Episode Segments
The Covid Narrative is Unraveling; The HighWire Highlight’s Shocking COVID Accuracy; Dr. Barke Opposes Masking Kids Again; Hope for the Covid Vaccine Injured; Where is this all going?
Guests: Jeffrey Barke, MD; Angelia Desselle; Shawn Skelton
Hi, I’m trying to educate myself here. I know I’m going to be “asked” to be vaccinated at work or be tested. I don’t want to either, but my put up with testing. I need to pray and educate myself. At this pint, I don’t trust the tests either. Even if the vaccines weren’t harmful, it is sooo evident there is an agenda here and I don’t want to play into it. I’m wondering – how do we respond to those that say that the rise of COVID cases in the vaccinated is due to the unvaccinated? I heard that the vaccine continues to mutate because not enough people get vaccinated. I feel like I hear so much information it can feel overwhelming. I’d appreciate some guidance on a scientifically appropriate response. Thank you!
Love you Del and Jaxen and all the team at The Highwire! You are my people too! Revolt, Revolt, Revolt! Sydney Australia
Another excellent episode.
Good show once again.
Thank you.
Good information and a bonus that Jim Justice was called out. He likes to use tax payer money for incentives to those who get jabbed… raffles for free fishing licenses, trucks, million dollar prize, free college education. Highwire, please keep exposing the truth and taking tyrants to court. Most of us can’t afford to do so and the DOJs will do NOTHING.
loving the new look to the site
What a total cluster—-. I’m so grateful to you, Del and everyone at The Highwire…and I’m so proud to be able to say that I support you. EVERYONE…SUPPORT THE HIGHWIRE WITH A DONATION!!
Thanks Del, appreciate you, your team and your guests
so greatful to have The Highwire available to us in Uk always full of good peer reviewed info…thanks
Amazing show and just could be my favourite to date Del. The tide is turning and the rats need rafts to survive. I will be listening to the episode running next Monday via podcast. Love from Newcastle, UK.
Del thank you,
please continue with your fantastic and informative news reports, the world’s media has sold out big time, any journalists working for these companies who still have an ounce of conscience please help yourself and the rest of us to expose these institutions for what they are.
Congratulations on the new website. Loving it here in the UK. Keep doing what you do. Be relentless.
The Highwire team, please, catch up on “new” discoveries and start reporting on them too. Graphene oxide, Adverse reactions database whistleblower, magnetism. It all has been out for over a month now and you dont even mention it. Frustrating. These findings are crucial. Thank you.
It was covered briefly a few weeks ago, but i agree, its a subject that’s worth re-visiting here.
Congrats Highwire! its a great day for online democracy and access to information!!! !
“Goliath has been rocked back on his heels!”- Del BigTree
found the article for Dr. Bauer. https://www.crick.ac.uk/news/2021-06-03_pfizer-biontech-vaccine-recipients-have-lower-antibody-levels-targeting-the-delta-variant-first-discovered-in-india // Sadly they are using this to make the case boosters are needed. Not that it’s having a negative impact on the person injected.
Excited to listen at your new platform!!
I have been following and supporting you for years and was blessed to see Del in the Wisconsin Dells last spring. We are full of Gratitude to have you all through these crazy times. To be able to show my daughter this if she asks again for the shot (peer pressure, dad and other family had theirs and she doesn’t see masks as a big deal) but if I need to wake her up, I have you all and these amazing stories. So many great vibes for you all, those who dare to speak up, do their websites to ensure others know and are given all necessary information. Thank you and bless you all!
So we have 100 new billionaires as a result of the vaccine and not one of them can help the people injured?
We need a covid windfall tax, maybe 99%. The funds could be for those harmed, physically and financially.
Thank you to Del and his team of warriors for all they do for all of us! I love yo! Faithful watcher
Why has David Martin, not been back on the show presenting all of the patent information that he has recently discovered? He is presenting to Reiner Fuellmich
in preparation for what we all hope will be trials of accountability. I’m sure most people paying attention have already seen this but he should be on The Highwire again, showing the people this information.
>So we have 100 new billionaires as a result of the vaccine and not one of them can help the people injured?
