability to force or mandate any sort of vaccines or medicines, medical devices any control measures on the public and individuals.
Kristen Meghan
If I can just add real quick Del, another example of that would be under the OSHA blood borne pathogen standard, they never mandated the HEP-B shot. It was just highly encouraged with other risk mitigating factors.
Del BigTree
So highly encouraged is the best they can do, they’ve never mandated. And that would make sense to me because OSHA is supposed to be protecting people. I’m correct, even in a place where masks are necessary. When we spoke originally last year, you were saying that there are some people that can’t wear masks, that OSHA would never force a person to wear a mask if they have any sort of physical issue that would be against that. Certainly a vaccine or any drug…there’s going to be people, as you pointed out, that either the vaccine won’t work for or might even endanger people with immune issues or those that have already had the natural infection that already have robust immunity showing that that’s going to last for a very long time. So how can OSHA get involved with a sort of one size fits all, and force people in when they’ve never even done that when it came to masks and dangerous environments?
Tammy Clark
Well, they tried. They did try to do this with the masks because Biden told them to go create a standard. But the president of the
United States does not have the ability to just go order OSHA to do something like create a new standard. It doesn’t work that way. The OSHA Act of Congress has very clear parameters and specifications for the rule making process and what they have to go through. So if they could have done that with masks, they would have. It’s no different with this vaccine. But this is even worse because there are people that it will literally kill. If you give certain people, certain individual vaccinations that have already had strokes or they’ve had adverse reactions to previous vaccines, it could literally kill them. So to go force somebody to do this as a condition of employment, if they don’t do it, they’re going to be kept out of society. They have no way to make money, no way to go shopping. If you don’t show your card. It is egregious. It is criminal what is happening. So legally, OSHA cannot do this.
Del BigTree
Kristen, now you talked about sort of this again…we’re getting so tired, I think of this sort of emergency use or emergency authorization or in a time of emergency, all of a sudden everyone is rushing the rule making process, the lawmaking process. But does OSHA, I mean, you sort of touched on this. I want a little more depth. Normally, if we were going to have an emergency act done by OSHA, what is the process? Does that come from the president or does it go through the Congress? And then how much time is taken even in terms of an emergency to sort of do the proper testing and figure out if this is the way forward and this is something that OSHA is going to do? Is it usually like one month? I think we have 30 days since Biden made this statement. Is that how much time it usually takes for OSHA to come up with sort of this emergency ruling?
Kristen Meghan
Well, since the OSHA Act of 1970 was passed, I believe there’s been 10 attempts for ETS and it’s only got a 50 percent rate of being enforced. With the most recent one being the one this past June, and that was for health care workers. That took five months. But decades ago, when asbestos was a known carcinogen based on data, what happens is it’s a community effort. So people in our field that are seeing injury and illness and death in the field, we work with these working groups, so it gets shared with senators. We have Senate hearings. We try to raise the awareness and then OSHA will take that data and kind of reach out to different membership groups and say, are you guys seeing this? That’s when you’ve seen combustible dust standards and things like that. So this takes months. And not only that, again, it has to show… like the first time they try to push through the asbestos ETS, it was because they knew how [inaudible] it was and they had this like estimation how many people could die in a certain amount of time. Well, they couldn’t prove it, so it didn’t go through. But the biggest issue here I would like to address is that in this proposed ETS, President Biden wants us to be cited up to close to fourteen thousand dollars as a serious violation. Well, under the field manual through OSHA, a serious violation is a violation where you’re being completely negligible and you’re saying that there’s likelihood for someone to die. So we’re not talking about like a chlorine gas leak. I mean, the last I heard is we’re around 97 to 99 percent recovery rates for most people. Nothing’s one size fits all. But to me, that doesn’t sound like you are highly likely to die if exposed to COVID-
Del BigTree
Well, we got it right here. Let’s just talk right through it because you brought it up. I was going to do this at the end of the show. This is crunching all the data from around the world done by John Ioannidis out of Stanford University. Your survival rate from COVID-19, should you catch it if you’re zero to 19, is a 99.997 percent survival rate, twenty to twenty nine a 99.986 percent survival rate, thirty to thirty nine 99.96, forty to forty nine 99.918, 99.73. But you know, for some people, I thought, maybe they don’t understand that, so I switched it around. What is the death rate of this virus? Because this is what you’re talking about. The emergency is you could die. What is your risk of dying? Look at that zero to 19, your risk of dying is 0.0027 percent. That’s a thousandth. We’re in the thousandths there of one percent, not a quarter of one percent, not a tenth of one percent, not one hundredth of one percent, but in the thousandths of percentage points. So you look at that risk all the way up until you get to 70 plus do you start seeing the 2.4 percent and 5.5 percent. And most of those people, I’m hoping, are sitting on a beach somewhere retired. So for the rest of it, it is a less than zero percent chance of risk. And so when you were, I mean, what you’re saying right now makes so much sense. Look it, if we have a chlorine gas leak, obviously we’ve got to get in there and handle that because people will die on contact. This is not a death on contact issue.
Tammy Clark
Right, but they’re actually trying to say that it is. In fact, our health departments here in Michigan and I know around the country they’re saying the same things because they’ve all been given the same talking points by the state health boards, by the state health directors, which have come directly from the CDC, as Kristen and I have discovered through testimony on some of these court cases. What they’re claiming is a phrase that we use a lot in the world of occupational, environmental health and safety, and that’s imminent danger. They’re actually claiming that they have to keep our children masked up until they can receive this experimental vaccine, until it’s approved. They’re claiming that you all have to take a vaccine because of the imminent danger that they’ve been made aware of, that you might die if you don’t.
Kristen Meghan
And just to put it into context, we have the authority when we’re consultants for businesses or when I work for the federal government, I have the ability if there’s imminent danger to shut down a business or process until it’s remedied. I am not going to shut down a business even with one or five positive cases. Because again, we know, you just showed the survivability rate.
Del BigTree
Incredible. So in sort of closing right now, obviously, I think this is going to be going into courtrooms around the country. ICAN, our nonprofit, is going to be fighting this. What do you think is the biggest argument against what Biden is attempting to do using OSHA in this way?
Kristen Meghan
I guess my first recommendation would be do not quit your job because there is nothing in writing yet making this a mandate because there’s no EO tied to this that I know of. And this is not passed. And even if it’s passed business owners, if this is still pushed through illegally, you have the right to request a judicial review to fight against this. Because if you have employees who have natural immunity or exemptions, go through your exemptions. Don’t quit. Let them fire you. Maintain positive attitude and know that nothing is forcing you yet.
Del BigTree
Now, really quickly Tammy, employers are finding, this came from what Kristen just said, finding themselves in, I think in a difficult position. Is OSHA really putting them in a position where technically they’re going to get people injured should they get vaccinated. I mean, I think you’re opening up the employer to lawsuits and certainly workman’s comp, and nobody wants to have a business that has high workman’s comp payouts. Is that fair for OSHA to put the employer into a position where they may have to pay out, even be subject to lawsuit because on the job, they force their employees to take a product that ends up perhaps paralyzing them, giving them a heart condition or even killing them?
Tammy Clark
Yeah, and this is what I don’t think that employers really understand. And a lot of this comes from corporate attorneys because attorneys are very risk averse, for the most part, and they are directing people to do things, their clients, that they do not need to do, in fact, they should not do, just because they’re hearing rumblings of this new mandate coming or whatever. And so then the attorney starts scrambling and preparing their clients, the business owners, to start doing this to quote, keep them out of trouble. The problem is they’re putting them in a position that they’re going to have more trouble because there is a major amount of documentation that we know behind the Medicare and Medicaid documentation that’s come out of how many people have actually died from taking this within just a few days of receiving the vaccines, the injuries, the permanent injuries that are happening as a result. If an employer mandates on any of their employees as a condition of employment, whether it’s PPE, medical devices, vaccines, anything like that, they are one hundred percent liable to those employees. And just because OSHA is not looking at their record keeping anymore, because OSHA has said that that’s not a condition of inspection anymore, it’s not inspection criteria. They’re not going to look at their OSHA three hundred logs and see if they’re recording these things. So just because they’re not recording the adverse effects, the injuries or the deaths does not mean the liability has been removed. And this is where employers are going to find themselves in a lot of trouble.
Kristen Meghan
Also really quick, another initiative employees can take is don’t always think that OSHA standards are to force you to do things. You can invoke OSHA standards to fight for your rights, and I would exercise what is called the general duty clause. Where there’s a hazard, there’s a standard, excuse me, where there’s a standard, there’s a hazard, but where there’s a hazard, there’s not always a
standard. And it is not a conspiracy theory to look at that VAERS database and look at the data coming out from our own government that this is…the risk and the benefits do not equal to me. I feel like this is more dangerous to do, especially as a one size fits all approach. Invoke the general duty clause, which says you have a right to a safe and healthful work environment free from health hazards like this. And all you need to do is produce your own government documents to your employer and say, I am not willing to accept this risk. Are you?
Del BigTree
Right. And you know, one of the things I think about and we’re trying to tell everybody, look, you’re going to have to make your own choice, but I would never take a product I don’t believe in simply to keep my job. But if it comes down to that line and my employer is saying, I’m sorry, you have no choice. First of all, I would say stand together. But in standing together, is that employee allowed to sort of like, set a baseline and say, then I want you as my employer to, you know, I want to get a physical. I want to prove where I was at before I took this vaccine. Is that something that you can do? Does OSHA sort of allow me that opportunity?
Kristen Meghan
Yes, it’s something again under the general duty clause. If you have a condition of employment and you hired on with the understanding at the time you got hired that this wasn’t required, and now it is, it’s invoking a new risk to you, so you can request a baseline physical. I would check EKG, blood pressure, look at the most common injury illness trend associated with this in the VAERS database. Request that baseline, because if you have an adverse reaction or death, loss of consciousness, anything above first aid, you can fight for your rights. You can individually sue your employer and go for workers’ compensation.
Del BigTree
You know what I like about that is that I think that when we think of unions or these large groups because these are employment centers with over one hundred employees, if we get together and say, look, you want to do this, then go to your union and say, I want to demand that every single employee that’s being forced to do this, that our boss is going to have to pay to have a physical for every one of us, set the baseline, agree that that’s where our health was at. And should anything change from there, we’re going to hold the employer responsible. I think by taking those actions you are really going to be deterring any employer to move forward. So I think that’s a really interesting point that nobody has brought up. So lastly, Tammy, for people that are out there, they’re standing on the line. There really were so many people, like in Texas, we’re going to talk about Governor Abbott coming up, his block sort of the vaccine mandate. But then all these people in Texas that got the vaccine already, that wouldn’t have gotten it otherwise. They find themselves, like they moved too quickly. What’s your advice to people in the circumstances we now find ourselves at, as you hear your employer may do it. You hear that the government’s forcing employers to do it. What would you recommend people do?
Tammy Clark
Well, first of all, if you work for a union company, please go talk to your union steward. Right now, the governors and the government is utilizing these unions and they’re weaponizing them. No different than our governors are utilizing state agencies and federal agencies and trying to weaponize them to coerce you to do something. So go talk to your union representative. Talk to your HR department. You need to get these documents that we’ve been talking about and we’ve been showing the links and things like that with the studies and the information. And you need to go to your employer and you need to simply say, look, I’m just not comfortable doing this. There’s too high of a risk rate. My chance of dying is, you know, .001 percent or 2 percent. My chance of adverse effects from this vaccine are much higher than that. And so you’re forcing me to do something that creates a greater hazard. Now, in a world of occupational health and safety, that’s a no no. Everything we do is about eliminating hazards and anything that we do that creates a greater hazard, it’s something that we are not allowed legally to do. So this is what’s happening is our OSHA agencies and our unions are being weaponized against people and we, the people need to stand up. We need to recognize that’s where this is coming from and we need to stand up and we need to be very vocal and don’t just quit your job. You make them fire you because now you have a very strong case and you need to get collectively together, just like the employees, the pilots of Southwest Airlines. And what happens is courage is contagious. One person stands up, one group, one company and look at what happens, now American Airlines, now Amtrak, and we’re hearing…we’re going to see more and more and more. And that’s all it takes is for people to be courageous. Get your employees together, your colleagues together and go talk to your HR department. Put together a strike, a lockout. But whatever you do, just don’t go along. If you don’t feel to go along with this in your gut and you don’t feel comfortable with it, don’t allow yourself to be coerced. There is a huge, huge alternative job market that’s developing right now. One that I just found out about yesterday is called Red Balloon, and it’s an alternative place for employers who do not want to discriminate. They don’t want to coerce their employees to do things that they feel are not healthy, and it violates their personal choice and their bodily autonomy and their own health freedoms. They have a whole platform now where you can go and you can post your job openings across the country. And I looked at it yesterday and there’s everything from construction job openings to health care job openings…
Del BigTree
A whole new economy, right? Yeah, we’re creating a whole new economy. Fantastic.
Kristen Meghan
And I would also reach out to your federal congressmen and senators because again, just like we see here in the state of Michigan with our dictator, she unilaterally violates our state constitution, abuse of powers. And again, OSHA does not get their orders, pecking orders from a president. There is a reason that exists, and there’s also a reason that the professionals and our [inaudible] run the department, run OSHA because we’re out in the field and we’re not going to get our advice from non credentialed people.
Tammy Clark
And could I say one more thing about that? I just want, I just want everybody to understand just because you’re hearing this does not make it true. OSHA does not have the enforcement capability, guys. You’re hearing all this chatter, OSHA saying this and doing this. It doesn’t mean they’re actually doing it. They don’t have the authority to do that. They’re violating congressional laws and regulatory rule making processes. They do not have the manpower to go door to door, inspect all these businesses. They just can’t enforce it. But what is happening is that they’re hoping that by just saying it and putting this out there in print that they’re doing it, that you will self-regulate and you will comply just because you’re hearing it. So we have to recognize that what is going on is they’re just saying things, just like here in Michigan, Gov. Whitmer is just saying things. They’re not true. They’re lies. But a lot of people just go right along because they think it’s the truth. So we have to be discerning today, and we have to educate ourselves on the legal process. We have to be communicating frequently, regularly with your state representative, with your Senator. Get to know these people, put pressure on them because that’s how we, the people who still have the power, are going to stop this and turn this around.
Del BigTree
Absolutely. Fantastic. Tammy, Kristen, thank you so much for your brilliant work. Keep up the good work. We’re going to post all the information. Everyone on our newsletter, you’re going to get all the information that they’ve shared with us, so that you can be knowledgeable when you talk about OSHA, what it can and cannot do. I know you guys are putting it on the line. You’ve come under a lot of duress, but you’re also fighting in court cases. You’re fighting for people all over this country. You’re true American heroes. It’s an honor to have you join us today. Thank you so much.
Kristen Meghan Thank you.
Tammy Clark Thank you.
Del BigTree
All right, take care. Well, I mean, there it is. You have some brilliant information, but just so that you think, you know, it’s not just you alone. I’ve got to figure out OSHA. The truth is, is that much of what was just shared there is what twenty four attorney generals across the nation threatened Joe Biden with over a month ago when he first said this. They wrote a letter and they said, we will sue you if you decide to break the law, essentially using OSHA in a way it cannot be used. I want to read you excerpts of this because it’s quite fantastic. When we were discussing this, I was talking to our attorney, Aaron Siri. He said, look, they have a really good case put together in this letter. It lays out the problems. But again, look, you can go ahead and make it easy for them. Just go ahead and lay down and take the vaccine before there’s any pressure whatsoever. Or you can decide, you know what? I’m going to hold up, I’m going to hold up here. I’m going to go ahead and talk to my union boss. I’m going to talk to my employer. And you know what? Maybe this letter is the easiest way to go about that when you talk to your congressmen and senators and say, did you see what twenty four attorney generals, nearly half of the United States of America said? Let’s read through this. There’s some great excerpts here. Take a look at this.
Del BigTree
“You emphasized at your September 9th announcement that the vaccine provides very strong protection from severe illness from COVID-19 and the world’s leading scientists confirm that if you are fully vaccinated, your risk of severe illness from COVID-19 is very low. You further stated that only one out of every 160,000 fully vaccinated Americans was hospitalized for COVID per day. And you said the science makes clear that if you’re fully vaccinated, you’re highly protected from severe illness, even if you get COVID-19. The mandate, however, sends exactly the opposite signal. It suggests that the vaccinated need to protect them from those who, for whatever personal reason, choose not to or cannot receive a COVID-19 shot. That is hardly a statement of confidence in the efficacy of vaccines.” Great point.
Del BigTree
“Most glaringly, your policy inexplicably fails to recognize natural immunity. Your edict is also illegal. The Department has attempted to adopt an emergency temporary standard only one other time since 1983 (and that one exception came in June of this year and is being challenged). An emergency temporary standard does not have to go through notice and comment and can be made effective immediately upon publication. Because of this lack of process and oversight, courts have viewed these standards with suspicion.
Between 1971 and 1983, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued nine emergency temporary standards. Of those, six were challenged. The courts fully vacated or stayed the standards in four cases, partially stayed the standards in another, and upheld only one of the six.” So it is a terrible track record.
“To justify an emergency temporary standard, OSHA must determine that employees are exposed to grave danger from exposure to substances or agents determined to be toxic or physically harmful, or from new hazards, and it must conclude that such emergency standard is necessary to protect employees from such dangers. Each of the italicized phrases defeats your attempt to rely on this statute. While grave danger is left undefined, your own statements during the announcement that those who are vaccinated have little chance of hospitalization or death undercut any assertion that there is grave danger. Moreover, many Americans who have recovered from COVID-19 have obtained a level of natural immunity, and the statistics are clear that young people without comorbidities have a low risk of hospitalization from COVID-19. You thus cannot plausibly meet the high burden of showing that employees in general are in grave danger. What is more, the COVID-19 virus is not the sort of substance, agent or hazard to which the statute refers. OSHA as its full name suggests, exists to ensure occupational safety. In other words, it deals with work related hazards, not all hazards one might encounter anywhere in the world. All of these provisions are most naturally focused on dangers occurring at work because of one’s work, as opposed to dangers occurring in society generally, including at work. Finally, broadly mandating vaccinations or weekly COVID-19 testing for 80 million Americans simply because they work at a business of a certain size hardly seems necessary to meet any such danger. On the contrary, it is vastly over broad and inexact.”
Del BigTree
“First, there is background assumption that Congress normally preserves the constitutional balance between the national government and the state. As a result, Congress must speak clearly if it wishes to upset the constitutional balance of power. Allowing OSHA to mandate vaccines to protect against a virus that is endemic in society generally would vastly alter the constitutional balance of power. Second, the major questions doctrine leads to the same result. Courts expect Congress to speak clearly when authorizing an agency to exercise powers of vast economic and political significance. Reading the emergency temporary standard provision as permitting the Department of Labor to regulate private health decisions made outside of work would be a major power indeed. Because the statute does not clearly empower the Department to regulate such matters, it must be read not to do so. Congress cannot hand its job to make the law to OSHA or any other agency. Our Constitution vests the legislative power in Congress alone. Even if OSHA’s general grant of authority passes constitutional muster, which some have questioned, this particular statute is unconstitutional if it gives the executive branch complete discretion to regulate any matter related to the general health and safety of the American people. And any reading that would permit the executive branch to mandate vaccines would seem to do just that. If that order is allowed, then it is unclear what order would exceed the Department’s power. Your threats carries with it the threat of people losing their homes and shifting the financial obligation of supporting currently independent and employed individuals to public support systems. Worse still, if your expansive reading of the law succeeds, the American people can expect further abuses, as it is hard to imagine any requirement the law would not allow. You are clearly acting beyond the scope of the statute and you will fail in court.”
Del BigTree
“Our Constitution principally entrusts the safety and the health of people to the politically accountable officials of the states to guard and protect. Your proposed plan would invert that structure and put the federal government at the forefront. States have taken varying approaches to dealing with the virus, and whether you like it or not, that is how our constitutional structure is arranged. You have offered the American people flimsy legal arguments, contradictory statements and threatening directives. It is almost as if your goal is to sow division and distrust, rather than promote unity and the public’s health. If your administration does not alter its course, the undersigned state Attorneys General will seek every available legal option to hold you accountable and uphold the rule of law.”
