[00:00:15] Del Bigtree
Did you notice that this show doesn’t have any commercials? I’m not selling you diapers or vitamins or smoothies or gasoline. That’s because I don’t want corporate sponsors telling us what to investigate and what to say. Instead, you’re our sponsors. This is a production by our nonprofit, the Informed Consent Action Network. If you want more investigations, more Hard-Hitting news, if you want the truth, go to icandecide.org and donate now.
[00:00:58] Del Bigtree
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, wherever you are out there in the world, let’s all step out onto the The HighWire. And I mean all I mean, today I want to celebrate all of the international viewers that are watching The HighWire. A lot of times we really don’t talk about how this is a show being watched all around the world. So many of you in countries all around the world started you found us on Facebook or maybe on YouTube or maybe someone shared a video. But of course, over time we were censored. We lost our YouTube channel. We lost our Facebook channel. And they thought they’d won. They thought they’d shut us down. But really, it only helped us understand you better, because as you transition from the social media platforms into our website, we were able to track and understand how and where all of these views were coming from. And we went from tens of thousands of views.
When you were watching us on YouTube and Facebook to now millions of views every single week.
[00:01:56] Del Bigtree
So I want to say to all of you out there, now that I know you’re watching, hello in Africa. Hello. In India, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, all around the world. And of course, Canada, you guys are right next door. We knew you were there, but we’re seeing this this grasping for truth, the desire to want to see the truth when media is failing you in all of your nations around the world and here in America. I think for me it’s the most shocking because we’re truly supposed to have freedom of the press. Of course, I once worked for CBS. I understand what that was supposed to mean. But instead we are seeing that the news is no longer representing the truth. We’re not seeing both sides of any story. It seems more and more like the news is just becoming a mouthpiece for our government. Who’s there to challenge what’s being said? Who’s there to challenge this pandemic or this vaccine? When we start recognizing that there’s just one voice happening in all, It doesn’t matter what channel you tune to, we start to lose trust. And of course, I think what’s really been exemplified or what’s exemplified that is these marches we’ve been seeing in London, throughout London, millions of people, but not just marching against the government, but marching right up to the doors of the BBC.
[00:03:13] Del Bigtree
And you see these people there are saying you’re the devil. What are you doing? Why aren’t you speaking for the people? Why are you carrying this agenda that is shutting it down, destroying our jobs, taking away our lives, everything we knew to be true about freedom in the UK. And, you know, we’re seeing that here and around the world, but it’s also in headlines. Here’s a couple of the headlines. Public trust in media plummets in the U.K. with just twenty eight percent trusting most news. Here’s another one in a matter of trust, media confidence crusaders. Listen to this. The Gallup survey reveals just 16 percent of Americans trust television news and just twenty one percent trust newspapers, both down slightly from last year. At the same time, cable news ratings are down across the board this year, led by CNN’s whopping 68 percent decline in prime time. If you really didn’t understand the media, you would think they just don’t know what they’re doing. But they’ve been doing it for centuries. They know what we want. They know we understand what the truth sounds like. They know we know when they’re lying. And they should be concerned about their ratings plummeting. The more the lies, the more they carry the agendas of people that are lying. Those that are funding them, the less we’re watching.
[00:04:30] Del Bigtree
At least the last we’re watching mainstream media and the more you’re watching us here at The HighWire. So to really celebrate all of you around the world that are watching The HighWire and are experiencing this pandemic together, we really want to focus this show today on what’s happening around the world, not just in America, because the truth is, in some ways we’re having different experiences. In other ways, it’s very, very similar. But here’s what I know. No one in America really knows what’s happening in Germany or France or Ireland. We just don’t know because our media isn’t showing it to us. And I don’t know if your media is showing you what’s happening in America. You would think when you watch our news that everybody is just, you know, hunky dory around the world. They love the lockdown’s. They love the masks. They just can’t get enough of the vaccines. They’re lining up, you know, to get the vaccines. And those poor nations that don’t have enough vaccines, they’re not lucky that they’re marching in the streets to get more vaccines. Those are the types of propaganda statements that are being made. But today, The HighWire is going to reveal what is really happening in nations around the world and what’s happening? It seems to me, brothers and sisters, that we truly are in this together. We are all standing on this beautiful blue marble.
[00:05:45] Del Bigtree
This is our home, and we’re recognizing that our home is under attack, that our atmosphere is being made illegal for all of us to breathe, and for those of us that are intelligent enough that can read the science and read the the data, we’re turning down the vaccine. We’re saying no to the mandates and we are rising up against draconian measures. What I want to focus on today is, is there is there some more centralized government that’s telling all of our governments what to do? Because for the first time in history that I remember, we are not seeing different governments doing different things. I was talking to a friend the other day who said it’s like a world war. And I said, yeah, except that every world war we’ve ever seen has been, you know, this group of governments against these other governments. But in this case, all the governments of the world seem to be aligned in the same agenda. And that agenda is against the people, is the people versus the governments. When do you remember that happening? In every nation in the world, every nation recognizing they’re under attack, their freedoms are being destroyed, the constitutions of their nations being burned right before their eyes. They’re not taking it sitting down. They’re standing up all around the world. They are holding the line.
And it looks just like this.
[00:07:16] Freedom video clip
People are upset about losing their freedoms over the state of emergency, and they want to see those freedoms restored. [inaudible chanting]
[00:07:21] Freedom video clip
We want freedom! We want freedom! To anyone who feels like what’s happening over COVID restrictions is just completely removed from reality and removed from being in touch with what’s on the ground, please know you’re not alone. There’s a lot of people who agree with you. We’re here just to speak and to let our voices be heard, nothing else.
[00:09:01] Freedom video clip
Freedom! Freedom!
[00:10:34] Del Bigtree
These the shocking images all around the world of people rising up peaceful protests, but not peaceful action is happening against the batons being wielded, cops forcing their way. And it makes you ask yourself, is this really all about a bad cold season? Is that what’s driving this? Well, we are going to get deep into what is happening around the world. It’s part of today’s show, a look at the world. And first, to do that best, let’s start out with the Jaxen report.
[00:11:19] Del Bigtree
All right, Jefferey, we talk a lot about issues happening all around the world, but today we’re, you know, really sort of focused on that. So when you look at the world, what are the headlines that you think sort of stand out right now as we try to get an understanding of what’s happening inside of other people’s borders?
[00:11:37] Jefferey Jaxen
Yeah, well, it’s really unprecedented. I’m just sitting here watching that video just reminds me of how how amazing these times are really living in and looking across the world, looking at the headlines. There’s a trend that really starts sticking out. And let’s just go over some of these headlines to see if the viewers and listeners can point it out. So starting out with Israel, we’ve talked about Israel quite a bit and they were the first to end covid restrictions because their entire population essentially was vaccinated. A majority of the population received that Pfizer vaccine, 92 percent, according to this article, and that was May 23rd, had either had the shot or been recovered. Those are over 50s. And then we have what recently is a head scratcher. We have the new prime minister of Israel. He came out and did a public announcement on media over there, Naftali Bennett. And this is what it looked like. It had a lot of people concerned.
[00:12:33] Naftali Bennett
And we’ll tell our model and yes, they know about by and must be sunim of all Russia, that she shovelers the confidentiality Mushie milliard them. Can they share his son Zoom in Hollywood about that nine million Israeli Patriot missile family, KACIN? Lahaina
Cabinet Kibbler, Immaculata Helmsmen, August Salveson lawyer Holly Kansler Koloa looked at one live at a concert, La Luna Park. Let me succored Royal or call pilot Mal Melleuish before him or beholds Ella. And we are the corners. Lilit Alhaj Bono. Ken WHO is employ a lot of the car and some Siba Schimmer Shalamar mRNA Van Ashim can make I mean it atomize logically. Kacin Yamam the court let me show miserably Tussin.
[00:13:32] Del Bigtree
It’s it never ceases to shock me the irony that this is real and knowing the history of this people and to think that now once again blocked from synagogues every time I see that, OK, you can’t go to a theater, you can’t go see a movie, you know, but it’s a totally different thing to say that someone cannot practice their religion. Really incredible. And not saying they’re which is, you know, sort of the known science now, not saying that everyone is going to have to have a negative test since we’re seeing such failure rates in the vaccine all around the world. But specifically, so much of the science we’ve been reporting on out of Israel is this failure of the vaccine that the highest, you know, the higher rates of serious illness are in hospitals. So to see that segregation happening in Israel, it really is incredibly unfortunate and quite scary.
[00:14:31] Jefferey Jaxen
Right. And we’re entering or I should say we’ve entered the polarization phase. So there’s clearly a discrimination between two classes of people now. And further along in that speech, Prime Minister Bennett also said, if you know someone that’s unvaccinated, explain to them that they should not hurt others. So we’re having we’re having leaders kind of rally up or or start this campaign of not only fearing people are unvaccinated, but trying to, like, slowly turn the population against them. So it’s really interesting. Now, again, they were the first country to raise the flag and say, we succeeded, we have vaccinated and we’re going to end the lockdowns. But it just just recently, they were the first nation also to OK, the booster’s. So this was out of the headlines just a couple of weeks ago, July 12th. Israel becomes the first country to approve covid-19 vaccine booster’s will US be next? Well, we kind of know the answer to that. And so this is this is the reason we always circle back to Israel is what we’re seeing there is is vaccine failure. We’re seeing a lot of the people that were in hospitalizations we reported on this in the past, were coming in that were vaccinated with this Delta variant. So it’s really important to pay attention to what’s going on there as far as the vaccines and also the restrictions that are putting on them.
[00:15:48] Jefferey Jaxen
Now going over to Germany, something similar is happening there. So on February 20, 21, this was the Reuters headline, and a lot of people in Germany breathed a sigh of relief. German ethics body opposes special freedoms for those vaccinated. So there’s not going to be any issues, no segregation according to ethics body, no discrimination between whether or not you have the shot. But now we fast forward to present day. And this is literally the headline. It says, “Less freedom for the unvaccinated, Merkel’s top aide warns”, looking in the article, it’s nothing hidden here. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Merkel’s top aide, Helgi Brown, who is also a medical doctor, said “another full lockdown can be avoided in Germany if vaccines are shown to work well against the Delta variant of covid-19”. Well, we know really they’re not not working out that well. He goes on to say, “‘vaccination protects me 90 percent from serious coronavirus infection’. He told Bild am Sonntag”, 90 percent. Okay, that’s questionable. And then he went on, here’s the kicker, “and those who have been vaccinated will definitely have more freedom than those who have not been vaccinated.” Now,
Angela Merkel has not made a statement on this and she said that there will be no mandates for vaccines in the country months ago. But now there’s that conversation is happening in the cabinet about that as well. Although there’s no compulsion, they call it compulsory vaccination over there, but none that’s happening yet. But again, we see we’re told people are told one thing. And then fast forward to present day, a complete opposite thing happens. And that’s one of the issues with the media, is they’re so myopic with what is happening today. They don’t see or they don’t look back in what was happening in the past, whether it was a week ago or two weeks ago or six months ago, where it was literally the opposite. And people are now confused but rightfully angry about some of this reporting.
[00:17:38] Del Bigtree
You know, as we go through today and look around the world, one of the sort of themes is this idea. It’s almost as if you see statements being made by politicians that, you know, think that there’s a window ahead. Right. We just got to get to vaccination. We just got a mask enough, you know. Fourteen days to flatten the curve. Every nation has has some version of that dialog. But then slowly that disappears and everybody stays masked and everybody stays locked down. And then they say, look, we can open up. And then all of a sudden they’re locking back down as though there’s some other governing body out there. Right. It’s like this mysterious, you know, black mass, you know, out in space, that dark matter that is making decisions. I mean, when we look at the show today, I think we’ve got to recognize that that’s the same thing. Then we’re all saying that’s the same thing happening here, so that the my leadership is not making their own decisions. Somebody in the the world is making decisions that everybody in the world is adhering to and answering to. It doesn’t matter what they said, we’re opening up, we’re not, they end up going against what they’re saying and having to do whatever they’re told, because clearly no politician wants to double back and sort of go against statements they’ve made. Everybody knows that flip flopping doesn’t go well in politics. So when you see it happening, you always have to wonder what’s really behind it. Is there, you know, a smaller, more centralized government now in the world? I think that’s the question we’re looking at as we look around the world today.
[00:19:06] Jefferey Jaxen
Right. And to your point, what people need to understand as well as before covid, there was never a centralized top down control for the pandemic response. Back you know, 10, 20 years ago, they it was about the resilience of individual countries. Each country has its own strengths, its own weaknesses, its own ports, its own ways get into the country that are more traffic than others. It was about developing those internal mechanisms within each country, which all would look different, not this one shot approach, top down control. And, for example, talking about compulsory vaccines. Let’s go to Tanzania and a former President, I should say, John Magufuli. And he he was speaking out against the compulsory vaccines a while back. This is almost a year ago now. Let’s listen to what he had to say.
[00:19:50] John Magufuli
Ok, there are some Tanzanians who recently traveled abroad in search of the coronavirus vaccine. These people brought the virus into a country when they returned. [Inaudible] this vaccine is not good at all. We need to put God first [?] In fighting against this dangerous disease, but at the same time, take health precautions to protect ourselves against this disease as advised by our health experts. We have lived for over a year without the virus, and the good evidence is most of you here don’t wear masks.
[00:20:26] Del Bigtree
Yeah, I mean, I remember is that the same leader that had the vaccine tested or no is the PCR test, right? Tested like a some form of a guava or something like that.
[00:20:39] Jefferey Jaxen
Yeah he texted a papaya and a goat and sent that back to the PCR test and they both came back positive. And that was that was after he made these comments about the vaccination. So this is someone who really, as far as a leader, really pushed the narrative and really pushed, questioned what was being handed top down. And that’s exactly right. And what happened now, this is about six months later after that speech. And you had asked me to look into Tanzania and other countries, Zambia and Haiti and Tanzania was really one of the bigger examples of some evidence here. So what happened after that is the president went missing not directly after the speech, of course, but the mystery of Tanzania’s missing president. He was missing For almost three weeks. And then news came that he had passed and there was a lot of mystery around his death. Tanzania’s Magufuli laid to rest after a mysterious death. They said he had a heart condition, but questions still remain. Looking at the reporting over the true cause of death that we’re told it was covid-19. He was the first president in Tanzania to die in office. So it was a pretty big deal, obviously, beyond beyond the actual death itself and unprecedented over there.