Good point Stacey, someone repeat this enough times in the chat and maybe HighWire will push the idea.
Sometimes you have a philanthropist who wants to stand out, make a name or switch sides…
In reality I think they indoctrinated the rich to think it’s us vs them with whatever boogery they fall for probably environmental. So half the game is educating and reaching them in the first place. Then it’s incentive. HighWire already gets that last part with the lawsuit so I’m sure they’d get this. How to incentivize…
Anyone have thoughts about graphene oxide? is believed is one of the ingredients in this “vaccines”
we need the truth not trickery so they can stablish an agenda that could be really utopia and the end of humanity as we know it.
Sure give a booster shot for something that is not working….brilliant!!
Thank you for all that you do Del!
I dont’ understand why people are not asking….. . “what is the problem we are trying to solve”?… One would presume…the problem is to reduce the number of deaths and hospitalizations from CV, not eradicate a virus that is likely not to be eradicated….. so…. why on Earth are there not demands for prophyactics to keep people who do contract CV whether they are V or not V…from becoming sick enough to be hospitalized…that is what is unconscienable! It appears..t.he problem the powers that be are trying to solve are ….how can we prove we are right….and justify the billions of dollars we spent going down one avenue rather than being open to all aspects of health…. that’s why people dont trust what is clearly not logical or forthright! STope pitting people against each other so they blame each other and pivot away from the truth! THankful for the Highwire and a few others…. who tell the truth with DATA
Exactly, Deb…they miss the problem.
The solution was simple from the beginning…..by answering a simple question….what’s the cause? why people get sick? why other get sicker than others?
ANSWER: a weaken immune system (people with more ACE2 receptors).
What should have been a simple plan:
1. Boost the immune system and allow doctors to come on tv with suggestions how to do this
2. Protect – laws to protect those vulnerable (allow them to work from home, N95 masks, ventilation, etc)
3. EARLY TREATMENT – allow debate on TV, the president ask doctors from all walks of life to come up with a plan and then ALLOW DOCTORS to TREAT
( Zelenko’s protocol- those simple supplements literally put you back on your feet in a matter of hours from the fist symptoms).
If they really cared, they would have done all of this……so it becomes very obvious what’s their plan…
They are way past being brain dead or having a low IQ, they are pure evil.
This is what happens when we have people in charge that have no fear of God which is the beginning of wisdom.
Jim Justice,
If you look around you at the beauty and complexity of this world that we live in, and then sit there and tell us that the same creator gave us these shots as a gift to save us, then all i can say is; may god help you, and anyone else who listens to any advice you may have for them or us in the future!
Thank you Del, Jeffery, and everyone involved for just being the voice of science and reason in this mess of a world xx
Must watch. Goes along with others that have been on the show.
The report on the United Kingdom. A passage from the report:
Covid-19 has had a devastating impact on older persons living in care homes in England. 28,186 “excess deaths” were recorded in care homes in England between 2 March and 12 June, with over 18,500 care home residents confirmed to have died with Covid-19 during this period. UK government decisions and failures resulted in violations of the human rights of people living in care homes, notably the right to life, to health and to non-discrimination. From discharging 25,000 patients, including those infected, into care homes; to denying care homes residents admission to hospital and imposing “do not attempt resuscitation” orders on them without due process, to failing to provide PPE (personal protective equipment) and testing to care homes. Older persons living in care homes were abandoned to die.
I guess; “people in care homes had their right to life violated”, sounds better than; “people in care homes were murdered,” but it is less accurate.
I’m so grateful, I’m from Brazil, your website help me so much. Thank’s Dell God bless you.
Dear Del… In Canada Ivermectin is only available if you are in hospital. Although they have it right here in my drugstore doctors cannot prescribe it until you have been hospitalized… where can I get it?
Can spike protein be transmitted from vaccinated friends who are not sick? I want to know if I should continue seeing and hugging my old friends who have all been vaccinated and so far no adverse reactions.
We know it’s all about de-population… Del you are amazing but unfortunately mostly preaching to the choir but I will continue to be accused of spreading disinformation… I’m healthy, informed & 80. Thank you for all that you do…I love you!
