Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI)’s February 26 COVID response briefing in Washington, D.C: Federal Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What are They Hiding? featured a diverse panel including doctors, professors, number-crunchers, policymakers, scientists, innovators, vaccine activists, and journalists, collectively representing the crème de la crème of the medical freedom movement.

The topics discussed included COVID-19 vaccines, the history of vaccine-injury coverup, the corruption of medical research and federal health agencies, censorship and propaganda, COVID responses in other countries, and the proposed World Health Organization (WHO) treaty.

Sen. Johnson opened the hearing with a quote from Judge Louis Brandeis in the Supreme Court decision of Whitney vs. California: “If there be a time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence.”

Dr. Sabine Hazan, a gastroenterologist, spoke of her fascinating studies with the gut microbiome. In her clinical trials, she discovered that the COVID-19 virus lingered in stool for up to 45 days but was killed by hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. 

Dr. Hazan also studied both patients with COVID and those who didn’t have the virus despite massive exposure. She realized that those who had not succumbed to the virus had bifidobacteria in their gut, whereas the COVID patients did not. The mRNA COVID shots, Dr. Hazan discovered, kill bifidobacteria, and continue to kill it, which explains why those who received the shot continue to get the virus. Vitamin C and Ivermectin, however, increase bifidobacterial in the gut. The study can be found on PubMed

Not every member of the 22-person panel focused solely on the tyranny surrounding COVID-19. Drawing from personal experience, Dr. Bret Weinstein emphasized that “Those who won’t buckle will be marginalized.” The evolutionary biologist, the story of whose rude awakening to the fascism threatening to take over our world features prominently in Dennis Prager and Adam Corolla’s 2019 No Safe Spaces, addressed the primary theme of the hearing. He asserted that our current challenge extends beyond federal agencies and the COVID cartel, stating, “We are being systematically blinded. We must fight back or we will enter another dark age.”

Journalist Lara Logan who worked for both 60 Minutes and CBS News, spoke of the “vital principles and values that only exist in America.” She should know, as one who found her journalist’s feet as a 17-year-old in apartheid South Africa. Attacked for her in-depth reportage on Benghazi, Logan expressed her solidarity with fellow journalist Tucker Carlson in the media backlash from his recent interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin. “They know how to kill a journalist, without murdering him,” she said. She spoke about how journalists have been censored, such as Del Bigtree, who also participated in the hearing, simply for seeking the truth. Logan ended by discussing how we give our money to NGOs with names that sound good, but that it actually goes toward funding the propagation of evil. “It’s time to stop taking taxpayer funds to slit our own throats,” Logan concluded.

Dr. Ryan Cole ended his brief speech with this memorable and relevant quote from Patrick Henry in 1775:

“Are we disposed to be in the number of those who, having eyes, see not; having ears, hear not?”

“…Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased with chains or slavery? … I know not what course others may take; but, as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” 


Brenda Goldstein

Brenda Goldstein is a published journalist of over 20 years. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and children.

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