[00:21:49] Del Bigtree
Yeah, I mean, there’s been several mysterious deaths of politicians that, you know, probably could have been involved in other, you know, things that we don’t know about. But it is weird when you see politicians that really stood up and made fun of the World Health Organization and said, I’m not letting you come to this country and turn us into test subjects. And then suddenly you die of a heart attack or something like that. It’s very questionable. And it’s something that, you know, I think we have to look at, you know, whether or not we have proof of it. You start seeing some of these anecdotal stories lining up. And how far will the world go? Right. How far are they going to go when you see the fear rhetoric of, you know, everybody needing to be vaccinated, passports in every nation, no one can travel anywhere. We’re all going to die. You see, you know, quarantines and things like that being set up. The fear is that, you know, at a sort of world war level. Right. So how far will those entities go to make sure that that agenda moves forward the way they see fit? It is really mysterious because, you know, it’s mysterious when you see people disappearing shortly after really standing up against one of the craziest moments we’ve seen in world history.
[00:23:00] Jefferey Jaxen
Right. And, you know, as they say in war, truth is the first casualty. And it seems like people are a lot of people are going back on their words and promises. Let’s shoot over to the U.K. This was the health the vaccine minister, I guess you want to call him over there. His name is Nadhim Zahawi and he is the parliamentary undersecretary of state for covid-19 vaccine deployment. So this guy apparently has never met a vaccine that he was not able to deploy. This is not someone speaks up against the vaccines. So he was on record saying there was no plans for a vaccine passport. And the headline says at that time, “Minister says government has no plans for a vaccine passport.” And this was during an interview on the mainstream news over there. Let’s hear what he gad to say in
[00:23:47] The Andrew Marr Show
Is that something that the British government is looking at, the idea of a vaccine passport specificall to allow people to come and go in the months ahead?
[00:23:56] Nadhim Zahawi
No, we’re not. And there are several reasons why we’re not. One, vaccines are not mandated in this country, as Boris Johnson’s quite rightly reminded parliament. You know, that’s not how we do things in the U.K. We do them by consent. We don’t know what the impact of vaccines on transmission is. And it would be discriminatory. Of course, you have the evidence that you’ve been vaccinated, held by your GP. And if other countries require you to show proof of that evidence, then that is obviously up to those countries. But we are we vaccinated. We’ve given the first eleven and a half million people and we have no plan of introducing a vaccine passport.
[00:24:34] Del Bigtree
Seems pretty clear to me.
[00:24:36] Jefferey Jaxen
Forward, no plan. Yeah, and, you know, if I’m if I’m in the UK and I’m thinking I’m going to attend a protest this weekend, I might hear that and go. Maybe not. It sounds good, but, you know, we’re safe here. I’m going to go now, which is just a couple of weeks ago. Here’s that same guy talking about vaccine passports. Take a look,
[00:24:54] Nadhim Zahawi
Bespeak, of this week after a successful trial, we have rolled out the NHS covid pass. This allows people safely and securely to demonstrate their covid status, whether it’s proof of vaccination status, test results or natural immunity, deploying the pass is the right thing to do. The pass has an important role to play in slowing the spread of the virus, and so we reserve the right to mandate its use in the future.
[00:25:27] Del Bigtree
Wow, I thought we were going to miss the word mandate that maybe we’re just stretching here. But there it is. I mean, I will say this, even though passports are insane, the one thing that I see being said there and we hear from different countries that is a lot different than the United States of America is at least the very least in the middle of this draconian takeover, they are recognizing natural infection, as you know, as being someone that should pass through any situation, which at the very least, that should be something that’s recognized by everywhere in the world. And here in America, they are just fighting tooth and nail to never let that be the case. I mean, it’s what’s quite different here. You’ll never hear Fauci talk about natural infection. You’ll never hear any of our, you know, our president talking about it. Yet it’s the most robust immunity that’s been scientifically proven through this entire covid experience. So I think that’s the one little flower in there. But clearly, double speak, right. Turning back here come the mandates. Here come passports and total control over your lives. If you don’t inject yourself with this, I’m currently still unlicensed product.
[00:26:36] Jefferey Jaxen
Right, exactly, and they’re already expanding or talking about expanding it, not just to concerts, as they did in Israel or large events, but now to in class lectures at colleges.And Prime Minister Boris Johnson, he’s also on the hot seat as well, this time from his members of his own parliament for backtracking. Take a look at this.
[00:26:56] Keir Starmer, UK
Ok, I have to say, even after 15 months of these exchanges, I can’t believe that the prime minister doesn’t see the irony of him spending freedom day, locked in isolation, and he’s announcing plans for a vaccine ID card.
[00:27:11] Boris Johnson
We do reserve the right to mandate certification at any point if it’s necessary to reduce transmission.
[00:27:19] Keir Starmer, UK
I remember what he used to say, hit an ID card if you ever had to produce one. Now he’s introducing them.
[00:27:26] Boris Johnson
[Clip from 2008] If people are obliged to have an ID card with the state then I will take that I.D. card and I will [inaudible] grind it and eat it on my cornflakes.
[00:27:35] Keir Starmer, UK
So, Mr Speaker, when it comes to creating confusion, the prime minister is a super spreader.
[00:27:43] Del Bigtree
First of all, I mean, I do love the U.K. parliament, you know, ah, you know, Congress and Senate when they meet, just so you know, doubt like this cold and glassy. I love that sense of humor that’s there. So it’s fun to watch that, but clearly grilling him over two completely different statements. In one moment, I’ll eat any ID card and in the next moment I reserve the right to mandate this on everybody. It’s outrageous, right?
[00:28:11] Jefferey Jaxen
It’s really interesting. And so as you’re looking across all of these all these parliaments and presidents, there are some people within these cabinets calling out the lies and one of these will save the best for last here. One of these people is a gentleman named Gideon van Meijeren. He is a member of parliament in the Netherlands and he did something pretty amazing, and here’s the headline. “Gideon Van Meijeren Destroys Mark Rutte in Corona Debate: “Lie after lie”. That’s the Dutch prime Minister, Mark Rutte.
And check out this video, it’s subtitles, so read along with me. All right.
[00:28:49] Gideon van Meijeren
Thank you chairwoman. More and more people are seeing it is a big lie, the current corona measures are meant to protect public health but this begs the question: then why all these awful measures that change our entire way of living, destroy our entire society? Now, there are a couple of influential globalists that, according to their own words, view the corona crisis as a huge opportunity to “reset” our world and one of these globalists is Klaus Schwab founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and he’s also written a book with the catchy title: Covid-19: The Great Reset. And my question to the demissioned Prime Minister is: How does he judge the contents of this book?
[00:29:43] Mark Rutte
I don’t know this book, but I’d like to advice Mr. van Meijeren to not go too much in to all of those conspiracy theories. I watch them too on YouTube and I think it’s fascinating how they explain 9/11 didn’t happen or that it’s all different. All put together very nicely, but usually it is what it is, a conspiracy theory.
[00:30:04] Gideon van Meijeren
It’s surprising to me that the first question I ask Mr. Rutte since I’ve been instated, it surprises me the first question is answered with a lie because i am holding a letter here, dated 26th of November 2020 and this is a letter from Mr. Rutte to Mr. Klaus Schwab in which he thanks him for sending the book and calls it a hopeful analysis for a better future. Would Mr. Rutte like to rummage through his memories, it’s not half a year ago, I don’t know how long your memories stay active, but probably it is still possible to dig this up. And then to answer my first question again, this time honestly please.
[00:30:58] Mark Rutte
Well, the honest answer is that that is a “nice” letter, in which you , although you can’t read every book cover to cover, like to make a kind reply to the sender.
[00:30:58] Gideon van Meijeren
Well then the PM is saying, he didn’t lie to me, but to Mr. Klaus Schwab.
[00:31:10] Jefferey Jaxen
Oh, that Great Reset book! Look, I forgot about that one.
[00:31:13] Del Bigtree
Oh, that is priceless. There’s nothing better than, you know, setting a trap and just having it work, you know? Precisely right. He just lays it out there. This connection with the guy gets up there like that’s a conspiracy theory. We can all read that on YouTube. But like, it is condescending way and then just, you know, rams the letter down his throat all the way through. Either way, you’re lying to somebody. What an incredible, you know, back and forth there. But again, I think we have to see the hope in all of this. Right. It can get really, you know, some of these stories happening around the world are really scary, the flip flopping, all of it. Who’s really in charge. But when we have these moments, we’ve shown so many of Rand Paul actually standing up for the people, really challenging the insanity and bringing facts and proof. It’s invigorating. And it gives me that hope that there is still that sort of that that human moral instinct inside of politicians and doctors and scientists around the world that are going to carry us through this. Question is just how long is that battle going to go on and how long is it going to take?
[00:32:25] Speaker5
And it’s time to not wait for heroes or people to stand up for you. It’s really that everybody’s time to stand up and do what you can at this moment. This is a very important time in history. So it’s nice to have a laugh there at the end with you, Del.
[00:32:37] Del Bigtree
All right. Awesome. Great work, Jefferey. Thanks for taking a glimpse around the world for us. We’re going to get into more details for the rest of the show. You’re doing awesome work and we’ll see you next week. Cool. Look, if you like the Jaxen report, then you should definitely go and read the articles that he’s writing. We have an entire opinion section now. We’re going to have other writers joining in there. We’re going to have you know, we have a new section on our new website, all of that. We’re getting such great feedback from all of you out there, the experience of our new website, the new watch page, and, of course, the community where you can get a profile and start having conversations with each other. And it also allows you to chat while we’re having the show on right now. So I hope you’ll introduce your friends and family and everybody that’s interested in knowing what the truth is, no matter where you are in the world. This website is built for those who are seeking the truth, especially in these crazy times around this pandemic, this virus, these vaccines, all of that. We’re going to continue to bring you the best that science has to offer. But as we journey now around the world, I think the one nation that stands out amongst many because it’s had such an about face and, you know, when we talk about France is we think about I think about Les Mis.
[00:33:59] Del Bigtree
I mean, I grew up that was one of the biggest shows on Broadway. We know about the French Revolution. But then this musical that captured our hearts and minds about the student revolution, standing up for their rights and in better living circumstances, all of that, the power of these people, the French to stand up. We’ve seen them marched for different reasons, whether it was for better wages. And, you know, those arguments that were happening for the pandemic came. Well, now the boom has dropped. You know, Macron has, you know, pushed these, this vaccination policy and passports in the future. And clearly, these images that are coming out of France are some of the most shocking. These are our brothers and sisters. And is this really just a glimpse into our future, the future of every nation when we think about if there is some global agenda and some smaller group of governing beings that are driving this, what is it they want in? Is France enacting it exactly the way they want? How is it they want the entire world to respond? When we look at France, ask yourself, is my president, is my leader, is my prime minister in meetings where they’re asking this to happen to my nation? Take a look at this.
[00:35:19] News Report
Thousands of protesters descending on Paris during the Bastille Day celebrations on Wednesday, as many are believed to be demonstrating against the decision for mandatory vaccines.
[00:35:32] News Report
For anyone over the age of 12 to be able to attend an event, a concert or a festival, a health pass will be extended to those places of culture and leisure activities. You will have to show either your health pass, your vaccination certificate or a negative test result. The health pass will be obligatory in cafes, restaurants, malls, hospitals, social medical centers, and anyone who wishes to travel by train, plane or other long distance travel. It is up to us to protect our citizens and we need to have faith and trust in science programs and reason.
[00:36:26] Del Bigtree
Incredibly shocking images coming out of France, perhaps some of the most aggressive police actions we’ve seen anywhere in the world around these protests and the issue around passports and vaccinations and lockdowns. I am joined right now by one of the founders of the CHD chapter of Europe. He’s also the French on the board of the French National League for Vaccine Freedom. I’m joined right now by Senta Depuydt from live from Brussels right now. So Senta, thank you for taking the time to join me.
[00:37:04] Senta Depuydt
Hi, Del. It’s really a pleasure to be on the show and especially at such critical moments, I really believe it’s time to tell what’s happening in France and in Europe because
[00:37:17] Del Bigtree
You’re covering it all. I mean, you’re you’re all over the place. You’ve been checking in in nations, as you did when we were when we were touring the world really with VAXXED. You were critical in getting us set up in Brussels and Germany and and making sure that the people there got to see the film. That sort of changed my life forever. So you’ve been at this a long time.
[00:37:43] Senta Depuydt
Yeah. And here we are on censorship.
[00:37:48] Del Bigtree
Right? Right. Well, we got it’s interesting, right? We all experienced censorship before it really became the norm. I mean, the censorship around VAXXED was really sort of the beginning of this assault. So many people now are recognizing what we were complaining about five years ago. But let’s look at France, because I think, you know, we were seeing these incredibly large protests in London, big protests in Berlin, which I think you were there, and Bobby Kennedy, of course, was out there. But France, it feels like it just went to another level that right there, Bastille Day. I mean, very weird timing sort of there, you know, celebration of freedom. And Macron decides to just do the opposite to tell the people I’m about to eradicate freedom as you know it. Tell me, you know, do you think that was planned for that time or is that just where this happened to land?
[00:38:49] Senta Depuydt
Well, I absolutely I think you are you’re exactly where we need to bring this. I think world leaders are, if you look because it’s the same thing, more or less at a lower scale. But it’s interesting to see that Boris Johnson also made announcements of restrictions on freedom that was supposed to be that they were you know, they were going to lift the restrictions. And we can say is that overall the world in Europe and elsewhere, it’s as if all leaders, government leaders were trying to really infuriate people just by making these announcements that are completely out of proportion. When you say forty five thousand euros for any restaurant owner who would not check on the on the safety bars, this is just crazy. When they have promised, you know, we will never mandate COVID vaccine, we will never introduce or mandate the safety pass, et cetera. And then the next next thing they do is they completely change their mind. And then first it’s going to be one thousand five hundred people, then it’s fifty people, then it’s everywhere. Then it’s it’s really as if they were doing every possible thing to get people to make a revolution. Yeah, I think that I think that’s what they want to do. You have you know,
[00:40:25] Del Bigtree
Why do they want that? I mean, that’s something that we’re asking here. It’s like they’re pushing everybody to the edge and it’s just not good enough. They just you know, they just keep turning up the temperature in France. They sort of just hit with one blow. It seemed to come out of nowhere. Why do they want a revolution? Does that give them the ability to call in an emergency and then really just bring in government controls and say we had to do it? Is that what’s behind this in Europe?
[00:40:52] Senta Depuydt
But I have Discussed it with, you know, other people like Mary Holland. And we can see sort of a parallel, perhaps also in the United States, but in the, let’s say, a global centralized plan, really, you know, from the World Economic Forum, et cetera, in Europe what is at stake is that the the European Union wants to take control over the member states. So normally, ealth, for example, is a national competence, it’s a competence of the member states and European Union has nothing to say about this, but with the emergency it it comes under the cross-border health threats. And so now they’re trying to create chaos, to impose the restrictions. So it’s it’s it’s it’s a game between the member states and the union. And then to say, look, it’s a complete failure, let’s say, in terms of of circulation, free circulation of citizens, in terms of national management. And so you will absolutely need to have a centralized control. So to me, the end game is the destruction of the different national governments, the national powers, the sovereignty not only of the people individually, because, of course, with the safety pass, they will lose their individual sovereignty, but also of the member states so that they can say we are now introducing a European Union of health. And this isn’t a test This is in the European Parliament, or at least it has been presented by the commission where they would centralize the recommendations, the vaccines, the surveillance, the budget and even some new sanitary force, sort of Health police force to make it mandatory with the enforcement power and with also binding for member states so that after that they will have to harmonize regulations for everyone. And after that, they’re also calling for international health regulations. So I wouldn’t be surprised if something similar was also to be expected or at least attempted to at the level of the United States. It might be more difficult because I think the sense of Freedom of, you know, the American dream is really independence.
