Episode Segments
The Covid Narrative is Unraveling; The HighWire Highlight’s Shocking COVID Accuracy; Dr. Barke Opposes Masking Kids Again; Hope for the Covid Vaccine Injured; Where is this all going?
Guests: Jeffrey Barke, MD; Angelia Desselle; Shawn Skelton
Kay Ivey – Alabama, I agree that’s a dark cloud. Gavin Newsome, CA is like pure evil saying “unvaccinated are like drunk drivers” Sunny Hostin, narrative that the unvaccinated are guilty by infringing on the rights of vaccinated. Retard. Unvaccinated are not taking rights away from vaccinated. Vaccinated are gamblers or tricked into fear. If that was true blame all the children too. Francis Collins” “vaccine is a gift to take advantage of” Uck. Biden: not vaccinated isn’t smart? I guess that means follow the father of all lies the smartest one. Jim Justice: WV governor “Unvaccinated are part of the problem not solution, more vaccinated, less people would die” Maybe that’s true in the short term, because without enough vaccinated I guess they plan to roll out more fires and floods, more disasters in other ways, like kill of they can’t control by vaccine? Give the devil your arm so more can live another year……CDC decided PCR test was no good so they are recalling it in 6 months? Yeah, they gonna use a no good test for a while. Dr David Bauer: FOS. What percentage of people are getting a harmless salt water placebo? Remembering how the radiation numbers from Fukushima should have killed the world and ethereals they say is fairies, in that case, cleaned it up. Humans don’t know how. There’s near death experience people that know full well they can heal anyone at that level and they send them back to earth to live on longer. I would say this whole science/vax rollout is designed to make fools of them all and take it down. They can still stand and walk and talk right now. I wonder when this ends and we can ignore these science and political fraudsters, teleprompt readers poker faces. They just take an inconsistent point and run with it. How many vax promoters are MK Ultra babies? Now that we know, boosters adds insult to injury. How many get a placebo booster? What percentage of people without placebos are having negative vax effects?
It is obvious that the adverse vaccine reaction reported in this episode are neurological reactions and in my humble opinion, they are symptoms of heavy metal toxicity that can be addressed via nutritional means. https://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/heavy-metal-detox-smoothie
Great show, Del! Great guests as well. I am so thankful for the information the show provides for us.
Great show Del and team ! We have looked forward to Thursdays for the last year & 1/2 .We are so grateful for you helping us keep our sanity with the information you are providing. Thanks so much , keep bringing the truth ! Love the Highwire !
We been withdrew our child. Mask is just one reason. The biggest reason is because your not going to put a needle in my child’s arm when I’m not there. They are that dirty!
How do I find a link to all the resouces?
Excellent show. The government here in New Zealand is pushing the vaccine and we don’t even have covid here, hopefully they will realise soon it does not work and stop the madness but I doubt it.
I love your passion Del. You are right. Excellent show. Thankyou.
Informed Consent is the law, as I understand it.
Nobody is told about it, and nobody is giving it.
What follows is from an American attorney, and it seems to make clear that millions of people are being assaulted.
The following is a sample of what an informed consent for the COVID-19 vaccines should look like:
The COVID-19 vaccines are experimental and only authorized under an Emergency Use Authorization. This means that this particular vaccine has not been fully studied and we cannot be certain of all of the impacts it could have on you.
Risks of the COVID vaccination include but are not limited to: death, failure to prevent the disease being vaccinated against, risk of anaphylaxis, irritation at the injection site, muscle soreness, tingling in the hand and/ or arm, bleeding from the injection site, other bleeding that may be life-threatening such as brain haemorrhage, internal bleeding, bleeding into the eye, gastrointestinal bleeding, neurologic complications including paralysis that may or may not completely resolve, focal paralysis such as Bell’s palsy, transverse myelitis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease), headaches, dizziness, narcolepsy (inability to remain awake), thrombocytopenia (lack of platelets that prevent bleeding, pancytopenia (lack of all blood elements such as red and white blood cells, infection, miscarriage, blood clots, etc.
