Episode Segments
The Covid Narrative is Unraveling; The HighWire Highlight’s Shocking COVID Accuracy; Dr. Barke Opposes Masking Kids Again; Hope for the Covid Vaccine Injured; Where is this all going?
Guests: Jeffrey Barke, MD; Angelia Desselle; Shawn Skelton
Del is to cool
The high wire rocks! Thanks for all you do
Del, you have a big, big favorit here in Sweden ! Have listen to you for years, just fantastic news for the world every Thursday, thank you millions,,,
Great Information
Is there a safe drug to take if you acquire delta virus. What can I take now to prevent the infection and boost my immune system?
Zinc,a high dose of vit c, lots of fruit and veg, vit d x
Ivermectin, which is not over the counter, or quercitin. Definitely take Zinc, and vitamin C and D every day!!
Check out Zelenko’s protocols! He addresses this.
too cool–Del is
Yes Yes and Yes make Zinc, vitamin C, and Viramin D ur daily meds, eat right, drink water and excercise!!! Esp with the fall and winter months coming get on it now!!!
love the new site
Once you realize that the Power-Elite, Corporatists, Globalists who secretly call themselves “Satan Worshippers” and call their secret GLOBALIST ORGANIZED CRIME SYNDICATE “the KINGDOM OF SATAN” INTEND TO KILL 90% of the world’s population, you realize that EXTREMELY EVIL, LYING, MURDERING, WARMONGERING secret servants of Satan have VERY HEAVILY INFILTRATED every government and every organization on planet earth.
DEADLY FAKE “VACCINES” and MASKS are just a few of the Satanists’ murder weapons.
The Satanists are also using chemtrails, war, flouridated water, GMO foods, radiation, chemical food additives, poisons in cleaning supplies, poisons in personal care products, herbicides, pesticides and who knows what to kill, weaken, dumb down, sicken, and enslave humanity.
The secret servants of Satan ENJOY CAUSING suffering, sickness, disease, deprivation, poverty and death.
Well summed up Jennie
You are definitely awake!
Thanks for all you do!!! I actually have COVID right now and I’m just about better. I refused to get the vaccine! I was wondering if there are other countries out there that just let the virus spread naturally (no vaccine) and how they did?
Jennie, I could not agree with you more. I am 69 years old, have been a democrat my whole life and left the party when this plandemic showed it’s ugly face. Democrats and virologists and genetic modifiers are godless atheists who believe they are gods. Yes, I have always been an ecologically minded guy, and I think it really is a possibility that we all will be impacted by climate change to the extent that they want to hook us all up to the internet so they can track us and zap us from 5G satellites. #GATESOFHELL has the technology. I have become sensitive to evil, and my alarms are pegged at maximum.
That is so true!! You can see their lack of concern for humanity, for joy, love, honesty, integrity, etc.
You forgot to mention their “toy”-weather manipulation!
Impossible. That scenario is too good at explaining what’s going on.
What is happening with the truckers in Australia?
Have they attempted to shut down the country yet?
We’re they stopped by military and/or police?
Anybody know
Thank you
Does the highwire have any opinions on a tincture sold by nutramedix. Which they report as possibly used successfully against SARs?” Houttuynia cordata “?
How do you get your picture on your profile?
Keep up the good work
No sound
To all the leftist and Democrats out there 1 Corinthians 3:16-17
King James Version
16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
I thought they were the Revelation 16:2 crowd.
Hey what are the top 10 questions I can ask folks that I know is 100% true.
Thank you
when with thousands drop down dead,that is the question
Go to StewPeters.tv. Alberta Canadian private citizen has defeated the gov on covid mandates!
Yes! Hold the line the USA affects the whole world. Here in Malaysia we have been in lock down for more than 1 1/2 years! Our latest virus spick happened after Vax came. Now we are at 20,000 cases daily and almost 200 deaths daily! Our kids can’t play together or go to school or church anywhere.
Hold the line USA! For us all?
So happy for all of you! Thank God!
Glad I retired 7 years ago from our government!
Yes, this is a moment today to say NO!!
I am so glad to hear someone who doesn’t afraid to call people to take action. We need more leaders like you, not only who present the facts but encourage people To take freedom Into their hands.
Thank you for being who you are.
