Renowned French physician, microbiologist, and infectious disease expert Didier Raoult, M.D., sits down with Del to revisit the injustices of the COVID-19 pandemic. As one of the most controversial figures of the pandemic, Raoult was among the first to advocate for a cheap, repurposed drug that he claimed showed promise in treating COVID. But what followed was a storm of censorship, scientific suppression, and personal attacks.
In this explosive interview, Raoult reveals what really happened, the global forces that worked to discredit his findings, and why the scientific community turned against him. Plus, hear his startling position on the origins of COVID-19, including his unexpected take on the Chinese lab leak theory.
Guest: Didier Raoult, M.D.
Thank you Del Bigtree for having Didier on your show. I have been trying to tell people for YEARS, that the reason hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin work is because they can change the pH of your endosomes, which is necessary for viral replication. I actually learned that from a video by a single Mom in May of 2020, and it got CENSORED right after I saw it. So few people believed me when I said the virus needs an acidic pH to replicate. Now that you’ve had Didier on your show, maybe my MOM will finally believe me! You have the best interviews on your show. Thanks for all you guys do!
But should we trust Chinese research results when they were the ones who sent out the bio weapon in the first place?
Thank you for the great work you guys do! When the biowarfare enabeling technology was created, the cure was known too, lately called the Zelenko protocol.
Dr. David Martin’s latest sworn in testimony in Edmonton Canada in front of the National Citizens Inquiry hearings lays down beautifully the facts and their time-line.
It would be awesome to hear again Dr David Martin on The Highwire.
Agreed! Would love to see that.
The Xavier which Pr. Raoult referred to is Xavier Azalbert, French mathematician and editor-in-chief of France Soir (https://www.francesoir.fr/), an independent French media outlet. The wrong Xavier was shown in the picture. Hope the Highwire Team corrects this!
I do not, at all, understand why Del stated this was the best interview of his life! You should interview Drs Sam and Mark Bailey, and Dr. Tom Cowan, and Michael Yeadon, PhD, just to get started.
Yes, I have exactly the same request and have been asking Dell and Jeffrey Jackson to invite those very doctors/scientists, including the German doctor Stefan Lanks who won the measles suit in court. How much longer must we wait, Dell?
I totally agree. Dell is not really the all sincere truther like he pretends…
Good interview, but I do NOT believe Covid-19 was created in the wild. No way. It’s already been proven it was created in a lab. It was paid for by NIH (Fauci) and created by Peter Daszak at Northwestern Univ., then taken to Wuhan and finished there. Emails have come forward where Fauci and Collins actually talk about how they’re going to say it came from nature. Dr. David Martin has talked about it extensively, as has Karen Kingston.
When I heard the exchange between Fauci and Trump, I wanted to throttle Fauci. His obfuscation, lies, and contempt is responsible for countless deaths, financial loss, misery, and injury. Considering Trump is not a physician, he held his own well. I want Fauci to be the focus of multiple class action suits, as well as indictment for his malfeasance.
F…i should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law as a “cereal”
If the ‘viruses not causing disease’ theory isn’t true, why is it being censored? Think about it…
Simpy because these doctors who do not believe in the Pateur theory of the viruses causing diseases, when they questionned Dell a long time ago, he responded that he cannot say that because the public was not ready for it !!! For me, sorry, but that smells fishy from Dell
Del should have asked Dr Didier about Dr R. Baric’s work of gain of function of viri that was transmitted to Wuhan. Also he should have asked about Dr D. Martin’s reports on the various patents taken out on Coronaviri. Also what about the claims that a Covid like illness was reported in the area around Ft Detrick, which supposedly went into nursing homes and killed many.
How is it possible to deny biowarfare when thousands of patents are owned?
Dr Diddier used many times,”I believe”, while Dr Martin shows us the documents.
I’m surprised by the willfull ignorance of this episode.
As Dell says often, “If you didn’t hear about this by now, you must have been living under a rock”, and I’m talking about Dr David Martin
Great interview. I was surprised to hear Dr Raoult say he did not believe in the lab leak origin. Maybe the fact that both he and Dr Shi Zhengli received their PhD from Montpelier University has something to do with it. Maybe there is more to the Wuhan-French connection than we realize. He may not want a colleague to get into trouble.. Surely, he knows the importance of serial passaging or the role of the furin cleavage site. It is disappointing in any case.
Sorry Del, you’re wrong again.
You said “Didier is the first scientist to say he doesn’t believe we can make a virus so it infects humans”.
I guess it depends on your classification of ‘scientist’ and if your term truly doesn’t extend to other researchers, as Dr Cowan, Dr S. Bailey, Dr M. Bailey, Dr Kaufman, Dr Sell and at least two others you’ve already had on the show (I think one’s name is Robert and the other is the lady who worked at W.H.O.) have all either said they don’t believe the lab leak theory, they don’t believe there has been a “novel” disease or they don’t believe you can manufacturer viruses, since “viruses” are not what people think they are.