Additionally, problems may arise even years after vaccinations. These issues may include “immune enhancement” in which case the vaccination may cause increased risk of severe or fatal worsening of COVID or other similar diseases and influenza like illnesses. Also, the risk of infertility, birth defects, and cancer is unknown, and late onset of neurologic disorders, autoimmune disease.
There have been reports of passage of the vaccine in breast milk that caused fatal bleeding in a nursing baby. The benefit of this vaccination is an overall absolute risk reduction of negative outcomes of approximately 1% and the potential to have lesser severity of symptoms if you do catch COVID-19 (which may still happen).
Please sign here if you consent to this injection.
If you received the COVID-19 vaccination and were not made aware of this information it may have been a violation of the law and you should consult with a local attorney
I love you Del and all of you at the Hightwire and at the ICAN Team!!!! I keep missing the live shows, but I always watch later. Thank God for you telling the truth!!!!
Hi Highwire Tribe!! <3
Coming down with sysmptoms of “cold”? >>> In the morning, blend 1 banana, 1 tablespoon raw, unsalted sunflower seeds, 1 slice of rice cake, about an 8th of a medium size Mexican Papaya peeled, (no seeds, of course), 1 teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 teaspoon of pure honey, a tiny bit of cayenne pepper, and ONE LARGE, FRESH CLOVE OF GARLIC with 350 ml (about 3/4 pint) of warm water. Blend for more than a minute. Sip the blend until finished. It should taste fairly good despite the garlic in it… 4-5 hours later you should start feeling much better. Repeat for 3 to 5 days to achive excellent result.
Love all that you guys do Del and team…So excited about the new website.
Thank you Dell and team Highwire, from a loyal watching Aussie.
The majority of Australians are brainwashed by our Government. I try to tell people to watch your episodes but its like talking to brick walls.
I first wanted to say that you show is amazing and love all the information. But the Delta variant is hitting many unvaccinated and many again are dying I think your show should dedicate more time to helping unvaccinated find places or doctors they can go to in their state to get premedical attention if they get covid. If we want to win that war with the government that the vaccine and mask mandate are dangerous, we need to make sure that all people can survive this. If it wasn’t for my physician that told me about being able to treat it then I would have gotten vaccinated. My husband who did get vaccinated doesn’t believe there are pre treatment. And what I see in the news now is that because people are not inform that there are pre treatment or can’t find those treatment end up dying. People see their love ones die of covid for refusing the vaccine and they end up secretly get vaccinated. This episode does talk about it but not all your episode does as I am going back and watching the other episode. It should be part of a montage that you do every week and to make sure that these people find someone ahead of time. The fact that there are pre treatment should be a big thing on your show because on top of that they are trying to remove license of doctors that are saying they treat covid… an article that is on your website. Fear will get to people unless they know they can survive this and their kids can survive if they get cover more seriously. Many that were healthy also dies and vitamin D can’t only be the thing to say to people to help them. A radio host was taking vitamin D and now he’s fitting for his life. Please make this point a talking point for all your future shows it is so important to fight this battle.
Is there a protocol to help people who have taken the vaccine? or have been exposed to shedding?
I would never be naive enough to have taken that shot, but there people who were, who might be feeling brain fog, etc. right now and regret it, and need help — they don’t have the time, or attention span to sift through a bunch of articles and information, is there anything we can recommend to them?
Best Episode to date! The world should view this!
I cried 4 different times during this episode. ? I have been following The Highwire for over a year now, and it just keeps getting better.
Good morning
Thank you Del for your great journalism!