A disgusted progressive,
What is wrong with my peeps? I don’t recognize them.
Thanks Highwire for keeping me sane.
The UK Column is also doing the same. Scientists and Doctors are asking to go on so the truth can be heard.
So true Lies will demise and truth will prevail !! Has A. Fauci taken the Vaccine?
Where else is information so thoroughly and compassionately disseminated? My wife and I watch a LOT of conservative programs every day because we’re retired, and we have not run across any other program that comes close to what we’ve seen at The HighWire.
Thank y’all for all you do. We know it’s not easy. We know Satan’s fiery darts are aimed right at you, yet you keep going. Bravo to you all! And thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
I am 67 and my wife is almost 64. We are nobody, but knew from the beginning this was a government scam. We refuse to take the jab. In fact, I posted this back on April 18, 2020:
If we were truly, “The land of the free and home of the brave:”
Leave your home: your choice
Stay home: your choice
Stay 6 feet from others: your choice
Don’t stay 6 feet from others: your choice
If others choose to not stay 6 feet from you: your choice to take that risk if you choose to leave your house
Wear a mask: your choice
Don’t wear a mask: your choice
Go to work: your choice
Don’t go to work: your choice
Possibly fire you for not going to work, your employer’s choice
Businesses remain open: their choice
Businesses close: their choice
No government involvement necessary.
Sadly, and tragically, we have become, “The land of the fleeced and home of the slave.”
We are going to arrange our fixed income finances in order to support you financially. Your messages need to continue to grow and reach more and more people, and we want to be a part of that.
And Debbie and I will be praying for y’all every day.
Scott & Debbie Evans
Longmont, Colorado
So agree with you. The Highwire is true journalism that gives the facts to back up claims. Others could learn from this. It is certainly a weekly ritual for us each week to get the latest news. Let us all pray that we can win against these tyrants.
The Highwire is true Journalism and we the People need to Unite as one. What a great crew we have speaking truth. Thanks for the gift of free speech Highwire..
Hello there, I ve been wondering since the beginning of this “pandemic” s**tshow if like some other virus if constant contact helps maintaining immunity (like varicella) if they keep isolating us could this be more risky in the long run, with the supposed variants and all wouldnt it be better to have regular contact to update the immune response, I also know that immune responses originate from ones genetic, there seems to be studies coming out confirming who could be at risk (like they can figure out for dengue fever) why do they insist on a one size fits all “solution” it doesn’t make sense in 2021 to assume everyone is at risk and everyone responds the same to the vaccine, seems like either they are idiots or they assume WE are the ones.
I believe they think we are all idiots.
Well said Scott
God Bless you for your resolve to go against the propaganda.
Grateful for your prayers and support for Del’s work.
Thanks for standing up to the paranoia. I am here on the front range for a wedding. It is such a break from California.
Good morning Del and all the crew. Keep up the fantastic work! Without you there might be no hope!
Here in Sydney, Australia there is the beginning of a trend to blame the unvaccinated. However, the thin edge of the wedge of the current vaccination campaign being pushed by the ignorant and the ‘evil ones’ is to gloss over the slowly increasing numbers of the vaccinated becoming infected, and some dying, and to insist that we will only be allowed respite from these punitive lockdowns we are currently being held hostage under if a certain, unspecified, large number of the population is vaccinated. They then try to add another level of fear by admitting that it is ‘remotely’ possible to catch covid if you are vaccinated but then they mitigate this by saying that if you are vaccinated then your illness will not be anywhere near as severe. And now they have started a campaign to vaccinate children. The entire senior year of 17 and 18 year old students at one private high school were vaccinated “by accident” according to the Health Department and the Health Minister’s response was “So what!” and an indignant shoulder shrug. We are in big trouble as this whole fraudulent thing escalates.
With you Russ
Yes, so worrying here in Oz too. We have media zealots without a clue everywhere, like Joe Hildebrand…
As another a fellow Aussie, I’m so there with you, Russ. Here’s the key thing: Australia’s TGA never mentions what cycle threshold of the PCR ‘test’ they are using on people? If they are running it at anything over 25 – it spits out up to 90% false positives. And this fraudulent test is the whole basis of their cruel, insane lockdowns. The CDC has finally stopped using it but not our government. For shame. What is really going on?
