Episode 395: INTO THE DEEP
Episode 395: INTO THE DEEP
When people ask, “Who is the ‘they’ pulling the strings on world events and the direction of money and power?” Journalist, lecturer and founder of the ‘Canadian Patriot Review,’ Matthew Ehret sheds light on some of the key figures that have influenced the great societies of the world into what we find ourselves living in today.
Guest: Matthew Ehret
AIRDATE: October 24, 2024
I cannot watch this show. It is so full of NOTHING! If Del really wanted to show the TRUTH of the Globalist Elites that rule the world. He would have David Icke as his guest. Del will never tell the whole TRUTH on this show. I am so sick of Del and his nonsense. Del is not interested in the TRUTH at all. That is why nothing on his show is the real TRUTH.
I understand your frustration, and it seems that we are considering ‘world’ events with a common interest and from a similar pool of information. However, what is for you and me quite obvious is, for most people not even remotely within their scope of perception. Del and his team have done and continue to do an amazing job at stimulating people’s interest and curiosity to inquire further and deeper, in great part thanks to his non-shocking approach; layer after layer. If you have been a parent to children or a teacher to students, you learn patience and increments, you learn their resistance, resentment and acknoledgement, setbacks and leaps forward; we cannot simply dump decades of complex and mind-shattering information on listeners and expect a peaceful recognition and gratitude for blowing up their psychological homeostasis; most of them would shrug it off and turn away, some would bark back, and some would even bite. The Highwire’s growing audience, its social reach and constructive legal results are the fruit of an intelligent approach. Through the years I have noted Del’s hinting at areas of awareness beyond the spectrum of average common acceptance and rationality, sometimes to test the waters, sometimes as an impulsive emotional overflow. I have no doubt that he must also experience frustration and impatience, and has been presented with information pertaining to other dimensions of understanding as well, but it is more crucial that he held his horses in order to grow an audience, stimulate their intellectual flexibility, widen their vision and strengthen their trust. This is the High Wire which Del walks on; below him, an abyss of ancient dark forces and above him the guiding light of a higher power, balancing between showing too much Perception or too little about Deception.
What he does and at the scale he does it, are beyond my means. If you think you can do or have done better, let me know what books you’ve written, what laws you’ve changed or what organization you’ve created, which may have advanced the public’s awareness of large scale conspiracies against humanity.
Give him a break, dude! ;) Considering the speedy unraveling of world wide events that follow the blueprint which some of us know to be a very dark and long in the making plan for dehumanization, I share with you the deep worry, anger, frustration and impatience of an inner warrior awaiting to to be unleashed.
Great comment, but I am afraid time is running out, so Del & Team better get going.
Your comment magnifies my exact sentiments. And beautifully expressed. I concur. More will be revealed. You can count on it, Many truths long hidden are getting exposed. I respect Del Bigtree, he’s Kaulana for a reason. I pray he is also a humble person. His journalism shines. And he has a badass attorney winning for ICAN. I say good on ya!
I agree
Why don’t you write him and tell him that? Maybe he will get David to come on but that’s really putting his show at risk because of all the dumbed down and brainwashed population who can only handle A LITTLE truth.
After watching a little of this show, and for Del to say that they always start with good intentions PROVES to me that Del is controlled Opposition. Del is on their side for sure. Trying to just trick people into thinking that there is no group really trying to harm humanity.
I would rather suspect YOU are the controlled opposition or a troll from your fatuus remarks. Not every program is riveting, but for the vast majority of their programs they have at least been level with the curve, but in most cases ahead of the curve. Not to mention the legal battles that have improved Americans lives.
I think Del doesn’t have enough or possibly any knowledge of Dr. MIchael Salla, David Icke, Sasha Stone, Elena Danaan and others who KNOW the opposite is true and are doing all they can to educate the MASSES.
The show is being constantly interrupted….loss of volume….and static.
Ever thought it could be your end?
It is woking for me right now. <3
You really need to bring Dr. Joseph P. Farrell as a guest. He wrote several historical books including the Merchant Vipers of Venice, Babylon’s Banksters and Thrice Great Hermetica: The Janus Age. Please look him up as he would be a great guest who is encyclopedic on these issues. Plus, he has a unique perspective on Christianity as his PhD is in Patristics.
Thank you, I will check out those books. :~)
I think it’s unfortunate that you don’t sell diapers. I mean you COULD! “Del’s delicious diapers.” Think about it.
LOL, that opening collage of crap was BRUTAL!
Trolls are activating…
I learned a lot tonight about history, Matthew Ehret was very knowlegble,
Dell, I tried uploading 5 jpg’s with my but only one was uploaded. Can I upload a PDF instead?
Footage at the beginning of the show was far too long. We know the world is in a bad state – superfluous.
Are you affraid to invite David Icke for an interview? He knows much about the hidden history and the structure of the world elite leadership as also the fabric of reallity. I’ve been following him for 20+ years and things he said a long time ago, are each by each becoming true.
Go ahead Del…. people is too lazy to know the thruth… history is rich…
The ‘they’ is the machine of darkness that is required in order for the light to exist. I have stopped thinking in terms of people being ‘they’ but as more of the representatives of the machine of darkness. I know this will probably cause a titter but I think that the darkness and the light had to be built into our 3D construct. It is hoped that we will find a way to overcome the darkness and then we shall be ready to move from school on to university.
Much ado about nothing. Noticeably, no mention of the threat of the WW3 that Israel will draw the US into when they (Israel) start war against Iran, no mention of the genocide against Palestinians..
