Episode Segments
Tyranny Down Under; NBA Standoff; Thousands Fired Over Vaccines; 7,200 Sign New ‘Rome Declaration’; NY Restaurant Under Threat; The Meeting of Two Covid Giants
Guests: Taylor & Frank Winterstein; Irene Siderakis; Deborah Conrad, PA-C
#CovidGiants #VaccineChoice #RomeDeclaration #BidensBooster #VAERSWhistleblower
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What happens when the only people left in the armed forces and the police and the health care are the compliant? What else will they be asked to comply with? And will they comply? We learned about something like this in history class. I hated history so I can’t remember the details but millions of falsely accused disease carrying men women and children were starved tortured raped experimented on then murdered by the compliant who were doing their jobs to keep food on the table.
Whoever gave the instructions for th old format, I think you, but don’t quite follow how to do it.. I clicked your link and DID see the much more user friendly version, but as soon as I clicked play, it converted. I’m on an ipad…..
no way this was a booster shot.. totally agree… love Dels humor. I’m on the same page, what a joke…
I want you to make a t-shirt that reads:
I’m not vaccinated…
I’m educated.
FUCK Osterholm! He wants to see that 100% of the world take at least 3 shots of this vaccine!
no way did he get shot at any time. Why would he if the congress and senate don’t even need to get it!!
These people literally seem like cartoon characters….are they real!!??? We are living in a CLOWN SHOW!!!
Hey Del you said you took a covid test at the studio (1:58:00) was that a PCR test? Because we all know how inaccurate those are…. Just kinda incongruous you said you took a covid test and then in the next breath said “but I’m unvaccinated” c’mon man. Buck the system.
take off the stupid mask and DO NOT COMPLY! Stand up!!
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This witch wants the moron jabbed people to be her apostles? Well, hold on hard to your apostles, they will be gone when the next year rolls by.,,including this witch.
You should look into GiveSendGo as an alternative to GoFundMe. Project Veritas’ whistleblowers encountered GoFundMe discovering Vax hesitancy affiliated hosts and took them down, stole their donation funds. Therefore, GoFundMe is risky/compromised. Just trying to help. Look into it. And thank you immensely for everything you guys are doing! You guys give me hope where I’d otherwise be lost to depression over all this. My job’s mandated the vax by Dec 1st, here in Austin, TX (Big Tech job). I’ve been with them for over 10 years, both in Miami, FL and ATX, and I don’t even know where I’d go or what I’d do if I lost my job, but I also lost a healthy 36 year old friend of mine to jab 1 of 2 of the Pfizer back in May (myocarditis), and there’s just too much evidence I’m seeing that proves this vax is poison!
My husband’s job is on the line as a fed employee. I am still in disbelief and denial that we are here in America.
I have contacted The Highwire to inquire about a class-action lawsuit against the federal government, but only received a canned response in return. I really don’t know what we will do. November 22 is our deadline.
What was the response?
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Highwire baby boom in July next year! ?
It is ridiculous that people can’t seem to understand that CDC is a corrupt private company, FDA is in the pocket of big pharma; how can they be even given the responsibility to make life and death decisions for millions of people?
If you go to the .kellogg’s Diner website, you can find a link to her go fund me!
Dell, I just have to say,I never leave comments on media, but man. Your show has me clapping and yelling YESSS out loud in my living room. Keep up the EXCELLENT work. You and your team have been reporting gold. So honored to get to donate to this platform. Please keep doing what you do!!
Extremely Urgent : August 31, 2021 – COVID GAME OVER
The WHO has been replaced by the “Global Health And Wellness Consortium” Effective immediately All Covid Vaccines Must be destroyed as they have been deemed Biological Waste/Weapons . Please view Ratified in the Hall of Records Order to Cease and
desist Immediately Covid Vaccines . and also Cures for Covid/Corona Virus Anyone continuing to administer Vaccines Will be held accountable in their personal and Professional Capacity On a Civil And Criminal Basis.