The PCR test is meaningless at any Ct value. The virus not isolated, the test is not diagnostic. There is a 1.5 million euro prize to anyone who can prove the virus exists from Dr Stefan Lanker. False positives are always 100%
I finally had a reply from my Political rep in Tasmania, Australia on the cycle threshold. Here in Tas they use 40 cycles, I did make a reply comment that every man and his/her dog will show a positive result with that. If there wasn’t any testing no one would know that anything was happening. It is way past the “virus”, it’s about control as described in Event201……it’s all hiding in plain sight at the World Economic Forum. Maybe a pity for our children.
It terrifies me that people are messing with our children. How do you accidentally vaccinate someone??? This is absurd!
Great to see this, thank you.
Thrilled and grateful you are here doing what you do! Thank you to your all of your Team!
Congratulations all at the Highwire.
Hi Del and team like the new space.
Y’all need to hospital bomb. Y’all get together and 1 at a time go to the er. Then the next, then the next. Fill up one emergency room with 50 or so of you guys. If that doesn’t work go down the street and do it again.
My father died from the Pfizer shot in January
I’m so sorry for your loss! No One Needed To Die! Prayers! ????
@Cris did they admit it was due to the vax?Mostly they dont admit this is how they get away with it.Even if we complain to Vaers which we should they throw away most of the deaths.
they set us for reset where the world will be run by robots and we in proison in our homes dependant on the gov for food and get boosters evry 3 months for fake virus
So, so sorry Chris!
I am truly sorry for your loss…so unnecessary
Del and team, thank you so much for being with me for the last 18 months. Even though we have not seen much COVID in Western Australia, 9 people have died, all over 80. It has been a psychological nightmare, as I know what is going on. I’m with you all the way. You are looking great Del! Here is to health.
Love you ! Thank you so much for your broadcast of SANITY…. I sent a message without being logged in above…
I am trying to log onto community page..
but it can’t. Its saying Waiting for approval. I profile was dont last night..
The inability to hold an antibody titer after receiving the “vaccine” is similar to what happens with the flu virus. The virus mutates and quite often the original vaccine is ineffective because the wrong strain was chosen in developing it. If this supposed Covid virus keeps mutating, the ability to keep up with it will be impossible. THAT is basic science. The jabs will keep coming. This is insane! (I am a Clinical Laboratory Scientist.)
To KJR. flu is NOT caused by a virus and never has! Electromagnetic radiation fluctuations, primarily caused by the sun (sun spot activity), but also by our orbit around the sun being elliptical, which brings us closer to the sun at certain times in the year. The radiation reaching the earth from the sun changes by the square of the of distance from it.
To the Colorado retired couple: Bravi!!!
Great work Del and Jeffrey, keep it up! I’m expecting an amazing documentary from you guys in the near future…
2 main questions:
1. Gavi goal is to decrease population, have social control, culture and release new strains of viruses to keep the vaccine industry active. Is there an antidote that prevents these DNA mutations from happening in our bodies? So surely, Gavi and members must have taken something to protect them from whatever experiments they are involved in.
2. Trump obviously knew that pandemic was a fake, so why didn’t he directly inform the people? why did he down play it? It makes him and anyone else participating complicit in murder.
While the antibodies decrease in titers, “memory cells” are able to recognize the virus once encountered again and develop antibodies–unless it is impossible because of the new strain was significantly different from the original one used to create the supposed vaccine.
Can you confirm if in this trial period of the “vaccine” there are placebo control groups?
This lockdown/mask wearing narrative appears to be a constant world wide. People in the greater Sydney area have another month of house arrest and forced mask wearing! Vaccines are being pushed upon people as a way out of lockdowns. From what I am hear1ing the vaccines could be more dangerous to ones health than the Covid virus.
This content is much appreciated.
It would be so nice to get into the courts before they mandate everyone for vaccines. In Alberta Canada the Alberta Health Minister did not show up in court to provide evidence of the science behind the Covid Pandemic. The judge ruled in favor of the person charged and he was told that there is no evidence.