[00:43:44] Del Bigtree
I mean, it’s based on independence. I mean, we
[00:43:46] Senta Depuydt
I know people have guns, et cetera. So it’s different but I think we can see a trend there.
[00:43:55] Del Bigtree
How do you explain? Because, I mean, yes, that’s what it looks like. We’re all starting to ask the same question. But how do you explain the Macron and and, you know, maybe Boris Johnson or and if you’re right, Joe Biden, what what would make an individual like that say, I have power over a nation, I have a whole nation in my hands, but I’m going to pressure my population to get so out of control that then I will cede my power over to a more centralized government like the EU. And maybe there’s something even more centralized than that above all of this. Why would a world leader give up the power they have to join a a globalist government or approach? I mean, I know we’re talking about it, but what is the mechanism? Because it seems to go against the sort of ego of a person that would be in a position like that.
[00:44:52] Senta Depuydt
Well, I think they’re they’re not really leaders in the sense of of having such a strong personality, in my opinion, Macron is not, no, he acts like a tyrant and he is. But he clearly gets his orders somewhere. We don’t know where because he he is ruling like like a tyrant. So every day he’s regularly on a weekly basis, he’s meeting with the Defense Council because in the beginning of the pandemic, it was you made a Declaration like a war declaration. You repeat you made a speech in which you repeated, I believe, six or seven times, we are at war, the country is at war, and so this is really how it’s been happening. So he has these special powers, let’s say, given by the state of emergency, And then he just goes on, you know, dictating what needs to happen. His counsel, his defense counsel, we don’t know. There is no meeting notes, no reports. We don’t know what they say. We don’t know on which basis they make their decisions. So and then on two occasions and this is really unbelievable. This is really to prove that this is a dictatorship already. On two occasions, the parliament voted against the measures. One very important one was, I believe, in November, December, where they wanted to extend the length of the emergency state of emergency for several months, because that needs obviously to get, let’s say, an approval of the assembly. And so the Senate voted against and then the minister of health, the whole came in and just started to scream at them. And he said, if you don’t get it, you can just as well leave this assembly. And so they had to take another vote because [inaudible] and the same thing happened for the safety pass. So actually, the first vote, the safety pass, safety Covid pass, it changes name every five minutes. The first vote in the first vote it was rejected. And so they managed to introduce a new, rather quick, quick new amendment and to take a second vote and call in really people from [inaudibe] group, we just do what they’re being told to to have the final vote. So, I mean, this is just unbelievable. So they’re really pushing for a sort of civil war. Everything, I can’t predict the future. So everything here, I see very positive signs in, let’s say, the reaction of the population in general in the sense that, for example, they have made these crazy declarations. Some of the experts on television, one of them said we we will force vaccinate people even if we have to come at your home with yes, and with policemen. And another one said, you know, the new threat is the anti-vaxxers. It’s not the virus anymore because we can fight, we can treat. That is the anti vaxxers. And what is really exceptional, I believe, is that the population is not reacting in in what could be expected is us really fighting each other vaxxed against unvaxxed. And so they all go together out in the street and they say, you know, some people say, I have been vaccinated, but I’m against the safety pass. I want our freedom. I want medical freedom. I want this country to remain the country of liberty. We’re not going to take it. So that’s one very positive sign. For another example is some hospitals, you know, in the ICU where people just went on strike and said, we have no covid patients here, we have nobody. So we’re we’re just stopping it. In the beginning of the pandemic, everybody was clapping in their hands. We were the heroes and now we are the traitors because we don’t want to be vaccinated.And so they just stopped working and said, we’re stopping in until we get it done. So I don’t know what’s going to happen, it’s but it’s so extreme what has been announced almost, let’s say, mandatory vaccination of almost every. Professional category, except for the police. Really? Yes, yes, except for the police. So but a lot of the police and and also the military are siding with the population. So we don’t know what’s going to happen.
[00:50:09] Del Bigtree
Well, it’s certainly up in the air everywhere. But I am you know, it’s it’s really inspiring to hear that the people are standing together, that they’re not pointing each other out. And I think that that is a beautiful thing. And as soon as you said it, you know, I was reminded that our Statue of Liberty is a gift from France and the idea of liberty really, truly is in coursing through the bloodstream of the people of France. So our hearts are with you and all of your friends in France, and I’m so proud of them for the way they’ve stood up. And, you know, and I’m glad to hear that, you know, we show these images of police that are being very brutal. But it is nice to know that some of them are dropping their hands and standing with the people. So we’ll just see how this all plays out.
[00:50:58] Senta Depuydt
Actually, if I can just comment a little bit on that, because what’s happened, you have to put it in the context, context. If you see Germany had a lot of protests during during the whole year, the U.K. and other countries and France, not so much. You have to remember that there was the yellow vest movement two years ago. And so so the people have been on the streets for more than a year every week. And already the repression was extremely violent. The police repression, the black blocs, they were very, very aware that the government is working with Antifa or black blocs or whoever you want to call them. And so they are very aware of this. And we know that the repression has been extremely violent. So what could happen is that European forces or NATO forces are called in if the actually the local many times the local police or even people in the army say they don’t want to fight against the people.
And so, yeah, that’s that’s the risk that other forces would intervene.
[00:52:15] Del Bigtree
We hope we hope not. And Senta thank you for those details that, you know, as I’ve said, as we look around the world, I don’t know that you’re seeing our news. We’re really not seeing yours. It’s hard to understand what’s happening. So thank you for shining some light on it. And you are a courageous warrior, mother. And you stand with so many warrior mothers, I think, around the world that will, in the end be recognized for the great work that you did to bring truth to the people. So thank you. Keep up the good work and we’ll talk to you soon.
[00:52:48] Senta Depuydt
Thank you so much, Del. It’s really a pleasure. You’re doing a fantastic job. We need to translate to, you know, subtitles. We need to
[00:52:56] Del Bigtree
Work on that. We’ll work on that in the near future. We’ve got a new website now, so we’re kicking everything up a notch. We’re going to make that happen because that’s very important. All right. All right. Take care Senta. Bye.
[00:53:09] Del Bigtree
Well, you know, those are incredible images, the big crowds. We’ve seen them in the UK, in Germany and France. But what about smaller issues? What about just fighting for your own business, fighting for the ability to just feed your children? You know, how do how should police officers deal with a mother that is simply trying to run a business and they’re there to shut it down to see this incredible video in this moment that was captured? We’re going to go to a place that I once called the deepest, darkest vax-hole in the world. Of course, I’m talking about Australia. And though they have fairly low vaccine rates, they’re trying to push that. They’ve had incredibly powerful lockdown measures, distance restrictions, and we’re going to talk all about that. But first, take a look at this video. And a woman fighting literally for her life and the life of her family,
[00:54:06] Mom/business owner in Australia
[inaudible] our children. Do you actually understand that? I get you guys think we are in a pandemic, and as business owners we are struggling. [inaudible] one person. No, understand me, I’ve asked you, do you know why we are here? I’m asking you from your heart, do you think this is okay? People are struggling, families are struggling, she’s lost thousands, 25, 25 events in one week. Imagine that. Imagine that for one family times that by twenty. [inaudible] I don’t care who you are. I’m sorry for your loss, I say this on behalf of all the businesses that are struggling right now. I’m just one. Imagine the thousands. You gonna use all that force on one little person? I am 5’3″ come on what can I do possibly to all of you? I’m one person you can’t take me. Answer my questions, as a human.
[00:55:21] Officer
What is your name and address?
[00:55:22] Mom/business owner in Australia
My name is Megan. This isn’t even frustration anymore, this is hurt. We are hurting. We are [explicit] dying at home. We are losing things. We can’t pay bills, we can’t do anything. Listen to us. We have business and we are losing money. I can’t pay bills, I can’t feed my children. I do not [inaudible] as my business. I’m not lying. I have military events here. We have business, people. Where we have families. We don’t have money.
[00:56:39] Del Bigtree
Again, shocking image coming out of Australia. I think a woman that is expressing a sentiment that could be understood by business owners around the world as we’ve gone through this pandemic, none of it making any sense, but to get a better sense of, you know, the the morale in Australia and what’s really going on there. I’m joined by our good friends, Taylor and Frank Winterstein. First of all, just that video is that would you say that that’s sort of a common feeling or sentiment or is that, you know, an isolated incident in Australia right now?
[00:57:15] Taylor Winterstein
No, that’s definitely a common feeling, and in fact, that’s my beautiful friend Meg down in Melbourne and they’ve been through it. Five Lockdown’s now, they’re crushing the small businesses and people are desperate for help. And fortunately, someone like Meg is really resilient. It’s certainly made her stronger.But a lot of businesses are closing down and you’re seeing people literally cannot put food on the table now. And there’s no assistance from the government. That’s not even an acknowledgment that, you know, they’re actually crushing real life families who are trying to earn a living during these times. So there is frustration and anger. But I feel like this is also making people stronger, in a sense too.
[00:57:52] Del Bigtree
So a lot of pushback, I mean, the strength there, you know, you’re a professional rugby player, Frank, and watching that that girl just take her jacket off and stand there, I’m one person. You know, when you see the courage in human beings like that, I mean, does that inspire, you know, citizens in Australia?
[00:58:15] Frank Winterstein
Yeah, definitely, as I said, you know, she’s a powerful woman and she’s had plenty of interactions with authority down there in Melbourne, but she knows her rights. She’s she’s a powerful mother. She’s a, you know, the leader of a family home. And, you know, if we can take anything out of Megan, you know, don’t be afraid to stand in your power. You have your rights as human beings here in Australia. And we know, why not rally around our community and get together because collectively, collectively, together as a unit, we have so much more power, so good on her. And we’re back in our all the way.
[00:58:48] Del Bigtree
Awesome. Now, you know, had the restrictions has been very strict. And just so my understanding of Australia, you’re a little bit different than really the rest of the world. New Zealand and Australia really have a unique opportunity because you’re an island and you know you don’t share borders with anyone else. So there is a concept, I think, that a virus I mean, I’ve always said you can’t hide from a virus because it’s just going to spread. But there is this thought that Australia I think we’ve all been watching, the one place you might be able to hide from this virus would be Australia if you don’t let people out and you don’t let people in. And I saw a brilliant interview that really made this clear where one of the head health experts in Sweden was being interviewed by the Sky and Australia. And they said, So you disagree with our lockdown? He says, no, I commend you on what you’ve achieved. I mean, you have held this virus at bay. But my question is, how will you ever open?
[00:59:47] Sky News, AUS
Tell us your thoughts. Are lockdown’s the correct way to go?
[00:59:52] Johan Giesecke
You introduced him by saying that I would say that you got it all wrong. I don’t think you got it all wrong, but you painted yourself into a corner. And I’m watching with interest how you and 100 other countries will climb out of the lockdown, because I don’t think any government that I know gave a minute’s thought about how they would get out of the different towns that are installed.
[01:00:13] Del Bigtree
At some point, you will either just starve, you’ll have no nobody flying in. There’ll be, you know, no resources that way. You’ll have no tourism. What is the end game? Are you getting a clear idea from your government what the end game is here?
[01:00:31] Taylor Winterstein
Yeah, definitely, our prime minister, Scott Morrison just announced yesterday that the end game is basically the population needs to get up to 80 percent vaccination rate with COVID. And as it stands today, we have 14% the population vaccinated. So you can say not many people are rushing out to get this vaccine. And it’s just unrealistic, these rates, these percentages that he’s giving us because he constantly says it’s not mandatory and yet you can’t go to the shops if you don’t have this vaccine. You can’t go to work. If you don’t have this vaccine, you can’t go and socialize if you don’t have this vaccine. So absolutely squeezing and suffocating us right now, because they can see the vaccination rate is so low and not everyone is racing out the doors to get it. But their end game is definitely to get as many people in Australia right now vaccinated as possible, which I just don’t believe it’s going to happen.
[01:01:18] Del Bigtree
What is it about this vaccine? Because Australia, you have been in this fight. You’ve been trying to wake up people to, you know, the dangers of other vaccines. It’s not just you’re not just one of these people that suddenly came to light because of covid. We’ve been interviewing you years back because this is something you care about your family. And you brought a lot of visibility to issues around the vaccination program, as I have. And and when I was talking to you a year or two ago, it seemed like Australia, they pretty much just step up and get their jab. I mean, they’re used to it. That’s just what they do. It’s it’s almost cultural. What is it about this vaccination that seems to have just had a reverse reaction that it’s not following the usual course that a vaccination program would in Australia? How do you explain that?
[01:02:08] Frank Winterstein
I think like everywhere else in the world, Del, you know, people are just concerned of how quick this has been made. You know, obviously the pharmaceutical industry and the vaccine manufacturers, they’re not claiming any responsibility for, you know, injuries or side effects or even deaths. Unfortunately, here in Australia, there’s been some well publicized deaths post covid injection. So, you know, the Australians are pretty witty. And I think they’re actually realizing well I can really smell the BS right now of this whole situation. So, you know, as they said, we’ll just see what happens in the next couple of weeks and months. You know, the prime minister’s pushing for that 70 to 80 percent vaccination rate, which, you know, highly because, you know, very unlikely. So we’ll just keep pushing on and we’ll just keep speaking our truth. You know, with the more this goes on, the more people, you know, sort of come to us and ask for advice. But, you know, we just keep shining our truth and keep staying in on our journey. And then, you know, all the other pieces of the puzzle will fall into place.
[01:03:05] Del Bigtree
Yeah, I mean, I keep saying the same thing, too. We’re really just vessels. I mean, who knows how this all ends up. We’ve got to speak our truth. We’ve got to stand in it. You two have from the beginning and you actually made it into the news recently in Australia for standing your ground. We have a little bit of video on that. So let’s take a look at what happened at the Winterstein household.
Take a look at this.
[01:03:26] Taylor Winterstein
Can I have some evidence that you are actually a police officer and also why you’re trespassing in my private property?
[01:03:31] Officer
We are not trespassing.
[01:03:34] Taylor Winterstein
Yeah you are. Dad, Dad, Dad, just hang on for a second. We need to see actual evidence, not a badge that you are a detective, can I please have actually have a proper proper look.
[01:03:48] Officer
Before we go on camera?
[01:03:50] Taylor Winterstein
Yeah. And I’ve got this camera on too and that’s fine.
[01:03:54] Officer
Legally I have to give you this one.
