We were told it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Now, new science has revealed a shocking truth.
We were told it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Now, new science has revealed a shocking truth.
These vaccines should be illegal and banned.
Why does everyone keep saying “delta” …it is clearly the DELTOID variant
(replies don’t automatically crosspost between the community page and video comments; I did this manually)
The deltoid is a muscle – not a viral variant
It is Bill Gates Agenda for Depopulation
Do any of your have even a perfunctory understanding of immunology, virology, or infectious disease? I agree that masks are stupid but to try and flip the script regarding vaccines is just ignorant. Vaccines work. If only the ADULTS in the room had taken them, we wouldn’t be in the position to have to vaccinate our children. Man/Woman up. Protect our babies.
Have you checked out world in data? Look up countries, vaccines and COVID19. Isreal- it has skyrocket following the booster…. or how about the Harvard studs conclusion that the rate of vaccination has no effect on the rate of Covid spread. You can verify this all on your own. This was never designed to stop the spread.
Yes Meg but lets get it right, these are experimental gene modification injections not vaccines..
My mother and my uncle have had life altering vaccine injuries. I would welcome the chance to share our story. Please feel free to contact me at the email below for my story of how this vaccine has devastated my family.
Thank you for all the great work you do. It was following the Highwire that kept me informed snd why non of my children or grandchildren have been vaccinated. I hold you dear to my heart!
Robin Biller
I’m so sorry
Where is the link to the study?
What is the rest of the story as the radio commentary – Paul Harvey – to say. Fact is this “Vaccine Holocaust” is nothing more than lthe agenda of the globalist/Luciferian ancient Baylonian occult system begun in the first One World Government at Tower of Babal. These secret occult practices were then pasted down to the Sumerians, Egypt to present day. Their god Lucifer who is still worshipped by the Illuminati, 3rd degree masons, and other organizations.
Most people question how these people can willing kill so many people without any remorse or conscience. It’s not that they are just psychopaths, but demonically controlled. The Bible warned our fight is not against earthly flesh and blood, but against principalities and evil in the heavenlies until we awaken to this truth, there will be no end to this Luciferian agenda of depopulation and destruction of mankind. Lucifer’s goal has always been to turn man, made in image of God, into inhuman creatures. This so called “vaccine” is really a DNA altering genetic assault to transform those humans not killed, into hybrid monsters just as during Noah’s time when all flesh was so corrupted, but those eight on the Ark. Where are our religious leaders and pulpits speaking out the truth. We now have only a few brave men, boldly giving the truth., while most of our church shepherds are more interested in business of selling religion and protecting their tithing members. Thus, they cater to the “seeker friendly” crowd who wish to have their itching ears soothed with prosperity gospel, but don’t wish to hear about sin, prophecies of judgment, Hell, nor seeking God’s will, but only their own desires.
Most people have forsaken the love of the truth of God’s word, to follow after this fallen world. God and Jesus, desire your hearts, not your lip service! God’s word warns it is not enough to just believe there is a God, but his true children seek his heart, his will, and do his Word! There is no other answer to what is coming upon this earth. Men’s hearts will soon fail them for what is coming upon this earth. Yet those who truly know their God/Jesus, shall be eternally saved. God seeks those willing to fo.low Him, even unto death. Choose this day who you will serve – God or Satan.
I left my synagogue because they worship humanism not God.
I’ve left churches I’ve tried, the Golden Calf of humanism not God.
People want to be entertained and feel good.
Well coming up higher and being called out for conduct ungoldly isn’t done, anywhere.
Laws are not enforced, our politicians are allowed to repeatedly break their oath of office, our laws and constitution.
We must get back to decency and responsibility
Predominance of antibody-resistant SARS-CoV-2 variants in vaccine breakthrough cases from the San Francisco Bay Area, California
Where is the link?
Bill Gates: Stated at the beginning “we wont get back to normal until the entire world is vaccinated”. Nobody could see the connection at that time. Can you see the connection now? If you vaccinate the entire world (specifically with a targeted MRna Gene therapy AKA vaccine) then covid will NEVER go away, there will be NO natural immunity left to kill the virus. Its like a backdoor virus he has been known for in computer software. Its not readily seen until NOW, and not by many yet. Share Highwire EPP 234 that has Vanden Bossche & Malone with the entire world.
Here it is for quick reference:
Hey, this proves “thehighwire.com” lies to us — the vaccine limits viral replication, which is what causes variants.
The virus makes mistakes when it copies itself and its spike protein inside your lung cells and your family’s lung cells (because you chose to trust a virus over a vaccine) .. each mistake could potentially be a new variant. Vaccines reduce viral replication and thus reduce replication errors and thus reduce variants.
Whoever made this video is definitely a liar who just wants to make money off of conning ignorant people into making worse health decisions.
The best way to reduce the number of new COVID-19 variants and your risk of dying from COVID-19, or spreading it to a family member and killing them, is to get vaccinated.
Humans are the virus to these pychopaths https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nn6sBVDpmCI
Nice Earthling, these jabs do not eliminate viral replication. As long as the virus escapes (why they are called leaky vaxxes) there will alllllkwats be new variants emerging. This is how a global vaxx program pushes the viruses to become more deadly. Facts matter
As long as Covid is treated first as a political issue and not a health issue, information and transparency on it will never be fully trustworthy.
Seriously? I have defeated the virus on my own and have acquired immunity, which is better as always known up to now than vaccine induced immunity.
You are not a logical thinker for sure.
Wrong. It is not a vaccine. It is a bioweapon created in a lab to depopulate the earth and it is doing just that. All you said is propaganda. Shut off your cable and television and learn the truth
Where is the link to the UCSF circular diagram shown ? I don’t see it in the weekly insiders links ?
This is to the New Earthling.
You are so full of your own %$%#
So are you saying we know what the long term affects of this new never before used technology will be on us in the future? How about your Toll Like Receptors? will they decide not to work on a cancer cell? Maybe, Maybe not. Natural immunity is better, that’s a fact, and Robert Malone the inventor of this Tech says it’s dangerous, along with the Scientist who discovered Aids. So who are you? Oh, and I live in Australia, where we have had zero deaths under the age of 20 years old from covid, besides one single death of a 16 year old who was already very very sick and dying. So based on that fact, is it safer to Jab my 12 year old or not?? Only an idiot would not admit that we need to leave the kids alone. The key is they are forcing us, when you should have the decision. Why are we risking our childrens health and lives over the rare person out there that can’t get the jab and may die if they contract Covid. Guess what, you still carry it, you still pass it and he’s still dying. Just because you had the Jab, does not mean you need to switch off your brain and your balls. You should be standing up for our kids and not just going along with Coercion and Tyranny. Pretty sure we Aussies look up to you Americans becuase you are the shining light of Freedom. Well not any more with that idiot in power and the minions pushing forced vaccinations. Dell and Jeffery, you guys are legends.