I haven’t seen what Didier thinks about germ vs terrain theory but given he’s a virologist and much of what else he stated, I would say he believes in germ theory but on a nuanced level, more along the lines of someone like the highly respectable Dr Bergman.
Arrest Dr. Pfaucist, Arrest duh P$Yence. Propaganda = the worst of the worst lies.
Beware of duh Birx Flu!
“Gain of Function” was about poison and it was injected into whoever took the “flu” shot, “shingle” shot, and any other shot in the fall of 2019….Likely spread through direct contact as in “shedding”.
Thus enabling these psychopathic scum to provide ((their)) solution…The “Depopulation” covid19 poison.
To the folks & Dr.’s that think viruses don’t exist, because mainstream science conducts fraudulent dirty studies. My question to you is; Haven’t you ever been around someone in your life that was sick or was just vaccinated and you got sick yourself within 24-48hrs? My latest example….The last time I got the flu was over 5yrs ago and that was after my buddies wife vaccinated her 2 teenage boys i.e. within 24hrs the 2 boys were sick and so was mom, within 30 hrs I was sick and within 50 hrs dad was sick. Everybody was healthy prior to those injections. I ate different food than they did, because I eat healthier than they do, thus nobody was exposed to environmental toxins, rather the only correlating environmental trigger which caused this case of severe stomach flu was what the boys were injected with. Now as to what form of DOD bioweapon vira/toxoid those boys were injected with is unknown, either way it was the causal factor of all our illness. Kaufman, Cowan, Bergman, etc. are throwing out the baby with the bathwater and are ignoring all the factual verifiable evidence brought forward by Dr. David Martin. Keep researching folks & critically thinking….herd immunity to viras & toxoids have been proven over & over again e.g. Contracting natures landrace strains of Pertussis, Measles or Varicella provides lifetime immunity of which, moms pass onto their new born babies to protect them at birth (something vaccines have never accomplished).
Great job Del…you are the TRUTH-TELLER of TRUTH TELLERS…keep up the great work & Team likewise….we ALL appreciate what you do & have done!!
Agreed. If there weren’t viruses, groups of people from different walks of life would not all get sick together. And yet it often happens that way.
I don’t know. I have a had time believing that the C19 virus is natural because of David Martin finding patents at the patent office website for the virus as well as the vaccine BEFORE C19 occurred. Viruses that are natural cannot be patented. This coupled with Event 201 still makes me think it was created in a lab and then purposely unleashed on us. However, overall this was an interesting interview and informative.
Dr. Didier Raoult –
…”We’re decadent & stupid”…
Dr. Raoult refuses to call a spade a spade i.e. Corruption & Pseudo-science is systemic within all govt. alphabet soup regulators, scientific journals, western medicine, major universities, NGO’s-Non profits, DOD-DOJ-Intelligence Agency’s, etc. and the “Scientific Method” should be considered dead within the United States & within our allies.
The clip of arrogant Fauci dismissing hydrochroloquine in his typical high-handed manner irritated me so much I had to turn down the volume!
Every time my doctor tries to convince me to get a flu shot, always say knowing, thinking bout the 17% efficacy rating. Next time I will also remember what Dr. Didier said about how well vaccines do against respiratory viruses.
Argh… I meant I always say no to the flu shot.
I don’t think Dr. Raoult is aware how diabolic the world leaders are. He states that stupidity was the reason they were blocking hydroxychlor. But I think depopulation and suffering, and complete takeover of human rights was the goal.
A brave and brilliant man, Dr. Raoult.
Just because you are in your 70’s which is STILL very young does NOT mean you should not care that others are stupid. Being stupid SEVERELY harms EVERYONE and KILLS many as proved in the last five years. You would have to be an idiot to believe those in control of this country and other nations were not malevolent with an agenda to KILL MILLIONS by dumbing them down, causing diseases, and SPIRITUAL BANKRUPTCY. Go read Vernon Coleman and Martin Armstrong to know WHY they are doing this. Scientists DON’T have all the knowledge on agendas. David Martin has already proved patents to harm BILLIONS exist. The kind of interview that Dell needs to do is get David Martin, Judy Mikovits, and the OTHER scientists who DISAGREE with this scientist about a lab leak, gain of function harm and the covid malfeasance which has KILLED MILLIONS ALL TOGETHER instead of INDIVIDUAL interviews then do THAT interview.
can you have didier debate vandenbosch?
I’m quite surprised to read so many negative comments, I’m guessing most people never heard about Dr Raoult before and not familiar with his accomplishments. He’s a hero who saved so many people. I was able to follow his work and medical presentations on youtube early during the pandemic. It helped me get through the fear that the government was pushing on us by understanding clearly what was happening. I understand why Del said this is one of the most important interview, because it is. Thank you Del.