[01:03:57] Taylor Winterstein
OK, that’s fine. But where do you have grounds to trespass on a private property? Can I ask you first, how do you have grounds to trespass on private property?
[01:04:09] Officer
We’ve got [inaudible] rights to your property, would you like us to leave? Would you like us to leave?
[01:04:14] Taylor Winterstein
Yes I would. Ok thank you. That’s fine. Send it in the mail. Thank you. So they just said I’m going to be receiving infringement notices in the mail. I said, that’s fine. They can send in the mail.
[01:04:28] Del Bigtree
Well, that was relatively polite. It’s not you know, it’s better than some of the images we see coming out of France. So infringement you’re getting an infringement notice. What was the infringement? What does that what does infringement mean in Australia?
[01:04:43] Taylor Winterstein
Oh, well, who knows what it means, to be honest. But I think what they’re trying to refer to was a thousand dollar fine. That’s what the media is saying, that we were fined, but we haven’t received any fine. And it’s really interesting that they had to send two detectives to tell me that they’re going to send me a fine in the mail. So it was a very strange experience, to be honest. I personally got the feeling that the police, the detectives didn’t really want to be there. I guess, like they kind of feel like they could be using their resources elsewhere with true criminals out there on the streets finding the bad guys, not people who attended a protest. So, yeah, it was really strange, but interesting to put that out there because I feel like that video gave people a lot of hope and they didn’t have to feel scared anymore.
[01:05:24] Del Bigtree
Yeah, great. And so was the infringement because you’d been at a protest, was that the what you feel like this is about?
[01:05:33] Frank Winterstein
Yeah, definitely, there was a big protest last Saturday, and, you know, this is the biggest protest I’ve seen in all our years, tens of thousands of people were there. And I think at the time where everyone just had enough, though, because they put on restrictions for people and not be able to go to work that blocks certain communities within their own suburbs so they can’t leave. So people just had enough. And, you know, it’s time that we take our power back and just stand and let the people know that this is not that we can’t continue like this. The fine or the infringement apparently is in relation to the protests. But as I said, we’re still waiting for that piece of paper in the mail.
[01:06:11] Del Bigtree
You know, it’s interesting, the two of you, you’ve done some traveling because of your work. You know, as an athlete, you’ve you’ve played for a lot of different outfits in different countries. I think you were in France at one point? Correct? Now that you’re back in Australia, what do you feel about being in Australia? Do you think that when you look at the world and the world map and what’s going on and is Australia one of the safer places to be? Do you like it better than France? When you see what’s happening in France? You know, you’re a little bit more of a world traveler in the middle of covid. You’ve been traveling when most of us have been locked down. What is your perspective of Australia as it looks to the other countries you’ve been in?
[01:06:51] Taylor Winterstein
I feel like Australia is probably as safe as any other country, to be honest. It really comes down to the people and how much we rise up together. What we saw on the weekend was literally 40 to 50 thousand people in Sydney alone turn up to stand up for the freedoms. And we’ve never seen that. I personally that’s the biggest rally I’ve ever been to, especially when it comes to medical freedom in Australia. And I think that the tide is definitely turning. I personally feel really hopeful and excited because I’ve seen definitely a lot more people question this than just blindly accept that we have to take a vaccine. And that’s the only solution. And I think it comes down to also how well you get into communities, how you surround yourself with like minded people. I think this is the best motivation to actually start to live the life that you truly want to live, whether that be getting land going off grid, you know, finding someone to live with who maybe be homeschool the kids together, whatever it may be. So personally, we feel good about being in Australia right now but, you know, you get scary videos coming out of every country and it makes you feel like, oh, maybe there’s somewhere else that we could be maybe like Costa Rica or something.
[01:07:58] Del Bigtree
What gives you your strength even at this? I mean, are you getting tired? It’s been years now of, you know, getting attacked for your position by the media, getting attacked because you’re an athlete that’s been very outspoken. Are you wearing out? Because I mean, I was just saying, you know, before we started, you look like 15 years younger than the last time I spoke to you. So there’s got to be some secret that drives you. What is your motivation?
[01:08:24] Frank Winterstein
Well, to be honest, I’m actually professionally retired from sports. It’s been a massive what a long shot. To be honest, there’s no more, you know, looking out for the club or the organization now can fully stand in my truth. And I know that I have no one to answer to. So in that sense, it’s definitely made me feel, you know, stress free, a lot more baggage off my shoulders. But, you know, at the end of the day, it’s our boys. It’s our kids. It’s their future. You know, one thing that Tay and I have really, you know, glued our foundation of parenthood and our partnership is that, you know, our kids. What what what world do we want our kids to live in? You know, the legacy that we leave behind. So we’re just going to leave no stone unturned and just keep pushing, because at the end of the day, the people that know us and that are in our circles that can really see our hearts and, you know, whatever the haters want to say, they can say it till the cows come home. We just got to keep pushing through. And now the backlash that we get, it’s all worth it in the end.
[01:09:17] Del Bigtree
Fantastic, Taylor, what, you know, how do you keep going? For you- personally, Mother, Warrior?
[01:09:29] Taylor Winterstein
I mean, obviously, my kids keep me going, but also the community kept me going, too. I have had that many apologies write in to say, Hey, I used to call you every name under the sun. And I apologize for that because I realized, like, I looked into what you were saying and, wow, you are right. I actually need to investigate before I vaccinate. And I need to do my own research and not just blindly trust that the doctors or the government or the vaccine industry has my best interests at heart. So every time I see a message like that, I’m like, yes, that’s my sign to keep going.
[01:09:58] Del Bigtree
Fantastic. Well, you guys are an inspiration and it’s really nice to hear, actually, because, you know, some of the news does look scary coming out of Australia. But it’s really it’s a unique place because the lockdowns have been more of the story there than the vaccinations. Here we have a vaccination war going on. The vaccine is failing in Israel. Here in America, that story is really starting to take off. This week. We’re recognizing that the new Delta variant, if there is such a thing, whatever the variant is out there, this these vaccines are not stopping it. So when is that is that sort of news getting to Australia? You’re only at 18 percent. Are you hearing in Australia that what you know, are there people saying, why are we going to get this vaccine? How can this vaccine be the way forward if it’s already failing against the virus? How could that possibly be our way out? Is that a sentiment yet or are you still waiting for that wave to hit your shores?
[01:10:55] Taylor Winterstein
No it has definitely hit our shores and people are absolutely fed up with just being told that we have to get a vaccine in order to get out of this. I mean, personally, people, families like our we’re living our life, to be honest, and living in lockdown down, we’ve done that last year in France. We’re not doing that again this year. And yeah, people like Frank said they’re witty, they’re smart. They realize there has to be another way out of this. Like we have to find something else that is more sustainable rather than locking everybody down all the time because we’ve got, you know, one hundred cases or even just a handful of cases. Like, it’s absolutely ridiculous what they’re doing to different states in Australia right now. And yeah, I feel like the more that they keep trying to scare us and suffocate us, the more pushback there is. And like you saw on the weekend in Sydney, like forty thousand plus people turned up to say, hey, we’ve had enough.
[01:11:49] Del Bigtree
Oh, fantastic. I want to thank you. I know it’s super early there. I want to thank you for taking the time to join us here on The HighWire. Again, you’re just one of the many heroes out there that we’re visiting around the world. Keep up the good work. Keep us posted as to what takes place in Australia. And I know that you are changing hearts and minds. And it’s great to hear that you were hearing from some of the people. Sorry for the things that I’ve said about you. Now, I realize you really have been fighting for my freedom and we’re standing together. That type of unity, I think, is happening all over the world. And it really is sort of that silver lining on the edge of the clouds of this storm. So let’s stay focused there. I think we’ll all be celebrating on the other end of this incredibly bizarre time.
Thank you for taking the time.
[01:12:37] Taylor Winterstein Thanks, Del.
[01:12:39] Del Bigtree
All right, take care. Well, you know, from vibrant people in Australia, we think about, you know, all of the culture there and I think so many, and it’s one of my bucket list places I’ve wanted to visit. But when I think of vibrant people, I also, you know, let’s think about Ireland and, you know, all the movies that have around like that pub culture and out there singing and people that really love to just be arm in arm, side by side. What happens when you lock down those people? Do they listen? I mean, are you really going to separate that that they truly bonded culture? There was a short documentary piece that came out that really I found it chilling, almost post-apocalyptic. Take a look at this.
[01:13:31] Irish Documentary
I’m nearly 50 and I’ve never seen anything like this locked down. Yeah, it’s very dead, isn’t it? Apocalyptic. I think, you know? It feels more sad than one year ago, you know, hopefully the summer is about to come so it will improve. We had a few [inaudible] sandwiches of a Phenix Park to and I felt like it was in my bag. So, I mean, at this stage, I started to just go and I you know… There’s not much left to be a home for people our age, I don’t think, with all the events in the city. My parents was just making the most of the folk walks. And there’s been a few times where I’ve taken routes that I would normally always take and thought twice about it after because it didn’t feel as safe as it normally was, the streets are too empty, like the lack of green spaces in Dublin. And like I’ve never felt it as much as the past year. Definitely. I think everyone has lived in different [inaudible] hard.
[01:14:28] Irish Documentary
There’s like so few communal spaces for people to just like exist in. And I’m sitting on the higher sports steps a couple of weeks ago, middle of the day, coffee in hand, and like these guys who came off told us to move on, like gave us this whole like, do you know there’s a pandemic going on? I do, yes. Thank you. And then like, this is where we all lived. And then we we all told them we was all in our five K and and then we like laughed and I we all with the same direction. And he told me that I was going the wrong way, that I live that way. So I need to be going that direction. I was like, are you trying to tell me which direction I need to walk home? And like a three o’clock on a Tuesday, OK, like, it’s pretty intense.
[01:15:11] Irish Documentary
But we live at the bottom of [inaudible] you know, and it’s it’s become like half the shops that have been boarded are full of tents now. Every night I’d say we would say between in and around 200, sometimes more, sometimes less. You have seen some of the children there. Some of the girls are pregnant. So it’s from there really to be true to. We had an old man here. He’d be 70, 76. Lot of people have lost their jobs, obviously, even from the pandemic payments. If rent is due. I don’t care what the state says about us. No evictions. People are being made homeless and here. After nine o’clock now, there won’t be many people walking around town. Some people think that it’s kind of dead in here for sports nights. It’s much more bizarre when it’s quiet. Definitely loneliness is more about a chat than giving them the cup of tea. Yeah, we’re breaking the rules, but what about I mean, the government having an annual golf meetup after giving the [inaudible].
[01:16:21] Irish Documentary
We’ve heard a lot about schools and a lot about child care and stuff like that. But we haven’t heard anything about college and we’re missing our friends. You’ve been paying three grand a year for college and you haven’t been mentioned once. So it’s a bit hard to abide by what they’re telling us when we haven’t been told anything about what we’ve paid for.
[01:16:44] Del Bigtree
Obviously, very austere and vacant images coming from Ireland for a people that we think of just being so vibrant in pubs filled and dancing and clogging, clearly not the image that we’re seeing there. But to get a better understanding of what’s actually happening in Ireland, I’m joined by one of our favorite guests, Dolores Cahill, a scientist who has worked on international projects around the world, including the protein project, mapping the proteins of the body. All of this affects you more than just the science and the medicine. You know, we’re trying to reach out during this show around the world because we’re getting no news here. We’re all living in bubbles now in a modern age where we have the Internet and we have news that’s supposed to be broadcasting what’s happening. I don’t think I could have seen anything about Ireland. I hear murmur, you know, murmurs that you can only travel short distances. I’ve seen, you know, some videos of people’s doors being kicked in by the police. But I wanted to get a sense from you, you know, in Ireland, what has had these lockdowns? Do you think they’ve been more strict there than, say, in the U.K. or other parts of Europe? Is it the same? What are the rules and how is this going in Ireland right now?
[01:18:04] Dolores Cahill
So lovely to be back on again and I’m a great fan of The HighWire, thank you. So and I suppose in Ireland we have the longest continuous lockdown, I think, in the EU, the European Union, if not in the world. So it’s not going very well in Ireland on the one hand, and for maybe seven or eight months, especially in twenty twenty one, many children couldn’t attend classrooms and university. They did a lot of their education online and many of the businesses in Ireland have shut down and people are working from home and really, I think it has decimated the economy and there has been a huge increase in the number of people that have died by suicide. So that’s in a way, the reality and it’s quite similar to many countries around the world.
[01:18:58] Del Bigtree
Here I live in Texas, we’re a little more open even for America. America, though, basically sort of rolled back the mask mandate for a little while. We’re getting news right now that shifting masks are being discussed again, the future of lockdown. But we opened up for a while. Texas, Florida really seemed to lead that charge here in America. Did Ireland ever have that sort of maybe eye of the storm moment? Have you really relaxed some of the restrictions over the last couple of months in the middle of the summer here?
[01:19:32] Dolores Cahill
So I think I don’t really follow in the way a lot of these restrictions, but I do know or Wednesday around St. Patrick’s Day and also last year, they did have restrictions staying, which is entirely unlawful, that people can only travel within five miles of their home. And they have these called Covid-19 2020 statutory instruments where they’re saying they can only be limited number of people at funerals and weddings and gatherings. And I think, you know Del, I have traveled everywhere in Ireland throughout the whole thing and with out a mask and in the airport multiple times coming back. And I have presented voluntarily with people in court not wearing a mask, even all the judges and the police would be. And they say, well, you have to wear a mask. And I just go no, and I have inalienable rights to bodily integrity and I say, I take your oath to the judges and the police. Are you acting under oath? They don’t answer. And then you ask them their name and generally they don’t answer. And I’ve been partly involved in trying to provide information that people have freedom of travel throughout Ireland, freedom of speech, bodily integrity, and all of these covid 19 statutory instruments and are not from, you know, compliance with the rule of law and inalienable rights that are Enshrined in the Constitution. And when you say it to judges and police, they literally. No, stop talking unless you travel. Yes. You don’t have To wear a mask whether you’re in A court or in an airport or in the business. I suppose one is exposing what’s going on is unlawful. And the individual men and women who are doing it are generally committing multiple crimes, Like, coercion, You know, misrepresenting the law or unlawful detention by the police, even restricting you on the street or at the airport, trying to State that they have had the power to curtail Your movement and your travel, which is unlawful and they do not.
[01:21:44] Del Bigtree
What’s the morale of Ireland as you travel around now? Are people essentially complying? Do they agree with the government as a majority or do you feel like there’s a real push back? Is there a loss in confidence in the government? So I guess, really, would you say that most people feel like they’re being protected by the government or do they feel like their rights are being obstructed by the government right now?
