Accurate assessment of the beleaguered Covid Task Force Head? You be the judge, and tune in to The HighWire, THURSDAYS at 11AM pst, at
Accurate assessment of the beleaguered Covid Task Force Head? You be the judge, and tune in to The HighWire, THURSDAYS at 11AM pst, at
Short video on transmission
When people learn the truth about Del Bigtree, he will be even more infamous than Fauci.
If there’s something we need to know, then would you please enlighten us?
it’s the same shameful game of defamation that some used to discredit Mother Teresa, saying that she was a fraud, come on! She was pretending that she was living in the slums of Calcutta, really! Grow up!!!
She may have lived in the slums of Calcutta but she flew to Switzerland to get the best medical treatment that money could buy. Meanwhile the poor people she was supposed to be caring for didn’t even get anti pain medication as she said suffering was good for them so why was it not good for her. The wicked evil old hag. Ugly outside and ugly inside as well.
Don’t hold your breath! That guy is smoking his socks – probably Fauci’s cousin.
I can vouch for Del. Those attacking his intentions or mission are are either paid trolls or misinformed. If the latter I’d advise them to review ICAN’s FOIA requests and the government failures in protecting the American public that they bring to light.
What do you mean about DB? Can’t leave a comment like that without saying what you mean.
don’t worry / alien from outer space…
No Human is worse than this parasite..
Wake up human!! Sheep follow the deadly
Fauci Shepherd…..
To bad you are so miss guided….Time is the great judge, unfortunately there may be many who won’t be around to hear the verdict
You must catch a wake up girl and smell the roses.
troll paid by Pharma to stir up trouble
Del Bigtree is a truth teller!!!
You are not.
I have searched deeply in many ways on Del, is there more than his involvement than just the NEWEARTHUNIVERSITY Age movement and the Judicial Committee panel to help the pedophila and autism victims.
What else is he part of: the 13 Families, Committee of 300, Skull & bones, High Mason Priest, Trilateral? What is it? Is he the Black Pope, a Cannibal? What, do you have to reveal to us. Is he a Donald Marshall clone from the centers, not a real person? Common, what is it? Is he a Wiccan Priest, a Satanist in disguise? Is he a Scientologist, a Lizard, a Pedophile, An occultist – What is it, common spill the beans. Is he taken over by dark angels? Is he a club member of the Jesters, has he been taken over by transhuministic ventriloquists motor frequency who control him behind the scenes like they did with Stephen Hawking? What – what is it? Is he a targeted individual or an undercover Operative Mole : like Fritz Artz Springmeier, a mind control monarch butterfly test subject, a disinfo agent CIA, FBA, MI6 ? What – what is it – Is he a terrorist running from the law? Is he a relative of Aleister Crowley or the family line of Adolf, a Windchester? Which one of these is Del Bigtree? Show us your proof? No evidence No belief in your statement.
It breaks my heart to see a really good person like Del Bigtree being maligned. No, I am not a misguided person nor a hero worshipper but I am able to ascertain whether or not a person is fundamentally good. Please leave Del alone so that he can continue to do amazing work and exposing the truth!
That’s going to be impossible because Del is a True Hero, Fauci is a War Criminal and responsible for the Murder of thousands of innocent people, should be judged appropriately in public after all his financial records and communications are exposed, then properly executed for his disgusting and obvious crimes against humanity. And you must be one of his priests sent forth to bring in more death and destruction. Are you also one of Cuomos whipping boys? Who paid you to come on here and try to subvert one of the most powerful voices for freedom in the world today? Go back to your cave, and don’t come out until this BS is over.
Just wondering what that is meant to mean?
Been following Del Bigtree since Vaxxed… if you have common sense you can tell when a person has a passion and when they are following orders and being ignorant. He’s one of God’s Souldiers for sure???
LOL. Don’t you ever give up?
What are you even doing on his website then. Go away!
Oh, now they payed a shit-monger to infiltrate. And guess what, he is a machine called “objector” of something no machine has, namely conscience. Hey, even as a machine, f…k you!
Hello Trisha, which video are you referring to, because I don’t see anything coming up. OK, Del is always interesting, but some of the intervieuws are too long. As soon as it is more than 30 minutes????
Regards Peter
@conscientious objector
If there’s something we need to know, then would you please enlighten us?