What burns me is that my 14yo daughter and I are both suffering daily with symptoms from being AROUND the vaxxed, and they think WE’RE the problem? She has menstrual changes for the past 3 months, has had 2 TIAs, rashes, dizziness, bleeding gums. I have had MAJOR chest tightness/inability to breathe deeply (ongoing after 4 hours around vaxxed people in my home), rashes, migraines, bleeding gums, VERY high blood pressure, fuzzy brain, and those are just the major ones. I don’t know when I’ll be able to go out anyway, as being around them makes us sick. We’ve had to cut contact that is more than an hour, and after extensive exposure, we’re cutting it even more. And now they’re talking BOOSTERS?? I give up. (ALL my family has had vax)
The $100,000 question is how long are they making/emitting that spike protein that’s affecting everyone around them.
Excellent show Del, you help keep me sane. Sending love and support to all those brave people living with and sharing their personal experiences of vax injury
USA version of our UKcolumn.
Just think; with your base here now, with UToob and FailBook, along with the rest TRYING to silence you, you won.
Now, just think of the overwhelming success you COULD WELL have, just by running for POTUS.
DO IT. You will have us behind you. No one listens to us.
It is now quite evident we are dealing with TYRANTS and tyrants must be dealt with consequently. The threat that the human race is facing is about 1 000 000 times bigger than Adolf Hitler. We are being attacked by globalist PSYCHOPATHS. They have infested all governments and all parties, not just in USA,. These people are MONSTERS and we will indeed need a NEW NURENBURG trial and a LOT of MDs and journalists will be put on trial not just politicians.
The CDC and the FDA are a threat to humanity. I am quite serious. These people are totally criminalized. They could not care one bit if they eventually mass murder, genocide 6 billion humans. I am thinking about the ADE antibody dependent enhancement, pathogenic priming. This is what we are already seing going on with these new strains and the vaccines infecting the vaccinated.
Love the new site! But I can’t adjust the speed. I usually watch at 2x speed to save time. Great stuff still can’t wait to catch up.
Good on ya Del from Wonga Beach Australia. We love .you DownUnder.
Psychic Whiplash,lol
Dell, you are a good man. Thank you!
Del, why are you still advancing the phony Covid narrative? Why? All you do is go round and round and round presupposing that SARSCOV2 exists.
Where is your proof? You can’t have an emergency or a pandemic with over 99.8% survival rate of anything then or now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are actually going along with their insanity. Nothing works because NOTHING EXISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You now go along with Rand Paul???? You are such a disappointment and I’m pointing it out to everyone. I thought you were not another smoke and mirrors. But, you are! Why? Because you wouldn’t have much of a show or $$$ if you didn’t promote the phony C0V1D narrative.
If you believe in the virus, why not get Vaccinated? Because you and I both know there is no virus and there is no vaccine. It’s a fake pandemic for a fake vaccine. It’s about control and injecting people with a genetic manipulation toxin!
Deadly, contagious diseases affect everyone. Not just an 80 year old or a 50 year old or a 20 year old. It’s a SCAM!
You are a Trumper! You are a deceiver along with Trump. Trump can’t do a damn thing because he is part of the takedown on the tit of big pharma and the counterfeit state of Israel — a Zionist regime.
This is not an experimental vaccine! It’s an experimental technology that has nothing to do with a vaccine.
Vaccines prevent diseases and it’s done! This is not a vaccine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very disappointed in you!
True, why doesnt Del know that SC-2 was only found by a computer data base from researchers in China thru metagenomics. No virus has ever been purified.
Love the new look, thank you so much for all your team’s hard work. On the days when I feel hopeless and full of despair, I find a clip on your site to watch and I cheer right up. Bless you!!
Del is the “expert” that I trust on the “science”. Our “official: experts are nothing more than vaccine salesmen for Pharma.