Please Forward in Your City , State, Country to all Doctors, Hospitals , Pharmacies, Police Officers,State Governments, Militaries, News Media , Business’s , Lawyers and all other’s involved in promoting or administering Covid Vaccines. It is now Illegal
Please Print the Cease and Desist order and give to any law enforcement unaware.
Some of you folk are far behind. They do not even get injections at all. The use retractable needles, we’ve seen this clearly in the early cases.
What a bunch of clowns, eh?
“Give a fool enough rope, and they’ll hang themselves. ”
These fools even produce their own rope!! I hope I remember it all somehow in some deep part of me after the miracle, the real reset, so I can laugh, laugh, laugh, and give thanks.
I work for a dept of the NSW gov (for a call centre, but we’re all working from home at the moment), and the secretary of the Dept of Customer Service has been sending out emails, essentially saying that they’ve done a “detailed risk assessment” and have decided to mandate the vaccine for the people who work in service centre (where they issue licenses, car registrations, etc), and they’re going to come for the call centre staff next. They’ll make it so that those who are currently working from home can’t come back into the office unless they’re fully vaccinated or have a medical exemption (EXTREMELY difficult to get, and that needs renewal every six months). I myself am more than happy to continue working from home, but it’s astounding how many of my colleagues want mandatory vaccination for the rest of us. There was a survey put out for us all about a month ago, but it was overwhelmingly clear that most of the staff “don’t feel safe” being at the office with unvaccinated colleagues. Incredible. At least Gladys has now had to resign (due to unrelated corruption, not COVID restrictions), though no doubt we’ll have someone just as bad to replace her, and we’ll still be stuck with this baffling “Roadmap to Freedom” (I cannot believe this concept exists).
@Createthislifetime: In order to stay optimally healthy, eat a plant based diet, organic only.
Grow your own sprouts, easy, these are stem cells, see? Learn the use of herbal teas. I’ve kept myself and family healthy for decades with a tea of organic root herbs, which I purchase in bulk. Dandelion, burdock, echinacea, astragalus, marshmallow, ahswaganda, and baikal scullcap. I use nervines for sleep, valerian root powder, scullcap, rescue sleep remedy, Wonderful all. I’ve learned the use of essential oils. There have been many seminars online and pdf’s and eboooks passed on. The essential oils are potent, to say the least. Frankincense is core for brain swelling, caused by the heating of brain tissue by microwave radiation. Covid is mostly due to radiation exposure. Minimize this as much as p ossible, and do not under any circumstances live with a smart meter, or any smart…secret militarized armaments in residential technology…techno toys whatsoever. I use a computer only, and I can tell you that I lose the signal considerably whenever cell phones enter the space. Those smart devices are made to pass on tons of radiation. And always have pure water on you , always, and drink drink drink at the first sign of any distress.
and, most importantly…don’t worry, by happy.
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So, why was the first world war planned and executed?
To steal Palestine/Israel for the Jews!
The following is a quote from George Faber’s 1853 book on the downfall of the Turkish power and the return of the ten tribes (available here). Comment in square brackets.
“The subversion of the Turkish Power [i.e., the Ottoman Empire] will evidently occasion, AS ALL SEEM TO ANTICIPATE, a fearful general war [i.e., the first world war]. This war will, I believe, be the last under the present order of things [ushering a new world order]. It will commence, indeed, in Europe [with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914]: but,… it will pass into Palestine [western troops entered Palestine early in 1917]…. and, in the course of its evolutions [the second world war beginning 1939], Israel will be restored [Palestine/Israel was successfully stolen from its rightful inhabitants in 1948].”
Hard to believe after 2 years people still believe!!!
Oh,, conscious objector, now I understand your game. You are a troll agent provocateur, trying to instigate violent acts to discredit this group. Who do you work for? You sound like an FBI guy since that is their modus operandi to instigate those with minimal clarity to do stupid things. Does it bother you to work for such a corrupted criminal org? Is this the world you want.
Oh, semi-conciousObjector, now I understand your game. You are a troll agent provocateur, trying to instigate violent acts to discredit this group. Who do you work for? You sound like an FBI guy since that is their modus operandi to instigate those with minimal clarity to do stupid things. Does it bother you to work for such a corrupted criminal org? Is this the world you want.