I am, and have been, so thankful for The Highwire! I eagerly look forward to your show every week, Del. And thank you to all of the people on this show who work hard to bring us the truth and the news. Love you all! And I am continuing to stand strong because of you.
There is no variant. Delta variant = vaccine adverse reactions.
Thanks for so much information! This needs a view counter too! cheers
All of us saw this coming. What people need to realize is that this as a mental and spiritual war as it biological. I will listen to these people. The words that they say, their intonation their body language. All for the purpose of gaslighting, fearmongering and control. Everyday I’m thankful that I’m a person who never follows the crowd in order to be accepted. I listen to my own family members and I’m literally horrified because they fully agree with having proof of vaccination and that the unvaccinated should be vilified. My relationship with them is still good for now but it’s like their literally brainwashed and as long as the MSM and the so called experts say so then it’s so. But I do believe that all things happen for a reason and I believe that God or whatever higher power that created us is allowing this to happen so that it serves as a wake up call and it up to us to head the call and take responsibility for ourselves or let others with evil intentions control us to where we forget who we are even more because I believe if we as a collective knew we truly are then we wouldn’t be in this mess to begin with.
Thank you Angelia and Shawn! We love you!!
Another agency being created.
Add GBS to the list of three letters agencies if the bill makes it past the house. I passed the committee.
Creating opportunities for innovation and burden-sharing:
Authorizes U.S. participation in innovative partnerships and financing mechanisms, including the establishment of the Fund for Global Health Security, to catalyze public and private investments in global health security and pandemic prevention and preparedness and help resource-constrained countries strengthen health symptoms and improve pandemic prevention and preparedness.
Perhaps you explain this in today’s video, but here is the comparison needed.
How many new cases of COVID-19 are reported to unvaccinated vs vaccinated?
The media makes you think that the number of vaccinated contracting a breakthrough case is so small that virtually all of the new cases are from the unvaccinated.
What is the ratio?
@ Chris. Here is an example:
39% Unvaxxed
40% Unvaxxed
“unvaccinated are causing the variants.” Just the opposite is true;
Lifelong protection after covid infection
Ethylene oxide
Bring back common sense. Wash your hands, gargle, and irrigate your nasal passages daily. Don’t give the virus a chance to gain a foothold.
You tell them Del.
Problem is, its not just the corrupt Neanderthal scientists and politicians…
Its the dull, impressionable, conditioned majority of people who are allowing this….
Until they wake up, until sheep awake from their somnambulistic slumber…
Until everyone sees this is not about health, but about money and control…
Only then does humanity have a chance.
The vaccine reaction ladies should also look into fluvoxamine in addition to ivermectin. See dr mobeen syed and dr Yo on Youtube.
I’m so grateful that you exist. Thank you for not giving up or selling out!
Thank you – you beautiful people at the highwire! It’s so nice to listen to common sense and you are my people ?
Also anyone know if you can order ivermectin in the EU? Thanks so much!
Great episode! Thank you for all the hard work you are doing!!!!
Love you Del! keep it up
I loved that you had Dr. Barke on today! Del and Dr. Barke have been real shining lights through this whole ordeal. Seeing you both in one place was pretty great. Keep it up!
If and when the vaccine becomes mandated for fed employees, and those (me) who choose not to take it will be required to do weekly testing.. is there anyway to fight that? I don’t want a swab shoved up my nose 1-2 times a week!
Find a lawyer, and never confirm or deny you are vaxed. Don’t take a test. It can make you sick and with false positives it can make you miss work.
I totally LOVE your passion Del and the new site is awesome!