See Peggy Hall thehealthyamerican.org for the laws
thank you
Jesus had strong words of condemnation for those who were hypocritical “mask-wearers.” Check out some of these scriptures: Matthew 6:;2,5,16; 7:5; 22:18; 23:15,23,25,27,29; 24:51; Mark 7:6; Luke 12:56; 13:15. It appears that those who act like they’re a Christian, but really they are not, are in for a terrible awakening.
Congratulations! The website looks great! The covid narrative IS imploding. They can’t get all their stories straight and are starting to fall all over each other with the lies and propaganda.
Angelia, Shawn and any one that has long hauler symptoms or vaccine injury should detox with clinoptilolite zeolite that is .7-.9 nanometers in liquid form.
Congratulations On The HighWires New Website! Looking Great!
My family has been recurring monthly Donors for 2 year’s! It’s worth every penny plus much more!
Thank You For All That You Do! Being Fully Informed Throughout This Plandemic By The HighWire Has Been Phenomenal!
From My Family, Our Sincerest, Gratitude, Appreciation & Love To The Complete HighWire Team!
Amen Dr Barker regarding the treatments for this and everything you are stating!
Thank you Del and everyone involved with making the show. You are doing good work. I greatly appreciate the knowledge I’ve gained from watching the Highwire. Best to you all.
Thanks Del! Only “news broadcast” that I’m paying attention to as it is the only one telling the truth.
Thank you for all you do and all the great information!
Can I ask if there are any fellow Australians here?
Yes, definitely.
yep from Melbourne
Yes, there are!
Have faith.
Strength in numbers.
Remember Nuremberg!
Yes there are! Lockdown in Brisbane. Not looking good for us right now with the lies lies lies. We must brave! Amazing work Highwire…
I need to watch this week’s episode again.
keep doing what your doing!
I bawled like a baby to the Lord for all those injured and seeking the Lord to help them all.
We need a worldwide return to prayer by God’s people.
2 Chronicles 7:13-14 NET
When I close up the sky so that it doesn’t rain, or command locusts to devour the land’s vegetation, or send a plague among my people, [14] if my people, who belong to me, humble themselves, pray, seek to please me, and repudiate their sinful practices, then I will respond from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.
To this end I have started a Telegram channel
Pandemic Panic 2 PRAYER
A place to share your prayers to the Almighty Lord against the evil in the world driving the covid-19 pandemic.
Let us come to God in humility, penetance, and faith in the true God, and create an ongoing wave of prayer going around the world.
While we were masked: Allegedly Over $189 billion in questionable paycheck protection program loans paid out to ineligible recipients. Allegedly:More than 750,000 suspected reports of identity theft. See Open Secrets, pogo, cato for more info.
looking for representation regarding employer mandates at my hospital. I will be fired september 30
I am also interested in that. I work at a hospital in north Texas that is now mandating the “vaccine”.
We need for more people to hear your sensible and thorough information. I’ve watched you from way before COVID (TTAC 2019) and appreciate your ability to speak the truth in a very understandable manner. God bless you and your familly and team.
Thank you for supporting Del and all the honest people out there, who are bringing us real science, and. truth.
Great episode. The quality of everything has gone up! The review of the year will have to be an annual event. Thanks for sharing your truth and the stories we never see on mainstream platforms. I have been speaking to an MD friend about the internal handling of the spike proteins. This should be investigated, and treatments should found. Peace
The oxygen- deficient Clark County Commissioners in Nevada, should resign.The people want their elected officials thinking clearly when they are serving. They will “mandate” the CDC indoor masking policy- 2 yrs of age & up.
Chris – my condolences. My mom died from the 1976 rushed-to-market-untested swine flu vaccine. When will we ever learn?
Why are you not saying that the vaccine is spreading COVID ?Where do I see ingredients in vaccine ?Do they put aborted fetus in it ?
Del and everyone associated with The Highwire deserve the Nobel Prize.
??, absolutely agree, wonderful show as usual.Here in Ireland we are still masked and vaccine passports are being used for indoor dining, total discrimination and businesses going along with it.I have yet to hear of anyone in my locality dying from covid but I do know of 3 who died shortly after the jab.Please keep the truth coming,there is absolutely nothing but lies from our corrupt government and msm being foisted upon this brainwashed country.I have been to several rallies but the numbers are still small compared to France and UK.Thank you so much Del and team for everything.