Del BigTree
Wow, that was a mouthful, but I wanted you to hear it also that you recognize you are not alone, folks. It is not just you out there. Twenty four states and by the way, if you’re not living in one of those states, you may want to start talking to some moving companies and looking at what you can get for your house because this is how this is going to divide. The lines are being drawn. You don’t want to live in a state that doesn’t care about your individual rights. Move to one that does and start supporting those politicians that do. We’ve got an election coming up next year. I don’t care which party it’s in. I’ve met Democrats and I’ve met Republicans that are fantastic on these issues of liberty and discussing our freedoms. This is now in our hands. We’ve got to do what it takes. So when you go to your employers, slap down and say, you know what? Not only are you against my rights, the attorney generals in this country are coming out against you too. Do you really want to be on the wrong side of history when they win in the Supreme Court? I doubt it. And by the way, while you’re thinking about it, I want to get a physical and so does everyone else I work with because we’re going to hold you accountable if you ever decide to injure our bodies on the job for no reason.
Del BigTree
All right, there you have it. Let’s move on. We’ve got so much to get to. A huge show, huge movements. I’m not the only one now speaking out against this. All across this nation, people are standing their ground and to get behind what’s really going on it’s time for the Jaxen report.
Del BigTree
All right, Jefferey Jaxen, man, the tide is turning. It is amazing to see what’s going on. I mean, I’m on the ground all around this country, numbers I’ve never seen before. People you would never see at rallies – doctors, nurses, firefighters, police officers. This thing is getting real. And I can’t imagine what it’s like to be the Biden administration right now, realizing with every step, every time you push, it’s like you’re just fueling this monster that’s now against you, this monster of liberty and freedom.
Del BigTree
You muted yourself. Here we go.
Jefferey Jaxen
I’ve heard it, I’ve heard it called an inflection point. And that’s what’s being told to me by people I’m talking to on the ground. But you know, there’s a lot of internal issues going on in the airline industry. And that was really the big story in America this past week, and it really spilled out into the public via the Southwest Airlines story that the previous guest mentioned. So let’s take a look at what that looked like.
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Absolute travel mess.
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This was a disastrous weekend for Southwest.
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Southwest Airlines is scrambling to control a travel fiasco.
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Air travel nightmare across the country.
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Travel insiders are calling this an operational meltdown.
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You could see up and down the screens, just canceled, canceled, canceled.
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The carrier canceled eight hundred flights on Saturday. Eleven hundred flights on Sunday and another three hundred and sixty flights on Monday.
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Sunday alone, 27 percent of its fleet grounded. Frustration taking flight.
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The company said, we experienced weather challenges in our Florida airports at the beginning of the weekend. Challenges made worse by unexpected air traffic control issues in the same region, triggering delays and prompting significant cancelations.
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I think over half of our fleet touches the state of Florida. I can’t really speak to what their issues were or weren’t.
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There’s no bad weather. There’s got to be something behind the scenes that they’re not telling us.
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Overnight, airline leadership apologizing to both passengers and their employees.
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Saying an unexpected number of delays led to a staffing shortage, with workers and planes scattered out of position. The airline acknowledged in some cases, flight crews were left without hotel rooms.
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The FAA quick to fire right back on Twitter. No FAA air traffic staffing shortages have been reported since Friday.
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American, Delta, Frontier, JetBlue and Spirit all have sizable operations in Florida. None of them are reporting any cancelations or many cancelations.
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Southwest then released another statement saying after cutting back flights during the pandemic, recovering during operational challenges is more difficult and prolonged.
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Why are they blaming the weather? Why are they blaming shortages? What’s the motivation for an airline to blame everything else but take responsibility?
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I’ve seen a lot of people invested in this idea that this is somehow related to vaccine mandates. There’s just no evidence of that.
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I suspect that Southwest isn’t being totally honest with us.
I mean, I call that the 50 shades of bull crap out there. I mean, it’s amazing when I think, I worked for CBS, these reporters that are obviously not digging down to the story, just carrying water for these ridiculous statements like it was the weather. I want to be honest, like we were, we were at an event in Florida, and on Saturday and Sunday, the question was not where do we get our raincoats? It’s should we play golf today or should we lay at the beach before we have to talk later today? So I don’t know what they were talking about. The weather wasn’t there, but we saw so many people, just average Joes and Janes in the airport there, saying they can’t be telling us the truth. So what were they not telling us?
Jefferey Jaxen
Well, there’s a lot of social media chatter, and it’s kind of encompassed in this headline. So throughout the reporting, we saw the word sickout come through, and that was basically like a coordinated effort by employees to call in sick at the same time, maybe jam up the gears. This is Southwest Airlines cancels 100 more flights, denies sickout. [REF] Now, there was no official admission of a sickout, but the official admissions we were getting, as we just saw, were highly questionable. So let’s go, let’s go down the list a little bit and check them out. So we were told bad weather. This was the Southwest Airlines cancels 1,800 flights, blaming weather and staffing. [REF] This was last weekend is where it really came out. The Dallas based airline blamed the disruptions on air traffic control issues, bad weather and staffing shortfalls. But now we go to Louisiana KATC Channel three. This is local news. Kind of had to dig down there a little bit, but the FAA made a statement. A spokesperson, Steve Kulm, said there were no staffing shortages reported. No FAA air traffic staffing shortages have been reported since Friday, Kulm said in a statement to KMGH. Flight delays and cancelations occurred for a few hours Friday afternoon due to widespread severe weather, military training and limited staffing in one area of the Jacksonville Air Route Traffic Control Center. So here we go with air traffic control issues. FAA is kind of denying that. And staffing at the air traffic control was another issue. And we have a union email that actually debunk that. It was reported in this headline Southwest Airlines apologizes for flight cancelations, says operations are stabilizing [REF] and it says in here, in direct contrast to what Southwest was saying, over the weekend, two thousand one hundred and seventy six Southwest flights were canceled because of unavailable crews, the pilots union told members late Tuesday.
Del BigTree
Now, air traffic control is not in those crews. Those are crews of Southwest. So that’s just pilots and stewards, correct?
Jefferey Jaxen
Pilots, stewards, perhaps ground crew as well. And so now that was in the weekend. So we’re being told weather, some staffing shortages over the weekend. But then it started to spill out into the following week. So this previous Monday, Tuesday, and this is where HighWire really picked up the reporting at thehighwire.com. This is the article we put up there. Cancelations, delays as Southwest woes continue. [REF] And by Monday, by midday Monday, the totals were creeping up again. Three hundred and sixty three flights, or 10 percent were canceled and one thousand ninety six or 31 percent of all Southwest flights were delayed. And you know, anybody can go on right now and check these numbers out. There’s a live, real time calculator that shows these flight delays and cancelations. It’s called flight aware and its cancelation statistics. Now, this was a screenshot taken from Tuesday. So now we’re five days out from when these cancelations first started happening that we’re being told bad weather. And so we have a screenshot here, it says, by Tuesday, 37 percent were still delayed. That’s one thousand two hundred and fifty five.
Del BigTree
Only right behind the Pakistan International airlines there, I mean, there’s a race here for the bottom. We got Pakistan International Airlines coming out, but….and Pakistan International Airlines holds on to the worst airline in the world.
Jefferey Jaxen
And you’ve got to think this picture is going to be in a boardroom or around…the board of directors saying this cannot happen again. We can’t be in this screenshot ever again. So if anybody wants to check out the delays, when they say there’s weather delays, there’s delays at airports, you can go on to the FAA.gov website. This is what we were doing for our research. This shows real time delay dashboard. This is from Tuesday. You can see all 40 major U.S. hubs are in green. That means there’s essentially little or no delays whatsoever. Yellow, orange, red would be some issues, but you’re seeing like 30 percent, 30 percent of the Southwest flights delayed on this day. Yet there’s no delays being reported at these airport hubs. So then, this thing is really started racing by midweek and we had the Southwest CEO. He had to really appear on the news and do some damage control. So this is what Mr. Kelly said.
Take a look.
Gary Kelly
Talking about the vaccine mandate. Oh, yeah. I mean, there are some that have very strong views on both sides of that issue. And you know, it’s not…as I think you probably know, I’ve never been in favor of corporations imposing that kind of a mandate. I’m not in favor of that. Never have been. But the executive order from President Biden mandates that all federal employees and then all federal contractors, which covers all the major airlines, have to have a vaccine in place by December the 8th. So we’re working through that. We’re urging all of our employees to get vaccinated. If they can’t, we’re urging them to seek an accommodation either for medical or religious reasons. And my goal, obviously, is that no one loses their job. The objective here, obviously, is to improve health and safety, not for people to lose their jobs.
I mean, I don’t know whether that’s sincere or not, obviously, at this point, we’re just used to so many people saying so many things. But he’s the head of an airline that was telling nobody the truth all week long, right? All weekend long. And clearly, the question really looms, is this about that vaccine mandate? He’s now finally having to address it, right? And I think this is where most people are leaning. But to be clear, right, if they were to actually admit that they were walking out or were in any way striking, that’s illegal for anyone that’s a pilot or someone working in the airline, correct?
Jefferey Jaxen
Yeah. So their hands have been tied from what I understand as well. So we’re not going to get like an official statement from the union.
Del BigTree
If it was a protest, it’s going to be a silent one.
Jefferey Jaxen
Correct. And on that front, there is a website now, if there’s no smoke, there’s no fire typically. So we have a website, Southwest stands. These are the Southwest freedom flyers. It’s a grassroots collection of Southwest employees. They’re working to ensure health freedom for their employees. Now you can go there right now and send a message to the Southwest CEO Gary Kelly, who we just saw, 19 other of their Southwest board members telling them to respect the medical choices of their employees. There’s over 18,000 people have already sent a letter. And so you can do that too if you really feel strongly about this and show some support. I hear there’s a Southwest Airlines rally in Texas on Monday.
Del BigTree
That’s their headquarters. Please join our Southwest cohorts vaccinated or not in exercising your First Amendment right to a peaceful protest of the recent COVID-19 vaccination mandate. We will be live streaming it, but I better not hear that you were in Texas watching it on your computer. If you were anywhere near this, we need to start showing up to these things in person. That’s how we make a difference. All who believe in medical freedom are welcome to gather outside Southwest Airlines headquarters entrance at the intersection of Denton Drive and Love Field Drive. Please invite others and bring signs stating terminate the mandate, freedom not force, no jabs for jobs. More than anything, we want to get back to the heart of Southwest hospitality, where all employees feel welcomed, cared for and appreciated. So there you have it outside of the headquarters of Southwest on Monday. So when we’re looking at this, obviously, people are being put in harm’s way. They clearly don’t want this vaccine. Their jobs are on the line. One of the things, though, I wanted to point out, and when we talk about that, I want to bring up the website that we can…the petition right, really quickly because when we were talking to some of the pilots behind the scenes, they obviously don’t want to come out and speak freely about this because they will be fired. They could even be arrested if they even admitted that what they’re doing is some sort of a protest, but they can’t even hand this out. I was talking to someone who said, I can’t even share this on my Facebook or share this or get caught sharing this Southwest stands because then I will have actions against me. So we’ve got to do this work for them, right? They may be silently protesting, but we’ve got to stand and be their voice. So please, you know, go to that link, go ahead and sign up. Put your name in there. Obviously, we all want them to be healthy and frankly, I don’t want them shedding all over me when I’m on this airplane. And so this helps all of us. But this is the grassroots work we all need to do, right? This is back to like Pony Express. This is Paul Revere. It’s not going to be easy. It’s not just going to be, you know, the social media platforms aren’t going to have some algorithm to help you do this. This is one person to another, each man, each woman standing up for what we care about and standing for our brothers and sisters at Southwest.
Jefferey Jaxen
Yeah. This week, everyone that believes and feels the same way that the Southwest, the freedom flyers do, we are Southwest employees. Last couple of weeks we were health care employees. If you haven’t noticed by now, this is coming down the line and it may affect everybody. It looks like it’s going to and it’s moving fast. So each week a new profession is kind of in the crosshairs. And we are that profession if you believe in medical freedom and health freedom, so don’t wait for the courts. But speaking of the courts, they are getting involved. The United Airlines court ruling in the United Airlines case. This was a big headline just recently, just a day ago. They must delay its vaccine mandate for workers seeking an exemption. [REF] This is some good news for people that want those exemptions. It says, for the small portion of employees that refuse to get a coronavirus vaccine and requested either a medical or religious exemption from United, the company said it would place those workers on unpaid leave. So understand if you just want an exemption, you’re on unpaid leave, you’re pretty much in limbo. And then it goes on to say six employees filed a federal lawsuit over this policy, arguing unpaid leave is not a reasonable accommodation, but rather an adverse employment action. So here we go it says, U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman responded to that lawsuit Tuesday by ordering a temporary restraining order on United to hold off on removing any worker requesting those exemptions from the payroll. So there you have it, if you’re a United worker, file those exemptions, because there is a restraining order…
And when we were talking to Southwest employees, they said they were watching this case very closely because the concern was the airline as Kelly said, look, I want you to seek out a medical exemption or religious. He said, like any accommodation that’s out there, go ahead and get it. But the problem was they’re all very worried that they’ll get it and then they’ll just be furloughed without pay, that they’ll just be sitting there. They won’t be fired, they won’t get unemployment, they’ll just be stuck because they have this exemption. And I think this is a huge ruling that everyone was looking at because it says, no, no, you are not allowed to not employ them or staff them and just keep them on the rolls simply because they had an exemption. So that’s a huge step. And I believe they also said that though they had sort of closed and said your opportunity to get one of those exemptions has been closed out. But they ended up saying, this judge said no, those are back open. People that haven’t gotten exemptions can still get them. So it feels like this week, especially, I think we were all saying to each other, though there has been some bad court decisions around these issues over the last month or so, this week really felt like there was a tide turning, at least on these issues where the courtrooms seem to be moving in the right direction. At least giving people the opportunity to fight a case and not lose their job while they’re fighting it.
Jefferey Jaxen
It sure did. And everyone keep an eye on the airline industry as we wrap up this segment here. Here’s another headline not only the pilots, not even the employees, but 40 percent of TSA are unvaccinated. [REF] Now their deadline’s November 22nd from what I understand, and they’re going to have to face some hard, hard situations. TSA is there, as we’re told, to keep us safe. And if 40 percent are axed overnight, that’s going to be a problem. But let’s hear from an actual pilot. So we’re looking at headlines, we’re making quotes here. But an actual pilot made a video and it’s been shared millions of times. Take a look at this.
Shawn Walker
I’ve been an airline pilot for 18 years and now I’m facing an ultimatum, not a choice, but an ultimatum. I’m being told in order to continue my career as an airline pilot, I must be vaccinated, which really means I have to choose between putting food on the table for my family and my freedom of choice. Whether you believe in vaccination is the right thing to do or not, the situation goes far beyond health. We, the American people, have fought for freedom for two hundred and fifty seven years. We go around the world spreading ideas of freedom and democracy. We help other countries and people fight for their freedoms while ours are being stripped away. You may think being forced to wear a mask or get a vaccination is insignificant, but when you begin to compile mandate after mandate and loss of freedom after freedom, it becomes very significant. As each thing is taken away, we face what is known as the shifting baseline syndrome. The syndrome changes our idea of a new and acceptable normal. Soon, we will not remember what it was like to have the freedoms we once did, our children and our grandchildren who experience less freedom and they won’t have the privilege or the pleasure to enjoy the same choices our parents had or that we have. If we give in to these mandates and we do not stand up for our freedom of choice, we dishonor every armed service person over the last two hundred and fifty seven years, a disservice to the people who have fought and bled for the very freedoms we enjoy. Whether you believe in vaccination or not, I’m standing up for your freedom of choice. You may support the vaccine mandates because they fall in line with your current beliefs. But if we let this happen now, there will be a day when what you’re told to do will not fall in line with your beliefs. If we do not stand together and fight back in one voice, soon we could be told where to live, what job we will do, what religion to believe and how many children we can have. Do you really want someone telling your children or your grandchildren what, when and how they will live every minute of their lives? It’s time we take a stance. It’s time we fight for our freedom of choice while we still can. Join us.
Del BigTree
Well, I just want to say that clearly we’re not putting words in anyone’s mouth. I’m not going to say that anyone broke the law here, but I will say that we do stand with every American citizen, every employee in this nation and around the world that are facing that sort of gauntlet of losing their job, how to feed their family. We stand with you. These are going to be very difficult times, but we can’t in the difficult times give up the freedoms or our times will always be difficult. It will be a difficulty that never goes away. And so I think it is upon us, this generation right now, to weather this storm for the future, for our children, so eloquently put by that pilot. And I’m sure that many pilots and flight attendants and workers around this nation are caring at the heart. And it’s amazing when you think about airlines because it really is so many of those pilots, I think, come from the military. Obviously, the best jet training out there is to fly for the Air Force or the Navy or the Marines. And so when you think about especially this group of employees, they definitely know what they fought for. And I think they definitely recognize what’s hanging in the balance in these conversations that we’re going through right now.
Jefferey Jaxen
Right. And this movement, this fight, this narrative, however you want to frame this, it’s not just in the airline industry, it’s spilling over into a lot of other professions and governors are actually getting involved. Texas Governor Abbott, down where you guys are, he signed an executive order banning the vaccine mandate, so he’s taking a very hard stance. Texas Governor Abbott bans any COVID-19 vaccine mandates, including for private employers. [REF] This was his executive order signed on October 11th. It reads, no entity in Texas can compel receipt of a COVID-19 vaccine by any individual, including an employee or a consumer who objects to such vaccination for any reason of personal conscience based on a religious belief or for medical reasons, including prior recovery from COVID-19. There’s that natural immunity piece that’s added in there. I hereby suspend all relevant statutes to the extent necessary to enforce this prohibition. Now he’s asking the legislature to codify this order into actual law. So that’s going to be a very, very strong stance out of Texas, and it could be repeated, watch for it to be repeated in other states. But going over now to Los Angeles, we have a sheriff, a sheriff Alex Villanueva. He oversees the largest sheriff’s department in the country with roughly 18,000 employees. He was doing a Facebook Live fielding some questions, and this one came up. Take a look.
Alex Villanueva
Are you forcing your officers to get the vaccine? As I said, no, I’m not forcing anyone. The issue has become so politicized. They’re entire groups of employees that are willing to be fired and laid off rather than get vaccinated. So I don’t want to be in a position to lose 5, 10 percent of my workforce overnight on a vaccine mandate while at the same time bare bones with the defunding effort. So this is like the worst of two worlds right here.
Del BigTree
It’s amazing. I think he’s referring to this entire movement of defund the police, the huge funding cuts already hitting that sheriff and now he’s supposed to lose even more people. And I think what that really shows you is the power we have in numbers. Everyone that keeps saying, what do I do? what do I do? I keep saying, start talking. There’s no way you’re the only one inside of your business. There’s no way you’re the only nurse, the only doctor, the only police officer, the only firefighter. As it turns out, at the minimum, we’re seeing hospitals like 18 percent. We see 40 percent of TSA workers. We even saw the head of the FDA admit that the vaccination rate a month or two ago is like around 50 percent. That has to be true across this nation. And so if we come together and we stand together and say to the employer or say to the union, we’re not having it. And as a group, we’re going to walk out that door. Clearly, there is power in that and so many times, I’m hearing so many stories of people that that’s all they did and the employer backed off and said, you know what, screw it, I’m not doing this.
Jefferey Jaxen
Right. And as we’re doing research, we look for dots to connect. And the media reflexively reports these stories as just a couple of people, just a couple of people. Everyone is 99 percent vaccinated, just a couple of people. Well, we hear that from that sheriff’s head. Now we go over to Seattle, same exact story. I mean, literally, it could have been scripted from that Facebook Live. Seattle could fire 40 percent of police force over COVID-19 vaccine mandate. [REF] Same story playing out in Seattle. Seattle’s already depleted police department is bracing for another setback, just like he said. The city is poised to fire as many as four hundred and three officers, about 40 percent of the one thousand person force, for failing to take the COVID-19 jab by an October 18 deadline, according to local reports. That’s coming right up really fast. And then we have Chicago. Chicago police union head, he’s telling his members to hold the line against the vaccine mandate, which comes down tomorrow. They’re going to have to report their vaccine status by Friday. This is also happening across the country, and they are allowed to test twice a week while the city kind of figures out what to do with the unvaccinated employees. But you know that gums up the works because they don’t have answers because this is coming down so fast. And then we go to the courts. So we have firefighters now, they’re taking to the courts. We saw them really vocal over the last couple of months. Hundreds of L.A. city firefighters file notice of intent to sue over COVID vaccine mandate. [REF] And listen to this. Los Angeles faces a broadening lawsuit as eight hundred and seventy one city firefighters have filed a notice of intent to sue over a public employee vaccine mandate passed by City Council, seeking $2 million per plaintiff. So let’s grab that calculator eight hundred and seventy one times two million dollars per plaintiff. I think that has a big B…
Del BigTree
In the billions there. Yeah, wow. Fantastic.
