As the annual WEF meeting in Davos, Switzerland wraps up, we share a few of the highlights, and several lowlights, from the controversial soiree for globalist elites. The WEF has transitioned from early themes of ‘The Great Reset’ and ‘Build Back Better,’ to a triaged slogan of ‘Rebuilding Trust’ as citizens of sovereign nations reject their tyrannical ideology.
POSTED: January 19, 2024
Del, I’m From Chile (a country neighbor of Argentina) and I’ve been following Milei for two years now. This guy is not what he seems to be and when I saw the favorable reaction of many great people, like you or Foster Gamble who fight for freedom, on Milei’s Davos Speech, I got concerned. I’m Gonna post the same e-mail i sent to Foster a week ago:
I first heard of Milei around 2018, when he was a panelist in an Argentinian talk show. He was very charismatic and very critic of the “political caste” as he calls it. Well, at that time it seemed that everything he said made sense and was actually true, which made him very “attractive” as a candidate. This guy is a liar and a psychopath. In 2018 an 2019, just when he was talking trash about bitcoin and what a farce it was, he was part of two scams with cryptocurrencies in Argentina, for about USD 25MM. He acted as the trusted person who invited people to invest in a meme coin, and turned out to be a “pump and dump” scheme. In his presidential campaign he was very “acid” with criticisms he made about politicians, repeating again and again “you can’t work with the same people because they are all corrupt”. When he got elected, he literally assigned this same people to his trusted political positions. He’s doing the exact opposite to everything he promised in his campaign. The people in Argentina who voted for him is already very disappointed.
He’s also mentally unstable and has a extremely particular understanding of reality: at the time (this was 8 days ago), he hasn’t moved to “La Casa Rosada” yet because “it doesn’t have the necessary accommodations for my dogs”. He’s not married nor have a spouse and lives with four dogs. One of them is a cloned version, because the original died some years ago. He loved him so much that couldn’t let him go, also, he asks for counsel on big and important decisions to this dog. He has declared he loves animals more than any human being, even his parents, in fact, he hates his parents and does not have contact with them. Right now Milei is living in a 5 stars hotel property of Eduardo Elsztain, a very powerful business man who owns a great number of companies in Argentina. He’s Jew (which is fine), a zionist (not fine at all) and a member of the Jabad Lubavitch sect where they found the illegal hidden tunnels in Brooklyn. In fact, just a month ago, Milei visited that same synagog with Elsztain. Why? We don’t know, he hasn’t said anything about it yet. Last but not least, he reserved the position of Secretary of Foreign Relations to her beloved sister, a woman whose previous way of making a living, until that moment, was reading tarot cards and doing spiritism sessions to talk to dead animals and pets. There’s no problem with Tarot cards and spiritism for making a living, but to me, that doesn’t qualify her for her current job.
If you’re interested to know the real situation of Argentina, you could contact Adrián Salbuchi, Enrique Romero or Hector Giuliano. They’re the best geopolitical analysts in Argentina. I’ll leave you with Salbuchi’s contact (he speaks English fluidly and should make it easier): arsalbuchi@gmail.com