[01:22:09] Dolores Cahill
That’s a very good question. So, for example, on Saturday, the twenty Fourth of July, we have to celebrate World Freedom Day and all that. And in Dublin there was around 30 to 40 thousand people walking the streets and we had a wonderful rally and a wonderful day. So that was one of the biggest peaceful rallies in Ireland. It was a real family atmosphere with families and children. So I think there’s kind of a divide, as we see in most countries, the people that are aware of the unlawfulness of what’s going on and that there are preventative treatments for influenza like illness, so therefore there was never any need to lock down only from the source of this and think those people will never go back. And they’re just doing what the politicians and the police and even the doctors and the medical profession. There is no need, for example, to wear masks, prevention and treatment is available and people understand that there is no need to fear and that these masks and a lot of these rules cause more harm than good. I suppose to answer your question, it’s very hard to know how many people, but I would say may be two in five people. So almost half of the population know what is going on and the lockdown is entirely unnecessary. And generally you have another half of the population and often they want a lot of the TV and listen to the radio like the BBC and they really are not given the information that all of this is unnecessary and they do believe and the many of them, sadly, have been taken the injections because they didn’t they are not really aware about their risk prevention treatment and that the lockdown and a lot of the injections and vaccinations are not necessary when you have prevention and treatment.
[01:24:10] Del Bigtree
Has the vaccine been mandated? Is it mandatory right now or is there any sort of we hear about passports from the EU or are there any restrictions for the unvaccinated compared to the vaccinated, or is everybody being treated equally right now in Ireland?
[01:24:25] Dolores Cahill
There has been an unlawful piece of information passed about a week ago and through our houses of parliament and the DOJ, and that is to discriminate against people based on their health status and their vaccination status and that is saying which is unlawful, that only people can eat in indoors, in restaurants that have been vaccinated. But of course Del, what this whole thing is unfolding is kind of crimes, including malfeasance and malfeasance in public office. And that is a crime of the ten years and is particularly directed at civil servants, at police, at the members of parliament, the prime minister and the president and the attorney general. And about two months ago now, I’ve written a notice of liability for harm and death to all of those that is actually a crime for up to 10 years in prison for them to, they must know about malfeasance that you knew or you should have known that there are prevention and treatments and therefore passing a piece of legislation that actively discriminates against people based on their health status is unlawful. So it would be like 20 years ago discriminating on someone and asking them what is your HIV status? Right. And then saying you have to eat outside. I mean, that is absolute discrimination. So so we are in Ireland they are passing discriminatory legislation, which is unlawful.
[01:25:58] Del Bigtree
Now, I saw footage recently ran for office in Ireland and, you know, you were just trying to get into the voting area to make sure that it was a fair vote. My understanding is you have the right to be in there, but they weren’t letting you in. Here’s just a little piece of that video footage right here.
[01:26:17] Dolores Cahill
[July 9th video] You are restricting my entry, my entry into this building.
[01:26:20] Officer
If you want to come in, all you have to do is put on the mask.
[01:26:22] Dolores Cahill
My name is Delores Cahill. I’m one of the election candidates and I want to supervise the vote. And no one has any authority to restrict our entry. A crime has been committed. Can you identify yourself? You are required under the Security Act to identify yourself. Who are you? Can you please take off your mask? We are at a distance. You are preventing us looking at the counts, are you afraid I might see that I might get elected. Listen, let me let me go. What are you afraid of? You are you afraid I might get elected?
[01:27:04] Del Bigtree
You know, you have a special and very sweet way to raise hell. We’ve watched it. You’ve been so dynamic. You know what is it’s weird, voting, all of these things are coming into question almost like a world order of sorts. When we think about the great reset conversation we’re having on The HighWire, never before have we seen, you know, all of the nations of the world sort of in lockstep with an idea, you know, against the population of the world. You know, I was talking the other day about, you know, like it’s like a world war again. But every other world war, it’s been one government against another government. This is all the governments aligned against the people. As a scientist, you know, you you have a different, I’m sure, a more vivid viewpoint. You understand how the immune system works. You’ve been very outspoken about, you know, the use of treatments that can handle this virus, the dangers of a vaccine that hasn’t been properly tested. But when you look at the future, do you think things are going to get worse or do you think they’re going to get better as you sort of test the climate of where things are moving in Ireland?
[01:28:17] Dolores Cahill
So that was an excellent question, Del. So I think what it is, is we have two kind of parallel worlds going on. We have a parallel world where, as you saw there, I stood for election in order to get standing, in order to see how the voting and Democratic process worked and as you know, in America, you also have have had issues around the transparency and integrity in the voting process in your country, yeah?
[01:28:44] Del Bigtree
Yeah, lots of questions.
[01:28:50] Dolores Cahill
So the thing is, I suppose what a lot of us are doing, and I’ve been writing to the Attorney-General and the head of the guard, the head of the police in Ireland is guard. And they, of course, have said if you are dealing with members of the police, somebody, as we say here, they have to show their warrant oath card that means they are upholding the law. And part of the rule of law in Ireland is you have unalienable rights to travel and the police cannot stop you. So what I was trying to do there was to get into a building and the person that was dressed up in police uniform did not show his oath card. So he wasn’t acting as a member of the guard
[inaudible] but he still was trying to prevent me from looking at my votes being counted. But that voting that day was not about me. That day in a way was to show the Irish people that when we have the next election that maybe everyone who does not, who wants to assert their inalienable right of bodily integrity or if they’re exempt and don’t wear a mask that essentially they’re saying there are two classes of people that can engage in the Democratic process, those at which is entirely unlawful and again, discriminatory. So I think when you are asking where is this going? Is it good? Going in a good way, or going in a bad way? What really is doing is these acts that are unlawful and essentially entirely irregular, because if you are a candidate under the Electoral Act and under the law, no one can prevent you from seeing your vote, which they did. But if that happens in our next general election, that means that people will not trust in the voting process, in the people that are elected. And essentially that is another way of undermining the cohesiveness and the trust in society. But what is the beauty of what happened? There is kind of showing that video got 600000 views within 12 hours. So it’s kind of the good news is that the people who are awake, who are probably half of the country, are saying, wait a minute, this is not right, because if you make vitamin D, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and zinc available, there’s no need for all of these lockdowns and preventing people going to meetings and children going to school and people going to their work. So the people that are awake are getting more information and more knowledge about the law and more kind of working together to hold people to account, whether they’re doctors and not giving treatment or doctors enrolling people in clinical trials which is what these mRNA injections are. And in the EU. There’s one point seven million on the 1st of July, have adverse events and seventeen thousand deaths. And these are clinical trials and normally in the world if 50 people die all of the clinical trials around the world would be stopped. So we have more than seventeen thousand people, and again, the regulators and the people and the Department of Health and the government are again not doing their job. And the pharmacies and the doctors should be telling people that there is significant death and adverse events in these trials. So it’s it may we may have a very tough year ahead, but I think in general what’s going on in the past 18 months is exposing a lot of things that are wrong in our society for the past 10, 20 years or 30 years. So, again, it’s it’s tricky enough at the minute. But I think over the next two to five years to 10 years, we will end up in a system where doctors will be held to account. Judges, police, politicians are engaging in passing legislation that they knew or should have known was an infringement on your right of privacy, bodily integrity problems, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly.
[01:33:03] Del Bigtree
You know, it’s brilliantly put and it’s really nice to reach out across the pond, as they say, and find that the sentiment in Ireland is very similar then to that in America, though, we’re not seeing your news and I’m not sure how much of our news you’re seeing there, but I would say the same is true. 50 percent of this nation is held strong, are awake or able to read the studies. All of the news reports and polls done show that those that are unvaccinated right now with the covid vaccine tend to be highly educated, capable of reading science and data, and are just making the decision to not be a part of this experiment of this unlicensed product. So it’s and I think you’re right. I think things are going to get intense. I do think we’re in for a little bit longer, haul a few years. But all of this is galvanizing those that are awake. And I think building that army of truth that will move forward and I think carry us into a new place of medicine, of representation. So I’m with you. Our hearts are aligned. And I want to thank you for taking the time to just give us a little glimpse into Ireland. Keep up the good work. Keep being a pain their ass, we love you, Dolores. Thank you take care.
[01:34:14] Senta Depuydt
Thank you very much. I promise I will Del and thank you for having me on again. I love I love The HighWire and thank you very much it’s an absolute honor. All right. Bye bye. Bye.
[01:34:26] Del Bigtree
All right. Well, just right next to Ireland, of course, you have the UK and some footage came out of there. That was one of the most shocking images caught on a cell phone that I’ve seen during this entire pandemic from all around the world. If this doesn’t send chills down your spine, then you are already dead. Take a look at this.
[01:34:55] Heathrow Quarantine Video
The exercise comes three times a week. Is this the time out? I will get a couple of times a day. You can’t. Oh, no, no, no. Excuse me.
He can speak to us, it’s his right. They’re not prisoners. I’m having a conversation with him. No, I’m talking to him. We are outside.
We’re outside. How are you? My goodness. OK, I’m up to seventeen hundred pounds you pounds sixteen. I’m sorry we got you to. [01:36:00] Del Bigtree
I suppose we’re not sure whether we should be laughing or totally horrified at that video. That is a fence chain link fence around some section of Heathrow Airport where people are being quarantined. My understanding is they’re quarantined. You know, once they’ve come in from a country that is in a high infection rate, it doesn’t matter whether they’ve tested positive or not. They have to pay with their own money. But just the idea that you can’t even speak for that fence as though somehow you’re a prisoner, you’re not a prisoner, you are a citizen that has done nothing wrong. And they’re just worried about your infection, supposedly, but really a horrific image. But to get more into, you know, that image and many of the images coming out of England right now, the marches and the just seems to be real unrest in the streets of England right now in London. I’m going to be joined by Anna Brees, former BBC reporter. She is a new media specialist. And in many ways, I’ve heard people reference her as sort of the Del Bigtree of the UK or maybe I’m the Anna Breeze of America. But either way, one of my compatriots out there that is telling the truth, using her understanding of media to interview world renowned scientists and specialists, talking about the lockdown’s and the the pandemic, the masking and the vaccine. So it’s my honor right now to be joined by Anna Breeze. Anna, thank you for taking the time today.
[01:37:31] Anna Brees
Hi Del, we’ve been watching you here in the U.K. and it’s been such a crazy time, I have to say, and I don’t know what’s going on, but yeah, the Del Bigtree of the U.K., I like that. I think you and I both got that background in TV. We understand how it works. You understand how the media works. I think we both hopefully come across as warm and caring, not just a robot reading an autocue.
We’re invested in this, we’ve got kids. We care about what’s happening to our society and we want to make a difference to the future. And clearly, You do that by the media and I’ve said so many times we’re all a product of the media brand we trust. And so many people have shifted Away from the likes of the BBC Sky News, and they will tune into The HighWire. And I know you’ve been off YouTube for a year, but you’re doing really well. You don’t need it, you don’t need YouTube, Del.
[01:38:23] Del Bigtree
No, we have proven that people are actually intelligent enough and committed enough to type in w w w dot The HighWire dot com. I think it’s blown certainly our government officials and Facebook and YouTube away. They never thought people were that intelligent. So I’m glad we proved them wrong. You know, when we look at these images, that image, I mean, is that still there? I mean, that’s a little bit I saw that a couple of weeks ago. It’s something I want to talk about. I mean, it smacks of concentration camp. I mean, the guys in shorts is not having to do forced labor. But the idea that you cannot go home, flying into your home country just because of where you’ve been, no test gets you out of it. You’re stuck in this facility. And then to see that sort of you’re not allowed to speak through the fence, I’m hearing that they get, you know, intervals of like five minutes or ten minutes out in fresh air. I mean, it sounds a lot like they’re prisoners. Is that still in place at Heathrow right now?
[01:39:24] Anna Brees
I would love to wake up one morning and not see a shocking video. That’s a hotel. So when you come into Heathrow, these people would be aware of this beforehand that they have to pay. I think it’s one thousand seven hundred fifty pounds to stay at a hotel and to get their food brought to them. And then they were allowed out, I think, for a couple of walks a day and yeah, you’re right. What I what I picked up from that was when. That lady said they are not prisoners. I can have a conversation with him. It’s it’s it’s not knowing the rules anymore. And obviously that guard didn’t even think that that person could have a conversation through the wire fence. But, yeah, these are quarantine Hotels and it depends what country you’re traveling in from into the U.k. there’s a traffic light System, Red and the green, I believe. And it’s changing all the time. It’s chaotic for a lot of people going on holiday to Portugal, to Spain. The rules can change and you’ve got to come back and go into some isolation, quarantine, and then you’ve got to miss work. It’s absolutely
Chaotic. And what’s happened to you in the U.K. is a lot of people have decided not to go on holiday. So you’ll find the , sputlins [?] And havens [?] and the holiday parks here are really busy, really expensive. It’s a great British summer at the moment and the beaches are full.
[01:40:34] Del Bigtree
Well, I guess that’s the benefit. You know, keep some of the funding inside of your nation. Is the BBC covering, you know, things like that? I mean, is it only social media that’s showing us videos like that of these sort of internment camps are wrapped around hotels?
Is the BBC, do you think? I mean, I’m not getting to see it, but is is it giving a balanced perspective right now of issues like that? [01:41:02] Senta Depuydt
I wouldn’t say ITB [?] probably more so on the morning show, but we have had an interesting relationship with the media over the last year and a half. And, you know, you’ve got eome elite descent and some really great media brands like The Telegraph doing some fantastic stuff. You see a little bit coming through from the sun, the mirror and the mail at times. So, you know, you do get a little bit of truth and they tend to be the BBC sky. I think one of the worst the BBC at times of being better. I mean, I’m in constant contact with people I used to work with at the BBC Sky. Interesting conversations going on. I’ve got a number of people who are whistleblowers, actually, and somebody who contacted me for the BBC. She said she was on the top table. She’s one of the senior editors. And she said to me she wants to reach out and speak to other people within the BBC if I could put her in touch with them. And I wasn’t sure what to make of this. I said, well, clearly I can’t do that because, you know, you could be doing this is some kind of phishing exercise to find out who they are and remove them. But she did tell me that, she said the story is going to go live at six p.m. today on BBC Health. Just so you know that I’m genuine and it is, so I know she is genuine. The people at the BBC are genuine. Some are trying to reform from within, is what I would say. They are really not happy with what they have, they are ashamed, they are ashamed and something really important, Del, and I only know little bits and pieces get through to you there on social media. We had a protest I think it was a couple of months ago and there were thousands of people outside BBC in London. BBC in Manchester, BBC in Cardiff shouting “shame on you, shame on you”. And I know that’s a big, big problem for journalists at the BBC. They feel deeply ashamed That they haven’t been covering the protests and that there were people outside New Broadcasting House in London, Cardiff and Manchester shouting this. They can’t ignore it. They know what’s going on. And they have failed to interview these professionals, these doctors. You know, the likes that you have spoken to, Mike Yeadon, Hodkinson, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Corey, [inaudible] Dr Robert Malone, Geert Vanden Bossche, Sucharit Bhakdi, they were all watching it and they’re all watching me.