Jefferey Jaxen
So that’s a big problem. I went to the L.A. Fire Department’s website just to check out the numbers here, and it says that LAFD’s three thousand four hundred and thirty five uniformed fire personnel protect life, property and environment. Now, it says, a total of one thousand eighteen uniformed firefighters are always on duty at fire department facilities citywide. So if we’re looking at those numbers, one thousand eighteen, if you minus eight hundred and seventy one from them, if they have to leave their job, that’s a big problem for L.A. Not a small city, from what I understand.
Del BigTree
That’s amazing.
Jefferey Jaxen
And then we have people, of course, all shades here. We have people voting with their feet. So we have Massachusetts state troopers. They’re quitting. We reported on this a while back. Dozens of Massachusetts state troopers have quit over the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. [REF] This is from the union. Michigan health care workers are quitting. Hundreds of Michigan health care workers quit after refusing COVID-19 vaccine. [REF] That’s at Henry Ford Health System. That’s one of the largest health systems in Michigan. And the courts are still battling on this front as well, with the health care workers. Out of New York, we have an update on that court case here. New York must allow religious exemptions to COVID-19 vaccine mandate, judge rules. [REF] The plaintiffs said their rights will be violated with the vaccine mandate that disallowed religious exemptions, so that’s what’s basically happening. So this is a temporary order while the arguments are being heard, but it still strings out this mandate. So these people are protected while this court case is going on. And just like the United Court case, there are a lot of eyes, I can only guess how many eyes from administrators to actual nurses and doctors are on these court cases looking at the decision, how it’s going to play out.
Wow, it’s amazing when I think about where we started five years ago, of course, the Sherri Tenpennys and Andy Wakefields and Bobby Kennedy go back before that. But when I just think about where this country was at and how many people were trying to be understood that vaccines can injure, that there are not a one size fits all. My body, my choice. These parents of injured children that have one of the hardest lives you can imagine. I’ve spent so much time with them. What they must be thinking now, I mean, for everyone that’s like, oh, these are dark times, these are horrible times. For those people that have been living in that dark time, being told they’re crazy to see that your firefighters, your governors, your attorney generals, your doctors, your nurses, the police officers are all stepping up now and fighting the fight that these parents have been fighting by themselves. It truly is an incredible moment in time, and obviously to me, it’s divine. Clearly, something much, much bigger is going on here. So I want people…I hope that today’s show, as we get through this and I know there’s more to come, that we recognize this is not a time to just get depressed and oh, woe is me, and this is the time, we’re alive now. We’re alive in the moment where we are going to shift one of the biggest lies ever told, which is that vaccines are safe and effective. It is being destroyed. And now we have so many brand new voices and people of different spaces and power stepping in next to us. It’s truly exciting,
Jefferey Jaxen
And I have some great data right on the other side of these stories about the efficacy of these vaccines that’s really coming out to tell a different story. But similar stories are playing out internationally. So we kind of hit the airlines we’re talking about, we’re talking about the firefighters in the U.S., but now let’s talk about Scotland, Ireland. So in Scotland here, businesses are vowing to defy the Scottish National Party by boycotting their vaccine passport scheme. [REF] That’s what they call it there, a scheme. They’re calling the digital passports farcical. The businesses, restaurants are not going to use them because the rollout was so terrible and even the Premier Soccer Leagues, the Aberdeen FC, the Rangers, the Hearts in Scotland, they were supposed to use that at their gates for the people coming to watch the game. But they scrapped that at the beginning because it wasn’t working out. The app wasn’t working. It was just a complete, utter, you know what. So Ireland, same situation happening there. Northern Ireland no longer in the space to justify vaccine passports. [REF] It says here Northern Ireland is no longer in a space where vaccine passports are required, a DUP minister has said. Economy Minister Gordon Lyons said he did not think using vaccine certification to gain access to events or hospitality venues was the right policy for the region. So that’s a huge about-face because I remember we were reporting on this, it was kind of just, it was a said and done deal. Now the UK, remember, has also backed off until at least December we’re being told on their passports. And a big story out of New Zealand. Some hope there…
Del BigTree
It’s hard to imagine any hope there because that’s the deepest, darkest vax hole junior in the world. All right, so what do we got going on in New Zealand?
Jefferey Jaxen
Everyone, check out how fast this news can move, how fast these things can change. So we’re talking about hope if you want these policies changed. This is The Wall Street Journal in August of this year, New Zealand to pursue zero COVID-19 policy indefinitely. [REF] Now remember the zero COVID-19 policy, if anybody gets a COVID case in your town, no matter if you’re Melbourne, Australia or wherever, millions of people, you go into lockdown, which is obviously disastrous for the economy. So that was in August. Just a couple of months later, here’s the headline. New Zealand abandons COVID zero strategy, leaving few countries still pursuing virus elimination. [REF] So now just a couple more left, we’re knocking them down. China, Hong Kong and Taiwan are the only countries still fighting to stay in that zero COVID club, I guess you want to call it, against the science. And even Australia, Sydney has ended its lockdown. [REF] Now Sydney, Australia’s most populated city, they were in lockdown for one hundred and six days. They’re announcing the end of their lockdown. And remember, we reported a couple of weeks ago that Australia has also ended its zero COVID policy because that was really just…
Del BigTree
Let’s be honest, they were lied to, right? They were lied to by the WHO. They’re lied to by the FDA, the CDC. They said, if you lock your little islands down, we’ll get you a vaccine that then will protect you forever. And so they were sold on this idea that they could reach a zero COVID space. It would never get in there. Now, obviously, what’s happened the vaccine did not work, cannot stop infection, cannot stop transmission. We’ve already reported that it’s so bad that they’ve changed the definition of a vaccine to only something that protects. Basically, it’s a treatment. It does not keep you from getting the disease, doesn’t keep you from spreading it. So the entire purpose of destroying the economies of Australia and New Zealand was there’s light at the end of the tunnel. We’ll have zero COVID. Obviously, now they’re being told that was a fools errand and only fools would implement it. But unfortunately, those fools are still in charge, but luckily having to admit the obvious.
Jefferey Jaxen
Correct. Yes and a big, big breaking win, court win from France. I was getting emails right before we went on the show here and this was actually out of their Senate, I’m sorry. This is the headline, and it’s not being very discussed or reported in the media. Not sure why? Vaccine obligation, that’s what they call it there, rejected in France, Senate, the law does not pass. [REF] Two hundred and sixty two voted against this vaccine, a mandatory vaccine obligation. Only sixty four in favor. Now, understand I’ve been told that the French riot police are very, very tough and we’ve seen that corroborated by the videos, beating women, children, teenagers. So these people have stood against this mandatory vaccine policy and their government is finally listening and voting against this. And so this is a really big turnaround in France…
Del BigTree
That’s huge. Macron was crazy with this. In the past, where we’re seeing people being blocked from getting into grocery stores. They couldn’t get food in France. And now the political body of the Senate just said, no, we’re not supporting Macron on that. I mean, and then huge numbers, right? That’s amazing. Two hundred and sixty something to sixty four. Fantastic news.
Jefferey Jaxen
Yeah. And so why are all of these changes in policy happening? The science is crumbling on the vaccine front specifically. Let’s look at Singapore. This was front page on the New York Times. Singapore, they had the vaccine and a plan to reopen. Instead, they got cold feet is the title. [REF] And it says here, incredible quote something we’d never think we’d see. The Southeast Asian city state was widely considered a success story in its initial handling of the coronavirus. It closed its borders, tested and traced aggressively, and was one of the first countries in Asia to order vaccines. A top politician told the public that an 80 percent vaccination rate was the criterion for a phased reopening. Singapore has now fully inoculated 83 percent of its population, but instead of opening up, it’s doing the opposite. Lawrence Wong, Singapore’s finance minister and a chair of the country’s COVID-19 task force, said the lesson for COVID naive societies like Singapore, New Zealand and Australia is to be ready for large waves of infection, regardless of the vaccine coverage.
Del BigTree
It’s like they know the truth now, right? It’s like they actually recognize. We’re still not hearing it in America, but all those nations are saying, you know what, it’s not going to work for you. The vaccine is not going to work. You’re going to see large waves, something that Geert Vanden Bossche has made very clear, very concerned about those large waves that are just around the corner amongst the fully vaccinated.
Jefferey Jaxen
Right. And out of Israel, this has been a beat that we have been really on since day one because they were one of the first countries to have full vaccination rates for their residents. They are announcing, the Health Ministry is saying to consider asking newly vaccinated to avoid working out. [REF] Now we’ve reported on this already, about the myocarditis reports just continuing to climb in Israeli population. It says here in the article, some health officials in the Epidemiology Division of the Health Ministry are recommending that individuals avoid strenuous activity for one week after their second dose of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. But wait for it casual walking, stretching, working while standing and household work will be acceptable. So…
Del BigTree
That’s amazing. It’s such a big problem. Literally just sit on your couch after you’ve gotten the vaccine. We don’t want you to have heart conditions. And when you think about the doctors that have been reporting, that are doing the D-dimer tests, showing as high rates as 60 percent of those getting the vaccine are having micro blood clots that could lead to larger blood clots. I mean, all of this, they’ll say, well, it’s anecdotal, but you look at the most vaccinated nation in the world and the health ministry there. It’s obviously not so anecdotal that they’re ignoring it. They’re saying now you probably really, probably should sit on your couch for a week after getting the vaccine, just to be sure.
Jefferey Jaxen
It’s unbelievable. Our research team at the The HighWire looked at and found this study that goes really good with this story about myocarditis. It’s absolutely amazing. So Evaluation and Prognostication of Myocarditis using Cardiac MRI. [REF] So this was a 2019 review of all the literature at the time, and it says in this study, listen to this, acute nonfulminant myocarditis, conversely, has a more indolent presentation, which means not a big deal, sometimes with little or no pain, with increased mortality up to 20 percent in the first year and 55 percent at 11 years based on initial diagnosis of acute myocarditis. Now that’s if they find it. That’s a diagnosis.
Del BigTree
So what they’re saying is, at least in this study of what they were looking at, up to 55 percent of those that have myocarditis will be dead within 11 years. I mean, it’s amazing, right? When we hear, oh, it’s mild myocarditis or, well, yeah, the kid’s got myocarditis, but they seem to be handling the treatments well. And as long as they don’t play basketball for six months and go back to the sports that they knew last week when they were healthy and naturally immune, and now we’ve totally destroyed that. But it really is amazing. We’ve heard so many different sides of this. We had Dr. Hodkinson who said that there’s no such thing as mild myocarditis for people that don’t know this. Your heart cells don’t grow back like other places in your body. It only is left with a scar. That scar leads to deteriorating issues in the heart, and here we hear and we heard it can lead to death so often and maybe as high as 55 percent increased mortality by the time eleven years is passed. So no matter how you slice it, these are not things that should be just shoved under the rug, which is what our CDC, our FDA and the WHO seem to want to do.
Jefferey Jaxen
Right. And we mentioned efficacy. So what was hypothesized, what was warned about is now accepted science. It’s now in the literature. It’s now in the headlines, just like this one. So antibody levels decrease after two doses of Pfizer vaccine, study. [REF] This is almost 5,000 participants found the neutralizing antibodies decrease rapidly after three months. This was in Israel. But one of the big studies here is out of the New England Journal of Medicine. This was from Qatar. A waning of, this is the Pfizer vaccine protection against SARS-CoV-2. [REF] This went on from January 1st to September 5th 2021. By early September in Qatar, 80 percent of the people received both doses. Now they use the nation’s digital health database. It’s very comprehensive and this is what they found. The story is told in two charts, essentially. So the first chart, it’s showing vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 infection, just the infection. And we have here at the bottom zero to 13 days and it goes all the way to seven months or greater, and we can see that median effectiveness. First month 77.5 percent. All right, great. And then we go down by five months, we’re at 22.5 percent as the median. At six months, we’re at 17.3 percent and at seven or greater, we’re at 22.3 percent. But look at the bottom there, there are some people that had zero percent and just squeaking under zero percent.
Del BigTree
Really quickly, when we look at that right Jefferey, we were told that no vaccine would be approved that didn’t pull off at least a 50 percent efficacy, which was a ridiculously low bar for an illness that has a 99, your immune system has a 99.997 percent success rate at beating it. If you’re going to even enter a vaccine that tries to compete on that level, 50 percent seemed really low. But right there we see after five months…now, I think we all imagine efficacy because this is after whether it’s one shot for Johnson & Johnson or this is after two doses, we were supposed to have…I mean you would think that efficacy would mean for at least one year, if not the rest of your life, 50 percent. And here we see it five months, you’re at 22.5 percent. That is half of, you didn’t even make it. It didn’t do it. This vaccine has failed the criteria that it was supposed to meet in order to be accepted as emergency use or ever get authorized. That’s incredible.
Jefferey Jaxen
And remember, Pfizer only submitted up to six months to the FDA to get their vaccine approved, up to six months, and they vaccinated most of the placebo group, not after six months. That’s the data they have. So check out this next slide. So we were told, ok, it didn’t stop transmission, it didn’t stop infection, but it does stop. So at the top here, it says effectiveness against any severe, critical or fatal case of COVID-19. All right. So now we’re getting into a big deal here because that’s the vaccine was supposed to stop these things or at least reduce them. So after that first shot, you see about 16.1 percent. Now let’s go all the way to the right because now we have a problem. At seven months or greater, it’s a coin toss, 55.6 percent and that’s the median. But now we have even a bigger problem. That line extends all the way down past negative 40 percent vaccine effectiveness…
Del BigTree
Which means below zero the vaccine’s causing…it’s causing your injury or your critical condition?
Jefferey Jaxen
You’re having a greater chance of a condition at seven months or greater. Absolutely, absolutely. And that’s a problem. And it’s not only in that study as well. We have studies out of the U.K. This is the headline showing that, this corroborates those things out of Qatar. The country with the best data shows infection rates higher among the vaccinated. [REF] So this is the U.K. data quote. It’s time to stop calling infections among the vaccinated “breakthrough cases.” In fact, the U.K., which posts the most comprehensive granular weekly data every Thursday, shows that COVID cases per capita are more common among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated in most age groups. And let’s look at a chart that kind of tells the story here. This is from Public Health England, it was put out on a Twitter account by Don Wolt. And it shows a bunch of really pretty colors here. And basically all this is is all the blue colors are vaccinated with two doses. All the shades of the oranges are not vaccinated. And what we see here is the age groups underneath here by 40 to 49, that’s almost in the middle there. It starts showing that the vaccinated people are having more infections per one hundred thousand than the unvaccinated, and that trend continues all the way to 80 plus, 80 plus you see it about about neck and neck. And so what this does, now this is recent reporting too, week 32 to week 38, which is from August to September, end of September 2021. But what this shows is the vaccine passports are really worthless if this data is playing out in the real world like this, because vaccine passports were supposed to stop these kind of infections, supposed to reduce these things. But if you’re getting vaccinated and you’re the main spreader and you’re the main person that is receiving these infections, what does that say for the vaccine passport? Is this why the U.K. halted their vaccine passport?
Del BigTree
Well, I know there’s going to be people that will look at that chart and they’ll say, well, obviously if you have 80 percent vaccine uptake and it’s still even with the unvaccinated, that means it’s working because there’s more people vaccinated. But to be clear, that study that was done and those charts are per one hundred thousand, meaning per those vaccinated and per those unvaccinated. So they’re only comparing to themselves, not to each other. So in those circumstances, that is very alarming and showing the failure rate of being vaccinated is higher than the infection rate of not being vaccinated, which is the exact opposite of anything you’d want to see from a product that was supposed to stop your infection and transmission. That’s incredible.
Jefferey Jaxen
So now we’ve looked at two countries, essentially. Now let’s just put them all in a bundle and check them all out. And this was a case study that was published. It’s a cross country analysis published in the European Journal of Epidemiology. It’s called Increases in
COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and two thousand nine hundred and forty seven counties in the United States. [REF] And it says at the country level, there appears to be no discernible relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID cases in the last seven days. In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentages of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per one hundred million. We’ve been showing this on the show for quite some time in graphs. It goes on to say even though vaccination offers protection to individuals against severe hospitalization and death, the CDC reported an increase from .01 to 9 percent and 0 to 15.1 percent (between January to May 2021) in the rates of hospitalizations and death, respectively, among the fully vaccinated. Now to truly appreciate that last quote there, let’s just go right to the slide. This was presented at an ACIP meeting somewhat recently, and it says at the bottom confidential preliminary data. But what we’re seeing in January, we have two colored lines. We have the blue line, which is percent of in-hospital deaths who are fully vaccinated and the yellowish line percentage of hospitalized who are fully vaccinated. We’re seeing by May 15 percent, 15.1 percent of in-hospital deaths, these are hospitals that the CDC is monitoring, were fully vaccinated. Now, remember, we’re being told that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Ninety nine percent of the people packed in these emergency rooms and dying are unvaccinated, and this is May 15 percent. This was before Delta even took hold in July. That’s the end of July, according to the CDC…
Del BigTree
So it’s alpha that they’re having that failure with the vaccine and that issue. And by the way, when we look at those numbers, those also don’t include…and something we’re probably going to get into deeper next week because obviously I just want to sort of stay focused here. But we must remember when we look at these numbers, fully vaccinated means two weeks after the 14 days after the second shot and what we’re seeing in VAERS and what we’re seeing in all of the reports that the greatest amount of death and injury and illness from the vaccine or even getting infected is right inside that 14 days. There’s something about your immune system gets beat up and it’s making people vulnerable. So everything happening there and that honestly, from the first shot, for the first six weeks, first shot, second shot all the way to 14 days after your second shot, all of those people are being put in the unvaccinated category unfairly, especially when the vaccine clearly is creating a vulnerability. But even when we look at their own numbers, everything to me, Jefferey says that we’ve been right on the one thing…I thought about how far back we reported. Almost the first time we saw somebody fall face forward in Wuhan, China, and started asking ourselves what is happening there. We have been concerned about antibody dependent enhancement or immune enhancement. And when you see those issues seven months, six months, you see that waning immunity. You see that chart that shows that it goes below the zero line where the vaccine actually seems to be. There you go. Look at that, at seven months is exactly what we were concerned about. It’s exactly what they even said in the EUA that we don’t know. There’s a potential that waning immunity could lead to vaccine enhanced disease, that below zero down to minus 40 is clearly enhanced disease, where the vaccine is enhancing your experience of the disease and therefore serious cases and deaths. I think this is only really just begun as we’re coming to the sort of waning end of that initial vaccine push and all the people that trusted the government, trusted Tony Fauci, it’s going to…and all of it right? Over time, the death rates, everything on this vaccine, all the problems are going up, all of the safety that it was supposed to provide going down. Those are terrible outcomes.
Jefferey Jaxen
And no headline really tells the story, just like this one, the final headline here. Taiwan, remember, this is a zero COVID policy country. Death from COVID-19 vaccination exceeds death from COVID-19. [REF] It says here on October 7th, the death toll after vaccination in Taiwan reached eight hundred and fifty two, while the death toll after COVID-19 was diagnosed was eight hundred and forty four. The number of deaths after vaccination exceeded the number of confirmed deaths for the first time. Hopefully, this isn’t a trend we’re going to be seeing, but it’s really important to pay attention to that because as we know what comes up in one headline starts to sometimes move across the country, especially if it’s coming from Israel, some of the things that comes from the vaccine there.