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Extremely Urgent : August 31, 2021 – COVID GAME OVER
The WHO has been replaced by the “Global Health And Wellness Consortium” Effective immediately All Covid Vaccines & Facemasks Must be destroyed as they have been deemed Biological Waste/Weapons . Please view Ratified in the Hall of Records Order to Cease and
desist Immediately Covid Vaccines . and also Cures for Covid/Corona Virus Anyone continuing to administer Vaccines Will be held accountable in their personal and Professional Capacity On a Civil And Criminal Basis.
Please Forward in Your City , State, Country to all Doctors, Hospitals , Pharmacies, Police Officers,State Governments, Militaries, News Media , Business’s , Lawyers and all other’s involved in promoting or administering Covid Vaccines. It is now Illegal
Please Print the Cease and Desist order and give to any law enforcement unaware.
I mandate that the next chapter is full of serious faces and no even one smile.
No way in hell he or Fauci or any of the top health officials have gotten even one dose of this “clot shot”. They’re not stupid, just evil.
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So, why was the first world war planned and executed?
To steal Palestine/Israel for the Jews!
The following is a quote from George Faber’s 1853 book on the downfall of the Turkish power and the return of the ten tribes (available here). Comment in square brackets.
“The subversion of the Turkish Power [i.e., the Ottoman Empire] will evidently occasion, AS ALL SEEM TO ANTICIPATE, a fearful general war [i.e., the first world war]. This war will, I believe, be the last under the present order of things [ushering a new world order]. It will commence, indeed, in Europe [with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914]: but,… it will pass into Palestine [western troops entered Palestine early in 1917]…. and, in the course of its evolutions [the second world war beginning 1939], Israel will be restored [Palestine/Israel was successfully stolen from its rightful inhabitants in 1948].”
AUSTRALIA’S PRIME MINISTER RESIGNED!!! Her reason: “I dont know how long this investigation into me is going to take, so I have no choice but to resign.” She FOLDED under the pressure, and wanted off that stage.
I watched Del’s discussion with Irene from Kellogg’s Diner. The approach of the official demanding compliance sounds like Nazi Germany.
Germany scared and intimidated their pawn workers heavily, and it simply went down the line. The pawns (German soldiers) were forced to push compliance, they were given deadly authority, and it resulted in inhumane atrocities and death coming to millions.
That same training and techniques seem to be used in present times. Scary.
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Just gave Deborah Conrad a small donation at her GoFundMe
This lady deserves support!!
Thanks for your bravery Deborah!
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I find it interesting that Ron Paul’s Liberty Report page is still active. What was ON that older page? Hmm.
Drs. Malone and Dr. Vanden Bossche, thank you for your tireless work publicizing Covid Vaccine Issues and public policy blunders. What have we got ourselves into? At least I know more now….thanks
what was the myocardial infarction results of the follow up study that allegedly ended May 2020 for Hepaslav B?
Also, what ever happened to Tiffany Dover?
Finally, Geert says their is placebo long term studies in childhood vaccines and Del goes on to say this guy knows what he is talking about…
It’s time for Australians to ID where cops live and attack their homes. Peacefully at first. Then ramp it up if the police don’t back off.
It’s easy to understand that the covid-19 jabs are bio weapons. 1) The jabs do not give the recipient immunity from the alleged virus. 2) The recipient of the jab can still transmit the alleged virus. 3) The jabs cause many severe adverse reactions and many deaths. Conclusion: if it was just about Big Pharma making money, they could have made ineffective “vaccines” that didn’t cause sever adverse reactions and death – instead, they would have made SAFE yet ineffective “vaccines”.
Point two: Most governments, facilitated by the main-stream media, pushed the jabs while they ridicule and demean known safe and effective remedies to covid-19. Speaking of the main-stream media, do you honestly believe that when this plandemic/scamdemic first got rolling eighteen months ago that people all of their own thinking decided to run out and buy a bunch of toilet paper, or… did the main-stream media cause/facilitate the run on toilet paper? The first wave of supermarket shoppers bought up all the toilet paper. The following day, shoppers saw empty shelves where they had been toilet paper every other time they went shopping. In the days and weeks that followed shoppers saw that toilet paper was rationed/limited to “X” amount per customer. Seeing is believing, right? Empty toilet paper shelves, most everyone out in public wearing face masks. Those too are ineffective, causing more harm than good.