Each of the nine VSV hybrids, as well as the spikeless particles, were used to infect each of the three cell cultures. This gave thirty cultures to report on. The results are shown as a matrix of small photos (shown below) of the cultures 48 hours after infection. These photos show the results of having the various spike proteins expressed on the surface of the Vero E6 cells. They indicate the level of damage done by the various spike proteins to the ACE2 expressing cells in your body………
The SARS-2-S(opt) hybrid virus looks amazingly dangerous. The relevant photos are (1,1) (1,2) and (1,3). Here, syncytia formation is extreme. Here the cleavage motif at the S1/S2 cleavage site has been destabilized by adding extra arginine (R) and lysine (K) units. In other coronaviruses this causes the spike proteins to be so unstable that they are able to fuse neighboring cells without the need of any receptor.
Fortunately, such heavily multibasic motifs can never establish themselves naturally………
fantastic update everybody, well done.
It sure seems that in the past week the whole mainstream narrative is starting to crack. Humbling but devastating to be on this, the right side of history.
I’m not convinced the masses are going to wake up but geese do I feel blessed to be a part of the group of people that support the HW and human liberty!
Would love to see you have Geert Vanden Bossche and Judy Macovich on together.
This does seem to be true, of course not everything that seems to be true is true, however, it would seem that the vaccinated have risked the health of all of us. The unvaccinated have already had to pay billions of dollars out for pro-covid vaxxers to have their shots, now it looks like they are going to possibly cost unvaccinated people their health if not their lives!!
So what would have been easier, cheaper, safer and more effective in avoiding all this? Band and even outlawed therapeutic treatments!!
“Via the words of the CDC’s own director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the official narrative on vaccines and covid has just self-destructed. While in March of this year, Walenksy had publicly promised that vaccinated people could not spread the virus and infect others, this week she publicly stated that vaccines are failing, and that vaccinated people may now carry higher viral loads than unvaccinated people, contributing to the spread of covid.”
Thanks for the work you’re doing. Keep it up.
Hello, I just love the Highwire. I cannot thank you enough.
The passport will be a social credit system. Everything will be tied to it. Bank account, medical records, drivers license. It must be stopped at all costs. Please educate everyone you know as if your life depends on it because it does.
Are there links to the references in this video? Thanks
LATEST UPDATE OF VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) DATA:
As of July 23 2021 (the latest available) the number of deaths associated with the three vaccines given to Americans are:
TOTAL 5597
As to thrombocytopenia we have:
The VAERS data has been presented in a way that makes it essentially useless, unless repackaged.
Repackaged, easily readable VAERS data can be downloaded from
You are still missing the point here. The vaccine has nothing to do with disease. It is a kill shot to everyone. Once the disease angle does not work anymore, forced needles will be brought in.
Love your show, its amazing!!!
Watching from Qld Australia
The old chat link:
Where is all this going you ask? To what end? Look to China. Vaccine passports = social credit system. = control = communism
Love the new site! We have donated and could not be more pleased to see that we contributed to something so awesome. We pray for the Lord to protect you and guide you in this amazing journey. You guys are true patriots, thank you!
Hey folks! Please, check this link out – Patrick King from Alberta-CA – went to court requesting the prove of isolation of coronavirus and the head of Alberta Health Services confirmed that it has not been isolated – https://rumble.com/vkorz0-freedom-fighter-court-victory-ends-masking-shots-quarantine-in-alberta.html
Is there a way to download episodes? I don’t often have internet access and can’t watch live.
Is anyone doing reporting on the homeless? My heart goes out to those who lost work during the lockdowns and are now facing loosing their homes.
I thought these rights were God given. Since when does our gov. give us rights, we give them rights. They work for we the people.
Funny, those complaining that Co2 is polluting/poisoning the environment/earth, are telling us to wear a mask and breath in our own co2 ?
Clever science.
Del? I have only one question: When are you going to acknowledge, that your expected “common cold” is pre-programmed by Nature i.e. the SUN to occur this fall on schedule as all the years before, except between the years of 1645 to 1715, which were the maunder minimum of sunspot activity! The sun is much more powerful of an influence than all of our puny efforts to do ANY thing about global warming!!! Wake up and stop this “virus” nonsense, because this so called virus is a man made concoction. Think about it – Nature is NOT a battle to be won or lost, it is a matter of symbiosis i.e. working together to preserve LIFE!
