Freedom fighters from all over the Lone Star State joined Del and “Texans For Vaccine Choice” at the state capitol last week for their biggest event to date, the “Freedom Fight.”
Freedom fighters from all over the Lone Star State joined Del and “Texans For Vaccine Choice” at the state capitol last week for their biggest event to date, the “Freedom Fight.”
Just a heads up … Del is taking in millions of dollars from well-meaning people and he’s nothing but a lying thief, removing comments and telling people he doesn’t censor … and giving money to lawyers who should be in prison. Go to the video “Kids in the spotlight” to see for yourself, some people are pretty upset and they should be …
Jane Van Der Hoek
August 23, 2021 at 2:36 pm
What the f*ck??? I thought you guys are all about freedom of speech. Why are you removing comments and hiding information?
First, a guy asked you why you suddenly made many videos disappear.
Instead of answering him, you delete his comments. Then when I ask why you deleted his comment you delete mine too. What the hell? Who is really behind this HighWire site? You are totally untrustworthy.
Well, now, I see your posts from Aug 23 and Aug 27 are still there. I would have removed them if this were MY site.
I had been miffed a little too when I could not find a video that used to be on here, but surely you are aware (or maybe not) that they are revising the site and adding a whole lot of features. Revising means some things get moved and others get REmoved. Get over it.
“Well, now, I see your posts from Aug 23 and Aug 27 are still there. I would have removed them if this were MY site.”
That doesn’t surprise me at all, people like you have been busy destroying America for a very long time now.
NOT only are these “paid” commentators, but clearly have been on a Maccas, Donuts, processed foods and steady mainstream Media Diets all their life – this is truly showing the results of that and the Monsanto and Gates soy loaded foods, chemicals, drug taking both illegal and Prescribed.
I use my God-given brain-an unpaid Australian. GO Hirewire GO you good thing + sincere Appreciation.
My mother used to say “a rat smells its own hole first” about people who accuse others of doing exactly what they are doing, but to be honest, at the time, I never really understood what she meant by that, but now I do.
She was born in 1918, and was a good woman, God Bless her.
Go you good thing
Go u truckies
Vaccines cause the variants
In NSW Gladys, Hazzard and Chant have blood on their hands.. SHAME!!
Expect vaxx injuries and deaths to be blamed on new variants.. Gamma.. Instead of the real culprit – Vaccines!
I just wanted to add an observation, see that picture of del with his right arm raised in front of that huge crowd? It looks like a photoshop to me.
What message is Del trying to send to his followers with this photo? Think about it, delusions of grandeur comes to my mind.
(A delusion of grandeur is a false belief in one’s importance or greatness.)
You obviously have some sick obsession with del…I was just scrolling & you’re making nasty comment after nasty comment. BTW, leave your mother out of it because you are making her sound like a complete ass.
Since when are the truth and honest observations nasty?
I wasn’t the one who removed Jane’s comment, and Del is responsible for it whether he actually did it or not.
I’m not a paid troll, and the person I was responding to, reminded me of what my mother would have said to her had she accused her of something she wasn’t.
If that offends you. well then you can just GFY.
BTW, My mother wouldn’t be afraid to tell you to GFY also, and that’s what made her so special.
She was born in a time when women weren’t supposed to say stuff like that, but she was her own woman, and she would say that to someone like you in a heartbeat. God Bless her for that.
If you watched the rally you wouldn’t have any issue with understanding the photo. Seems you are the one desperate for attention.
I don’t give a damn how much money Del Bigtree makes. Whatever it is, it’s not enough!!
He is real. And in these times we are a lost bunch of humans and we are blessed as Del gives us a platform of honesty. There can only be one fucking truth. People are turning against the mainstream media garbage. AmericasFrontlineDoctors.com, Highwire, numerous doctors lawyers. Speaking out for once and it is heaven on earth if ever in our times. Love to you all. Hurray
please cite facts that can be verified, all I see and read (that you wrote) is opinion and conjecture. I get that all day long on TV news. Facts and sources please.
Especially on the part about Del “stealing” (as inferred) $Millions
And come on Jane Vander HOAX… Really?
I’m especially interested to see your facts on what lawyers (by name) and why (with documented proof) they should be in prison. Stop the conjecture and get on with the documented facts please. Your wasting valuable Hot Air that Anthony Fauci (and friends) need.
I would give you facts, but it would take all day to list them here, and it wouldn’t get posted anyway.
I posted a link a while back on an article written by Dr. Les Sachs, entitled “America’s corrupt legal system”.
It posted fine a couple months ago, but it will no longer post for some reason. If you really care about the truth, search for that article and read it.
Dr. Sachs has two degrees from Harvard and a doctorate, earned while he was living in DC and working for the justice department. He has seven law degrees total. He now lives in exile over in Brussels, because federal judges in America tried to have him murdered.
To my understanding, he’s one of the lawyers who is working to stop the extradition of Julian Assange to America.
Every single lawyer in America is a criminal operating outside the framework of the constitution, for personal gain.