PCR test that the inventor, Kary Mullins said, are not effective diagnostics. “Two weeks to flatten the curve”. Covid-19 is the cover story – the narrative – to hide the fact that the jabs are bio-weapons. Also, no animal studies were necessary for the jabs because previous animal research studies had already shown that mRNA could be used as a bio-weapon. Gain of function was the technology used to create bio-weapons.
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Extremely Urgent : August 31, 2021 – COVID GAME OVER
The WHO has been replaced by the “Global Health And Wellness Consortium” Effective immediately All Covid Vaccines & Facemasks Must be destroyed immediately as they have been deemed Biological Waste/Weapons . Please view Ratified in the Hall of Records Order to Cease and desist Immediately Covid Vaccines . and also Cures for Covid/Corona Virus Anyone continuing to administer Vaccines Will be held accountable in their personal and Professional Capacity On a Civil And Criminal Basis.
Please Forward in Your City , State, Country to all Doctors, Hospitals , Pharmacies, Police Officers,State Governments, Militaries, News Media , Business’s , Lawyers and all other’s involved in promoting or administering Covid Vaccines. It is now Illegal
Please Print the Cease and Desist order and give to any law enforcement unaware.
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So, why was the first world war planned and executed?
To steal Palestine/Israel for the Jews!
The following is a quote from George Faber’s 1853 book on the downfall of the Turkish power and the return of the ten tribes (available here). Comment in square brackets.
“The subversion of the Turkish Power [i.e., the Ottoman Empire] will evidently occasion, AS ALL SEEM TO ANTICIPATE, a fearful general war [i.e., the first world war]. This war will, I believe, be the last under the present order of things [ushering a new world order]. It will commence, indeed, in Europe [with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914]: but,… it will pass into Palestine [western troops entered Palestine early in 1917]…. and, in the course of its evolutions [the second world war beginning 1939], Israel will be restored [Palestine/Israel was successfully stolen from its rightful inhabitants in 1948].”
So scary
Have you seen what happened on the WXYZ news station FB page? 240,000 people have answered their question, Do you know anyone that died of Covid? Do you regret not getting the vaccine? So many are saying they know more people that were sick or dead after getting the vaccine than the Covid sickness.
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So, why was the first world war planned and executed?
To steal Palestine/Israel for the Jews!
The following is a quote from George Faber’s 1853 book on the downfall of the Turkish power and the return of the ten tribes (available here). Comment has been added in square brackets.
“The subversion of the Turkish Power [i.e., the Ottoman Empire] will evidently occasion, AS ALL SEEM TO ANTICIPATE, a fearful general war [i.e., the first world war]. This war will, I believe, be the last under the present order of things [ushering a new world order]. It will commence, indeed, in Europe [with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914]: but,… it will pass into Palestine [western troops entered Palestine early in 1917]…. and, in the course of its evolutions [the second world war beginning 1939], Israel will be restored [Palestine/Israel was successfully stolen from its rightful inhabitants in 1948].”
Agree, definitely Biden did not take a real vaccine on camera.
Obey the Covid Commie Cult for true $alvation/$laveation! Wait till the Climate Commie Reinforcements arrive… NWOsome Mafia on steroids.
Wondering if others are noticing that those people that received the flu shot in the fall of 2020 are doing worse when getting covid in 2021? (whether vaxxed or not). Could it be related that those that routinely get the flu shot are having a tougher time with covid. Any studies out there?
I will never change what God give me neither my family! Sick of this politicians playing us for fools!
The police are self destroying the country’s future, they are traitors of their own people, they are not serving the PEOPLE
Her God is not my God, Pharma is not my God and she does not have the cross of Jesus but a spelt!