Del BigTree
Amazing reporting. That was a lot of news. We knew we were going to get into it because there’s so much, there’s so much people need to know, so many people standing up and now obviously for good reason. Keep up the great work Jefferey. We’ve got you busy. I mean, when people just saw how much news you just poured out there, it’s not happening on any other news program where you get that much information behind the scenes. You’re doing incredible work. We couldn’t do without you so keep it up, man.
Jefferey Jaxen
All right. Thanks, Del. Thanks so much.
All right. Take care. You know, look, where else in the world are you getting what the HighWire is giving you? And I want to ask you this question, as you sit here and you watch this and you think to yourself, where would we be right now? When you see the firefighters and the nurses and the doctors standing up. You see airlines shutting down, you see workers stepping forward. I want you to ask yourself, where would we be if the HighWire hadn’t been here for the last three or four years? What effect do you think we’re having, not only in presenting this information and the fact that you’re able to share these videos all over the nation and the world, we’re now being seen all around the world, but without our lawsuits, if we were not bringing the lawsuits where we’ve won against the FDA, the CDC, the National Institutes of Health, Health and Human Services. We currently, we’ve dumped three thousand pages of Tony Fauci’s emails on you, the people that support us. I want to…really think to yourself, have we not achieved? Are we not exactly where we would hope we would be, where now we are seeing people from all walks of life joining this conversation every single day? People saying, the HighWire was able to get through to my husband or my wife that wasn’t really listening to me or my relative. The effect that we’re having the power that we’re having. I’m not saying this right now to gloat or to brag. I’m saying this to thank you. For those of you that have been supporting this work, you right now get to say, my god, look at the headlines. Look what I’ve done here. In a world where so many people feel helpless, you know who doesn’t feel helpless?
Everybody that’s donating to the HighWire right now that gets to say, you know, man, no matter what goes down, I went fighting and I put my money on the people that were making a difference. So if you want to join that illustrious group of people that get to feel like they’re changing the world, go to the HighWire.com and donate now. You can’t imagine what we’re doing, what we’re able to do, the lawsuits we’re bringing, we are spending fortunes. We are only able to do that, we’re scaring the hell out of them because of you. So right now, if you can donate twenty one dollars a month, that’s great. That recurring donation really helps us know whether we can take on certain lawsuits or not. Are we going to have the long term commitment that’s needed? So I don’t care if it’s a cup of coffee this week, or maybe you just say, you know what, let’s skip one date night and watch the HighWire instead and be proud of the fact that our finances and what we’re doing is going to something that is literally fighting for us, for our jobs, for our children, for this world. Everyone on this team, I am surrounded by such an impressive and fantastic team that is around the world. We have meetings every single week internationally to bring in all of this information that is only made possible because of you. So I hope that if you are not one of those that has been a part of this effort, make that happen today, make that happen today so that you can feel good about what’s taking place and you can start to actually take ownership for the leaps and bounds we’re making and changing this conversation.
Del BigTree
Well, today we’ve obviously covered so many issues, especially with people doing what we said, you know what we said at the rally here in Austin, Texas. You’ve got to walk out. If you have to walk out, then walk out of your job. If you’ve got to call in sick. Get together. Your safety is in numbers. This isn’t going to be won in courtrooms, by the way. You know what I mean? Employers have a lot of power and we want to change that. What we need to do is come together in our collective power, our collective power together. Grab your brothers and sisters and the employees that work around you and say, hey, you know what, if we stand together, we are going to be stronger. And guess what, if you end up having to walk away from that job, then walk away from it. And I’ve said to the…I said it right there in Mississippi when I was talking to all those doctors and nurses. I know you’re fighting for your jobs, but frankly, if you’re working in a hospital that is making you say to somebody that comes in with COVID, you know what? You’re sick, but you’re not sick enough. Go home. Wait, till your lips turn blue, where you really feel like you’re dragging and you can’t breathe, then come back and we’re going to give you remdesivir, a product that is absolutely disastrous, especially when used in late term and we’re going to put you on a ventilator and most probably you will die. You’re murdering people. You know that ivermectin works. You know that budesonide works. You know that hydroxychloroquine works. Yet you are going along with the hospital. I have news for you. There were other nations that did that, that went along with mandates like that, and it didn’t work out for them. Just saying, hey, that’s what my boss told me to do, didn’t work out for them. Don’t do what your boss told you to do. Step out, get away from that boss. Go and get a new job. And because of that, I want to bring in somebody that is all about bringing in a new job or finding that opportunity, not just for employees, but how about employers that want free thinking people, critically thinking people that were smart enough to say, you know what? I ain’t touching that thing. Check out Red Balloon.
Red Balloon
Welcome to Red Balloon, the nation’s first and only free speech job site. I’m Andrew, the founder and CEO, and I’m excited you’re here. I called the service Red Balloon because balloons help you fly, especially if you tie a ton of them to a lawn chair. A little bit dangerous. A lot bit fun. Kind of like looking for a new job and red, well, taupe balloon just sounds like stupid. Keep moving. The mission of Red Balloon is to connect employers who still love freedom and want employees who love freedom to the millions of Americans now searching for jobs today, where they won’t have to look over their shoulders and constantly be worried about being canceled. Think of this as free speech employment matchmaking. Game changer, baby and boy, do we need it? 80 million Americans say they are switching jobs this year, which is mind boggling. For perspective, that’s like California and Canada combined. A lot of people. Economy good or economy bad. Hiring is always tough. There are over 10 million open jobs today, the most in history people. It’s kind of a moment, which means prepare yourself for the understatement of the year. That companies are flat out desperate to fill open spots, and they need help finding the right people for their organization. So if you’re a company that loves what America has traditionally been for. You know, freedom! And you are struggling to find good people, post some jobs already. Go to Red Balloon.work. Do it and you’ll be surprised how many people are looking for employers just like you. It will be worth twice my weight in gold, which is kind of a big deal, if you connect with a new crop of good talent. And if you’re looking to hire good people, but your own HR department has you too jumpy to publicly post here on Red Balloon.work, well, maybe it’s time for you to make a change yourself. Think about it. And if you’re one of those 80 million people looking for what’s next and you love the idea of working for a company that values free speech, scroll down and drop in your resume. Come on, America. Stop canceling each other.
Let’s get to work. Visit Red Balloon.work. We’d love to have you. America!
All right, besides all of you that are at your home pinching yourself right now saying, my god, why didn’t I think of that? That is gold. I’m going to talk to the guy that thought of the golden idea. Founder and CEO of Red Balloon.work, Andrew Crapuchettes joins me now. Andrew, first of all, thank you. Obviously, great business is where there’s a need, provide a product. Why this? What was it sort of that instigated you? What’s your background that made you feel like this was something that could be done?
Andrew Crapuchettes
Yeah, thank you. And thanks for having me. Obviously, the more people we have using the site, the more people are encouraged, the more as you’ve been talking about on the show, and I think the show is so important because liberal media wants us all to think that we’re the only one that thinks the way we do and that we’re all crazy, right? And so the more of us that are banding together, the better. So my background, so I’ve been a tech CEO for a long time. The last company I was running was one of the nation’s leading labor market data companies. And so I had access to an enormous amount of data. And so I was able to see that there was a lot of labor shortage coming around the country in all kinds of roles. And so I knew that was coming. But also, if you’re in the tech CEO world, you’ll find that there’s a lot of wokeness, a lot of wokeness, not just on vaccines, which is a big one. Obviously, that’s a huge infringement on people’s liberties. But there’s wokeness all over the place. I’ve had good friends lose their jobs because they didn’t use the right pronouns. And so I thought, this is a moment when there’s, I would argue, greater than 51 percent of this country would like to have freedom rather than wokeness. And so I thought, this is the moment that we need to lean into this. There’s going to be a labor shortage and there’s more good people out there keeping their heads down. You know, I’ve been in the tech world for a while and a lot of executives have reached out to me and said, look, I love what you’re doing at Red Balloon. I can’t like what you’re doing, if you know what I mean, but I love what you’re doing because I’m going to get myself in a lot of trouble if I start telling people that I like freedom. And my message to every single one of them is stop it. Pick your head up. Stand for freedom and don’t be afraid.
Del BigTree
You know, it’s interesting because one of the things that we have and this is just when we try to vet just for the work that we’re doing here at the HighWire, it’s difficult. For someone in our position, we’re really concerned that, obviously, we’re pushing back against the government and the mandates. We have to imagine someone’s going to try and get a job here that doesn’t agree with us. And so where would you start to look and so to think as employers, for those of us that…why do I want an employee floating around my business that doesn’t see the world, doesn’t see freedom, freedom of speech and those values that I hold? Why do I want someone observing when I can have people working for me that agree with where we’re at? And frankly, I mean, it’s not to like separate us, whatever. I’m sure they would love to have websites that cover whatever they want to think. But just this idea that I can be aligned with employees that are aligned with me. I mean, because that’s my big question. What is harder do you think right now? Is it harder to get employees to go to a website like this? Or is it harder for the employers to…is there concern about what will it be if I’m on this site?
Andrew Crapuchettes
Yeah, right now I’m struggling to get more employers, although I’ve been incredibly encouraged by the response so far because we’re literally started this two and a half months ago and we have well over five hundred employers who we’ve actually gone through an approval process with to allow them to…we need to know that they’re actually freedom of speech employers, right? I’ve had almost a quarter million people on the site looking for jobs. So the reality is that there’s a lot of people looking for jobs. I’ve heard from employers who posted on here. They said, look, I put no vax required on my job postings and I got a flood of applicants who were overqualified, willing to take a significant pay cut for the name of freedom. And one of the employers told me an interesting story and said some of the people I hired through this were actually fully vaccinated for COVID, which, you know, take that for what it’s worth. But they said we thought it was so wildly inappropriate that our employer thought that they should mandate this for us, that we wanted to work somewhere that’s all about freedom. And I hear these employees say, look, I want to have a conversation with my medical professional, not my HR department, about what I put in my body. Doesn’t seem crazy, but today’s world, it is.
Del BigTree
Now, if there’s an employer, I’m curious that wants to post, but maybe doesn’t want to be advertising that they’re looking for freedom minded employees, can they advertise anonymously or post anonymously?
Andrew Crapuchettes
Yeah, we do do that just because we’re in such a world where doxing and getting blown up on Twitter is a thing, right? So we have something called anonymous balloon, where if you’re an employer, you say, look, I want freedom. We still make them sign the pledge that they’re going to treat their employees like adults. They’re not going to require them to be vaccinated, and they’re going to let them just focus on work and bringing value to their employer. But they can be an anonymous balloon and they can put up a posting. And actually, we’ve seen a good amount of success for those employers where they’re not quite ready to put their logo on here, but they really want access to the best kind of employees, employees that just want to work. It’s also interesting for these employers that have been on here, and I’ve heard from many, many of them that they said, look, the people that we’re hiring through Red Balloon are not the type of people that are in the HR department constantly complaining about something or other, right. These are people who want to just focus on bringing value to their employer. They want their employer to make money because they hired them, right? They want to make sure that they’re making their employer more money than it’s costing the employer to pay them. And people actually understand that. Like that is the American dream. And so, no, we’ve had a lot of success. And it’s also the only business I’ve ever been involved in my entire life where I literally get unsolicited thank you notes from people around the country just saying thank you for standing up for freedom. One of the best stories is one of those thank you notes included a guy saying, hey, do you want a billboard in Times Square? Because freedom needs to be shouted. And so Red Balloon has a billboard in Times Square for the rest of this month.
Really? Fantastic. Well, congratulations on that. Brilliant. I think we actually just lost your feed. I’m not sure. Is that what happened? All right. Locked up on me, but that’s OK. We were right at the end. Obviously, I want to just thank Andrew for creating that opportunity for so many people we’re talking to. This is how it begins. This is how we build that new community. This is how we make a difference in the world. I keep saying instead of worrying about this fire that’s burning, this volcano that’s erupting upon us, let’s go ahead and use that heat to melt the metal, to start building the infrastructure for the world of our dreams because I think it’s going to be upon us. It’s going to be ours. I think about when we’re a year from now, I imagine the entire world will know what happened here, the mistake that was made, the greatest scientific error of all times, the people we trusted that we will never trust again. Can you imagine what that world looks like when the people that most of you, most of you people that are awake and watch the HighWire and been trying to tell everyone you know and you’re all finding yourselves here. You felt like you were all alone. Can you imagine a world where everybody has to admit that you were right the whole time? Well, that’s what…that is sort of the culture we’re building here and the community we need to build around that is much bigger than anything the HighWire is going to be. That is our future, and I’m very, very excited about it.
Del BigTree
This week, we’ve obviously just been celebrating all of those people that are standing up and safety in numbers, power in numbers. I don’t think it can be said any better. And you know then this next video, which someone sent to me last night and I know that they say, truckers have bad mouths and sailors. We had to beep this unfortunately. I hope you’ll go and watch the unedited version because sometimes there’s just certain language that needs to be used. But because so many of you are now home schooling because the schools have abandoned you and all the issues we’ve talked about there. I want to keep it good for the kids, so we’re going to let this guy beep it away. But take a listen to this. If this doesn’t ring as the truth, then you shouldn’t be watching the HighWire.
Bleeped out worker
You want to know what the ‘bleep’ happened today. That yellow belly, son of a ‘bleep’ safety man came in here and told us we all had to get the ‘bleep’ vaccine or we were all gonna be fired. You know what we all did? We all grabbed our ‘bleep’ and started heading to the ‘bleep’ gate and told them, kiss our ‘bleep.’ You can have this job, you can take it and shove it. And you know what, before we got to the gate, they came and told us, never mind, you ain’t got to get it. That’s right. You stand together. They can’t take your dignity, your job, your pride. Don’t be no yellow belly son of a ‘bleep.’ Stand up against this tyranny. All around the U.S. mother ‘bleep’ standing up against this tyranny, standing up for their rights and their ‘bleep’ freedoms, just like we did, and you can do the same. ‘Bleep’ them yellow belly, son of a ‘bleep.’
Del BigTree
I couldn’t say it any better. I mean, the question truly is upon us, which one are you? Are you a yellow belly, yellow bellied son of a beep? Or are you an American citizen that believes in freedom? How you move over these next days, weeks and months will determine not only how we see you, how you’re recognized, how you feel about yourself, how you feel as a nation, but what we are as a people and what type of future we decided to leave for our children. You are not alone. The attorney generals of this nation, more than half of them…and if you’re not in a state that your attorney general is fighting for you, then move. Start voting with your dollars. Walk out of the jobs that are oppressing you and find the jobs that are working for you, that believe in you, that believe in your freedom, believe in liberty, believe in our constitution. We have a powerful moment now. We are starting to take over the news. And no matter how the news tries to spin fifty shades of bull crap, it’s obvious to everyone with a brain what’s going on here. We’re winning. What are we winning? We’re winning because we’ve recognized that this is a war. I’ll see you next week.
Episode Transcript
Highwire ad
Did you notice that this show doesn’t have any commercials? I’m not selling you diapers or vitamins or smoothies or gasoline. That’s because I don’t want corporate sponsors telling us what to investigate and what to say. Instead, you’re our sponsors. This is a production by our nonprofit, the Informed Consent Action Network. If you want more investigations, more hard-hitting news, if you want the truth, go to ICANdecide.org and donate now.
Del BigTree
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening. Wherever you are out there in the world, how about we all get together and hop on to the HighWire. Welcome. You know, I have to say I have one of the coolest jobs in the world. It really is. I mean, it was awesome working for CBS and being a producer, but to get to be a part of the HighWire and our non profit, the Informed Consent Action Network gives me so many opportunities I never would have had before. The biggest one, and I think the thing that I enjoy the most is traveling this great nation of ours and meeting so many of you. I’ve been on tour almost every weekend over this last month. I got two more months going. Mississippi. I got to meet with some of the leaders of spiritual communities in New York. It’s just fantastic to see, no matter what walk of life, race, religion, creed, nothing is separating us anymore. It just appears that we now have an issue that in one way is so dark, but the beauty is that it’s bringing all of these people together. It’s almost biblical, but no matter how you look at it, it’s fantastic. It’s happening, it’s real. And we were celebrating it in Mississippi this week.
Del BigTree
I got a call from some friends and said we really would love to have you in Mississippi, and I was sitting and thinking about it. And I just thought, Mississippi’s my people. I mean, in all honesty, without Mississippi, I don’t even know that I’m here.
Rally for Medical Freedom in Mississippi
This is our 12th rally that we’ve had, and y’all may not know that we’ve been having rallies for years because until a vaccine was pointed at adults, nobody was paying attention. But welcome everyone who is waking up to this agenda, this evil agenda with open arms.
Tammy Clark
I am an OSHA credentialed, OSHA expert, OSHA trainer instructor and OSHA inspector. What is OSHA now telling all of our businesses to do? Mask up your employees, vax up your employees. And it is 100 percent in violation of their own PPE and respiratory protection standards.
Del BigTree
Now, the President of the United States is going to forcibly vaccinate you if you want to keep your job, you if you want to be a nurse, you if you want to be a doctor.
Rally for Medical Freedom in Mississippi
You’ve got to show your papers if you’re going to eat. You’ve got to show your papers if you go into a restaurant. You’ve got to show your papers if you’re going to buy groceries at the grocery store and now you’re going to have to show your papers if you’re going to make a living for your children and your families.
Rally for Medical Freedom in Mississippi
They’re telling me and you that you don’t have the right to have power over your body. You don’t have the right to have power over your children.
Del BigTree
Now, if I could get all of the doctors and nurses, people that never before would have stood in this issue before, can you come up on stand on the stage with me? All across this nation right now, doctors and nurses are walking out of their hospitals by the tens of thousands. Thank you all.
Tammy Clark
Thank you so much for the healthcare workers that are here, that are standing up, that are choosing to walk away or to get fired rather than just comply. You are the ones on the forefront. You are the change agents. You are the ones leading the way to help others reinvent the system.
Rally for Medical Freedom in Mississippi
My 16 year old grandson came home from work and told his mother his part time job told him, you don’t get the jab, you can’t work here. He stood up to him. He said, screw that job, forget it. Now, that’s a painful thing. I know some of you are going to lose your job, but guess what you got going on for you? You got your life. Is life more important than that? Because you can go get another job.
Rally for Medical Freedom in Mississippi
We see greater threats to our medical freedom, to our rights as Americans, as individuals than we’ve ever seen.
Tammy Clark
I decided at all costs come what may, I am going to speak truth. I am going to expose the lies and I am going to blow the whistle on this government agency.
Rally for Medical Freedom in Mississippi
This is the greatest opportunity we have to rewrite history. This is our season. We have to find it in us to make sure we build a new world for ourselves. So when they say you can’t go into their restaurants, you’re going to open up your own. When they say you can’t travel, that’s why we created freedom travel alliance. You’re going to open up your own airline.
Rally for Medical Freedom in Mississippi
This is the time. This is the moment. We are the people and we are not alone. We’re going to stand up. We’re going to speak out and we’re going to be heard on this. God, be in our witness.
Del BigTree
The moment you recognize this only ends one way if you stay where you’re at. You are captured. It’s over. Your freedom’s gone. Your life is gone. In that moment and that recognition, you get up, you look at that line, you find the weakest part you can, you charge it and you fight like hell.
Del BigTree
So what do you really mean? You know, it’s amazing. It’s amazing, and I know that we all…I just want to say for all of us, even here at The HighWire, there’s days that are really hard. I mean, we find ourselves now in the most outrageous situation in our lifetime, perhaps in the history of this world. As you know, more and more oppression comes down upon us. The idea of when does this end? Where does it go? There’s no end in sight. There’s no science. There’s no explanation for masks, no explanation for vaccines. It just seems like they’re going to do whatever they want to do. Yet because of that insanity and because of that sort of historical pressure, more and more of us are finding that it’s actually cool to have the language that we have, to have the position we have and we’re finding each other. And so today I really want to celebrate America. I want to celebrate the world. I want to celebrate all of our brothers and sisters that are stepping up in so many different ways.