They’re not doing anything about it.
[01:43:13] Del Bigtree
How do you explain it? Here in America you know, our system is you know, our television and cable news is all driven by advertising. I’ve tried to point out that, you know, when I was working for CBS, you just got to watch the commercials in the commercial break to know who is actually paying the check of those reporters and those those news anchors. And in most cases, you know, 70 percent or better or more of the financing to our news agencies and our television stations now are coming from pharma. But BBC actually gets funding from the government, too, doesn’t it? Or is it or is it strictly how is the funding work for BBC is a totally private organization?
[01:43:53] Anna Brees
We we pay a license fee. So if you have a TV and you watch live TV, even if you don’t want to watch the BBC, you just watch the other channels, you have to pay for your license. And I think it’s one hundred fifty nine point fifty. So they don’t, they’re not they’re not a commercial enterprise. They do have a commercial arm. But no, I think You would expect more from the BBC and I think some regional stations have been very good. There was a BBC presenter, Lisa Shaw, who died after the AstraZeneca vaccine and her husband went on the BBC and did speak about that. It was very emotional, very moving interview with him. But I know BBC NE are very frustrated because that’s where Lisa Shaw was working. She was a mum. She was well loved, well liked. And I think there’s some frustration there that the BBC aren’t reporting on of this vaccine reactions. So you’ve seen some stories leak out and some regional stations to the BBC and a lot better work’s happening in terms of journalism on a regional level, regional newspapers seem to be listening more to the people.
[01:44:56] Del Bigtree
We see the same thing here, you know, you won’t see CBS like the other than the national programs or NBC, but you will see local stories in states, you know, CBS, Dallas or things like that, telling a personal story of injury. Where does that pressure mean? You worked at the BBC, and it was clear to me that our pressure, much of it was coming down from our advertisers. Why is the BBC, which I think we do think of it as sort of being the people’s television, why? Who do you think is motivating them to be so locked on one particular side of this story and not giving a broader view? Is it is it government, do you think, or advertisers? Where is there pressure coming from?
[01:45:44] Senta Depuydt
I think I think we’re in a crisis, in a public health crisis and I think we don’t really know whether the virus is manmade or naturally, I don’t think we know whether we should be handling this with a vaccine or we should be allowing natural Infection and herd immunity. And I think the government have decided vaccination is the right path and they have to control the message. So if if the BBC started talking on a regular basis about all these stories that are coming out, then people would potentially stop taking the vaccine. So they have a policy and the government have a policy and they need BBC’s help to enforce that, because I think it’s finely balanced at the moment as to whether or not the vaccine works. Watching your program, if you watch watching all sorts of media on this, it is an absolute nightmare. What do you do in this situation when you know this this virus is spreading, is the vaccine working? Is it not working? Well, they’ve taken a decision that the vaccine works and they want as many people as possible to take the vaccine. And what I need to tell you about what’s happening at the moment in the UK is in the 19th of July in England, the mask mandates and everything was lifted. Lockdown was over. For the last nine days, cases have been falling and today hospitalizations decreased as well.
[01:46:58] Anna Brees
So what is going on still at the same time, is their planning on still bringing in vaccine passports to football stadiums, the universities, the nightclubs in the September October time, also mandating vaccination for care home workers in November. But it seems as if it’s over. Even politicians are senior politicians as it’s over, bother shouting. So why bring in vaccine passports in September and
October? People are incredibly confused. But what I would say is the vaccination take up here in the UK is a lot higher than in the US. Yeah, well, on the government website today, eighteen point four percent have had their first dose of adults and seventy one point four percent have had both doses here. So that’s pretty high. And I, I can imagine if I’d be vaccinated, I’d be thinking, well, maybe a vaccine passport is a good idea. I’d be vaccinated. I would like to get back to normal. We do not want Lockdown’s again.
You’ve got no idea how long we were locked down. We have had three and it’s over and life is great and we need to move forward.
But it’s a complicated picture here. It really is.
[01:48:02] Del Bigtree
Who’s driving this sort of descent when we see some of the biggest marches we’re seeing in the world are happening, and that’s what there’s a real dichotomy there, right? On one hand, you’re one of the highest vaccine uptake nations in the world that we can see. But we’re also seeing some of the largest protests being staged in the world. Is that driven by youth? Is that driven by people that are middle aged, highly educated, or is it a you know, when you look at it, does it just cover every demographic?
[01:48:33] Anna Brees
I think a lot of people protesting don’t have a problem, so much with vaccination of adults, they’re very concerned about vaccinating children and they’re very concerned about vaccine passports. Like I mean, I can’t speak for all of the people that are protesting, but I would say what’s been happening recently in France, the protests in France has been bigger than the protests here in the UK.
[01:48:53] Del Bigtree
Yeah, that’s true. And I think the pressure is greater right? They’re being more extreme. I mean, Macron came out and some of the languaging that you’re going to be fined if you go into a store, if the store allows you in, they’ll be fined. I mean, that’s scary stuff. People not really being able to get on with their lives. Well, it’s super interesting. And you’ve been out there and you and I both appeared in a documentary or two where they’re trying to come at us for spreading misinformation. What do you what is your answer? You just like me. I pride myself in the journalism work that I do. I feel like I was very well trained having worked for CBS, I
don’t regret that experience. I do regret some of the things that it could, the stories I couldn’t do because of where the pressures were coming. Some of it you understand. I mean, these are the people that pay your bills and write your checks. But when I’m attacked now, I think I think I’m doing the best journalism I’ve done in my entire life.
[01:49:52] Del Bigtree
And much of what we’ve said over the last year we just showed in our show last week has proven to be true because it was all in the trials. We can read these things. I mean, this evidence was there. We, as you have seen and you’ve interviewed world renowned virologist and immunologist and epidemiologists all told us where this was going to end up, that the vaccine was not going to be capable of stopping this infection or stopping transmission. So how do you answer the question? Because I know you’ve come under the same assault because I’ve seen you in documentaries that are attacking us. How do you talk about what you do? And I’m sure you get this question. So let me lay it on you and maybe you can help me with my answer, which is, the work that you are doing is making people afraid to vaccinate. That is putting their lives at risk. Do you not see that you’re responsible for people that may die from this virus because of the things that you say and the misinformation that you’re spreading?
[01:50:50] Anna Brees
Every single post or every share, every retweet, I’m incredibly careful what I say. I’ve never been anti-vaccine and I haven’t been criticized in documentaries. There was only one smear piece that I had in The Guardian, and a Guardian reporter came up to me in September 2020 when I was at a protest and said, well done for the work you’re doing, I’m deeply ashamed of what we’re doing here at The Guardian, and I’ve stayed in touch with that reporter. So my brand and my reputation means everything to me. And I absolutely 100 percent always focus on children, not just my children, But it’s not coming from a place of ego, of no, I’m not making any money. I was making a lot more money before all of this, I’m doing This because I’m compassionate and courageous and I’m really, really concerned about where this is heading. I do not want my child, children to be carrying around papers or some kind of phone or mobile device and being tracked everywhere they go. I want them to live free lives. It’s so important that journalists listen so to the journalists are listening to this. Please do the right thing. Do what Del has done, do what I have done. If you have tried to reform within and it hasn’t worked, it’s time for you to group together within your media organization and really do something about it. Walk out if you, strike, if you have to. But we haven’t got any more time to wait. now, this is really serious, I think- If you don’t care about your freedom it’s, you know, if you’re not going to fight for your freedom, you don’t deserve it. Quite frankly, we have a we have a short opportunity here to do something. So anyone listening that can make a difference and can change the public perception on this crisis, please do it.
[01:52:23] Del Bigtree
Well, you are doing it, and I know, like me, all we can do is the best that we can do. I simply am a vessel for the truth and where that leads and how this all ends up, only God knows. But I want to thank you for the work that you are doing. You’re courageous. You’re a hero to us here in America. And I know you’re a hero for the people that are following you in the U.K. So continue to do the work that you’re doing. It’s an honor to know you and we’ll check in with you as things progress and hopefully the progress in our direction towards sanity and truth.
[01:52:58] Anna Brees
You take care, Del. Keep up the great work.
[01:53:00] Del Bigtree
All right, we’ll do well. I mean, you know, the U.K. obviously was the center of where this really begins. The imperial model, Neil Ferguson, all of the, you know, these predictions that millions of people were going to die. But it just doesn’t make sense, right? It doesn’t make sense that you have to be locked in quarantine when you’re flying into an airport and then that you can’t talk to somebody through the fence. But yet being told you’re a free citizen. There’s a video as we move towards Canada that really blew my mind because one of the things we know is that, you know, viruses tend to really not travel well outdoors. And one of the things we need is vitamin D and, you know, doing outdoor sports and staying healthy. Isn’t that you know, what we should be doing? Is that a place where we really I mean, we’re not talking about large crowds in this situation. Look how few people are trying to enjoy themselves playing a little bit of hockey and one hockey player just decides apparently they’ve had enough. Take a look at this.
[01:53:59] Canadian Hockey Player
Just tell me what you want. What is it? What’s the health regulation?
[01:54:07] Canadian officer
So this is the thing we told you you’re going against the health regulations.
[01:54:14] Canadian Hockey Player
Yeah but what is the health regulation?
[01:54:15] Canadian Hockey Player Shut up. Let’s go. Let’s just go.
[01:54:18] Canadian officer
Hey, what’s this guy’s name?
[01:54:20] Canadian Hockey Player We’re just going to go.
[01:54:21] Canadian officer
You’re welcome to go, but you might want to help your friend.
[01:54:25] Canadian Hockey Player Whoa, why are you pulling a gun?
[01:54:27] Canadian officer
It’s not a gun. It’s a Taser. And he’s under arrest. And I have the authority to use force to effect an arrest.
[01:54:33] Canadian Hockey Player
We’ll just leave it alone. OK, ok. OK, let’s go.
[01:54:33] Canadian officer
You’re under arrest, off the ice.
[01:54:46] Canadian Hockey Player
What are you doing? Yeah, videotape. Hey, what are you doing? What are you doing? What are you. What are you doing? Why are you guys grabbing me? What do you mean?
[01:55:04] Canadian officer
Get on the ground right now! Get on the ground before I [explicit] taser you.
[01:55:04] Canadian Hockey Player
Why are you going to taser me? I will get off the ice. Why am I going on the ground? What is wrong with you? Stop. Stop. We are literally leaving you gave us a warning. Let him take off his skates.
[01:56:45] Del Bigtree
Shocking video again coming out of Canada there. I mean, apparently you can’t, you know, ice skate out in the open air with like two or three other people. This young man being arrested, just asking questions like, what are you doing? What am I doing wrong? You know, to speak to someone in Canada. We’re actually going to bring you a bit of a celebrity for us here on The HighWire because we played a music video of a couple of months ago, and so many of you wrote in about it that we reached out and thought, now, this would be a great perspective. For those of you that missed it, this is Just Say No by RC, the rapper. Take a look at this.
[01:58:04] RC the Rapper
[Just Say No Song]
[01:58:22] Del Bigtree
It is my pleasure to be joined right now by our see the rapper R.C. See, first of all, it’s great to finally get to talk to you. We were all inspired when we saw that music video. It’s something that we’ve been talking about a lot here that, you know, on The HighWire, we can keep presenting the news, but we really need artists, we really need musicians and we need comedians. And everybody has got to start sort of giving that perspective because I think that just reaches a far broader and wider audience. So your lyrics were amazing. It’s a great song. And so what inspired you? I mean, you know, what is that? What is the vibe in Canada? You’re in Edmonton, Alberta. Obviously, you must feel like you’ve got to say something. Are people your age pushing back or are they awake to the fact that their rights or what rights they had may be under threat?
[01:59:16] RC the Rapper
Well, first of all, Del just wanted to say it’s a pleasure, an honor to be here. You’ve been a huge part of my journey that led me to making this song that you then heard, which brought me on the show. So we’ve kind of come full circle here.
[01:59:28] RC the Rapper
But but, yeah, the the vibe in Canada is very interesting right now for the last year and a half or so, the government has been trampling all over our rights. They’ve basically just been acting like they don’t exist. We have something similar to the Constitution that you guys have in the United States called the Charter of Canadian Rights and Freedoms and written into the charter. There’s a couple of ways that they can limit those rights that are afforded to us by the charter. However, they never met the requirements necessary to limit any of the rights that are afforded to us as Canadians. And basically, we’re in a situation where they’ve just been acting with impunity right from the first stay at home order. All this stuff has been illegal. There’s no justification for it. And Canadians, for the most part, are, I would say indifference is is the general consensus around here, I hesitate to say apathetic because I do think that a lot of people are frustrated and fed up with the lockdowns and restrictions. However, at the same time, they just keep sort of allowing the government to continue to move the goalposts and just go along with it, thinking that, you know, this time they really mean it when they’re going to give us all the freedoms back that they took away.
[02:00:59] Del Bigtree
You guys had a fairly severe international lockdown in that your borders have been very tight, at least from my perspective. It seems like we’ve been hearing stories. Quarantine if you want to fly in to Canada as a foreigner, you know, you sort of immediately had to check into a hotel. We’ve seen videos like that. Is that still the case? Is it’s still that tight at the border of Canada?
[02:01:23] RC the Rapper
Yeah, so right now our border is actually closed to the unvaccinated international citizens, if you’re not a citizen of Canada and you’re not vaccinated, you cannot even come here right now. So that that pretty much sums it up. I mean, Canadians, we had the quarantine hotel program for a long time. That was basically where they force you into isolation at one of their facilities at your own cost. And this is I believe I believe it’s just been rescinded. But that was in place for a long time. But I mean, now they’re restricting the entire country to unvaccinated people.
[02:02:09] Del Bigtree
So how what kind of restrictions when you said restricting it to unvaccinated people? That was my next question. Really. Do you feel like the nation is trying to create a divide or a battle between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated?
[02:02:23] RC the Rapper
Absolutely, absolutely. You can see it in the media every day, I’ve been seeing it myself getting worse and worse because we’ve all got these smart devices now and the news feeds are programed right into them when they come factory. So I get all these these Canadian prompts, you know, for for our news media up here. And I’ve just seen it getting worse and worse the whole time. They are already basically blaming the unvaccinated for any future outbreaks. There’s countless articles like this floating around and more and more coming out each day. The the biggest example of of division going on these days in Canada, I think is, is segregation. In 2021, they just over the last month or so, at some point, they implemented two different lineups at the airport, so unvaccinated and vaccinated. And they were met with some huge pushback. So that’s a good sign. This is something that they did try to do. They they did have it in place for at least a few weeks here. But as it is my understanding that as of now, that policy of separating people into two different lineups at the airport has been rescinded because of public pushback.
[02:03:44] Del Bigtree
You know, is does Canada consider itself socialist? I mean, how is it to describe your political landscape?