So they firing nurses that are essential for the health crisis “pandemic”. MADNESS
A few weeks ago, there were Transcripts of each Episode (which are wonderful); now there are not. Will they be coming back?
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Only established members are allowed entry and service.
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She’s coo coo ?? she’s bad fruit ?
Don’t be deceived by the she devil people!
Extremely Urgent : August 31, 2021 – COVID GAME OVER
The WHO has been replaced by the “Global Health And Wellness Consortium” Effective immediately All Covid Vaccines & Facemasks Must be destroyed immediately as they have been deemed Biological Waste/Weapons . Please view Ratified in the Hall of Records Order to Cease and desist Immediately Covid Vaccines . and also Cures for Covid/Corona Virus Anyone continuing to administer Vaccines Will be held accountable in their personal and Professional Capacity On a Civil And Criminal Basis.
Please Forward in Your City , State, Country to all Doctors, Hospitals , Pharmacies, Police Officers,State Governments, Militaries, News Media , Business’s , Lawyers and all other’s involved in promoting or administering Covid Vaccines. It is now Illegal
Please Print the Cease and Desist order and give to any law enforcement unaware.
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Of Course it was not real! I do not think any of the elites took it! None of the politicians!
FYI: I will never take it either Del!
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Deborah Conrad is a beautiful person.
It was fake. Being that from what I hear, White house staff aren’t being mandated to get Vaxxed, I doubt he is actually getting them.
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So, why was the first world war planned and executed?
To steal Palestine/Israel for the Jews!
The following is a quote from George Faber’s 1853 book on the downfall of the Turkish power and the return of the ten tribes (available here). Comment has been added in square brackets.
“The subversion of the Turkish Power [i.e., the Ottoman Empire] will evidently occasion, AS ALL SEEM TO ANTICIPATE, a fearful general war [i.e., the first world war]. This war will, I believe, be the last under the present order of things [ushering a new world order]. It will commence, indeed, in Europe [with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914]: but,… it will pass into Palestine [western troops entered Palestine early in 1917]…. and, in the course of its evolutions [the second world war beginning 1939], Israel will be restored [Palestine/Israel was successfully stolen from its rightful inhabitants in 1948].”
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Is it true that there are many exemptions for the vaccine?
The employees of the makers of the vaccine, CDC employees, and US congress for example.
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I don’t think he got the vaccine he must have got a saline solution.
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Whether the vaccine that Biden took was real or not…I have been wondering this for some time. I really don’t think any of these jabs for Biden and Harris and other world leaders have been real…unless “they” want to hurry along Biden’s demise so Harris can take control of our country.
Sleepie’s goal: 97%-98% will be vaxxed? No way AssClown! Over My Dead Body!
Leave us alone
If the national guard had any patriotism they would stand down and support these workers and their choice of bodily autonomy, unless EVERYONE stands together we will all be picked off one by one……next it could be the national guard that needs help. Wake up people these globalists have a plan they are enacting and we all need to stop them.
I know someone who has said they wanted to catch covid, to get it over with, and has did everything but lick the handrails at amusement parks. They did finally catch covid when their spouse got their first mandated vax, and their their children caught it too. Multiple times being in crowds and public parks, all summer long, and they did not catch the virus, but rather caught the disease from someone mandated to be vaxxed.
Those GUTTLESS police in Aus shooting at their own citizens all masked up so nobody can tell who shot at who,,,,that’s the ultimate small man syndrome playing out right there. I am disgusted and disappointed in the police they have the right to refuse a command if they believe it is unlawful and yet they are clearly following their orders, I have always had great respect for the police and the difficult job they have to perform ….but I have lost ALL respect for them after seeing these gutless actions like kneeing people in the back when they are on the ground and shooting with rubber bullets what’s more I think they were enjoying it,,,,unfortunately karma is a bitch and you reap what you sow.
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it will be hilarious when all these strong NBA players get relieved from their contracts for standing up for their right to bodily integrity,,,,,,,start their OWN league where they accept unvaccinated AND vaccinated players coaches and anyone who wants to be part of it bankrupting the current league……hilarious…..onya boy!
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