Del BigTree
Of course, we’re going to be talking about Southwest Airlines and other places where we’re seeing the effects of a vaccine mandate. But when it comes to that vaccine mandate, obviously here in America, that is being driven down upon us by one man, Joe Biden, the President of the United States of America. This is the headlines this week as we read them, Biden announced his sweeping vaccine mandates affecting millions of workers. [REF] We already kind of knew that, but how is he going to do it? Biden employer vaccine mandate a step closer to reality as OSHA submits rule text to OMB for review. [REF] Now, I think there was a lot of questions on whether there actually was an executive order. I know a lot, I’ve been seeing a lot of tweets and Facebook posts like he didn’t make an executive order. Well, this order was really towards OSHA, and then OSHA is supposed to sort of then, I guess, mandate upon us. Well, look, in order to understand how OSHA works, why don’t we bring in our in-house OSHA experts? I’m talking about Tammy Clark and Kristen Meghan, who are joining me now. Hey, you guys. How are you guys doing today?
Kristen Meghan
Good afternoon. We’re doing as good as we can be in this world of tyranny.
Tammy Clark
Yeah, hey, Del it’s great to see you again.
Del BigTree
It’s great to see you too. Now, first of all, just so people have an understanding of your backgrounds. Tammy, really quick, just sort of what’s your history of working with OSHA and your expertise?
Tammy Clark
Yes, well, for the last 20 years, I’ve been an occupational environmental, health, safety and compliance professional. I’m OSHA trained, OSHA credentialed and basically I work with lots of different industries to make sure that all employees in the workplace are safe and healthy and that the employers are following OSHA’s compliance and regulatory standards.
Del BigTree
Great and Kristen, what’s your background?
Kristen Meghan
Yes, I have 19 years experience working in the field of occupational environmental toxicology as a senior industrial hygienist. Nine years of that was active duty in the Air Force, doing the same exact thing. But my most relevant aspect of this is that I am an expert in risk mitigation related to health hazards, and I have 12 years experience in pandemic planning preparedness and response embedded within health care systems.
Del BigTree
All right. So you guys are fairly qualified on this issue. Good, because I think a lot of us have a lot of questions. Now, the reason…Tammy, you and I were both in Mississippi at that incredible event there, and we’re sitting backstage and you were talking about how OSHA, sort of the state group of OSHA in Michigan, decided that they were going to push this sort of mandate on the state. And you guys pushed back and had some success shutting that down. Can you very quickly help me understand what happened there?
Tammy Clark
Yes. So basically, what happened was Governor Whitmer was going to extend the temporary emergency rule that they had in place, and she decided she was going to make a permanent COVID-19 standard and permanent rules. And we knew, Kristen and I know, as OSHA credentialed experts, that that is not following the rule making process. That is illegal. Federal OSHA does not have a standard or a mandate, so the individual states are not allowed to enact their own. So we mobilized everybody. We gave them the emails and the phone numbers to contact Michigan OSHA, and we knew we could shut it down by flooding their offices if we armed the people with the truth and the information and they did. Within a day that was shut down.
Del BigTree
Fantastic. So since we’re into arming our population, all the viewers out there, The HighWire and beyond with information, Kristen, when we see OSHA now. This is now federal OSHA, not just a state OSHA, is now going to sort of bring down this mandate on America. And of course, this is about employers, employers that have over one hundred employees are going to have to enforce a vaccine mandate being forced by OSHA to do that. Having worked for OSHA and knowing sort of their charter and their mandate, where do you see…are there problems with their ability to do that?
Kristen Meghan
Well, I don’t work for OSHA, I work with OSHA, we’re like liaisons for the public sector in the government. But first of all, this is called an emergency temporary standard they’re trying to push through. That is never pushed through the executive branch. It’s done through the legislator. And also in order to impose an ETS, the emergency temporary standard, you have to meet certain criteria, which is the scripting of grave danger. Are we in grave danger? Because it looks to me that we are firing qualified health care professionals during a pandemic left and right. Also, it must be deemed that this is a needed standard with needed controls, force vaccination, as a necessity, key term necessity to work in a safe environment. This is not a necessity and the reason I say that Del is we follow something in our field called the hierarchy of controls. And it’s the hierarchy of controls, I think that they are trying to list the vaccine as a form of elimination, except we’re not eliminating a virus through a non 100 percent efficacious vaccine that is known to wane and we’re ignoring natural immunity. So legally, this could be fought in court because it cannot be classified as a form of control when we have other methods, methods that are already proven in court to reduce the hazards. For example, through engineering controls, increasing air exchanges through ventilation through dilution and destruction technologies, installing units on HVAC systems that can kill ninety five to ninety six percent of bacteria, viruses and mold. We have other withstanding and working and verified confidence in those controls. And the last thing too Del, if you were going to impose a control through an emergency standard, we, people like Tammy and myself, have to be able to go verify the confidence in those controls. How are we to verify the confidence in a vaccine in a body when we all have different human and genetic factors? For example, studies just came out saying that if you have low iron, iron anemic, if I were to get this, I would need to get my iron levels up to receive the claimed efficacy for this.
So we are ignoring again individual human and genetic factors. Vaccines cannot be a form of control. This is not legal.
Del BigTree
Tammy, when I think of OSHA, we think of things like masks. We think about air quality standards. We think about HVAC systems, making sure there’s no mold, like the building, I always think of OSHA really more as the building surrounding me that I’m working in or the environment that I’m working in. And maybe a mask, but have we ever, has there ever been a moment in OSHA’s history that they have said, you have to take a drug or you have to be injected with a pharmaceutical product? Is there a history of that?
Tammy Clark
No, in fact, OSHA wrote a letter, a clarification letter to a state representative who questioned during the flu vaccines whether or not it was legal to require the flu vaccines, et cetera, and OSHA clearly stated that they are not able to enforce or require vaccines, any medications or anything like that on people, on the public. However, they said the employer could. So they made it very clear in their own letters of interpretation that they cannot. They do not have the ability to force or mandate any sort of vaccines or medicines, medical devices any control measures on the public and individuals.
Kristen Meghan
If I can just add real quick Del, another example of that would be under the OSHA blood borne pathogen standard, they never mandated the HEP-B shot. It was just highly encouraged with other risk mitigating factors.
Del BigTree
So highly encouraged is the best they can do, they’ve never mandated. And that would make sense to me because OSHA is supposed to be protecting people. I’m correct, even in a place where masks are necessary. When we spoke originally last year, you were saying that there are some people that can’t wear masks, that OSHA would never force a person to wear a mask if they have any sort of physical issue that would be against that. Certainly a vaccine or any drug…there’s going to be people, as you pointed out, that either the vaccine won’t work for or might even endanger people with immune issues or those that have already had the natural infection that already have robust immunity showing that that’s going to last for a very long time. So how can OSHA get involved with a sort of one size fits all, and force people in when they’ve never even done that when it came to masks and dangerous environments?
Tammy Clark
Well, they tried. They did try to do this with the masks because Biden told them to go create a standard. But the president of the
United States does not have the ability to just go order OSHA to do something like create a new standard. It doesn’t work that way. The OSHA Act of Congress has very clear parameters and specifications for the rule making process and what they have to go through. So if they could have done that with masks, they would have. It’s no different with this vaccine. But this is even worse because there are people that it will literally kill. If you give certain people, certain individual vaccinations that have already had strokes or they’ve had adverse reactions to previous vaccines, it could literally kill them. So to go force somebody to do this as a condition of employment, if they don’t do it, they’re going to be kept out of society. They have no way to make money, no way to go shopping. If you don’t show your card. It is egregious. It is criminal what is happening. So legally, OSHA cannot do this.
Del BigTree
Kristen, now you talked about sort of this again…we’re getting so tired, I think of this sort of emergency use or emergency authorization or in a time of emergency, all of a sudden everyone is rushing the rule making process, the lawmaking process. But does OSHA, I mean, you sort of touched on this. I want a little more depth. Normally, if we were going to have an emergency act done by OSHA, what is the process? Does that come from the president or does it go through the Congress? And then how much time is taken even in terms of an emergency to sort of do the proper testing and figure out if this is the way forward and this is something that OSHA is going to do? Is it usually like one month? I think we have 30 days since Biden made this statement. Is that how much time it usually takes for OSHA to come up with sort of this emergency ruling?
Kristen Meghan
Well, since the OSHA Act of 1970 was passed, I believe there’s been 10 attempts for ETS and it’s only got a 50 percent rate of being enforced. With the most recent one being the one this past June, and that was for health care workers. That took five months. But decades ago, when asbestos was a known carcinogen based on data, what happens is it’s a community effort. So people in our field that are seeing injury and illness and death in the field, we work with these working groups, so it gets shared with senators. We have Senate hearings. We try to raise the awareness and then OSHA will take that data and kind of reach out to different membership groups and say, are you guys seeing this? That’s when you’ve seen combustible dust standards and things like that. So this takes months. And not only that, again, it has to show… like the first time they try to push through the asbestos ETS, it was because they knew how [inaudible] it was and they had this like estimation how many people could die in a certain amount of time. Well, they couldn’t prove it, so it didn’t go through. But the biggest issue here I would like to address is that in this proposed ETS, President Biden wants us to be cited up to close to fourteen thousand dollars as a serious violation. Well, under the field manual through OSHA, a serious violation is a violation where you’re being completely negligible and you’re saying that there’s likelihood for someone to die. So we’re not talking about like a chlorine gas leak. I mean, the last I heard is we’re around 97 to 99 percent recovery rates for most people. Nothing’s one size fits all. But to me, that doesn’t sound like you are highly likely to die if exposed to COVID-
Del BigTree
Well, we got it right here. Let’s just talk right through it because you brought it up. I was going to do this at the end of the show. This is crunching all the data from around the world done by John Ioannidis out of Stanford University. Your survival rate from COVID-19, should you catch it if you’re zero to 19, is a 99.997 percent survival rate, twenty to twenty nine a 99.986 percent survival rate, thirty to thirty nine 99.96, forty to forty nine 99.918, 99.73. But you know, for some people, I thought, maybe they don’t understand that, so I switched it around. What is the death rate of this virus? Because this is what you’re talking about. The emergency is you could die. What is your risk of dying? Look at that zero to 19, your risk of dying is 0.0027 percent. That’s a thousandth. We’re in the thousandths there of one percent, not a quarter of one percent, not a tenth of one percent, not one hundredth of one percent, but in the thousandths of percentage points. So you look at that risk all the way up until you get to 70 plus do you start seeing the 2.4 percent and 5.5 percent. And most of those people, I’m hoping, are sitting on a beach somewhere retired. So for the rest of it, it is a less than zero percent chance of risk. And so when you were, I mean, what you’re saying right now makes so much sense. Look it, if we have a chlorine gas leak, obviously we’ve got to get in there and handle that because people will die on contact. This is not a death on contact issue.
Tammy Clark
Right, but they’re actually trying to say that it is. In fact, our health departments here in Michigan and I know around the country they’re saying the same things because they’ve all been given the same talking points by the state health boards, by the state health directors, which have come directly from the CDC, as Kristen and I have discovered through testimony on some of these court cases. What they’re claiming is a phrase that we use a lot in the world of occupational, environmental health and safety, and that’s imminent danger. They’re actually claiming that they have to keep our children masked up until they can receive this experimental vaccine, until it’s approved. They’re claiming that you all have to take a vaccine because of the imminent danger that they’ve been made aware of, that you might die if you don’t.
Kristen Meghan
And just to put it into context, we have the authority when we’re consultants for businesses or when I work for the federal government, I have the ability if there’s imminent danger to shut down a business or process until it’s remedied. I am not going to shut down a business even with one or five positive cases. Because again, we know, you just showed the survivability rate.
Del BigTree
Incredible. So in sort of closing right now, obviously, I think this is going to be going into courtrooms around the country. ICAN, our nonprofit, is going to be fighting this. What do you think is the biggest argument against what Biden is attempting to do using OSHA in this way?
Kristen Meghan
I guess my first recommendation would be do not quit your job because there is nothing in writing yet making this a mandate because there’s no EO tied to this that I know of. And this is not passed. And even if it’s passed business owners, if this is still pushed through illegally, you have the right to request a judicial review to fight against this. Because if you have employees who have natural immunity or exemptions, go through your exemptions. Don’t quit. Let them fire you. Maintain positive attitude and know that nothing is forcing you yet.
Del BigTree
Now, really quickly Tammy, employers are finding, this came from what Kristen just said, finding themselves in, I think in a difficult position. Is OSHA really putting them in a position where technically they’re going to get people injured should they get vaccinated. I mean, I think you’re opening up the employer to lawsuits and certainly workman’s comp, and nobody wants to have a business that has high workman’s comp payouts. Is that fair for OSHA to put the employer into a position where they may have to pay out, even be subject to lawsuit because on the job, they force their employees to take a product that ends up perhaps paralyzing them, giving them a heart condition or even killing them?
Tammy Clark
Yeah, and this is what I don’t think that employers really understand. And a lot of this comes from corporate attorneys because attorneys are very risk averse, for the most part, and they are directing people to do things, their clients, that they do not need to do, in fact, they should not do, just because they’re hearing rumblings of this new mandate coming or whatever. And so then the attorney starts scrambling and preparing their clients, the business owners, to start doing this to quote, keep them out of trouble. The problem is they’re putting them in a position that they’re going to have more trouble because there is a major amount of documentation that we know behind the Medicare and Medicaid documentation that’s come out of how many people have actually died from taking this within just a few days of receiving the vaccines, the injuries, the permanent injuries that are happening as a result. If an employer mandates on any of their employees as a condition of employment, whether it’s PPE, medical devices, vaccines, anything like that, they are one hundred percent liable to those employees. And just because OSHA is not looking at their record keeping anymore, because OSHA has said that that’s not a condition of inspection anymore, it’s not inspection criteria. They’re not going to look at their OSHA three hundred logs and see if they’re recording these things. So just because they’re not recording the adverse effects, the injuries or the deaths does not mean the liability has been removed. And this is where employers are going to find themselves in a lot of trouble.
Kristen Meghan
Also really quick, another initiative employees can take is don’t always think that OSHA standards are to force you to do things. You can invoke OSHA standards to fight for your rights, and I would exercise what is called the general duty clause. Where there’s a hazard, there’s a standard, excuse me, where there’s a standard, there’s a hazard, but where there’s a hazard, there’s not always a
standard. And it is not a conspiracy theory to look at that VAERS database and look at the data coming out from our own government that this is…the risk and the benefits do not equal to me. I feel like this is more dangerous to do, especially as a one size fits all approach. Invoke the general duty clause, which says you have a right to a safe and healthful work environment free from health hazards like this. And all you need to do is produce your own government documents to your employer and say, I am not willing to accept this risk. Are you?
Del BigTree
Right. And you know, one of the things I think about and we’re trying to tell everybody, look, you’re going to have to make your own choice, but I would never take a product I don’t believe in simply to keep my job. But if it comes down to that line and my employer is saying, I’m sorry, you have no choice. First of all, I would say stand together. But in standing together, is that employee allowed to sort of like, set a baseline and say, then I want you as my employer to, you know, I want to get a physical. I want to prove where I was at before I took this vaccine. Is that something that you can do? Does OSHA sort of allow me that opportunity?
Kristen Meghan
Yes, it’s something again under the general duty clause. If you have a condition of employment and you hired on with the understanding at the time you got hired that this wasn’t required, and now it is, it’s invoking a new risk to you, so you can request a baseline physical. I would check EKG, blood pressure, look at the most common injury illness trend associated with this in the VAERS database. Request that baseline, because if you have an adverse reaction or death, loss of consciousness, anything above first aid, you can fight for your rights. You can individually sue your employer and go for workers’ compensation.
Del BigTree
You know what I like about that is that I think that when we think of unions or these large groups because these are employment centers with over one hundred employees, if we get together and say, look, you want to do this, then go to your union and say, I want to demand that every single employee that’s being forced to do this, that our boss is going to have to pay to have a physical for every one of us, set the baseline, agree that that’s where our health was at. And should anything change from there, we’re going to hold the employer responsible. I think by taking those actions you are really going to be deterring any employer to move forward. So I think that’s a really interesting point that nobody has brought up. So lastly, Tammy, for people that are out there, they’re standing on the line. There really were so many people, like in Texas, we’re going to talk about Governor Abbott coming up, his block sort of the vaccine mandate. But then all these people in Texas that got the vaccine already, that wouldn’t have gotten it otherwise. They find themselves, like they moved too quickly. What’s your advice to people in the circumstances we now find ourselves at, as you hear your employer may do it. You hear that the government’s forcing employers to do it. What would you recommend people do?
Tammy Clark
Well, first of all, if you work for a union company, please go talk to your union steward. Right now, the governors and the government is utilizing these unions and they’re weaponizing them. No different than our governors are utilizing state agencies and federal agencies and trying to weaponize them to coerce you to do something. So go talk to your union representative. Talk to your HR department. You need to get these documents that we’ve been talking about and we’ve been showing the links and things like that with the studies and the information. And you need to go to your employer and you need to simply say, look, I’m just not comfortable doing this. There’s too high of a risk rate. My chance of dying is, you know, .001 percent or 2 percent. My chance of adverse effects from this vaccine are much higher than that. And so you’re forcing me to do something that creates a greater hazard. Now, in a world of occupational health and safety, that’s a no no. Everything we do is about eliminating hazards and anything that we do that creates a greater hazard, it’s something that we are not allowed legally to do. So this is what’s happening is our OSHA agencies and our unions are being weaponized against people and we, the people need to stand up. We need to recognize that’s where this is coming from and we need to stand up and we need to be very vocal and don’t just quit your job. You make them fire you because now you have a very strong case and you need to get collectively together, just like the employees, the pilots of Southwest Airlines. And what happens is courage is contagious. One person stands up, one group, one company and look at what happens, now American Airlines, now Amtrak, and we’re hearing…we’re going to see more and more and more. And that’s all it takes is for people to be courageous. Get your employees together, your colleagues together and go talk to your HR department. Put together a strike, a lockout. But whatever you do, just don’t go along. If you don’t feel to go along with this in your gut and you don’t feel comfortable with it, don’t allow yourself to be coerced. There is a huge, huge alternative job market that’s developing right now. One that I just found out about yesterday is called Red Balloon, and it’s an alternative place for employers who do not want to discriminate. They don’t want to coerce their employees to do things that they feel are not healthy, and it violates their personal choice and their bodily autonomy and their own health freedoms. They have a whole platform now where you can go and you can post your job openings across the country. And I looked at it yesterday and there’s everything from construction job openings to health care job openings…
Del BigTree
A whole new economy, right? Yeah, we’re creating a whole new economy. Fantastic.
Kristen Meghan
And I would also reach out to your federal congressmen and senators because again, just like we see here in the state of Michigan with our dictator, she unilaterally violates our state constitution, abuse of powers. And again, OSHA does not get their orders, pecking orders from a president. There is a reason that exists, and there’s also a reason that the professionals and our [inaudible] run the department, run OSHA because we’re out in the field and we’re not going to get our advice from non credentialed people.
Tammy Clark
And could I say one more thing about that? I just want, I just want everybody to understand just because you’re hearing this does not make it true. OSHA does not have the enforcement capability, guys. You’re hearing all this chatter, OSHA saying this and doing this. It doesn’t mean they’re actually doing it. They don’t have the authority to do that. They’re violating congressional laws and regulatory rule making processes. They do not have the manpower to go door to door, inspect all these businesses. They just can’t enforce it. But what is happening is that they’re hoping that by just saying it and putting this out there in print that they’re doing it, that you will self-regulate and you will comply just because you’re hearing it. So we have to recognize that what is going on is they’re just saying things, just like here in Michigan, Gov. Whitmer is just saying things. They’re not true. They’re lies. But a lot of people just go right along because they think it’s the truth. So we have to be discerning today, and we have to educate ourselves on the legal process. We have to be communicating frequently, regularly with your state representative, with your Senator. Get to know these people, put pressure on them because that’s how we, the people who still have the power, are going to stop this and turn this around.
Del BigTree
Absolutely. Fantastic. Tammy, Kristen, thank you so much for your brilliant work. Keep up the good work. We’re going to post all the information. Everyone on our newsletter, you’re going to get all the information that they’ve shared with us, so that you can be knowledgeable when you talk about OSHA, what it can and cannot do. I know you guys are putting it on the line. You’ve come under a lot of duress, but you’re also fighting in court cases. You’re fighting for people all over this country. You’re true American heroes. It’s an honor to have you join us today. Thank you so much.
Kristen Meghan Thank you.