[02:03:55] RC the Rapper
Well, I mean, Canada will tell you that we’re a democracy, OK, but there’s certain factors that show clearly that it’s not. First of all, the the federal government has decided to suspend their federal election and basically what they said is because of covid and the pandemic, it’s just too dangerous to have an election right now. And the way that they’re presenting it is, well, you know, this is just a measure that we have to take just out of precaution and safety, but. Because we’re all getting vaccinated now, then, you know, we should be able to have an election in the fall and I just saw an article the other day that was talking about this that was saying, oh, yeah, you know, we’ll be good to go for a new election in the fall. The only thing that could throw a wrench into those plans is some crazy new outbreak, some unprecedented or or extreme pandemic event. It’s basically the way they put it. So they’re already priming us for this stuff. We know that the cases and the deaths dropped off last year next to nothing in the summer without a vaccine. And that is because illness in general is seasonal. And it’s my belief that the exact same thing is going to happen this year. The vaccine isn’t really going to make a difference. If anything, it might make things worse based on certain things that we know. And so, again, they’re just sort of priming us. They’re they’re moving the goalposts, as usual. They’re telling us one thing, but they’re planning another.
[02:05:38] Del Bigtree
There is a video that came out this year of Prime Minister Trudeau talking to a group of people sort of about his opinion of China when it came to this pandemic. It was quite shocking. Why don’t you take a look at this.
[02:05:52] Justin Trudeau
A level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn the economy around on a dime and say we need to go green as fast as we need to start investing in solar. I mean, there is a flexibility that I know Stephen
Harper must dream about of having a dictatorship, that he can do everything you wanted. But I find it interesting,
[02:06:19] Del Bigtree
A lot of laughs and jokes from a prime minister saying he has a lot of admiration for China, it would be a lot easier if it was a dictatorship. It’s a weird joke and it is kind of terrifying sitting here in America. But, you know, sort of overseeing your life in your borders. Do you think that’s a joke or do you have a sense that Trudeau is working with, you know, some, you know, maybe more localized, smaller government, world, global government? Are those thoughts or conversations that are happening in Canada?
[02:06:55] RC the Rapper
Yeah, absolutely, within the the resistance, which is small but dedicated up here, this is yeah, this is it’s no secret that Trudeau is a globalist. It’s yeah, you’re absolutely right. It’s a terrible joke. Why did the crowd even laugh? Like, I don’t understand. He’s he’s talking about trying to convert our great nation of Canada, which I’ve known and loved my whole life, into something akin to what they have in China. That does not sound good to me at all.
[02:07:29] Del Bigtree
Right. All right. So you wrote this. I mean, I was amazed when I was listening to your the song that we played Just Say No. You have an incredible understanding, it seems, of the crisis of the vaccination. Where do you go to for your you know, for your information when it comes to this pandemic? Is it all on social media or is there any news that you can trust up there in Canada? Where where are you getting your information?
[02:08:01] RC the Rapper
Well, Del, at the top of that list is The HighWire with yourself, Honestly, you guys are fantastic. Like I said, I’ve learned so much from you and I really appreciate how you guys just make it all about the data itself, the science and the statements from the professionals whose statements we are supposed to be trusting. It’s like it’s really strange to me. It’s like there’s this there’s this narrative that it’s just sort of floating around in the air that that everyone’s picking up on. And everyone knows they’re supposed to acquiesce in certain ways. But if you actually followed the science, if you actually listen to the experts. A whole different picture emerges there straight up telling you that the vaccine may not be as effective as they thought it would be, the narrative is the most pervasive thing. It’s just taken over everyone’s mind. And no amount of data or statements of fact seems to be able to sway people at this point. It’s just it’s like it’s just on autopilot.
[02:09:10] Del Bigtree
But when it comes to that song, you obviously I think you’re taking a risk putting that to music. You’re one of the first ones to do it.
What has the response been?
[02:09:19] RC the Rapper
Well, we’re in an interesting position because we started releasing music, like my manager and I- I mean, we started releasing music in light of the pandemic under that umbrella. And so our entire audience was basically built. On this sort of, information. So right off the bat, we attracted like minds and there’s a lot of artists out there who were already established and they had large followings, but when that pandemic switch got flipped, it’s like, you know, half of their audience may have been more liberal to the left side of things like trusting government. And so for anyone to start speaking out after with an already established audience, that’s a totally different story. A lot of people have had a really hard time, caught a lot of slander. But for us, it’s been it’s been very positive, I think, for that reason. And, you know, of course, there is the haters. There’s always going to be. And we find that the support is very strong and the the denouncement is also very strong. There isn’t much middle ground. People either seem to really like it or they really don’t. But we get a lot more support than we do hate way more. It’s like it’s like 90 to 95 percent or maybe even higher supports and then, you know, maybe five percent haters and detractors.
[02:10:55] Del Bigtree
So you actually are one of these people. And I mean, I get reference this way in articles all around the world that saw growth in the work that you do through this pandemic, you decided to sort of use it and sort of stand. And I would say in much the way that, you know, so many of the great musicians we know, whether it was Bob Marley or the Beatles in the 60s and even U2 have used the platform of music to push back against oppression or wrongdoing by governments or powerful people. So in many ways, that’s the heart of music. And it’s fantastic that you’ve taken this moment to really tell the story in a way that I think music has a way of penetrating our heart deeper in many ways than trying to get through the intellect and language. So I want to thank you personally for taking obviously some of the work we do. I’m sure you have other resources, but it’s an honor to know that you’re taking that information and putting it in a way through music that I think it can reach people that we wouldn’t reach otherwise. So you’re you’re a hero of mine. And we’re watching what’s happening in Canada. Obviously, we share that border. Do you have hope? I mean, do you feel like, you know, if this continues to push forward, if there’s another lock down, do you and you look at a Trudeau sort of laughing and joking, you obviously have a sense that there’s global ties there. What is your you know, what do you feel like the future has in store?
[02:12:28] RC the Rapper
Well, I feel like there’s a spectrum of possibilities here Del and when I say spectrum of possibilities, I mean I mean what what the government is really up to here and what they really have planned for the future, because there’s two sides to this. There’s what the government has planned and what they think they can accomplish. And then there’s the people. So. None of I don’t think that any of the possible intentions that the government has are good or beneficial to the people, I think that at the very least what’s going to happen is cases are going to go back up in the fall. I mean, it’s kind of already starting. Cases are just starting to creep up again, as it does seasonally, and then I think what they’re going to do is once cases start snowballing again, going out of control, they’re going to say, OK, we need to lock down again. These variants are on the rise and it’s all the anti-vaxxers fault, you know, the 10 or 15 or maybe 20 percent, if we’re lucky, of Canadians who who have opted not to get the jab, they’re going to blame all of these new hardships on us, people like me and then they’re going to try to convince the 80 percent of people or so that have already gotten the shot to hate people like me and to get on board with things like limiting our rights and removing us from society, perhaps. On the other side, like I said, is the people, and I think that when that if and when that happens, I think this time a lot of people are going to have had enough. I think even that people who have gotten vaccinated and have, you know, behaved this whole time, so to speak, even even those people are going to start getting frustrated with this constantly evolving, never ending narrative and may even hop the fence over to our side.
[02:14:25] Del Bigtree
I think you’re right. I think they’re pushing too hard and in many ways, I suppose it’s what has to happen in order for everybody or at least the majority of people to recognize what we’re really up against. Well keep up the fight out there RC the Rapper. Thank you for taking the time today to join us. And I know you got some new songs coming out and a brand new one just dropped last week. We’ll keep our ears to the ground and listen to what you got going on. Keep up the great work. You’re doing an important work. You’re brave, you’re a hero. And it’s been an honor to have this time to talk to you.
[02:15:00] RC the Rapper
Likewise, you keep keep up the good work, too, I know you will, and thank you so much for having me, blessings.
[02:15:06] Del Bigtree
All right. Take care. Well, I mean, we could do this all day. Obviously, there’s nations every virtually every single nation in the world is having to deal with this pandemic. And I think we’re all starting to have this anxiety perhaps of, you know, a pending doom ahead. You know, the idea it’s one thing to go through an illness, even if you just think about getting sick. I mean, for me, every few years you get some sort of flu like symptoms and you feel like you’re going to die during it. You’re like, oh, my God, I’m going to die. And it’s amazing, sort of, you know, as you get away from it, it goes away. But you’re like, I don’t ever want to go through that experience again. In many ways, I think that we are not going to react the same way if they really, truly, truly decide to start masking us again, not just in America can we’re seeing it. And this is what should be shocking. Right. How weird is it? That doesn’t matter if you were a mountainous, you know, winter city or you live on beaches like Australia, surrounded by the ocean down under. It doesn’t matter where you live. Every government is dealing with a seasonal virus the exact same way the same lockdown’s promises that a vaccine is going to bring about some, you know, heavenly space, you know, that are promised land lies in the face, you know, in the hands of a vaccine that is clearly not working. It is failing, as we’ve pointed out so clearly in previous episodes, whether it’s Israel and now in America, the story just keeps going on and on.
[02:16:43] Del Bigtree
But I have to say, as we’ve reached out and looked around the world, in some ways I’m surprised. I kind of expected that the sentiment would be a little bit different, you know, that that people would have a little bit of a different energy and perhaps like places like France, that there would be more fear or places like Australia where they really would recognize that they seem to be more oppressed than the rest of us. Yet the sentiment is the same among all of us. There’s a sense of hope. There’s this idea, no matter where you are in this world, that somehow this draconian pressure that everybody seems to allude to a sense that is coming from a
more centralized and smaller government body that’s trying to bud or do the bidding of the entire world, perhaps driven from GAVI in the WHO where the UN but no matter what that bad guy is in the minds of people, as we look from continent to continent, the sentiment is the same, and that is they’re not going to get away with it. I mean, everywhere we look today, you know, it doesn’t matter how bad the news programing or, you know, the passport that’s coming or the the laws that are being written, the sentiment among everyone and we didn’t look for this. We simply went to whoever would speak to us and who we thought would be a good voice for that area. Everyone feels the same. There is a strange sense of hope that you would not expect in the middle of an oncoming train. A train wreck, I think really is what we must all be recognizing. And so I hope that your experience has been like mine. For those of you around the world that have been watching this show and continue to watch The HighWire, I want to thank you for your support. For those of you all around the world, maybe you want to get involved. We are bringing lawsuits here, but we do assist lawsuits around the world. But all the work we’re doing to continue to bring the stories from around the world, whether it’s Israel or Japan or France, all of that’s made possible because the context that we’re using around the world. And so if you can help us to continue to do this work, we, as I’ve said time and time again, is usually at the top of the show. We have no sponsors. We are not sponsored by Exxon or Mobil. We’re not sponsored by Pfizer or Moderna, most definitely. Or Pampers or, you know, any of the other things. We’re not even asking you, you know, if you’ve got milk, we’re asking you what you want to hear, what you care about. And you are who we are doing our programing for us. So if you can help out, definitely use our brand new website, thehighwire.com, go to our donate button. And even if it’s only twenty five or fifty cents a month, it really makes a difference. There’s millions of you out there and that helps us do more and more work to reach further and further around the world and to help in every way that we know we can.
[02:19:44] Del Bigtree
Of course, in 2021 we’re asking if you can donate twenty one dollars a month. That would be great. I think it’s still cheaper than Netflix that plans on vaccinating everybody that works for them. So remember, when you’re funding Netflix, you are funding the vaccine takeover of the world and the forced vaccination of the actors, directors and producers that you may actually appreciate, we’ve all got to start being more conscious of how we are voting with our dollars. Where is our money going? What are we supporting? I think we’re you know, we’re going to have to trim it up a little bit. I think we’re going to go into some darker times. But like everyone else, like every other guest today around the world, I have a sense of hope. I think they have made a major misstep. I think they’ve pushed too hard and I think they’re wrong. And wherever there’s truth and wherever right can be had, in the end, humanity always gravitates towards it. It is the light that guides us. It’s the light that keeps us alive, like the sun that gives us vitamin D. It shines on every beautiful brother and sister that we have on this planet. And as long as we are here, as long as we know the truth, there is always hope. There’s hope for the world. And today my hope is even deeper that we as a community of the world, will stand together in a brighter and more vivid future. Hold the line and I’ll see you next week on The HighWire.
Episode Transcript
[00:00:15] Del Bigtree
Did you notice that this show doesn’t have any commercials? I’m not selling you diapers or vitamins or smoothies or gasoline. That’s because I don’t want corporate sponsors telling us what to investigate and what to say. Instead, you’re our sponsors. This is a production by our nonprofit, the Informed Consent Action Network. If you want more investigations, more Hard-Hitting news, if you want the truth, go to icandecide.org and donate now.
[00:00:58] Del Bigtree
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, wherever you are out there in the world, let’s all step out onto the The HighWire. And I mean all I mean, today I want to celebrate all of the international viewers that are watching The HighWire. A lot of times we really don’t talk about how this is a show being watched all around the world. So many of you in countries all around the world started you found us on Facebook or maybe on YouTube or maybe someone shared a video. But of course, over time we were censored. We lost our YouTube channel. We lost our Facebook channel. And they thought they’d won. They thought they’d shut us down. But really, it only helped us understand you better, because as you transition from the social media platforms into our website, we were able to track and understand how and where all of these views were coming from. And we went from tens of thousands of views.
When you were watching us on YouTube and Facebook to now millions of views every single week.
[00:01:56] Del Bigtree
So I want to say to all of you out there, now that I know you’re watching, hello in Africa. Hello. In India, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, all around the world. And of course, Canada, you guys are right next door. We knew you were there, but we’re seeing this this grasping for truth, the desire to want to see the truth when media is failing you in all of your nations around the world and here in America. I think for me it’s the most shocking because we’re truly supposed to have freedom of the press. Of course, I once worked for CBS. I understand what that was supposed to mean. But instead we are seeing that the news is no longer representing the truth. We’re not seeing both sides of any story. It seems more and more like the news is just becoming a mouthpiece for our government. Who’s there to challenge what’s being said? Who’s there to challenge this pandemic or this vaccine? When we start recognizing that there’s just one voice happening in all, It doesn’t matter what channel you tune to, we start to lose trust. And of course, I think what’s really been exemplified or what’s exemplified that is these marches we’ve been seeing in London, throughout London, millions of people, but not just marching against the government, but marching right up to the doors of the BBC.
[00:03:13] Del Bigtree
And you see these people there are saying you’re the devil. What are you doing? Why aren’t you speaking for the people? Why are you carrying this agenda that is shutting it down, destroying our jobs, taking away our lives, everything we knew to be true about freedom in the UK. And, you know, we’re seeing that here and around the world, but it’s also in headlines. Here’s a couple of the headlines. Public trust in media plummets in the U.K. with just twenty eight percent trusting most news. Here’s another one in a matter of trust, media confidence crusaders. Listen to this. The Gallup survey reveals just 16 percent of Americans trust television news and just twenty one percent trust newspapers, both down slightly from last year. At the same time, cable news ratings are down across the board this year, led by CNN’s whopping 68 percent decline in prime time. If you really didn’t understand the media, you would think they just don’t know what they’re doing. But they’ve been doing it for centuries. They know what we want. They know we understand what the truth sounds like. They know we know when they’re lying. And they should be concerned about their ratings plummeting. The more the lies, the more they carry the agendas of people that are lying. Those that are funding them, the less we’re watching.