Anybody calling Pfizer and Moderna a vaxine, is still, after two years drinking their coolaid.
Anybody still talking of moderna and pfizer as a vaxine, is still under their spell.
If so many breakthrough cases are arising among the vaccinated, it doesn’t matter who is to blame: the vaccine didn’t save them. Why would the vaccine save them this time, by repeating the process again? They were vulnerable to Covid from the very beginning. They tried to anticipate themselves to Covid and prevent negative effects by using vaccines, but now they are facing the very negative consequences they tried to avoid. So what’s the point in all of this? Just stop the madness. Start healing your wounds (your flu infections, if you have any). Accept you can catch Covid and try to heal from that if you get it, the same way you would do if you catch tuberculosis, pneumonia, common cold, flu, Guillain Barré syndrome, diabetes, cancer, stroke, or every single disease in the world. There’s no vaccine against life. You will get sick if you’re meant to be. Focus on healing. Remedies to what it is, rather than preventing uncertain outcomes.
Playing Russian roulette: Nursing homes told to take the infected. California, New Jersey and New York have made nursing homes accept Covid-19 patients from hospitals. Residents and workers fear the policy is risking lives. See this New York Times article.
On March 25th, 2020, New York Governor Cuomo issued an executive order forcing the transfer over 4,500 Covid-19 patients from hospitals to their nursing homes (also called old-age or care homes). In the following weeks the nursing homes saw 6,000 deaths from Covid-19…. See here.
You could make a strong argument that the USA’s deadly coronavirus problem is largely a nursing home problem,… See here.
Republican Whip Steve Scalise announced that he had sent letters to the governors of California, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, demanding they explain why they ignored protocols and forced Covid-19 patients into nursing homes…. That is, 70% of all U.S. Covid-19 deaths had (up till that time) been in care homes.
Why aren’t you informing the public on the findings of Spain that 99.9% of all of these vaccines are graphene oxide and why no mention of the court case of Patrick King against Alberta Canada. This is a historical case because he was based on the fact that Alberta could not provide an isolated virus proving Covid -19 exists. The result that the mandates had to be dropped, mask, testing, vaccines, because if they couldn’t provide an isolated virus they had not ground that justified the lockdowns and mandates. This is the blueprint for all lawsuits to come, so I think both of these stories should have made it to front page on The highwire because it nullifies all of these other stories. ???? Really has me wondering why this isn’t being talked about. Children’s Defense fund, Front Line Doctors and The High Wire haven’t touched it. ???
Praying people will wake up to Truth.
I wish Del would do a version of WHAT IS THE ULTIMATE PLAN HERE? enumerating every point and what was known all along. Short sentences that we can all use every day to everyone…because the REAL ULTIMATE PLAN IS TYRANNY
Smallpox was defeated by inoculation, not by vaccination.
Be interesting to see if it were possible to find a way of inoculating people against SARs cov2 because inoculation will give you the natural immunity that is most effective.
Proud to donate monthly. Thank you for your courage and love! Sani
I wish this show was force fed to people like the mainstream news is. This show is based on the science and has basically predicted everything that has happened. That being said I still remain confident that the truth will reach more people and we will get this hoax turned around. Thank Del and the team!
I just finished watching the propaganda piece required by the State of Colorado so I could get the exemption papers for my kid for the new school year. Yay…
Thanks Del for your well documented video’s and clear information
Del always goes on his angry rant toward the end of the show, LOL. I have to lower the volume
Coming down with symptoms of “cold”? >>> In the morning, blend 1 banana, 1 tablespoon raw, unsalted sunflower seeds, 1 slice of rice cake, about an 8th of a medium size Mexican Papaya peeled, (no seeds, of course), 1 teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 teaspoon of pure honey, a tiny bit of cayenne pepper, and ONE LARGE, FRESH CLOVE OF GARLIC with 350 ml (about 3/4 pint) of warm water. Blend for more than a minute. Sip the blend until finished. It should taste fairly good despite the garlic in it… 4-5 hours later you should start feeling much better. Repeat for 3 to 5 days to achieve excellent result. Also good for prevention.