Tammy Clark Thank you.
Del BigTree
All right, take care. Well, I mean, there it is. You have some brilliant information, but just so that you think, you know, it’s not just you alone. I’ve got to figure out OSHA. The truth is, is that much of what was just shared there is what twenty four attorney generals across the nation threatened Joe Biden with over a month ago when he first said this. They wrote a letter and they said, we will sue you if you decide to break the law, essentially using OSHA in a way it cannot be used. I want to read you excerpts of this because it’s quite fantastic. When we were discussing this, I was talking to our attorney, Aaron Siri. He said, look, they have a really good case put together in this letter. It lays out the problems. But again, look, you can go ahead and make it easy for them. Just go ahead and lay down and take the vaccine before there’s any pressure whatsoever. Or you can decide, you know what? I’m going to hold up, I’m going to hold up here. I’m going to go ahead and talk to my union boss. I’m going to talk to my employer. And you know what? Maybe this letter is the easiest way to go about that when you talk to your congressmen and senators and say, did you see what twenty four attorney generals, nearly half of the United States of America said? Let’s read through this. There’s some great excerpts here. Take a look at this.
Del BigTree
“You emphasized at your September 9th announcement that the vaccine provides very strong protection from severe illness from COVID-19 and the world’s leading scientists confirm that if you are fully vaccinated, your risk of severe illness from COVID-19 is very low. You further stated that only one out of every 160,000 fully vaccinated Americans was hospitalized for COVID per day. And you said the science makes clear that if you’re fully vaccinated, you’re highly protected from severe illness, even if you get COVID-19. The mandate, however, sends exactly the opposite signal. It suggests that the vaccinated need to protect them from those who, for whatever personal reason, choose not to or cannot receive a COVID-19 shot. That is hardly a statement of confidence in the efficacy of vaccines.” Great point.
Del BigTree
“Most glaringly, your policy inexplicably fails to recognize natural immunity. Your edict is also illegal. The Department has attempted to adopt an emergency temporary standard only one other time since 1983 (and that one exception came in June of this year and is being challenged). An emergency temporary standard does not have to go through notice and comment and can be made effective immediately upon publication. Because of this lack of process and oversight, courts have viewed these standards with suspicion.
Between 1971 and 1983, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued nine emergency temporary standards. Of those, six were challenged. The courts fully vacated or stayed the standards in four cases, partially stayed the standards in another, and upheld only one of the six.” So it is a terrible track record.
“To justify an emergency temporary standard, OSHA must determine that employees are exposed to grave danger from exposure to substances or agents determined to be toxic or physically harmful, or from new hazards, and it must conclude that such emergency standard is necessary to protect employees from such dangers. Each of the italicized phrases defeats your attempt to rely on this statute. While grave danger is left undefined, your own statements during the announcement that those who are vaccinated have little chance of hospitalization or death undercut any assertion that there is grave danger. Moreover, many Americans who have recovered from COVID-19 have obtained a level of natural immunity, and the statistics are clear that young people without comorbidities have a low risk of hospitalization from COVID-19. You thus cannot plausibly meet the high burden of showing that employees in general are in grave danger. What is more, the COVID-19 virus is not the sort of substance, agent or hazard to which the statute refers. OSHA as its full name suggests, exists to ensure occupational safety. In other words, it deals with work related hazards, not all hazards one might encounter anywhere in the world. All of these provisions are most naturally focused on dangers occurring at work because of one’s work, as opposed to dangers occurring in society generally, including at work. Finally, broadly mandating vaccinations or weekly COVID-19 testing for 80 million Americans simply because they work at a business of a certain size hardly seems necessary to meet any such danger. On the contrary, it is vastly over broad and inexact.”
Del BigTree
“First, there is background assumption that Congress normally preserves the constitutional balance between the national government and the state. As a result, Congress must speak clearly if it wishes to upset the constitutional balance of power. Allowing OSHA to mandate vaccines to protect against a virus that is endemic in society generally would vastly alter the constitutional balance of power. Second, the major questions doctrine leads to the same result. Courts expect Congress to speak clearly when authorizing an agency to exercise powers of vast economic and political significance. Reading the emergency temporary standard provision as permitting the Department of Labor to regulate private health decisions made outside of work would be a major power indeed. Because the statute does not clearly empower the Department to regulate such matters, it must be read not to do so. Congress cannot hand its job to make the law to OSHA or any other agency. Our Constitution vests the legislative power in Congress alone. Even if OSHA’s general grant of authority passes constitutional muster, which some have questioned, this particular statute is unconstitutional if it gives the executive branch complete discretion to regulate any matter related to the general health and safety of the American people. And any reading that would permit the executive branch to mandate vaccines would seem to do just that. If that order is allowed, then it is unclear what order would exceed the Department’s power. Your threats carries with it the threat of people losing their homes and shifting the financial obligation of supporting currently independent and employed individuals to public support systems. Worse still, if your expansive reading of the law succeeds, the American people can expect further abuses, as it is hard to imagine any requirement the law would not allow. You are clearly acting beyond the scope of the statute and you will fail in court.”
Del BigTree
“Our Constitution principally entrusts the safety and the health of people to the politically accountable officials of the states to guard and protect. Your proposed plan would invert that structure and put the federal government at the forefront. States have taken varying approaches to dealing with the virus, and whether you like it or not, that is how our constitutional structure is arranged. You have offered the American people flimsy legal arguments, contradictory statements and threatening directives. It is almost as if your goal is to sow division and distrust, rather than promote unity and the public’s health. If your administration does not alter its course, the undersigned state Attorneys General will seek every available legal option to hold you accountable and uphold the rule of law.”
Del BigTree
Wow, that was a mouthful, but I wanted you to hear it also that you recognize you are not alone, folks. It is not just you out there. Twenty four states and by the way, if you’re not living in one of those states, you may want to start talking to some moving companies and looking at what you can get for your house because this is how this is going to divide. The lines are being drawn. You don’t want to live in a state that doesn’t care about your individual rights. Move to one that does and start supporting those politicians that do. We’ve got an election coming up next year. I don’t care which party it’s in. I’ve met Democrats and I’ve met Republicans that are fantastic on these issues of liberty and discussing our freedoms. This is now in our hands. We’ve got to do what it takes. So when you go to your employers, slap down and say, you know what? Not only are you against my rights, the attorney generals in this country are coming out against you too. Do you really want to be on the wrong side of history when they win in the Supreme Court? I doubt it. And by the way, while you’re thinking about it, I want to get a physical and so does everyone else I work with because we’re going to hold you accountable if you ever decide to injure our bodies on the job for no reason.
Del BigTree
All right, there you have it. Let’s move on. We’ve got so much to get to. A huge show, huge movements. I’m not the only one now speaking out against this. All across this nation, people are standing their ground and to get behind what’s really going on it’s time for the Jaxen report.
Del BigTree
All right, Jefferey Jaxen, man, the tide is turning. It is amazing to see what’s going on. I mean, I’m on the ground all around this country, numbers I’ve never seen before. People you would never see at rallies – doctors, nurses, firefighters, police officers. This thing is getting real. And I can’t imagine what it’s like to be the Biden administration right now, realizing with every step, every time you push, it’s like you’re just fueling this monster that’s now against you, this monster of liberty and freedom.
Del BigTree
You muted yourself. Here we go.
Jefferey Jaxen
I’ve heard it, I’ve heard it called an inflection point. And that’s what’s being told to me by people I’m talking to on the ground. But you know, there’s a lot of internal issues going on in the airline industry. And that was really the big story in America this past week, and it really spilled out into the public via the Southwest Airlines story that the previous guest mentioned. So let’s take a look at what that looked like.
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Absolute travel mess.
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This was a disastrous weekend for Southwest.
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Southwest Airlines is scrambling to control a travel fiasco.
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Air travel nightmare across the country.
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Travel insiders are calling this an operational meltdown.
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You could see up and down the screens, just canceled, canceled, canceled.
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The carrier canceled eight hundred flights on Saturday. Eleven hundred flights on Sunday and another three hundred and sixty flights on Monday.
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Sunday alone, 27 percent of its fleet grounded. Frustration taking flight.
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The company said, we experienced weather challenges in our Florida airports at the beginning of the weekend. Challenges made worse by unexpected air traffic control issues in the same region, triggering delays and prompting significant cancelations.
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I think over half of our fleet touches the state of Florida. I can’t really speak to what their issues were or weren’t.
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There’s no bad weather. There’s got to be something behind the scenes that they’re not telling us.
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Overnight, airline leadership apologizing to both passengers and their employees.
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Saying an unexpected number of delays led to a staffing shortage, with workers and planes scattered out of position. The airline acknowledged in some cases, flight crews were left without hotel rooms.
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The FAA quick to fire right back on Twitter. No FAA air traffic staffing shortages have been reported since Friday.
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American, Delta, Frontier, JetBlue and Spirit all have sizable operations in Florida. None of them are reporting any cancelations or many cancelations.
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Southwest then released another statement saying after cutting back flights during the pandemic, recovering during operational challenges is more difficult and prolonged.
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Why are they blaming the weather? Why are they blaming shortages? What’s the motivation for an airline to blame everything else but take responsibility?
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I’ve seen a lot of people invested in this idea that this is somehow related to vaccine mandates. There’s just no evidence of that.
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I suspect that Southwest isn’t being totally honest with us.
I mean, I call that the 50 shades of bull crap out there. I mean, it’s amazing when I think, I worked for CBS, these reporters that are obviously not digging down to the story, just carrying water for these ridiculous statements like it was the weather. I want to be honest, like we were, we were at an event in Florida, and on Saturday and Sunday, the question was not where do we get our raincoats? It’s should we play golf today or should we lay at the beach before we have to talk later today? So I don’t know what they were talking about. The weather wasn’t there, but we saw so many people, just average Joes and Janes in the airport there, saying they can’t be telling us the truth. So what were they not telling us?
Jefferey Jaxen
Well, there’s a lot of social media chatter, and it’s kind of encompassed in this headline. So throughout the reporting, we saw the word sickout come through, and that was basically like a coordinated effort by employees to call in sick at the same time, maybe jam up the gears. This is Southwest Airlines cancels 100 more flights, denies sickout. [REF] Now, there was no official admission of a sickout, but the official admissions we were getting, as we just saw, were highly questionable. So let’s go, let’s go down the list a little bit and check them out. So we were told bad weather. This was the Southwest Airlines cancels 1,800 flights, blaming weather and staffing. [REF] This was last weekend is where it really came out. The Dallas based airline blamed the disruptions on air traffic control issues, bad weather and staffing shortfalls. But now we go to Louisiana KATC Channel three. This is local news. Kind of had to dig down there a little bit, but the FAA made a statement. A spokesperson, Steve Kulm, said there were no staffing shortages reported. No FAA air traffic staffing shortages have been reported since Friday, Kulm said in a statement to KMGH. Flight delays and cancelations occurred for a few hours Friday afternoon due to widespread severe weather, military training and limited staffing in one area of the Jacksonville Air Route Traffic Control Center. So here we go with air traffic control issues. FAA is kind of denying that. And staffing at the air traffic control was another issue. And we have a union email that actually debunk that. It was reported in this headline Southwest Airlines apologizes for flight cancelations, says operations are stabilizing [REF] and it says in here, in direct contrast to what Southwest was saying, over the weekend, two thousand one hundred and seventy six Southwest flights were canceled because of unavailable crews, the pilots union told members late Tuesday.
Del BigTree
Now, air traffic control is not in those crews. Those are crews of Southwest. So that’s just pilots and stewards, correct?
Jefferey Jaxen
Pilots, stewards, perhaps ground crew as well. And so now that was in the weekend. So we’re being told weather, some staffing shortages over the weekend. But then it started to spill out into the following week. So this previous Monday, Tuesday, and this is where HighWire really picked up the reporting at thehighwire.com. This is the article we put up there. Cancelations, delays as Southwest woes continue. [REF] And by Monday, by midday Monday, the totals were creeping up again. Three hundred and sixty three flights, or 10 percent were canceled and one thousand ninety six or 31 percent of all Southwest flights were delayed. And you know, anybody can go on right now and check these numbers out. There’s a live, real time calculator that shows these flight delays and cancelations. It’s called flight aware and its cancelation statistics. Now, this was a screenshot taken from Tuesday. So now we’re five days out from when these cancelations first started happening that we’re being told bad weather. And so we have a screenshot here, it says, by Tuesday, 37 percent were still delayed. That’s one thousand two hundred and fifty five.
Del BigTree
Only right behind the Pakistan International airlines there, I mean, there’s a race here for the bottom. We got Pakistan International Airlines coming out, but….and Pakistan International Airlines holds on to the worst airline in the world.
Jefferey Jaxen
And you’ve got to think this picture is going to be in a boardroom or around…the board of directors saying this cannot happen again. We can’t be in this screenshot ever again. So if anybody wants to check out the delays, when they say there’s weather delays, there’s delays at airports, you can go on to the FAA.gov website. This is what we were doing for our research. This shows real time delay dashboard. This is from Tuesday. You can see all 40 major U.S. hubs are in green. That means there’s essentially little or no delays whatsoever. Yellow, orange, red would be some issues, but you’re seeing like 30 percent, 30 percent of the Southwest flights delayed on this day. Yet there’s no delays being reported at these airport hubs. So then, this thing is really started racing by midweek and we had the Southwest CEO. He had to really appear on the news and do some damage control. So this is what Mr. Kelly said.
Take a look.
Gary Kelly
Talking about the vaccine mandate. Oh, yeah. I mean, there are some that have very strong views on both sides of that issue. And you know, it’s not…as I think you probably know, I’ve never been in favor of corporations imposing that kind of a mandate. I’m not in favor of that. Never have been. But the executive order from President Biden mandates that all federal employees and then all federal contractors, which covers all the major airlines, have to have a vaccine in place by December the 8th. So we’re working through that. We’re urging all of our employees to get vaccinated. If they can’t, we’re urging them to seek an accommodation either for medical or religious reasons. And my goal, obviously, is that no one loses their job. The objective here, obviously, is to improve health and safety, not for people to lose their jobs.
I mean, I don’t know whether that’s sincere or not, obviously, at this point, we’re just used to so many people saying so many things. But he’s the head of an airline that was telling nobody the truth all week long, right? All weekend long. And clearly, the question really looms, is this about that vaccine mandate? He’s now finally having to address it, right? And I think this is where most people are leaning. But to be clear, right, if they were to actually admit that they were walking out or were in any way striking, that’s illegal for anyone that’s a pilot or someone working in the airline, correct?
Jefferey Jaxen
Yeah. So their hands have been tied from what I understand as well. So we’re not going to get like an official statement from the union.
Del BigTree
If it was a protest, it’s going to be a silent one.
Jefferey Jaxen
Correct. And on that front, there is a website now, if there’s no smoke, there’s no fire typically. So we have a website, Southwest stands. These are the Southwest freedom flyers. It’s a grassroots collection of Southwest employees. They’re working to ensure health freedom for their employees. Now you can go there right now and send a message to the Southwest CEO Gary Kelly, who we just saw, 19 other of their Southwest board members telling them to respect the medical choices of their employees. There’s over 18,000 people have already sent a letter. And so you can do that too if you really feel strongly about this and show some support. I hear there’s a Southwest Airlines rally in Texas on Monday.
Del BigTree
That’s their headquarters. Please join our Southwest cohorts vaccinated or not in exercising your First Amendment right to a peaceful protest of the recent COVID-19 vaccination mandate. We will be live streaming it, but I better not hear that you were in Texas watching it on your computer. If you were anywhere near this, we need to start showing up to these things in person. That’s how we make a difference. All who believe in medical freedom are welcome to gather outside Southwest Airlines headquarters entrance at the intersection of Denton Drive and Love Field Drive. Please invite others and bring signs stating terminate the mandate, freedom not force, no jabs for jobs. More than anything, we want to get back to the heart of Southwest hospitality, where all employees feel welcomed, cared for and appreciated. So there you have it outside of the headquarters of Southwest on Monday. So when we’re looking at this, obviously, people are being put in harm’s way. They clearly don’t want this vaccine. Their jobs are on the line. One of the things, though, I wanted to point out, and when we talk about that, I want to bring up the website that we can…the petition right, really quickly because when we were talking to some of the pilots behind the scenes, they obviously don’t want to come out and speak freely about this because they will be fired. They could even be arrested if they even admitted that what they’re doing is some sort of a protest, but they can’t even hand this out. I was talking to someone who said, I can’t even share this on my Facebook or share this or get caught sharing this Southwest stands because then I will have actions against me. So we’ve got to do this work for them, right? They may be silently protesting, but we’ve got to stand and be their voice. So please, you know, go to that link, go ahead and sign up. Put your name in there. Obviously, we all want them to be healthy and frankly, I don’t want them shedding all over me when I’m on this airplane. And so this helps all of us. But this is the grassroots work we all need to do, right? This is back to like Pony Express. This is Paul Revere. It’s not going to be easy. It’s not just going to be, you know, the social media platforms aren’t going to have some algorithm to help you do this. This is one person to another, each man, each woman standing up for what we care about and standing for our brothers and sisters at Southwest.
Jefferey Jaxen
Yeah. This week, everyone that believes and feels the same way that the Southwest, the freedom flyers do, we are Southwest employees. Last couple of weeks we were health care employees. If you haven’t noticed by now, this is coming down the line and it may affect everybody. It looks like it’s going to and it’s moving fast. So each week a new profession is kind of in the crosshairs. And we are that profession if you believe in medical freedom and health freedom, so don’t wait for the courts. But speaking of the courts, they are getting involved. The United Airlines court ruling in the United Airlines case. This was a big headline just recently, just a day ago. They must delay its vaccine mandate for workers seeking an exemption. [REF] This is some good news for people that want those exemptions. It says, for the small portion of employees that refuse to get a coronavirus vaccine and requested either a medical or religious exemption from United, the company said it would place those workers on unpaid leave. So understand if you just want an exemption, you’re on unpaid leave, you’re pretty much in limbo. And then it goes on to say six employees filed a federal lawsuit over this policy, arguing unpaid leave is not a reasonable accommodation, but rather an adverse employment action. So here we go it says, U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman responded to that lawsuit Tuesday by ordering a temporary restraining order on United to hold off on removing any worker requesting those exemptions from the payroll. So there you have it, if you’re a United worker, file those exemptions, because there is a restraining order…
And when we were talking to Southwest employees, they said they were watching this case very closely because the concern was the airline as Kelly said, look, I want you to seek out a medical exemption or religious. He said, like any accommodation that’s out there, go ahead and get it. But the problem was they’re all very worried that they’ll get it and then they’ll just be furloughed without pay, that they’ll just be sitting there. They won’t be fired, they won’t get unemployment, they’ll just be stuck because they have this exemption. And I think this is a huge ruling that everyone was looking at because it says, no, no, you are not allowed to not employ them or staff them and just keep them on the rolls simply because they had an exemption. So that’s a huge step. And I believe they also said that though they had sort of closed and said your opportunity to get one of those exemptions has been closed out. But they ended up saying, this judge said no, those are back open. People that haven’t gotten exemptions can still get them. So it feels like this week, especially, I think we were all saying to each other, though there has been some bad court decisions around these issues over the last month or so, this week really felt like there was a tide turning, at least on these issues where the courtrooms seem to be moving in the right direction. At least giving people the opportunity to fight a case and not lose their job while they’re fighting it.
Jefferey Jaxen
It sure did. And everyone keep an eye on the airline industry as we wrap up this segment here. Here’s another headline not only the pilots, not even the employees, but 40 percent of TSA are unvaccinated. [REF] Now their deadline’s November 22nd from what I understand, and they’re going to have to face some hard, hard situations. TSA is there, as we’re told, to keep us safe. And if 40 percent are axed overnight, that’s going to be a problem. But let’s hear from an actual pilot. So we’re looking at headlines, we’re making quotes here. But an actual pilot made a video and it’s been shared millions of times. Take a look at this.