If you care about the truth and justice, you will read what one of the most credentialed lawyers in the world has to say about these criminals in America who call themselves lawyers.
Here’s a link that will tell you about Les Sachs, the article I wanted you to read won’t post
I don’t think so , Dell covered the other vaccine’s over seven years ago that contained Thimeosal , That is another name for Mercury, and it gave children autism and other illnesses ….
So you should check your references …
if you can find it…
He Didn’t Censor Your Hate-Filled Rhetoric
What are you guys talking about? Kids in the Spotlight is a foster youth program. What does it have to do with the Highwire?
It may be a foster youth program as you say, but it is also the name of one of the recent episodes. It was on the home page yesterday but I don’t see it now. Part of the labor pains of birthing a new website platform, I am sure.
Del, I have a teensy request — if at all possible, could the source episode number and perhaps even the date … be included in the short segments? I love the short setments and they are great to post and share, but I often want to find their source as well. Then I can match them up with the Insider resources you send. Thanks !!!
The report on the United Kingdom. A passage from the report:
The following was so deceptively worded that I have added explanation (in brackets).
The Department of Health and Social Care…. adopted a policy,… that led to 25,000 patients, including those (known to be) infected (with Covid-19, and also those who were) possibly infected with Covid-19 (as they) had not been tested, being discharged from hospital into care homes between 17 March and 15 April—exponentially increasing the risk of transmission to the very population most at risk of severe illness and death from the disease. (This, while being denied) access to testing, (being denied) personal protective equipment, (while having) insufficient staff, and limited (and confusing) guidance. (As expected) care homes were overwhelmed.
A Big Thank You to Del & to the Good People of the Highwire.
Stand strong and pay no attention to the fake negative comments of paid internet trolls who try to dirty your reputation with their nonsense and insults.
These phonies can’t attack the facts, so they always resort to attacking a persons character; of which they have none.
How is reporting censorship to people a personal attack on Del?
Del could very easily clear this up, he knows I’m not lying, and neither is Jane as far as I know, so all he has to do is explain why he’s removing comments and either paying trolls or allowing trolls to dominate the online chat for his most recent episodes.
You’re just being paranode and delusional.
*paranoid* Facts and documentation please, to validate your claims
Read my response to you posted above.
The report on the United Kingdom. A passage from the report:
The following was so deceptively worded that I have added explanation (in brackets).
The Department of Health and Social Care…. adopted a policy,… that led to 25,000 patients, including those (known to be) infected (with Covid-19, and also those who were) possibly infected with Covid-19 (as they) had not been tested, being discharged from hospital into care homes between 17 March and 15 April—exponentially increasing the risk of transmission to the very population most at risk of severe illness and death from the disease. (This, while being denied) access to testing, (being denied) personal protective equipment, (while having) insufficient staff, and limited (and confusing) guidance. (As expected) care homes were overwhelmed.
Playing Russian roulette: Nursing homes told to take the infected. California, New Jersey and New York have made nursing homes accept Covid-19 patients from hospitals. Residents and workers fear the policy is risking lives. See this New York Times article.
On March 25th, 2020, New York Governor Cuomo issued an executive order forcing the transfer over 4,500 Covid-19 patients from hospitals to their nursing homes (also called old-age or care homes). In the following weeks the nursing homes saw 6,000 deaths from Covid-19…. See here.
You could make a strong argument that the USA’s deadly coronavirus problem is largely a nursing home problem,… See here.
Republican Whip Steve Scalise announced that he had sent letters to the governors of California, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, demanding they explain why they ignored protocols and forced Covid-19 patients into nursing homes. Scalise noted, “While nursing home residents make up 0.6% of the U.S. population, they account for 42% of nationwide Covid-19 deaths”. That is, 70% of all U.S. Covid-19 deaths had (up till that time) been in care homes.
Each of the nine VSV hybrids, as well as the spikeless particles, were used to infect each of the three cell cultures. This gave thirty cultures to report on. The results are shown as a matrix of small photos (shown below) of the cultures 48 hours after infection. These photos show the results of having the various spike proteins expressed on the surface of the Vero E6 cells. They indicate the level of damage done by the various spike proteins to the ACE2 expressing cells in your body………
The SARS-2-S(opt) hybrid virus looks amazingly dangerous. The relevant photos are (1,1) (1,2) and (1,3). Here, syncytia formation is extreme. Here the cleavage motif at the S1/S2 cleavage site has been destabilized by adding extra arginine (R) and lysine (K) units. In other coronaviruses this causes the spike proteins to be so unstable that they are able to fuse neighboring cells without the need of any receptor.