Every state attorney general has the power to empanel a state grand jury to investigate criminal violations (treason–tearing up the Constitution, conspiracy to commit murder, human experimentation/funding a bioweapon, RICO/Criminal conspiracy). Each state has scores of enablers and those people can and should be investigated. There is plenty of evidence even now in the public domain sufficient to empanel a grand jury to subpoena bank statements, tax records, witness testimony. (David Martin, redpill talk) Why hasn’t it happened? Why all the emphasis on civil lawsuits and dead silence about criminal investigations? Our “rights” are ephemeral if each state’s chief law enforcement officer refuses to open criminal investigations. Demand it! Organize demonstrations in front of every attorney general’s office, bang pots and pans and call them out for not doing their jobs. 22 state AGs are running for re-election in 2022. Go to every candidate forum with signs and peppe them with questions about whey they have done NOTHING to investigate or prosecute the blatant RICO criminal conspiracy taking place inside of each state where they most certainly have jurisdiction to investigate.
Everything you said may be true, but what isn’t sinking in is that we are just about out of time, and what you’re talking about takes years unless everyone and his/her entire family stops everything they are doing and camps out in front of each State Capital, until this war against us is halted.
Short of that we need people in the military, and armed patriotic citizens, to step forward and do their duty as patriotic Americans to restore the Republic, in the manner prescribed by the Declaration of Independence.
A grand jury can hand down indictments in a matter of months. The minute that happens all the vaxx manufacturers will instantly stop delivering the kill shots because criminal indictments render the 1986 act and the liability protections under the EUA null and voice, opening up the manufacturers to massive lawsuits. 50 Attorneys general and not 1 criminal investigation? That’s the BIG story I wish The Highwire would cover – and contact for example the Texas Attorney General for comment about why the criminals are getting away with murder. C’mon Del, let’s see a show about a public strategy to put pressure on all 50 AG offices to open simultaneous criminal investigations.
typical Liberal hero we need him there for an example
rely a shame, that’s the best the US hes to offer?
The report on the United Kingdom. A passage from the report:
Covid-19 has had a devastating impact on older persons living in care homes in England. 28,186 “excess deaths” were recorded in care homes in England between 2 March and 12 June, with over 18,500 care home residents confirmed to have died with Covid-19 during this period. UK government decisions and failures resulted in violations of the human rights of people living in care homes, notably the right to life, to health and to non-discrimination. From discharging 25,000 patients, including those infected, into care homes; to denying care homes residents admission to hospital and imposing “do not attempt resuscitation” orders on them without due process, to failing to provide PPE (personal protective equipment) and testing to care homes. Older persons living in care homes were abandoned to die.
I guess; “people in care homes had their right to life violated”, sounds better than; “people in care homes were murdered,” but it is less accurate.
I have read that report , what it leaves out is the over sedation of the residents
They used 2 yrs supply of sedatives in about 4 months
It was done to generate the hype and also get rid of useless old people that cost to much
There is a case against the uk government brought by A J Roberts a former serving officer
Mike (U.K.)
Been Reading The Real Anthony FAuci by Robert Kennedy JR.. i hope many read that book.. He should at the very least retire. So many cures for covid without a vaccine. amazing..
I’m reading also!! Very informative and enlightening. Multiple contributors to this book. Even Attorney Alan Dershowitz and Booby Kenndy butt heads. However, he states-
“ So read this book and challenge its conclusions”.
Alan also says he learns when he reads or hears Bobby’s take …
it is Totally right there in your face FACTS! Read up people and DEMAND FAUCI IS FIRED.
Mr. Bobby Kennedy. My apologies for typo. This phone hates me.
conscientious objector
I have searched deeply in many ways on Del, is there more than his involvement than just the NEWEARTHUNIVERSITY Age movement and the Judicial Committee panel to help the pedophila and autism victims.
What else is he part of: the 13 Families, Committee of 300, Skull & bones, High Mason Priest, Trilateral? What is it? Is he the Black Pope, a Cannibal? What, do you have to reveal to us. Is he a Donald Marshall clone from the centers, not a real person? Common, what is it? Is he a Wiccan Priest, a Satanist in disguise? Is he a Scientologist, a Lizard, a Pedophile, An occultist – What is it, common spill the beans. Is he taken over by dark angels? Is he a club member of the Jesters, has he been taken over by transhuministic ventriloquists motor frequency who control him behind the scenes like they did with Stephen Hawking? What – what is it?
Is he a targeted individual or an undercover Operative Mole : like Fritz Artz Springmeier, a mind control monarch butterfly test subject, a disinfo agent CIA, FBA, MI6 ? What – what is it – Is he a terrorist running from the law? Is he a relative of Aleister Crowley or the family line of Adolf, a Windchester? Which one of these is Del Bigtree? Show us your proof? No evidence No belief in your statement.
Please take a moment to comment. There are only 277 comments. There should be thousands.
The OSHA regulation halting mandatory C-19 vaccines is in place until Dec. 6. It is now open to public comment. Our response as a nation will decide if it comes to a judicial review. Go now to the link below and voice your opinion before Dec. 6th. Share with everyone you know!