Hello from Honduras.
Please help. My family is forcing me to take the vaccine. I dont know what to do. I did my research and I dont want to take the vaccine. But my family says that the vaccine AztraZeneca and Sputnik and Johnson they are the traditional vaccines, is that truth that they are different from the moderna and pfizer vaccine? Please help. I need more info. Thank you.
Would Ivermectin or any of the other treatments for covid-19 be good as a preventative for those of us that are not vaccinated and could be possibly picking up this spike proteins from the vaccinated sweat? It’s been talked about that they could be sheading it. And that in-fact, the vaccinated should be quarantined and putting us all at risk.
Thank you so much for what you do. I am a federal employee, the only one in my office not vaccinated (and not getting vaccinated until someone holds me down and forceably injects me, which may be right around the corner). Meanwhile, I must mask up and get tested twice a week because apparently I am a clear and present danger to everyone who has been immunized. Go figure. It is just unbelievable what is happening. I sometimes feel crazy and alone in my views. Please know that what you are doing is so important and so appreciated.
Love your work Del and the team! Thank you for holding the line, time and time and time again!
BUT…if vaccinated, you don’t have anywhere near the mortality or morbidity of unvaccinated…PRESUMING there are not too bad sequelae from the vaccine itself.
HOWEVER, you CAN get the SARS infection, perhaps even subclinically, and THAT may trigger long term cellular immunity even if the vaccine does not.
Mask for kid’s and Teachers are wrong! Teachers could protect themselves with http://www.andreaskalcker.com
The School rooms could use this antiseptic gas too.
I have friends , Teachers, they don’t want to wear masks, it would be impossible to clearly communicate with the children.
Hello Mr. Bigtree,
Your show is one of the MOST intelligent uses of the Internet during this very difficult period in Human History, as you and your great Team are genuinely trying to inform, educate and motivate the entire World to WAKE UP and see the TRUTH behind this PLANdemic. Your Show may just be the LIFESAVER that we all need to save Humanity during this dangerous NONSENSE!
I personally know 3 people in my entourage who have died, and another who has had an acute cerebral stroke as a direct cause to the “Vaccine”, not to mention so many other friends who have become lethargic, have a frequent fever, constant muscle soreness, and a total lack of energy since having taken the “Vaccine”.
Just want to say that thousands of people here in Europe are 100% with you all the way in this FIGHT, and can’t wait until these Political and non-medical bureaucrat CRIMINALS (who are attempting to ruin the World economies and killing thousands of innocent people with the imposition of these unlicensed and experimental “Vaccines”, which should be illegal!) finally are prosecuted and will face JUSTICE!
GOD Bless you, your Team and Jeffrey Jaxen (one of the few truly respectable and reliable journalists out there), and may your mission continue and SUCCEED to touch, inform and educate as many people as possible. With you all the way, and best wishes to you and your Team,
The Highwire brings the truth. Listen and watch carefully. Thanks Del and team!
Anyone else think it’s weird that all of these aides of Pelosi, Biden can catch Covid(despite being vaccinated), yet somehow Pelosi and Biden themselves remain clear? These are people who have direct contact with these high ranking officials yet somehow these two [high risk] gov’t officials, both in their late 60’s, 70’s, STILL haven’t caught it??