Why are they not saying The vaccines spread COVID also do they use aborted fetuses in Vaccine ?How do I see ingredients in vaccines
Please when you mention the stupidity of people who watch US main news channels can you also mention UK’s BBC who are putting out the same misinformation? Cheers.
Just found this since old site it was below.
I have been Highwiring for over 6 years plus lots of my own research. Ivermectin is worth a test. My own doctor takes it.
SO GRATEFUL for Del, Jeffrey, and the Highwire Team! Grateful for everyone tuning in and supporting the effort. Stay strong everyone, no matter where you are in the experiment at this time. Much love!
The report on the United Kingdom. A passage from the report:
The following was so deceptively worded that I have added explanation (in brackets).
The Department of Health and Social Care…. adopted a policy,… that led to 25,000 patients, including those (known to be) infected (with Covid-19, and also those who were) possibly infected with Covid-19 (as they) had not been tested, being discharged from hospital into care homes between 17 March and 15 April—exponentially increasing the risk of transmission to the very population most at risk of severe illness and death from the disease. (This, while being denied) access to testing, (being denied) personal protective equipment, (while having) insufficient staff, and limited (and confusing) guidance. (As expected) care homes were overwhelmed.
Just go out and hug everyone, and you will have herd immunity. That’s what I’m doing. I’m not afraid of this Covid.
Mass hypnosis is real! It’s happening globally.
cant take the ignorance in this country that are unable to think for themselves and see the lies
Del & Jeffrey, when will you investigate how people are supposed to help their immune system so when we all eventually get covid, that we’ll be healthy and have a minor response? It is tragic that the CDC says nothing about how to stay healthy. thanks for your work! The Highwire is one of few things that keeps me sane.
Hey there Del & Co. Just fyi I cancelled my monthly to Elizabeth Warren this morning, and will be sending that $18/mo to yall. I’m so sick of political smoke and mirrors.
Another comment. A couple of weeks ago I had the nerve to post the weekly stats from VAERS on FB. Last week, I got a message inviting me to check out CDC Vaccine information, and the statement that ‘VAERS reports do not prove vaccine damage.’ And the sky is not blue and water is not wet.
Yes, my dad got the Pfizer shot and a day and a half later had SEVERE blood clotting causing a massive stroke and he died. The doctors called it a ‘natural cause’. Then weeks later I began to read about all the adverse reactions to the vax including blood clots.
Those are the facts and yet nobody did anything.
@Malcolm 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 was God talking to His people, the nation of Israel, not the Body of Christ. We’re not spiritual Israel.
Good work on the new look!
I always look forward to watching this show on Thursday. Thank you for all the hard work you all put in. All the people I follow and listen to has been censored, ridiculed, labeled anti-vaxers, conspiracy theorist., etc. But guess what everything they and you have all said, has been right all along. Who am I going to listen to, someone who has been right all along or the government who has been wrong and obviously have no clue what science is. It is a pleasure to be able to support your work because you help so many of us.
I got chickenpox @ about age 33, ITCH, gone
I am now 82.
Ivermectin stops covid.
Thank you Del and the Highwire team!
Love you guys and grateful for helping to connect us all as a community.
I am liking this new set-up and hope and pray it will help shed more light on the disinformation being put out by the CDC and some guy named Fauci
Another amazing week of knowledge! Thank you to all
The Highwire Team for what you do! I look forward to Thursday’s!!
Thank you.
Please can you mention the stupidity of people who continue to watch the BBC in the UK please. I so admire the 50% of the US who are standing against all of this. Thank you for pulling out all of the genuine science that is hidden from us here and ignored by the medical profession who just toe the government line.
Thank you all at the Highwire for working so hard to get us the news!
The people need to stop listening to those pseudoscience idiots. Just ignore everything they say. Stop listening to the mainstream fake news.
Del, you have amazed me every week, for years! I’m so grateful for you, your way of delivering this type of news is just amazing! Even when the topics get scary, you always leave all of us, with hope! Thank you so much! (Anyone who resonates with this show, MUST CONTRIBUTE! PLEASE DONATE TO ICAN! IT FEELS AMAZING!