I have a friend who is an OT and specializes in sensory processing disorders. This is her quote,
“My heart and advocacy comes from a place of deep concern. I don’t thrive on controversy. I thrive on doing what is best for me, my family and those I love and care for. Our therapy clinic has seen a 20% increase in volume this past year. Our waitlist is overflowing. I’ve hired 3 new staff members. Those on our OT waitlist are NOT waiting for help with handwriting. They are desperate for help regulating behavior, emotions and their survival responses. Masks, in our culture, convey a message that something is wrong. Our amygdala tries it’s best to regulate, but is incapable of determining real or perceived threat. It’s constantly bombarded with a fear message. 13 months into this, enough is enough. I’ve messaged my county commissioner and I encourage you to do the same. If you can muster the energy to scroll all of your social media accounts, you can muster the energy to read this article. If you want to “protect” yourself then build your immune system, get outside, move your body and hug someone. That mask is doing absolutely nothing to block nano particles of virus droplets. That mask is doing more harm physiologically and psychologically. We know better, we have to DO better. I also advocate for freedom of choice. I’ve operated under that premise and managed our clinic very successfully. “
Unless we, the people of the world, stop enabling their evil plans by still wearing masks and still staying in lockdown, still getting vaccinated, then they’re going to keep doing it! They are seeing how far they can push us. We need to stop obeying their mandates all over the world! What are they going to do if every single person said, we’re not wearing masks, not letting our kids wear masks, not getting that death shot and staying locked in the our homes, what are they going to do? They can’t arrest millions of people at once. There is way more of us than their is them! I don’t get how people are not awake to their evil agenda yet? They’re ruining ours and our kids lives and their future for an imaginary virus!! We can’t wait until it’s too late to fight back. Trump knows exactly what’s going on and he said if we don’t stop this than we won’t have a country by 2022!
“Hi, I want to ask if there is a safe Covid-19 vaccine? Any information is appreciated.”
Expression of the spike protein (without any other viral proteins) triggers syncytia formation.
All the currently available Covid vaccines rely on expression of the spike protein to induce an immune response.
Therefore all the currently available Covid vaccines are potentially dangerous.
I would be very wary of all Covid vaccines, especially those where the spike protein retains the multibasic cleavage site, and does not have the 2P changes. All vaccines that use the wild-type spike protein should look at incorporating the 2P changes (K986P and V987P). Removal, or mutation, of the multibasic S1/S2 cleavage site is a must. [21][25] We have….
From http://www.preearth.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=1184
I’m with you, Del. As a Christian this seems obviously from God’s Enemy (Satan if you prefer). He works to steal, kill, destroy and he’s called the Father of Lies. Masks, social distancing, lockdowns that harm the poor, and the vax (an idol?) have nothing to do with the God of the Bible. Shame on the Governor for daring to call it a “gift.”
Federal employees need to unite here, if nothing more than to all get a law firm to represent us. Anyone know of any groups attempting to fight the mandate, please share!
All of this just shows that every time man thinks they can do better than nature that nature will come out and show us how misguided we are.
A shame we don’t spend more time learning about the stories of ancient religious figures. The stuff now called myth. So many of those stories show how dangerous hubris is and everything with how things are being handled with the vaccines is a great example of how dangerous hubris is. Man can never do better than nature because we are not perfect and our knowledge is lacking. Until we accept this fact, we will continue to have the same problems.
USPS union
Why is everyone upset when shot mandates are being required for employment but then seem to think it’s perfectly fine for healthcare workers &/or US military to still be mandated to take the shot?!? Why are the bodies of healthcare workers & US military not as worthwhile as everyone else?! Why can’t healthcare workers & military have a choice, too?!
Thank you Del!!! Awesome episode!!!
Thank you Del & team! Another great episode! Always learn so much. This show alone has been a beacon of light for me & my family trying to navigate through this passed year.
Bam NONE of it is ok NO mandates are acceptable!! Email and call your government officials! I have called my governor’s office many times.
When your immune system is working it’s best, you don’t even have to get sick from the virus upon exposure to become immune to it. The first couple layers of our immune system has the power to fight it off without us getting sick or even knowing it while we develop antibodies. That’s the way natural immunity is supposed to work. The best thing we can do is to take care of our bodies and let nature work how it was intended.
The injections are bio weapons, and this is genocide.
Loving the new format. I’m from just outside the lockdown area of Sydney, Australia, and couldn’t get to the Freedom Day rally there last week. I work in a role for the state gov, and have heard through the grapevine that any colleagues who attended are to be reported to the police and fired. I don’t think any colleagues went, but what a shit show. More grateful than ever to The Highwire. Any other Aussies here, I ? you guys, too. Stay strong, be brave.