What about healthy people, young people in their late 20’s early 30’s with no underlying condition head to hospital to never come back out. To never see their loved ones and die alone in a hospital, what happened to their healthy immune system why didn’t they survive? So going out there and catching this cold after personally hearing about these people loosing their lives makes me cringe a little ? I suddenly am fearful. Help me understand why this young people die
The strongest argument by pro vaxxers is that 94% of COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths involved individuals who were not fully vaccinated. I have never seen this stat refuted by The Highwire, Children’s Health Defense, Mercola, etc. – and suggest that it needs to be.
In this regard it should be noted that I’ve also seen pro vaxxers cite that 94% of COVID-19 cases, deaths, and hospitalizations involved individuals who were not fully vaccinated (which is different from the former stat because it includes cases that do not result in hospitalization or death. If this is the authentic basis of the stat then the data is skewed, as COVID-19 cases not resulting in hospitalization or death among the unvaccinated are counted, whereas the CDC excluded cases among the vaccinated that don’t result in hospitalization or death. In short, the vaccinated and unvaccinated are measured by a different metric that renders the statistical conclusion meaningless.
If anyone is aware of a discussion of this issue I would greatly appreciate you providing me a link.
What do you mean, you’ve never seen this refuted by The Highwire? They’ve refuted it and debunked it until they are just about blue in the face. Del and Co. always provide links to the articles and scientific studies he references, maybe sign up for the newsletter? I’ve watched nearly every episode they’ve made and that has been one of their key points they’ve been fixated on as of late, so idk what exactly you mean when you say they haven’t refuted it because not only has it been refuted but it’s all over the web if really look. As far as the data being skewed, you can look through the web and you find nothing but skewed data as every news agency that claims that it’s mostly unvaxed people in the hospitals is contradicted by several other news agencies as well as many, many scientific studies to boot. Sorry, I didn’t write this in full paragraphed format as I wrote it in kind of a hurry but you get what I mean, I hope.
Are you feeling better after your blood transfusion?
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This experience has brought me a very different perspective on Revelation 16:2. I don’t believe this is the actual mark, but it does look like a test of the emergency mark-cast system. In any case, I wasn’t expecting Revelation 16:2 to be scientifically explicable as I redd the Bible several times during my life. Now I think it will be. Or is: fornication could be an essential part of the mark, and were fornication to disappear from the face of the Earth, all STIs, including HIV/AIDS, would vanish within 3-4 generations. There are other possibilities which link potential mark behaviours and requirements to disease, such as drug use: the worst addictive substances in the world were (allegedly) well-meaning products of the pharmaceutical industry: cocaine, heroin, oxycontin, benzodiazipine, and I’m sure there will be more. The etymology of “pharmacy” is the Greek word for sorcery and magic; yeah, we’re not just farming cuticles
To be clear, the stipulations of the seal and mark in the Bible are not physical as Revelation is symbolic (this is the basic reason why I didn’t expect scientific explicability on them): the right hand is your behaviour, and the forehead is your thinking. The seal of God must be in both your behaviour and your thinking, while the beast is satisfied with taking over just one of those.
Okay, that was creepy…
1:00:15 “Oh my God, folks, it’s Groundhog Day”
While I have Andrew Prahlow’s Outer Wilds OST (specifically the track called “City”) stuck in my head. If you’re familiar with both the 1993 Harold Ramis movie starring Bill Murray and the 2019 Mobius game, it should be obvious. If not, here’s some background:
Groundhog Day is a movie starring Bill Murray as Phil Connors, who is stuck in a 24-hour time loop he can’t escape even by committing suicide.
Outer Wilds is a video game where you (the player character) are stuck in a 22-minute time loop. I’ll leave it at that, but nearly every review of the game compares it to Groundhog Day, especially since the start of the loop is you waking up at a campsite watching an alien space station orbiting your star system’s gas giant explode. In Groundhog Day, it’s a comfy hotel and “I Got You, Babe” by Sonny & Cher.
The cherry on top is that in Outer Wilds… maybe I should put a spoiler warning here. Spoiler warning. That was the spoiler warning. You’re literally trying to save the universe. Spoiler warning out.
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