Fortunately, such heavily multibasic motifs can never establish themselves naturally………
I find it ironic that 80% of Blacks in America voted for Joe Biden, while 70% of Blacks in America will never take this vaccine which they believe was created by a corrupt government to reduce the population growth. And now Joe Biden, who acts as if he is nothing more than a marketing tool for Big Pharma vaccines sales is attempting to place these black people under duress to make them take a vaccine in direct violation of the Nuremberg Code. Joe Biden is coercing military personal, threatening and intimidating students, blackmailing these black voters to take a vaccine they believe is “death in a syringe” as he encourages their employers to mandate these dangerous toxic vaccines that were tailored for the alpha strain that are not effective a preventing infection with the delta variant, nor effective at preventing transmission of the delta variant, nor very effective at attenuating symptoms of delta variant COVID-19. In just 7 short months COVID-19 vaccine are responsible for more reports of death and serious adverse reactions that all other vaccines combined over the last 24 years in the USA . As seen in Israel the COVID-19 vaccines no longer attenuate symptoms of delta variant COVID-19 well (less than 39%). Joe Biden, being immersed and surrounded by ignorance and dementia cannot seem to get this point. Is Joe Biden going to exclude 70% of African Americans from the Work Force, and from receiving and Education? Are we going to continue with vaccination discrimination and segregation in America?
Yea, I don’t think there’s much brain power left in the general population. Anybody, by NOW, should be able to clearly see There’s a used car salesman (Biden & friends like Gates, Fauci etc) HARD SELLING everybody on this vaccine. I mean in the last 12 months they must have said get the vaccine 10 million times or maybe 100 million times… Many orders of magnitude HIGHER than the project MK Ultra threshold of 500,000 repetitions needed to brainwash people. Maybe that’s good news, their sample size was too small in MK Ultra, there really is 50+ percent of people that know BS when they hear it 10 million times Over and over and over and over.. They know when a used car salesman is full of crap… Cheers
Ten million or a hundred million?
Exaggerate much?
What happened on 9/11 Joe? I would like you to establish a little credibility.
It’s the perfect litmus test to see how brainwashed you are.
I find it ironic that 80% of Blacks in America voted for Joe Biden, while 70% of Blacks in America will never take this vaccine which they believe was created by a corrupt government to reduce the population growth. And now Joe Biden, who acts as if he is nothing more than a marketing tool for Big Pharma vaccines sales is attempting to place these black people under duress to make them take a vaccine in direct violation of the Nuremberg Code. Joe Biden is coercing black military personal, threatening and intimidating black students, blackmailing these black voters to take a vaccine they believe is “death in a syringe” as he encourages their employers to mandate these dangerous toxic vaccines that were tailored for the alpha strain that are not effective a preventing infection with the delta variant, nor effective at preventing transmission of the delta variant, nor very effective at attenuating symptoms of delta variant COVID-19. In just 7 short months COVID-19 vaccine are responsible for more reports of death and serious adverse reactions that all other vaccines combined over the last 24 years in the USA . As seen in Israel the COVID-19 vaccines no longer attenuate symptoms of delta variant COVID-19 well (less than 39%). Joe Biden, being immersed and surrounded by ignorance and dementia cannot seem to get this point. Is Joe Biden going to exclude 70% of African Americans from the Work Force, and from receiving an education? Are we going to continue with vaccination discrimination and segregation in America?
I find it ironic that 80% of Blacks in America voted for Joe Biden, while 70% of Blacks in America will never take this vaccine which they believe was created by a corrupt government to reduce the population growth. And now Joe Biden, who acts as if he is nothing more than a marketing tool for Big Pharma vaccines sales is attempting to place these black people under duress to make them take a vaccine in direct violation of the Nuremberg Code. Joe Biden is coercing black military personal, threatening and intimidating black students, blackmailing these black voters to take a vaccine they believe is “death in a syringe” as he encourages their employers and educational institutions to mandate these failed dangerous toxic vaccines that were tailored for the alpha strain that are not effective a preventing infection with the delta variant, nor effective at preventing transmission of the delta variant, nor very effective at attenuating symptoms of delta variant COVID-19. In just 7 short months COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for more reports of death and serious adverse reactions that all other vaccines combined over the last 24 years in the USA . As seen in Israel the COVID-19 vaccines no longer attenuate symptoms of delta variant COVID-19 well (less than 39% effectiveness at symptom attenuation). Joe Biden, being immersed and surrounded by ignorance and dementia cannot seem to get this point.
Is Joe Biden going to exclude 70% of African Americans from the Work Force, and from receiving an education? Are we going to continue with vaccination discrimination and segregation in America?
I don’t know about this conscientious person?
Sounds like a stooge for the bad people.. As I review the comments I see a lot of aggression in the words …
And Who was born in 1918 ??? And who is exaggerating ?
What I see is Dell Bigtree sincerely concerned about
America and he is scarred that we will loose our country to murderers and communists…That is What I see by God…
Read this to understand my position or read it if you care about the truth.
BTW, my dad was born in 1914
This make me so proud to think there is so many people standing up for our freedom and this I mean for all over the world. Gives me hope but I only wish heads would fall faster in the corrupted government
Well Natalie, I share your sentiments, but the heads aren’t going to fall by way of a corrupt legal system that got us to this point in the first place.
I know this if off topic but I’m looking into starting my own blog and was wondering what all is needed to get setup? I’m assuming having a blog like yours would cost a pretty penny? I’m not very internet savvy so I’m not 100 certain. Any recommendations or advice would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks
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