Thank you, Del. God bless!
For those injured by the injections, have they checked out Dr. Richard M. Fleming’s website? He publishes many treatments for post-vaccine injuries besides Ivermectin. Go to flemingmethod.com, click on the tab at the top Best Evidence Treatments, select 8. Vaccine Adverse Events & Shedding
I think forced vaccination of government employees is an excellent idea. Except for librarians and post office workers [in my experience they are the only government employees that benefit society].
Love listening and watching your show about the truth and backed up with proof and facts!
We need your HELP from Australia!
I did not see any masks on th government officials at the G7 meeting last month in UK (except for the official photo). Conclusions?
Hi Del & Team, you are doing an awesome job. Thank you so much for your knowledge and determination to get the TRUTH out. Stay Safe, God Bless you. From South Australia.
It’s an agenda, depopulation. This shit is never going to end
Thank Del for all that you do! I believe I would have lost my mind totally if I couldn’t check in weekly with you for the truth!
Thank you Del for all that you do! I believe I would have lost my mind totally if I couldn’t check in weekly with you for the truth!
Screw Facebook and Twitter, and mostly youtube. If people quit using the fascist online “media,” then they will go broke except for the “blue state” people.
Some world wide solutions news would be good. eg, Sweden. Anywhere else doing well with health and freedom? Australia needs help to overthrow the medical tyranny going on here.
Love your new site and video capabiity. Thanks for the great work you do
No website? I don’t have one.
Okay now I get how to work this. Just wanted to thank Del & Co from the bottom of my heart for keeping me sane since March of 2020.
I feel so bad for the vax injured ladies. I’ve read to try b12 shots which may be decreased by virus. Please try this!
Thanks for everything you and your crew do; I have learned a lot this past year and a half from you and your guests. I love the technical medical analyses and, of course, Jeffrey Jaxen is truly a world-leading investigative reporter.
Del: tons of great info here. Bit of advice: less bombast, hubris, hyperbole, overstatement and oversimplification. It also feels a bit overproduced. This is not tv and not a circus. Treat it a bit more dispassionately as science and disease should be. You will be more highly regarded by a broader audience.
Brilliant show once again. But I do have a problem when we refer deaths from all vaccines prior as not being any where close to these 4 vaccine mainly used for Covid. When I look at vaccine injuries and death I also look at the amount of children that may have die from cancer/leukemia which was caused via vaccines, Then I would like to look at all the babies that did of SIDS from vaccines that they denied and then all the children that die from seizures or anaphylaxis this list goes on. So I believe countless lives have lost to vaccines. Just like SV40 causing thousands of case of cancer and I would say that 60 percent of those people die. Thank you once again for you fantastic information show Always love everyone on your teem.
Del, God bless you. You are the sanity in this world, and not just in America. I live in Israel, but am an American citizen and I know what stupidity looks like, believe me. I love the way you express the truth to the world, and I thank you for your energy and wisdom.
God bless you, Del. You are awesome! Stay strong and keep revealing the truth!
This vid will leave you breathless Watch ASAP
Why AREN’T you anti-vax Jeffrey? ALL vaccines harm. Being anti-vax is not an ignorant position, it is gained from either personal research or experience.
Every time I watch highwire I feel more inspired to go out and spread the truth that will awake more and more people. We should inspire others and stop once for all this madness. Thank you Del ! You are God’s gift to us. You’re saving many lives.
Did the authorities deliberately use 35 to 40 cycles for the PCR tests when their was no vaccine to show big numbers, and when vaccines came into play have they lowered the cycle rate to the correct 24 cycles to make the vaccines look like they are doing their job? If so, this makes 90%+ vaccinated countries look even worse.
Israel on top of this was testing 70 thousand people every day, now they are only testing 50 thousand people, in the process the infections have fallen slightly!!
Have they now in vaccinated countries stopped counting people who simply died with covid!! I thought it was funny how so many people dying simply with covid were put down as dying from covid as well, now I know why.
The only real “immunity” in this thing is the the drug companies pushing vaccines!
My husband and I knew, day one, that the jab was a scam. And now, I am so sad for the people who have participated in such a viscous experiment.