Episode Segments
The V-safe Free-Text Data is Out and Aaron Siri, esq., Has the Details; Jefferey Jaxen reports on the state of vaccine mandates and informed consent in a post-COVID world, and a new vaccine technology beyond injectables that takes it a step too far; The Clot Thickens As A New Study The Severity of The Blood Clot Problem; Funeral director and embalmer’s firsthand account corroborates Haviland’s survey data.
Guests: Aaron Siri, Esq., Thomas Haviland, Richard Hirschman
AIRDATE: February 22, 2024
Self mutating and self spreading… how could this NOT go wrong?
I believe Aaron should get involved in challenging this type of invasion of peoples rights before it goes too far!
I wonder if they considered what will replace the section cut from the virus they are trying to control. There may be dire consequences in what happens afterward!!
Some of these scientists seem so intent on gaining approval from their superiors that they are totally willing to sell their souls. Knowing better it seems is a waste of their intelligence?
Life has found a way to take an all female population and ultimately derive a male. For example in certain species of fish if there are no males then the most dominant female will convert into a male.
I’ve been reading about the blood clots for a few years and wondering when the news will break into the mainstream press. I haven’t seen it yet except for a few sprinkles here and there. How long can they keep this under wraps?
The transmissible virus section was shocking and sobering. Really admire JJ’s reporting. He’s awesome.
You guys dont even need to explain or justify the money in my opinion. If that moron in mainstream writes a hitpiece in a last ditch effort to spit out some of her narcissistic rage, which after the first 1 or 2 paragraphs, anyone with a brain is more than capable of debunking her dying vomit of lies she printed, especially those that pay to support you. You guys have been right about everything so far and you’ve had the decency to state out loud when yall might not be 100% sure about something or someone. That’s one of the qualities that these disgusting parasites in the dying archaic corporate media most certainly DO NOT possess. You and your team saved my life and parents over the scamdemic.
Your content is extremely well researched and explained. It’s completely TRANSPARENT and a normal human being with a heartbeat and emotions can see, hear and feel the integrity that you Del, and all of your team have by producing such an awesome show.
So dont listen to that POS d*ckhead dropping its guts all over its article trying to slander you guys. She can get f*cked. She is not “Our” kind of person. Shes a useless, lying narcissistic wench who is obviously going down with her ship. That’s what happens when you turn against humanity and let the darkness in. So down the drain with her bullsh*t and onward and upwards for you light seeking, humanity loving Angel’s! We got more demons to slay besides that (probably) thrice genetically modified, anti-human biaaarrrchh!
Keep up the good work everyone we’ve you guys xox
^we love you guys (that was supposed to say at the end)
I just watched Dr Eric Berg talking about being censored by youtube etc. He could be a good person to have on sometime.
Is shedding real and is it a threat to the unvaccinated ?
Clearly this is an extermination event.
Demonic? You bet your Soul.
viruses end up getting the cell killed eventually. So….wouldn’t it follow that if you have this perpetual virus inside of you “winning” against all viruses, that that means it is “winning” at hijacking your cells FIRST and FASTER than the other viruses. Where does that get us? The end result (a dead cell) will just happen faster and more of them. Am I crazy, but….I don’t see the benefit of having more dead hijacked cells first and faster and forever. Won’t that kill us eventually? Is this a stupid question? Did this inventor not think of this? Yay, inventor!!! Your virus wins!! We all get to die with YOUR virus first and foremost!