Shawn Walker
I’ve been an airline pilot for 18 years and now I’m facing an ultimatum, not a choice, but an ultimatum. I’m being told in order to continue my career as an airline pilot, I must be vaccinated, which really means I have to choose between putting food on the table for my family and my freedom of choice. Whether you believe in vaccination is the right thing to do or not, the situation goes far beyond health. We, the American people, have fought for freedom for two hundred and fifty seven years. We go around the world spreading ideas of freedom and democracy. We help other countries and people fight for their freedoms while ours are being stripped away. You may think being forced to wear a mask or get a vaccination is insignificant, but when you begin to compile mandate after mandate and loss of freedom after freedom, it becomes very significant. As each thing is taken away, we face what is known as the shifting baseline syndrome. The syndrome changes our idea of a new and acceptable normal. Soon, we will not remember what it was like to have the freedoms we once did, our children and our grandchildren who experience less freedom and they won’t have the privilege or the pleasure to enjoy the same choices our parents had or that we have. If we give in to these mandates and we do not stand up for our freedom of choice, we dishonor every armed service person over the last two hundred and fifty seven years, a disservice to the people who have fought and bled for the very freedoms we enjoy. Whether you believe in vaccination or not, I’m standing up for your freedom of choice. You may support the vaccine mandates because they fall in line with your current beliefs. But if we let this happen now, there will be a day when what you’re told to do will not fall in line with your beliefs. If we do not stand together and fight back in one voice, soon we could be told where to live, what job we will do, what religion to believe and how many children we can have. Do you really want someone telling your children or your grandchildren what, when and how they will live every minute of their lives? It’s time we take a stance. It’s time we fight for our freedom of choice while we still can. Join us.
Del BigTree
Well, I just want to say that clearly we’re not putting words in anyone’s mouth. I’m not going to say that anyone broke the law here, but I will say that we do stand with every American citizen, every employee in this nation and around the world that are facing that sort of gauntlet of losing their job, how to feed their family. We stand with you. These are going to be very difficult times, but we can’t in the difficult times give up the freedoms or our times will always be difficult. It will be a difficulty that never goes away. And so I think it is upon us, this generation right now, to weather this storm for the future, for our children, so eloquently put by that pilot. And I’m sure that many pilots and flight attendants and workers around this nation are caring at the heart. And it’s amazing when you think about airlines because it really is so many of those pilots, I think, come from the military. Obviously, the best jet training out there is to fly for the Air Force or the Navy or the Marines. And so when you think about especially this group of employees, they definitely know what they fought for. And I think they definitely recognize what’s hanging in the balance in these conversations that we’re going through right now.
Jefferey Jaxen
Right. And this movement, this fight, this narrative, however you want to frame this, it’s not just in the airline industry, it’s spilling over into a lot of other professions and governors are actually getting involved. Texas Governor Abbott, down where you guys are, he signed an executive order banning the vaccine mandate, so he’s taking a very hard stance. Texas Governor Abbott bans any COVID-19 vaccine mandates, including for private employers. [REF] This was his executive order signed on October 11th. It reads, no entity in Texas can compel receipt of a COVID-19 vaccine by any individual, including an employee or a consumer who objects to such vaccination for any reason of personal conscience based on a religious belief or for medical reasons, including prior recovery from COVID-19. There’s that natural immunity piece that’s added in there. I hereby suspend all relevant statutes to the extent necessary to enforce this prohibition. Now he’s asking the legislature to codify this order into actual law. So that’s going to be a very, very strong stance out of Texas, and it could be repeated, watch for it to be repeated in other states. But going over now to Los Angeles, we have a sheriff, a sheriff Alex Villanueva. He oversees the largest sheriff’s department in the country with roughly 18,000 employees. He was doing a Facebook Live fielding some questions, and this one came up. Take a look.
Alex Villanueva
Are you forcing your officers to get the vaccine? As I said, no, I’m not forcing anyone. The issue has become so politicized. They’re entire groups of employees that are willing to be fired and laid off rather than get vaccinated. So I don’t want to be in a position to lose 5, 10 percent of my workforce overnight on a vaccine mandate while at the same time bare bones with the defunding effort. So this is like the worst of two worlds right here.
Del BigTree
It’s amazing. I think he’s referring to this entire movement of defund the police, the huge funding cuts already hitting that sheriff and now he’s supposed to lose even more people. And I think what that really shows you is the power we have in numbers. Everyone that keeps saying, what do I do? what do I do? I keep saying, start talking. There’s no way you’re the only one inside of your business. There’s no way you’re the only nurse, the only doctor, the only police officer, the only firefighter. As it turns out, at the minimum, we’re seeing hospitals like 18 percent. We see 40 percent of TSA workers. We even saw the head of the FDA admit that the vaccination rate a month or two ago is like around 50 percent. That has to be true across this nation. And so if we come together and we stand together and say to the employer or say to the union, we’re not having it. And as a group, we’re going to walk out that door. Clearly, there is power in that and so many times, I’m hearing so many stories of people that that’s all they did and the employer backed off and said, you know what, screw it, I’m not doing this.
Jefferey Jaxen
Right. And as we’re doing research, we look for dots to connect. And the media reflexively reports these stories as just a couple of people, just a couple of people. Everyone is 99 percent vaccinated, just a couple of people. Well, we hear that from that sheriff’s head. Now we go over to Seattle, same exact story. I mean, literally, it could have been scripted from that Facebook Live. Seattle could fire 40 percent of police force over COVID-19 vaccine mandate. [REF] Same story playing out in Seattle. Seattle’s already depleted police department is bracing for another setback, just like he said. The city is poised to fire as many as four hundred and three officers, about 40 percent of the one thousand person force, for failing to take the COVID-19 jab by an October 18 deadline, according to local reports. That’s coming right up really fast. And then we have Chicago. Chicago police union head, he’s telling his members to hold the line against the vaccine mandate, which comes down tomorrow. They’re going to have to report their vaccine status by Friday. This is also happening across the country, and they are allowed to test twice a week while the city kind of figures out what to do with the unvaccinated employees. But you know that gums up the works because they don’t have answers because this is coming down so fast. And then we go to the courts. So we have firefighters now, they’re taking to the courts. We saw them really vocal over the last couple of months. Hundreds of L.A. city firefighters file notice of intent to sue over COVID vaccine mandate. [REF] And listen to this. Los Angeles faces a broadening lawsuit as eight hundred and seventy one city firefighters have filed a notice of intent to sue over a public employee vaccine mandate passed by City Council, seeking $2 million per plaintiff. So let’s grab that calculator eight hundred and seventy one times two million dollars per plaintiff. I think that has a big B…
Del BigTree
In the billions there. Yeah, wow. Fantastic.
Jefferey Jaxen
So that’s a big problem. I went to the L.A. Fire Department’s website just to check out the numbers here, and it says that LAFD’s three thousand four hundred and thirty five uniformed fire personnel protect life, property and environment. Now, it says, a total of one thousand eighteen uniformed firefighters are always on duty at fire department facilities citywide. So if we’re looking at those numbers, one thousand eighteen, if you minus eight hundred and seventy one from them, if they have to leave their job, that’s a big problem for L.A. Not a small city, from what I understand.
Del BigTree
That’s amazing.
Jefferey Jaxen
And then we have people, of course, all shades here. We have people voting with their feet. So we have Massachusetts state troopers. They’re quitting. We reported on this a while back. Dozens of Massachusetts state troopers have quit over the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. [REF] This is from the union. Michigan health care workers are quitting. Hundreds of Michigan health care workers quit after refusing COVID-19 vaccine. [REF] That’s at Henry Ford Health System. That’s one of the largest health systems in Michigan. And the courts are still battling on this front as well, with the health care workers. Out of New York, we have an update on that court case here. New York must allow religious exemptions to COVID-19 vaccine mandate, judge rules. [REF] The plaintiffs said their rights will be violated with the vaccine mandate that disallowed religious exemptions, so that’s what’s basically happening. So this is a temporary order while the arguments are being heard, but it still strings out this mandate. So these people are protected while this court case is going on. And just like the United Court case, there are a lot of eyes, I can only guess how many eyes from administrators to actual nurses and doctors are on these court cases looking at the decision, how it’s going to play out.
Wow, it’s amazing when I think about where we started five years ago, of course, the Sherri Tenpennys and Andy Wakefields and Bobby Kennedy go back before that. But when I just think about where this country was at and how many people were trying to be understood that vaccines can injure, that there are not a one size fits all. My body, my choice. These parents of injured children that have one of the hardest lives you can imagine. I’ve spent so much time with them. What they must be thinking now, I mean, for everyone that’s like, oh, these are dark times, these are horrible times. For those people that have been living in that dark time, being told they’re crazy to see that your firefighters, your governors, your attorney generals, your doctors, your nurses, the police officers are all stepping up now and fighting the fight that these parents have been fighting by themselves. It truly is an incredible moment in time, and obviously to me, it’s divine. Clearly, something much, much bigger is going on here. So I want people…I hope that today’s show, as we get through this and I know there’s more to come, that we recognize this is not a time to just get depressed and oh, woe is me, and this is the time, we’re alive now. We’re alive in the moment where we are going to shift one of the biggest lies ever told, which is that vaccines are safe and effective. It is being destroyed. And now we have so many brand new voices and people of different spaces and power stepping in next to us. It’s truly exciting,
Jefferey Jaxen
And I have some great data right on the other side of these stories about the efficacy of these vaccines that’s really coming out to tell a different story. But similar stories are playing out internationally. So we kind of hit the airlines we’re talking about, we’re talking about the firefighters in the U.S., but now let’s talk about Scotland, Ireland. So in Scotland here, businesses are vowing to defy the Scottish National Party by boycotting their vaccine passport scheme. [REF] That’s what they call it there, a scheme. They’re calling the digital passports farcical. The businesses, restaurants are not going to use them because the rollout was so terrible and even the Premier Soccer Leagues, the Aberdeen FC, the Rangers, the Hearts in Scotland, they were supposed to use that at their gates for the people coming to watch the game. But they scrapped that at the beginning because it wasn’t working out. The app wasn’t working. It was just a complete, utter, you know what. So Ireland, same situation happening there. Northern Ireland no longer in the space to justify vaccine passports. [REF] It says here Northern Ireland is no longer in a space where vaccine passports are required, a DUP minister has said. Economy Minister Gordon Lyons said he did not think using vaccine certification to gain access to events or hospitality venues was the right policy for the region. So that’s a huge about-face because I remember we were reporting on this, it was kind of just, it was a said and done deal. Now the UK, remember, has also backed off until at least December we’re being told on their passports. And a big story out of New Zealand. Some hope there…
Del BigTree
It’s hard to imagine any hope there because that’s the deepest, darkest vax hole junior in the world. All right, so what do we got going on in New Zealand?
Jefferey Jaxen
Everyone, check out how fast this news can move, how fast these things can change. So we’re talking about hope if you want these policies changed. This is The Wall Street Journal in August of this year, New Zealand to pursue zero COVID-19 policy indefinitely. [REF] Now remember the zero COVID-19 policy, if anybody gets a COVID case in your town, no matter if you’re Melbourne, Australia or wherever, millions of people, you go into lockdown, which is obviously disastrous for the economy. So that was in August. Just a couple of months later, here’s the headline. New Zealand abandons COVID zero strategy, leaving few countries still pursuing virus elimination. [REF] So now just a couple more left, we’re knocking them down. China, Hong Kong and Taiwan are the only countries still fighting to stay in that zero COVID club, I guess you want to call it, against the science. And even Australia, Sydney has ended its lockdown. [REF] Now Sydney, Australia’s most populated city, they were in lockdown for one hundred and six days. They’re announcing the end of their lockdown. And remember, we reported a couple of weeks ago that Australia has also ended its zero COVID policy because that was really just…
Del BigTree
Let’s be honest, they were lied to, right? They were lied to by the WHO. They’re lied to by the FDA, the CDC. They said, if you lock your little islands down, we’ll get you a vaccine that then will protect you forever. And so they were sold on this idea that they could reach a zero COVID space. It would never get in there. Now, obviously, what’s happened the vaccine did not work, cannot stop infection, cannot stop transmission. We’ve already reported that it’s so bad that they’ve changed the definition of a vaccine to only something that protects. Basically, it’s a treatment. It does not keep you from getting the disease, doesn’t keep you from spreading it. So the entire purpose of destroying the economies of Australia and New Zealand was there’s light at the end of the tunnel. We’ll have zero COVID. Obviously, now they’re being told that was a fools errand and only fools would implement it. But unfortunately, those fools are still in charge, but luckily having to admit the obvious.
Jefferey Jaxen
Correct. Yes and a big, big breaking win, court win from France. I was getting emails right before we went on the show here and this was actually out of their Senate, I’m sorry. This is the headline, and it’s not being very discussed or reported in the media. Not sure why? Vaccine obligation, that’s what they call it there, rejected in France, Senate, the law does not pass. [REF] Two hundred and sixty two voted against this vaccine, a mandatory vaccine obligation. Only sixty four in favor. Now, understand I’ve been told that the French riot police are very, very tough and we’ve seen that corroborated by the videos, beating women, children, teenagers. So these people have stood against this mandatory vaccine policy and their government is finally listening and voting against this. And so this is a really big turnaround in France…
Del BigTree
That’s huge. Macron was crazy with this. In the past, where we’re seeing people being blocked from getting into grocery stores. They couldn’t get food in France. And now the political body of the Senate just said, no, we’re not supporting Macron on that. I mean, and then huge numbers, right? That’s amazing. Two hundred and sixty something to sixty four. Fantastic news.
Jefferey Jaxen
Yeah. And so why are all of these changes in policy happening? The science is crumbling on the vaccine front specifically. Let’s look at Singapore. This was front page on the New York Times. Singapore, they had the vaccine and a plan to reopen. Instead, they got cold feet is the title. [REF] And it says here, incredible quote something we’d never think we’d see. The Southeast Asian city state was widely considered a success story in its initial handling of the coronavirus. It closed its borders, tested and traced aggressively, and was one of the first countries in Asia to order vaccines. A top politician told the public that an 80 percent vaccination rate was the criterion for a phased reopening. Singapore has now fully inoculated 83 percent of its population, but instead of opening up, it’s doing the opposite. Lawrence Wong, Singapore’s finance minister and a chair of the country’s COVID-19 task force, said the lesson for COVID naive societies like Singapore, New Zealand and Australia is to be ready for large waves of infection, regardless of the vaccine coverage.
Del BigTree
It’s like they know the truth now, right? It’s like they actually recognize. We’re still not hearing it in America, but all those nations are saying, you know what, it’s not going to work for you. The vaccine is not going to work. You’re going to see large waves, something that Geert Vanden Bossche has made very clear, very concerned about those large waves that are just around the corner amongst the fully vaccinated.
Jefferey Jaxen
Right. And out of Israel, this has been a beat that we have been really on since day one because they were one of the first countries to have full vaccination rates for their residents. They are announcing, the Health Ministry is saying to consider asking newly vaccinated to avoid working out. [REF] Now we’ve reported on this already, about the myocarditis reports just continuing to climb in Israeli population. It says here in the article, some health officials in the Epidemiology Division of the Health Ministry are recommending that individuals avoid strenuous activity for one week after their second dose of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. But wait for it casual walking, stretching, working while standing and household work will be acceptable. So…
Del BigTree
That’s amazing. It’s such a big problem. Literally just sit on your couch after you’ve gotten the vaccine. We don’t want you to have heart conditions. And when you think about the doctors that have been reporting, that are doing the D-dimer tests, showing as high rates as 60 percent of those getting the vaccine are having micro blood clots that could lead to larger blood clots. I mean, all of this, they’ll say, well, it’s anecdotal, but you look at the most vaccinated nation in the world and the health ministry there. It’s obviously not so anecdotal that they’re ignoring it. They’re saying now you probably really, probably should sit on your couch for a week after getting the vaccine, just to be sure.
Jefferey Jaxen
It’s unbelievable. Our research team at the The HighWire looked at and found this study that goes really good with this story about myocarditis. It’s absolutely amazing. So Evaluation and Prognostication of Myocarditis using Cardiac MRI. [REF] So this was a 2019 review of all the literature at the time, and it says in this study, listen to this, acute nonfulminant myocarditis, conversely, has a more indolent presentation, which means not a big deal, sometimes with little or no pain, with increased mortality up to 20 percent in the first year and 55 percent at 11 years based on initial diagnosis of acute myocarditis. Now that’s if they find it. That’s a diagnosis.
Del BigTree
So what they’re saying is, at least in this study of what they were looking at, up to 55 percent of those that have myocarditis will be dead within 11 years. I mean, it’s amazing, right? When we hear, oh, it’s mild myocarditis or, well, yeah, the kid’s got myocarditis, but they seem to be handling the treatments well. And as long as they don’t play basketball for six months and go back to the sports that they knew last week when they were healthy and naturally immune, and now we’ve totally destroyed that. But it really is amazing. We’ve heard so many different sides of this. We had Dr. Hodkinson who said that there’s no such thing as mild myocarditis for people that don’t know this. Your heart cells don’t grow back like other places in your body. It only is left with a scar. That scar leads to deteriorating issues in the heart, and here we hear and we heard it can lead to death so often and maybe as high as 55 percent increased mortality by the time eleven years is passed. So no matter how you slice it, these are not things that should be just shoved under the rug, which is what our CDC, our FDA and the WHO seem to want to do.
Jefferey Jaxen
Right. And we mentioned efficacy. So what was hypothesized, what was warned about is now accepted science. It’s now in the literature. It’s now in the headlines, just like this one. So antibody levels decrease after two doses of Pfizer vaccine, study. [REF] This is almost 5,000 participants found the neutralizing antibodies decrease rapidly after three months. This was in Israel. But one of the big studies here is out of the New England Journal of Medicine. This was from Qatar. A waning of, this is the Pfizer vaccine protection against SARS-CoV-2. [REF] This went on from January 1st to September 5th 2021. By early September in Qatar, 80 percent of the people received both doses. Now they use the nation’s digital health database. It’s very comprehensive and this is what they found. The story is told in two charts, essentially. So the first chart, it’s showing vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 infection, just the infection. And we have here at the bottom zero to 13 days and it goes all the way to seven months or greater, and we can see that median effectiveness. First month 77.5 percent. All right, great. And then we go down by five months, we’re at 22.5 percent as the median. At six months, we’re at 17.3 percent and at seven or greater, we’re at 22.3 percent. But look at the bottom there, there are some people that had zero percent and just squeaking under zero percent.
Del BigTree
Really quickly, when we look at that right Jefferey, we were told that no vaccine would be approved that didn’t pull off at least a 50 percent efficacy, which was a ridiculously low bar for an illness that has a 99, your immune system has a 99.997 percent success rate at beating it. If you’re going to even enter a vaccine that tries to compete on that level, 50 percent seemed really low. But right there we see after five months…now, I think we all imagine efficacy because this is after whether it’s one shot for Johnson & Johnson or this is after two doses, we were supposed to have…I mean you would think that efficacy would mean for at least one year, if not the rest of your life, 50 percent. And here we see it five months, you’re at 22.5 percent. That is half of, you didn’t even make it. It didn’t do it. This vaccine has failed the criteria that it was supposed to meet in order to be accepted as emergency use or ever get authorized. That’s incredible.
Jefferey Jaxen
And remember, Pfizer only submitted up to six months to the FDA to get their vaccine approved, up to six months, and they vaccinated most of the placebo group, not after six months. That’s the data they have. So check out this next slide. So we were told, ok, it didn’t stop transmission, it didn’t stop infection, but it does stop. So at the top here, it says effectiveness against any severe, critical or fatal case of COVID-19. All right. So now we’re getting into a big deal here because that’s the vaccine was supposed to stop these things or at least reduce them. So after that first shot, you see about 16.1 percent. Now let’s go all the way to the right because now we have a problem. At seven months or greater, it’s a coin toss, 55.6 percent and that’s the median. But now we have even a bigger problem. That line extends all the way down past negative 40 percent vaccine effectiveness…
Del BigTree
Which means below zero the vaccine’s causing…it’s causing your injury or your critical condition?
