This week, “The Highwire” live streamed a historic rally led by the Food Babe, Vani Hari, along with over a thousand protesters who marched to Kellogg’s headquarters in Battle Creek, Michigan. There they delivered more than 400,000 signed petitions demanding harmful food dyes and the chemical preservative BHT be removed from their cereals in the US, like it is internationally. The cereal giant’s refusal to meet with petitioners has resulted in a countrywide call to cancel Kellogg’s.
AIRDATE: October 17, 2024
This problem goes far beyond artificial food dyes, preservatives, and chemicals added to our cereals, and to other processed foods most of us eat. People still seem to think that refined wheat, grain, corn and rice products are healthy. Well I’ve got news for you: None of these processed foods are healthy! Even if you eliminate all the added sugars, artificial food dyes, preservatives, pesticide and herbicide residues, and other chemicals, the body’s metabolic system is still thrown into turmoil by these refined carbohydrate products. Even if there is no sugar in any of the ingredients, your body turns these refined carbohydrates straight to sugar, which spikes insulin in the blood, which causes this sugar to be stored as fat, while preventing the body from actually utilizing fat reserves for energy. And on top of this, refined carbohydrate products inevitably leave you hungry again within just a couple hours later, so you end up eating more. Of course it’s possible for a corporation to add a bunch of junk to make these processed carbohydrates even more unhealthy, which they certainly do. But what you need to understand is that it’s not possible to clean up these processed carbohydrates to actually make the healthy. By their very nature, processed carbohydrates are unhealthy. Of course Kellogg’s entire business model is reliant on selling processed foods rather than whole real foods. Folks, we need to get back to eating whole real foods. And we must no longer be afraid of eating red meat, eggs, and the cholesterol therein, for those are among the most nutritious foods we can possibly eat, and of which our ancestors primarily consisted and thrived upon.