Agreed. He is a Democrat turned Republican and I am sure he will go back to Democrat. Cannot stand the man. We may be a red state but he is not a red state Governor
I got chickenpox @ about age 33, ITCH, gone
I am now 82.
Ivermectin stops covid.
Thank you for sharing. I did not feel a vaxx would be good 4 me
Thank you Del, for addressing Gov. Jim Justice’s ridiculous statement that the vaccine is “a gift from God”
Such sad stories of those women and all the others who have had the same response. Travesty.
Congrats on one year anniversary! It’s been quite a ride!
I would have lost my mind by now, without the HW team.
Amazing episode! Del is truly a voice for freedom and America. Spread the word!
God DID make a “vaccine”–it’s called “natural/innate immunity”
Thank you, Dell, for the beauty and passion you bring to a world that has gone mad!
Love your comments and am in agreement with all you say.
My question is why did the number of active covid cases seem to go down if this vaccine wasn’t working?
My wife and I have not taken the shot and don’t plan to.
I,m so tired of hearing that this shot is safe and effective.
Thanks for showing the world the truth & reality of this massive depopulation genocide. keep the pressure on those that are orchestrating. True justice needs to happen asap, especially for the millions in Africa with zero internet access, in fear & following blindly what exactly the socialist propaganda tv radio stations say. Good vs Evil. Del & the Good Team will be triumphant. Thank You for all you are doing to expose this globalist eugenics plan.
Thank you for being the beacon of light and hope is this dark time!
Thank you for all your hard work and keeping us up to date on events! I work in a office full of vaccinated people and recently 3 were sick and they were all vaccinated. I would be shocked if it wasn’t the Delta variant. I continue to stand my ground and will never take a vaccine and won’t mask up. I will not live in fear!!
Well , you won’t see that CDC interview on Australian TV
Someone referred me to the Highwire months ago–so glad they did. Love the Jaxen Report. I’m in the Placebo Control Group. I work in a large hospital/medical group practice. They want us to voluntarily identify ourselves if we haven’t had the shot. They want to put a tag on our badges so they know. They’re taking about mandatory flu and COVID shots next year. I have some friends and neighbors who’ve had the shot. They think I’m crazy for not getting it. I hope these lunatics get exposed before the end of the year. Thanks Del for everything you do.
I believe Dr. Sherri Tenpenny may have a product to help remove any pollutants in the shots, from the body!
I must say, you and the team are awesome, keep digging the dirt on these idiots that think they know everything!
All these shots are designed to bring on more insult the human body’s health, so they can create new names for the injuries, thus creating requirement for more medication!
It is all about keeping the money train rolling!
It occurs to me that the vaccine manufacturers consider their product effective because it IS killing people or making them sick. This kills 2 birds with one stone: they make money off the sick and they depopulate the planet. It’s the perfect business model for the buck-makers and the eugenicists. ‘What?! But nobody could do such a thing!”
People said the same thing when they began finding out what Hitler was doing. Be cognitively dissonant at your own risk!
Thank you Del. You are so rad man. You have a lot of folks who watch you in the Berkshires Mass.
Incredible work and perseverance. Thank you!!!
Your report on lasting antibodies (6-9 months) in subjects that had Covid. “Most” patients had strong immunity at 8-9 months? What is “most?”
correction: “Majority”, not “Most.” same thing though.
LATEST UPDATE OF VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) DATA:
As of July 16 2021 (the latest available) the number of deaths associated with the three vaccines given to Americans are:
TOTAL 5363
As to thrombocytopenia we have:
The VAERS data has been presented in a way that makes it essentially useless, unless repackaged.
Repackaged, easily readable VAERS data can be downloaded from
Great new site – well done Team HighWire!
A must read/ watch
People in the US should fight to remove the liability of the pharmacy companies that generate vaccines. They could make the next vaccine of cianuro and cancer and still inject it in everyone with so many gains… We have become their pets. Just we need the Nuremberg trials, soon. I pray for that.
Question concerning the long-lived specific antibodies that Geert talked about and Del explained via his football analogy. If these specific antibodies are long-lived, then what are the waning antibodies regarding the vaccines?
I always wondered how Ivermectin helped, now I see it breaks down the spike protein.
But unfortunately for the vaccinated their bodies are constantly making the spike protein.
They need to be on ivermectin for life.