Haven’t watched the show yet, but wanted to chime in about David Icke…Am on my second book of his…Perceptions of a Renegade Mind, which gets into who “they ” are. Midway through another book of his, I started reading Cathy O’Brien’s book, Trance Formation of America, which Icke discusses. Both O’Brien’s and Icke’s books are “red pills.” I highly suggest reading both. The only hesitation I have with Icke is that he doesn’t include references for the statements he makes, only a bibliography at the end of the books. To me, this weakens the information he presents. Again, though, his books are definitely worth reading. Icke’s heart is in the right place. Maybe Del is just trying to stay alive by not having Icke on? That is, Del actually knows who Icke is… Put yourself in Del’s place. He takes so many risks. Highwire walkers have safety nets. Give him credit for all he does explore – thank you, Del and Highwire team!
I thank Del as well :~)
When I became a citizen of Canada I had to swear allegiance to the Queen of England not Trudeau or anything to do with Canada! It was soooo weird! But at least I was pledging allegiance to a person not a piece of cloth! LOL LOL LOL!
As a history lover, I really enjoyed this show. For those who have looked into the question of who the “they” really are, you will realize that the information in this interview is just the tip of the iceberg. It can lead into many different directions with differing opinions, many of which are reasonable and probably true, while others can be more fantasy than reality, or just outright crazy. The Highwire was built on what can be proven with facts and evidence, and I commend Del and the Highwire team for sticking to that model. Keep up the good work!
This Episode was SO informative! I learned about the missing links between events in history…leading up to the mess we are experience now. I’m going to view it again and forward it on to others who need to know. Thank you for producing this valuable program.
Excellent show and excellent guest, lots to learn and dig into. To all the David Icke fans. I used to think the guy was bonkers but I now have a lot of respect for him. However… this show presented historical events intended to give you a perspective on history that you may not have had. David Icke, Alex Jones etc. are great but they’re offering their interpretation or analysis of history/events. Not the same thing and I really don’t think this is the platform for that. If you like David Icke go see what he has to say, I do.
Very information and fascinating episode. Thank you!
where is the standalone segment with Matthew Ehret? I wud like to send that out to people.
How about inviting Ole Dammegard on the show. He has been on the trail of truth for 40 years. He is a truth seeker, code breaker, and peace maker and he’s world renown for exposing false flags. past, current and predicts future events in hopes of stopping them. And yes the introduction was far too long, I skipped through it. And yes David Icke has a lot to teach us all and i would love to see him on the show.
Re. America would’ve gained its freedom if it had just waited a bit
Interesting he said that, because I remember hearing this same idea in my social studies class in Boulder High School, in the late 1980s. There was a bit of a dismissive attitude toward the American patriots, who believed they needed to fight for independence. However, this ignores the fact that England had imposed martial law on MA, because of the Boston Tea Party, which was a rebellion against a monopoly that was imposed on the colonies by the King of England.
Couldn’t watch this entire show.
Hijacking people’s emotions abounds these days, an underhanded tactic that hijacks people’s emotions to then make unwarranted and unfounded demands upon. Notice during the pandemic that demands were being amplified by people who have had their emotions hijacked!! The riots in the US and heavy handed response by Australian police are good examples of this also. Once you have hijacked people’s emotions, you can get them to do anything, things that they would have never thought of doing before. This is what you should be looking into, but then you will realise how your own emotions have been hijacked like in regards to Israel.
Re: “Doge” – I noticed the team that Trump wants to set up with Elon Musk is calling itself DOGE (Dept. of Government Efficiency). Kind of wondering if that was a coincidence, or deliberate choice.
I’m glad your guest speaker brought up Darwin’s (plagiarized) theory of evolution.
People need to understand that much of what is wrong with the world is due to the “Survival of the Fittest” lie.
“Survival of the Fittest” creates a culture of unfriendly competition but it is also based on a lie because when a lion or bear or sabretooth tiger, etc. is chasing a herd of people or deer or zebras, etc. it is not just the fittest that survive. The reality is, it is the weakest that perish. Survival of the “Fittest” implies that in a herd of 20 for example, only the 1 or 2 “fittest” survive. Nonsense! ALL survive, other than the weakest.
I tell ya, if I had a platform to speak on, with an audience who listened, the world could be a different place…
Finally got a chance to finish this episode…Excellent show, I love all the detailed content – fascinating and informative. Lot of dots connected. Thank you!
It would appear that my comment may have been censored: I wanted to watch a great discussion talking about current issues, but instead was presented with a filibuster that only disengaged me. Where was the Jaxen Report? Let Jeffrey do the in depth analysis, not a knowledgable Canadian who appears to be slyly promoting his work and not really revealing who is “They”. Sorry, but this is a fail for me. Maybe watch the following: https://www.bitchute.com/video/B6YbbpiveFda
I like to hear from Ehret, but we should all realize he is a LaRouche follower. In spite of having a good take on Imperialism and how it worked, LaRouche was a Statist of his own beed. Of course, LaRouche has passed away now.
Ehret is soft on Chinese Communism, by the way. Out of the frying pan into the fire?
Very interesting to learn historic facts, was hoping to hear more of the connection to the power groups today – World Economic Forum – how /why is it so powerful? What is it’s connections to which countries (or maybe families/leaders)? Covid was the first I’d ever heard of those fools and now they’re predicting the future for the world and training future leaders so would like a deep dive on that organization’s connections
There are two untruths one you are terrified about talking about terrain theory, even though you had two of the leading experts, Dr. Bush and Dr. Young on your show, and obviously told them not to talk about it. You’re commercial is you selling your show obviously it makes you look like you’re greedy, and only do it for the money which discredit your word? 😂