Jefferey Jaxen
You’re having a greater chance of a condition at seven months or greater. Absolutely, absolutely. And that’s a problem. And it’s not only in that study as well. We have studies out of the U.K. This is the headline showing that, this corroborates those things out of Qatar. The country with the best data shows infection rates higher among the vaccinated. [REF] So this is the U.K. data quote. It’s time to stop calling infections among the vaccinated “breakthrough cases.” In fact, the U.K., which posts the most comprehensive granular weekly data every Thursday, shows that COVID cases per capita are more common among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated in most age groups. And let’s look at a chart that kind of tells the story here. This is from Public Health England, it was put out on a Twitter account by Don Wolt. And it shows a bunch of really pretty colors here. And basically all this is is all the blue colors are vaccinated with two doses. All the shades of the oranges are not vaccinated. And what we see here is the age groups underneath here by 40 to 49, that’s almost in the middle there. It starts showing that the vaccinated people are having more infections per one hundred thousand than the unvaccinated, and that trend continues all the way to 80 plus, 80 plus you see it about about neck and neck. And so what this does, now this is recent reporting too, week 32 to week 38, which is from August to September, end of September 2021. But what this shows is the vaccine passports are really worthless if this data is playing out in the real world like this, because vaccine passports were supposed to stop these kind of infections, supposed to reduce these things. But if you’re getting vaccinated and you’re the main spreader and you’re the main person that is receiving these infections, what does that say for the vaccine passport? Is this why the U.K. halted their vaccine passport?
Del BigTree
Well, I know there’s going to be people that will look at that chart and they’ll say, well, obviously if you have 80 percent vaccine uptake and it’s still even with the unvaccinated, that means it’s working because there’s more people vaccinated. But to be clear, that study that was done and those charts are per one hundred thousand, meaning per those vaccinated and per those unvaccinated. So they’re only comparing to themselves, not to each other. So in those circumstances, that is very alarming and showing the failure rate of being vaccinated is higher than the infection rate of not being vaccinated, which is the exact opposite of anything you’d want to see from a product that was supposed to stop your infection and transmission. That’s incredible.
Jefferey Jaxen
So now we’ve looked at two countries, essentially. Now let’s just put them all in a bundle and check them all out. And this was a case study that was published. It’s a cross country analysis published in the European Journal of Epidemiology. It’s called Increases in
COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and two thousand nine hundred and forty seven counties in the United States. [REF] And it says at the country level, there appears to be no discernible relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID cases in the last seven days. In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentages of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per one hundred million. We’ve been showing this on the show for quite some time in graphs. It goes on to say even though vaccination offers protection to individuals against severe hospitalization and death, the CDC reported an increase from .01 to 9 percent and 0 to 15.1 percent (between January to May 2021) in the rates of hospitalizations and death, respectively, among the fully vaccinated. Now to truly appreciate that last quote there, let’s just go right to the slide. This was presented at an ACIP meeting somewhat recently, and it says at the bottom confidential preliminary data. But what we’re seeing in January, we have two colored lines. We have the blue line, which is percent of in-hospital deaths who are fully vaccinated and the yellowish line percentage of hospitalized who are fully vaccinated. We’re seeing by May 15 percent, 15.1 percent of in-hospital deaths, these are hospitals that the CDC is monitoring, were fully vaccinated. Now, remember, we’re being told that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Ninety nine percent of the people packed in these emergency rooms and dying are unvaccinated, and this is May 15 percent. This was before Delta even took hold in July. That’s the end of July, according to the CDC…
Del BigTree
So it’s alpha that they’re having that failure with the vaccine and that issue. And by the way, when we look at those numbers, those also don’t include…and something we’re probably going to get into deeper next week because obviously I just want to sort of stay focused here. But we must remember when we look at these numbers, fully vaccinated means two weeks after the 14 days after the second shot and what we’re seeing in VAERS and what we’re seeing in all of the reports that the greatest amount of death and injury and illness from the vaccine or even getting infected is right inside that 14 days. There’s something about your immune system gets beat up and it’s making people vulnerable. So everything happening there and that honestly, from the first shot, for the first six weeks, first shot, second shot all the way to 14 days after your second shot, all of those people are being put in the unvaccinated category unfairly, especially when the vaccine clearly is creating a vulnerability. But even when we look at their own numbers, everything to me, Jefferey says that we’ve been right on the one thing…I thought about how far back we reported. Almost the first time we saw somebody fall face forward in Wuhan, China, and started asking ourselves what is happening there. We have been concerned about antibody dependent enhancement or immune enhancement. And when you see those issues seven months, six months, you see that waning immunity. You see that chart that shows that it goes below the zero line where the vaccine actually seems to be. There you go. Look at that, at seven months is exactly what we were concerned about. It’s exactly what they even said in the EUA that we don’t know. There’s a potential that waning immunity could lead to vaccine enhanced disease, that below zero down to minus 40 is clearly enhanced disease, where the vaccine is enhancing your experience of the disease and therefore serious cases and deaths. I think this is only really just begun as we’re coming to the sort of waning end of that initial vaccine push and all the people that trusted the government, trusted Tony Fauci, it’s going to…and all of it right? Over time, the death rates, everything on this vaccine, all the problems are going up, all of the safety that it was supposed to provide going down. Those are terrible outcomes.
Jefferey Jaxen
And no headline really tells the story, just like this one, the final headline here. Taiwan, remember, this is a zero COVID policy country. Death from COVID-19 vaccination exceeds death from COVID-19. [REF] It says here on October 7th, the death toll after vaccination in Taiwan reached eight hundred and fifty two, while the death toll after COVID-19 was diagnosed was eight hundred and forty four. The number of deaths after vaccination exceeded the number of confirmed deaths for the first time. Hopefully, this isn’t a trend we’re going to be seeing, but it’s really important to pay attention to that because as we know what comes up in one headline starts to sometimes move across the country, especially if it’s coming from Israel, some of the things that comes from the vaccine there.
Del BigTree
Amazing reporting. That was a lot of news. We knew we were going to get into it because there’s so much, there’s so much people need to know, so many people standing up and now obviously for good reason. Keep up the great work Jefferey. We’ve got you busy. I mean, when people just saw how much news you just poured out there, it’s not happening on any other news program where you get that much information behind the scenes. You’re doing incredible work. We couldn’t do without you so keep it up, man.
Jefferey Jaxen
All right. Thanks, Del. Thanks so much.
All right. Take care. You know, look, where else in the world are you getting what the HighWire is giving you? And I want to ask you this question, as you sit here and you watch this and you think to yourself, where would we be right now? When you see the firefighters and the nurses and the doctors standing up. You see airlines shutting down, you see workers stepping forward. I want you to ask yourself, where would we be if the HighWire hadn’t been here for the last three or four years? What effect do you think we’re having, not only in presenting this information and the fact that you’re able to share these videos all over the nation and the world, we’re now being seen all around the world, but without our lawsuits, if we were not bringing the lawsuits where we’ve won against the FDA, the CDC, the National Institutes of Health, Health and Human Services. We currently, we’ve dumped three thousand pages of Tony Fauci’s emails on you, the people that support us. I want to…really think to yourself, have we not achieved? Are we not exactly where we would hope we would be, where now we are seeing people from all walks of life joining this conversation every single day? People saying, the HighWire was able to get through to my husband or my wife that wasn’t really listening to me or my relative. The effect that we’re having the power that we’re having. I’m not saying this right now to gloat or to brag. I’m saying this to thank you. For those of you that have been supporting this work, you right now get to say, my god, look at the headlines. Look what I’ve done here. In a world where so many people feel helpless, you know who doesn’t feel helpless?
Everybody that’s donating to the HighWire right now that gets to say, you know, man, no matter what goes down, I went fighting and I put my money on the people that were making a difference. So if you want to join that illustrious group of people that get to feel like they’re changing the world, go to the HighWire.com and donate now. You can’t imagine what we’re doing, what we’re able to do, the lawsuits we’re bringing, we are spending fortunes. We are only able to do that, we’re scaring the hell out of them because of you. So right now, if you can donate twenty one dollars a month, that’s great. That recurring donation really helps us know whether we can take on certain lawsuits or not. Are we going to have the long term commitment that’s needed? So I don’t care if it’s a cup of coffee this week, or maybe you just say, you know what, let’s skip one date night and watch the HighWire instead and be proud of the fact that our finances and what we’re doing is going to something that is literally fighting for us, for our jobs, for our children, for this world. Everyone on this team, I am surrounded by such an impressive and fantastic team that is around the world. We have meetings every single week internationally to bring in all of this information that is only made possible because of you. So I hope that if you are not one of those that has been a part of this effort, make that happen today, make that happen today so that you can feel good about what’s taking place and you can start to actually take ownership for the leaps and bounds we’re making and changing this conversation.
Del BigTree
Well, today we’ve obviously covered so many issues, especially with people doing what we said, you know what we said at the rally here in Austin, Texas. You’ve got to walk out. If you have to walk out, then walk out of your job. If you’ve got to call in sick. Get together. Your safety is in numbers. This isn’t going to be won in courtrooms, by the way. You know what I mean? Employers have a lot of power and we want to change that. What we need to do is come together in our collective power, our collective power together. Grab your brothers and sisters and the employees that work around you and say, hey, you know what, if we stand together, we are going to be stronger. And guess what, if you end up having to walk away from that job, then walk away from it. And I’ve said to the…I said it right there in Mississippi when I was talking to all those doctors and nurses. I know you’re fighting for your jobs, but frankly, if you’re working in a hospital that is making you say to somebody that comes in with COVID, you know what? You’re sick, but you’re not sick enough. Go home. Wait, till your lips turn blue, where you really feel like you’re dragging and you can’t breathe, then come back and we’re going to give you remdesivir, a product that is absolutely disastrous, especially when used in late term and we’re going to put you on a ventilator and most probably you will die. You’re murdering people. You know that ivermectin works. You know that budesonide works. You know that hydroxychloroquine works. Yet you are going along with the hospital. I have news for you. There were other nations that did that, that went along with mandates like that, and it didn’t work out for them. Just saying, hey, that’s what my boss told me to do, didn’t work out for them. Don’t do what your boss told you to do. Step out, get away from that boss. Go and get a new job. And because of that, I want to bring in somebody that is all about bringing in a new job or finding that opportunity, not just for employees, but how about employers that want free thinking people, critically thinking people that were smart enough to say, you know what? I ain’t touching that thing. Check out Red Balloon.
Red Balloon
Welcome to Red Balloon, the nation’s first and only free speech job site. I’m Andrew, the founder and CEO, and I’m excited you’re here. I called the service Red Balloon because balloons help you fly, especially if you tie a ton of them to a lawn chair. A little bit dangerous. A lot bit fun. Kind of like looking for a new job and red, well, taupe balloon just sounds like stupid. Keep moving. The mission of Red Balloon is to connect employers who still love freedom and want employees who love freedom to the millions of Americans now searching for jobs today, where they won’t have to look over their shoulders and constantly be worried about being canceled. Think of this as free speech employment matchmaking. Game changer, baby and boy, do we need it? 80 million Americans say they are switching jobs this year, which is mind boggling. For perspective, that’s like California and Canada combined. A lot of people. Economy good or economy bad. Hiring is always tough. There are over 10 million open jobs today, the most in history people. It’s kind of a moment, which means prepare yourself for the understatement of the year. That companies are flat out desperate to fill open spots, and they need help finding the right people for their organization. So if you’re a company that loves what America has traditionally been for. You know, freedom! And you are struggling to find good people, post some jobs already. Go to Red Balloon.work. Do it and you’ll be surprised how many people are looking for employers just like you. It will be worth twice my weight in gold, which is kind of a big deal, if you connect with a new crop of good talent. And if you’re looking to hire good people, but your own HR department has you too jumpy to publicly post here on Red Balloon.work, well, maybe it’s time for you to make a change yourself. Think about it. And if you’re one of those 80 million people looking for what’s next and you love the idea of working for a company that values free speech, scroll down and drop in your resume. Come on, America. Stop canceling each other.
Let’s get to work. Visit Red Balloon.work. We’d love to have you. America!
All right, besides all of you that are at your home pinching yourself right now saying, my god, why didn’t I think of that? That is gold. I’m going to talk to the guy that thought of the golden idea. Founder and CEO of Red Balloon.work, Andrew Crapuchettes joins me now. Andrew, first of all, thank you. Obviously, great business is where there’s a need, provide a product. Why this? What was it sort of that instigated you? What’s your background that made you feel like this was something that could be done?
Andrew Crapuchettes
Yeah, thank you. And thanks for having me. Obviously, the more people we have using the site, the more people are encouraged, the more as you’ve been talking about on the show, and I think the show is so important because liberal media wants us all to think that we’re the only one that thinks the way we do and that we’re all crazy, right? And so the more of us that are banding together, the better. So my background, so I’ve been a tech CEO for a long time. The last company I was running was one of the nation’s leading labor market data companies. And so I had access to an enormous amount of data. And so I was able to see that there was a lot of labor shortage coming around the country in all kinds of roles. And so I knew that was coming. But also, if you’re in the tech CEO world, you’ll find that there’s a lot of wokeness, a lot of wokeness, not just on vaccines, which is a big one. Obviously, that’s a huge infringement on people’s liberties. But there’s wokeness all over the place. I’ve had good friends lose their jobs because they didn’t use the right pronouns. And so I thought, this is a moment when there’s, I would argue, greater than 51 percent of this country would like to have freedom rather than wokeness. And so I thought, this is the moment that we need to lean into this. There’s going to be a labor shortage and there’s more good people out there keeping their heads down. You know, I’ve been in the tech world for a while and a lot of executives have reached out to me and said, look, I love what you’re doing at Red Balloon. I can’t like what you’re doing, if you know what I mean, but I love what you’re doing because I’m going to get myself in a lot of trouble if I start telling people that I like freedom. And my message to every single one of them is stop it. Pick your head up. Stand for freedom and don’t be afraid.
Del BigTree
You know, it’s interesting because one of the things that we have and this is just when we try to vet just for the work that we’re doing here at the HighWire, it’s difficult. For someone in our position, we’re really concerned that, obviously, we’re pushing back against the government and the mandates. We have to imagine someone’s going to try and get a job here that doesn’t agree with us. And so where would you start to look and so to think as employers, for those of us that…why do I want an employee floating around my business that doesn’t see the world, doesn’t see freedom, freedom of speech and those values that I hold? Why do I want someone observing when I can have people working for me that agree with where we’re at? And frankly, I mean, it’s not to like separate us, whatever. I’m sure they would love to have websites that cover whatever they want to think. But just this idea that I can be aligned with employees that are aligned with me. I mean, because that’s my big question. What is harder do you think right now? Is it harder to get employees to go to a website like this? Or is it harder for the employers to…is there concern about what will it be if I’m on this site?
Andrew Crapuchettes
Yeah, right now I’m struggling to get more employers, although I’ve been incredibly encouraged by the response so far because we’re literally started this two and a half months ago and we have well over five hundred employers who we’ve actually gone through an approval process with to allow them to…we need to know that they’re actually freedom of speech employers, right? I’ve had almost a quarter million people on the site looking for jobs. So the reality is that there’s a lot of people looking for jobs. I’ve heard from employers who posted on here. They said, look, I put no vax required on my job postings and I got a flood of applicants who were overqualified, willing to take a significant pay cut for the name of freedom. And one of the employers told me an interesting story and said some of the people I hired through this were actually fully vaccinated for COVID, which, you know, take that for what it’s worth. But they said we thought it was so wildly inappropriate that our employer thought that they should mandate this for us, that we wanted to work somewhere that’s all about freedom. And I hear these employees say, look, I want to have a conversation with my medical professional, not my HR department, about what I put in my body. Doesn’t seem crazy, but today’s world, it is.
Del BigTree
Now, if there’s an employer, I’m curious that wants to post, but maybe doesn’t want to be advertising that they’re looking for freedom minded employees, can they advertise anonymously or post anonymously?
Andrew Crapuchettes
Yeah, we do do that just because we’re in such a world where doxing and getting blown up on Twitter is a thing, right? So we have something called anonymous balloon, where if you’re an employer, you say, look, I want freedom. We still make them sign the pledge that they’re going to treat their employees like adults. They’re not going to require them to be vaccinated, and they’re going to let them just focus on work and bringing value to their employer. But they can be an anonymous balloon and they can put up a posting. And actually, we’ve seen a good amount of success for those employers where they’re not quite ready to put their logo on here, but they really want access to the best kind of employees, employees that just want to work. It’s also interesting for these employers that have been on here, and I’ve heard from many, many of them that they said, look, the people that we’re hiring through Red Balloon are not the type of people that are in the HR department constantly complaining about something or other, right. These are people who want to just focus on bringing value to their employer. They want their employer to make money because they hired them, right? They want to make sure that they’re making their employer more money than it’s costing the employer to pay them. And people actually understand that. Like that is the American dream. And so, no, we’ve had a lot of success. And it’s also the only business I’ve ever been involved in my entire life where I literally get unsolicited thank you notes from people around the country just saying thank you for standing up for freedom. One of the best stories is one of those thank you notes included a guy saying, hey, do you want a billboard in Times Square? Because freedom needs to be shouted. And so Red Balloon has a billboard in Times Square for the rest of this month.
Really? Fantastic. Well, congratulations on that. Brilliant. I think we actually just lost your feed. I’m not sure. Is that what happened? All right. Locked up on me, but that’s OK. We were right at the end. Obviously, I want to just thank Andrew for creating that opportunity for so many people we’re talking to. This is how it begins. This is how we build that new community. This is how we make a difference in the world. I keep saying instead of worrying about this fire that’s burning, this volcano that’s erupting upon us, let’s go ahead and use that heat to melt the metal, to start building the infrastructure for the world of our dreams because I think it’s going to be upon us. It’s going to be ours. I think about when we’re a year from now, I imagine the entire world will know what happened here, the mistake that was made, the greatest scientific error of all times, the people we trusted that we will never trust again. Can you imagine what that world looks like when the people that most of you, most of you people that are awake and watch the HighWire and been trying to tell everyone you know and you’re all finding yourselves here. You felt like you were all alone. Can you imagine a world where everybody has to admit that you were right the whole time? Well, that’s what…that is sort of the culture we’re building here and the community we need to build around that is much bigger than anything the HighWire is going to be. That is our future, and I’m very, very excited about it.
Del BigTree
This week, we’ve obviously just been celebrating all of those people that are standing up and safety in numbers, power in numbers. I don’t think it can be said any better. And you know then this next video, which someone sent to me last night and I know that they say, truckers have bad mouths and sailors. We had to beep this unfortunately. I hope you’ll go and watch the unedited version because sometimes there’s just certain language that needs to be used. But because so many of you are now home schooling because the schools have abandoned you and all the issues we’ve talked about there. I want to keep it good for the kids, so we’re going to let this guy beep it away. But take a listen to this. If this doesn’t ring as the truth, then you shouldn’t be watching the HighWire.
Bleeped out worker
You want to know what the ‘bleep’ happened today. That yellow belly, son of a ‘bleep’ safety man came in here and told us we all had to get the ‘bleep’ vaccine or we were all gonna be fired. You know what we all did? We all grabbed our ‘bleep’ and started heading to the ‘bleep’ gate and told them, kiss our ‘bleep.’ You can have this job, you can take it and shove it. And you know what, before we got to the gate, they came and told us, never mind, you ain’t got to get it. That’s right. You stand together. They can’t take your dignity, your job, your pride. Don’t be no yellow belly son of a ‘bleep.’ Stand up against this tyranny. All around the U.S. mother ‘bleep’ standing up against this tyranny, standing up for their rights and their ‘bleep’ freedoms, just like we did, and you can do the same. ‘Bleep’ them yellow belly, son of a ‘bleep.’
Del BigTree
I couldn’t say it any better. I mean, the question truly is upon us, which one are you? Are you a yellow belly, yellow bellied son of a beep? Or are you an American citizen that believes in freedom? How you move over these next days, weeks and months will determine not only how we see you, how you’re recognized, how you feel about yourself, how you feel as a nation, but what we are as a people and what type of future we decided to leave for our children. You are not alone. The attorney generals of this nation, more than half of them…and if you’re not in a state that your attorney general is fighting for you, then move. Start voting with your dollars. Walk out of the jobs that are oppressing you and find the jobs that are working for you, that believe in you, that believe in your freedom, believe in liberty, believe in our constitution. We have a powerful moment now. We are starting to take over the news. And no matter how the news tries to spin fifty shades of bull crap, it’s obvious to everyone with a brain what’s going on here. We’re winning. What are we winning? We’re winning because we’ve recognized that this is a war. I’ll see you next week.