[00:04:30] Del Bigtree
At least the last we’re watching mainstream media and the more you’re watching us here at The HighWire. So to really celebrate all of you around the world that are watching The HighWire and are experiencing this pandemic together, we really want to focus this show today on what’s happening around the world, not just in America, because the truth is, in some ways we’re having different experiences. In other ways, it’s very, very similar. But here’s what I know. No one in America really knows what’s happening in Germany or France or Ireland. We just don’t know because our media isn’t showing it to us. And I don’t know if your media is showing you what’s happening in America. You would think when you watch our news that everybody is just, you know, hunky dory around the world. They love the lockdown’s. They love the masks. They just can’t get enough of the vaccines. They’re lining up, you know, to get the vaccines. And those poor nations that don’t have enough vaccines, they’re not lucky that they’re marching in the streets to get more vaccines. Those are the types of propaganda statements that are being made. But today, The HighWire is going to reveal what is really happening in nations around the world and what’s happening? It seems to me, brothers and sisters, that we truly are in this together. We are all standing on this beautiful blue marble.
[00:05:45] Del Bigtree
This is our home, and we’re recognizing that our home is under attack, that our atmosphere is being made illegal for all of us to breathe, and for those of us that are intelligent enough that can read the science and read the the data, we’re turning down the vaccine. We’re saying no to the mandates and we are rising up against draconian measures. What I want to focus on today is, is there is there some more centralized government that’s telling all of our governments what to do? Because for the first time in history that I remember, we are not seeing different governments doing different things. I was talking to a friend the other day who said it’s like a world war. And I said, yeah, except that every world war we’ve ever seen has been, you know, this group of governments against these other governments. But in this case, all the governments of the world seem to be aligned in the same agenda. And that agenda is against the people, is the people versus the governments. When do you remember that happening? In every nation in the world, every nation recognizing they’re under attack, their freedoms are being destroyed, the constitutions of their nations being burned right before their eyes. They’re not taking it sitting down. They’re standing up all around the world. They are holding the line.
And it looks just like this.
[00:07:16] Freedom video clip
People are upset about losing their freedoms over the state of emergency, and they want to see those freedoms restored. [inaudible chanting]
[00:07:21] Freedom video clip
We want freedom! We want freedom! To anyone who feels like what’s happening over COVID restrictions is just completely removed from reality and removed from being in touch with what’s on the ground, please know you’re not alone. There’s a lot of people who agree with you. We’re here just to speak and to let our voices be heard, nothing else.
[00:09:01] Freedom video clip
Freedom! Freedom!
[00:10:34] Del Bigtree
These the shocking images all around the world of people rising up peaceful protests, but not peaceful action is happening against the batons being wielded, cops forcing their way. And it makes you ask yourself, is this really all about a bad cold season? Is that what’s driving this? Well, we are going to get deep into what is happening around the world. It’s part of today’s show, a look at the world. And first, to do that best, let’s start out with the Jaxen report.
[00:11:19] Del Bigtree
All right, Jefferey, we talk a lot about issues happening all around the world, but today we’re, you know, really sort of focused on that. So when you look at the world, what are the headlines that you think sort of stand out right now as we try to get an understanding of what’s happening inside of other people’s borders?
[00:11:37] Jefferey Jaxen
Yeah, well, it’s really unprecedented. I’m just sitting here watching that video just reminds me of how how amazing these times are really living in and looking across the world, looking at the headlines. There’s a trend that really starts sticking out. And let’s just go over some of these headlines to see if the viewers and listeners can point it out. So starting out with Israel, we’ve talked about Israel quite a bit and they were the first to end covid restrictions because their entire population essentially was vaccinated. A majority of the population received that Pfizer vaccine, 92 percent, according to this article, and that was May 23rd, had either had the shot or been recovered. Those are over 50s. And then we have what recently is a head scratcher. We have the new prime minister of Israel. He came out and did a public announcement on media over there, Naftali Bennett. And this is what it looked like. It had a lot of people concerned.
[00:12:33] Naftali Bennett
And we’ll tell our model and yes, they know about by and must be sunim of all Russia, that she shovelers the confidentiality Mushie milliard them. Can they share his son Zoom in Hollywood about that nine million Israeli Patriot missile family, KACIN? Lahaina
Cabinet Kibbler, Immaculata Helmsmen, August Salveson lawyer Holly Kansler Koloa looked at one live at a concert, La Luna Park. Let me succored Royal or call pilot Mal Melleuish before him or beholds Ella. And we are the corners. Lilit Alhaj Bono. Ken WHO is employ a lot of the car and some Siba Schimmer Shalamar mRNA Van Ashim can make I mean it atomize logically. Kacin Yamam the court let me show miserably Tussin.
[00:13:32] Del Bigtree
It’s it never ceases to shock me the irony that this is real and knowing the history of this people and to think that now once again blocked from synagogues every time I see that, OK, you can’t go to a theater, you can’t go see a movie, you know, but it’s a totally different thing to say that someone cannot practice their religion. Really incredible. And not saying they’re which is, you know, sort of the known science now, not saying that everyone is going to have to have a negative test since we’re seeing such failure rates in the vaccine all around the world. But specifically, so much of the science we’ve been reporting on out of Israel is this failure of the vaccine that the highest, you know, the higher rates of serious illness are in hospitals. So to see that segregation happening in Israel, it really is incredibly unfortunate and quite scary.
[00:14:31] Jefferey Jaxen
Right. And we’re entering or I should say we’ve entered the polarization phase. So there’s clearly a discrimination between two classes of people now. And further along in that speech, Prime Minister Bennett also said, if you know someone that’s unvaccinated, explain to them that they should not hurt others. So we’re having we’re having leaders kind of rally up or or start this campaign of not only fearing people are unvaccinated, but trying to, like, slowly turn the population against them. So it’s really interesting. Now, again, they were the first country to raise the flag and say, we succeeded, we have vaccinated and we’re going to end the lockdowns. But it just just recently, they were the first nation also to OK, the booster’s. So this was out of the headlines just a couple of weeks ago, July 12th. Israel becomes the first country to approve covid-19 vaccine booster’s will US be next? Well, we kind of know the answer to that. And so this is this is the reason we always circle back to Israel is what we’re seeing there is is vaccine failure. We’re seeing a lot of the people that were in hospitalizations we reported on this in the past, were coming in that were vaccinated with this Delta variant. So it’s really important to pay attention to what’s going on there as far as the vaccines and also the restrictions that are putting on them.
[00:15:48] Jefferey Jaxen
Now going over to Germany, something similar is happening there. So on February 20, 21, this was the Reuters headline, and a lot of people in Germany breathed a sigh of relief. German ethics body opposes special freedoms for those vaccinated. So there’s not going to be any issues, no segregation according to ethics body, no discrimination between whether or not you have the shot. But now we fast forward to present day. And this is literally the headline. It says, “Less freedom for the unvaccinated, Merkel’s top aide warns”, looking in the article, it’s nothing hidden here. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Merkel’s top aide, Helgi Brown, who is also a medical doctor, said “another full lockdown can be avoided in Germany if vaccines are shown to work well against the Delta variant of covid-19”. Well, we know really they’re not not working out that well. He goes on to say, “‘vaccination protects me 90 percent from serious coronavirus infection’. He told Bild am Sonntag”, 90 percent. Okay, that’s questionable. And then he went on, here’s the kicker, “and those who have been vaccinated will definitely have more freedom than those who have not been vaccinated.” Now,
Angela Merkel has not made a statement on this and she said that there will be no mandates for vaccines in the country months ago. But now there’s that conversation is happening in the cabinet about that as well. Although there’s no compulsion, they call it compulsory vaccination over there, but none that’s happening yet. But again, we see we’re told people are told one thing. And then fast forward to present day, a complete opposite thing happens. And that’s one of the issues with the media, is they’re so myopic with what is happening today. They don’t see or they don’t look back in what was happening in the past, whether it was a week ago or two weeks ago or six months ago, where it was literally the opposite. And people are now confused but rightfully angry about some of this reporting.
[00:17:38] Del Bigtree
You know, as we go through today and look around the world, one of the sort of themes is this idea. It’s almost as if you see statements being made by politicians that, you know, think that there’s a window ahead. Right. We just got to get to vaccination. We just got a mask enough, you know. Fourteen days to flatten the curve. Every nation has has some version of that dialog. But then slowly that disappears and everybody stays masked and everybody stays locked down. And then they say, look, we can open up. And then all of a sudden they’re locking back down as though there’s some other governing body out there. Right. It’s like this mysterious, you know, black mass, you know, out in space, that dark matter that is making decisions. I mean, when we look at the show today, I think we’ve got to recognize that that’s the same thing. Then we’re all saying that’s the same thing happening here, so that the my leadership is not making their own decisions. Somebody in the the world is making decisions that everybody in the world is adhering to and answering to. It doesn’t matter what they said, we’re opening up, we’re not, they end up going against what they’re saying and having to do whatever they’re told, because clearly no politician wants to double back and sort of go against statements they’ve made. Everybody knows that flip flopping doesn’t go well in politics. So when you see it happening, you always have to wonder what’s really behind it. Is there, you know, a smaller, more centralized government now in the world? I think that’s the question we’re looking at as we look around the world today.
[00:19:06] Jefferey Jaxen
Right. And to your point, what people need to understand as well as before covid, there was never a centralized top down control for the pandemic response. Back you know, 10, 20 years ago, they it was about the resilience of individual countries. Each country has its own strengths, its own weaknesses, its own ports, its own ways get into the country that are more traffic than others. It was about developing those internal mechanisms within each country, which all would look different, not this one shot approach, top down control. And, for example, talking about compulsory vaccines. Let’s go to Tanzania and a former President, I should say, John Magufuli. And he he was speaking out against the compulsory vaccines a while back. This is almost a year ago now. Let’s listen to what he had to say.
[00:19:50] John Magufuli
Ok, there are some Tanzanians who recently traveled abroad in search of the coronavirus vaccine. These people brought the virus into a country when they returned. [Inaudible] this vaccine is not good at all. We need to put God first [?] In fighting against this dangerous disease, but at the same time, take health precautions to protect ourselves against this disease as advised by our health experts. We have lived for over a year without the virus, and the good evidence is most of you here don’t wear masks.
[00:20:26] Del Bigtree
Yeah, I mean, I remember is that the same leader that had the vaccine tested or no is the PCR test, right? Tested like a some form of a guava or something like that.
[00:20:39] Jefferey Jaxen
Yeah he texted a papaya and a goat and sent that back to the PCR test and they both came back positive. And that was that was after he made these comments about the vaccination. So this is someone who really, as far as a leader, really pushed the narrative and really pushed, questioned what was being handed top down. And that’s exactly right. And what happened now, this is about six months later after that speech. And you had asked me to look into Tanzania and other countries, Zambia and Haiti and Tanzania was really one of the bigger examples of some evidence here. So what happened after that is the president went missing not directly after the speech, of course, but the mystery of Tanzania’s missing president. He was missing For almost three weeks. And then news came that he had passed and there was a lot of mystery around his death. Tanzania’s Magufuli laid to rest after a mysterious death. They said he had a heart condition, but questions still remain. Looking at the reporting over the true cause of death that we’re told it was covid-19. He was the first president in Tanzania to die in office. So it was a pretty big deal, obviously, beyond beyond the actual death itself and unprecedented over there.
[00:21:49] Del Bigtree
Yeah, I mean, there’s been several mysterious deaths of politicians that, you know, probably could have been involved in other, you know, things that we don’t know about. But it is weird when you see politicians that really stood up and made fun of the World Health Organization and said, I’m not letting you come to this country and turn us into test subjects. And then suddenly you die of a heart attack or something like that. It’s very questionable. And it’s something that, you know, I think we have to look at, you know, whether or not we have proof of it. You start seeing some of these anecdotal stories lining up. And how far will the world go? Right. How far are they going to go when you see the fear rhetoric of, you know, everybody needing to be vaccinated, passports in every nation, no one can travel anywhere. We’re all going to die. You see, you know, quarantines and things like that being set up. The fear is that, you know, at a sort of world war level. Right. So how far will those entities go to make sure that that agenda moves forward the way they see fit? It is really mysterious because, you know, it’s mysterious when you see people disappearing shortly after really standing up against one of the craziest moments we’ve seen in world history.
[00:23:00] Jefferey Jaxen
Right. And, you know, as they say in war, truth is the first casualty. And it seems like people are a lot of people are going back on their words and promises. Let’s shoot over to the U.K. This was the health the vaccine minister, I guess you want to call him over there. His name is Nadhim Zahawi and he is the parliamentary undersecretary of state for covid-19 vaccine deployment. So this guy apparently has never met a vaccine that he was not able to deploy. This is not someone speaks up against the vaccines. So he was on record saying there was no plans for a vaccine passport. And the headline says at that time, “Minister says government has no plans for a vaccine passport.” And this was during an interview on the mainstream news over there. Let’s hear what he gad to say in
[00:23:47] The Andrew Marr Show
Is that something that the British government is looking at, the idea of a vaccine passport specificall to allow people to come and go in the months ahead?
[00:23:56] Nadhim Zahawi
No, we’re not. And there are several reasons why we’re not. One, vaccines are not mandated in this country, as Boris Johnson’s quite rightly reminded parliament. You know, that’s not how we do things in the U.K. We do them by consent. We don’t know what the impact of vaccines on transmission is. And it would be discriminatory. Of course, you have the evidence that you’ve been vaccinated, held by your GP. And if other countries require you to show proof of that evidence, then that is obviously up to those countries. But we are we vaccinated. We’ve given the first eleven and a half million people and we have no plan of introducing a vaccine passport.
[00:24:34] Del Bigtree
Seems pretty clear to me.
[00:24:36] Jefferey Jaxen
Forward, no plan. Yeah, and, you know, if I’m if I’m in the UK and I’m thinking I’m going to attend a protest this weekend, I might hear that and go. Maybe not. It sounds good, but, you know, we’re safe here. I’m going to go now, which is just a couple of weeks ago. Here’s that same guy talking about vaccine passports. Take a look,
[00:24:54] Nadhim Zahawi
Bespeak, of this week after a successful trial, we have rolled out the NHS covid pass. This allows people safely and securely to demonstrate their covid status, whether it’s proof of vaccination status, test results or natural immunity, deploying the pass is the right thing to do. The pass has an important role to play in slowing the spread of the virus, and so we reserve the right to mandate its use in the future.
[00:25:27] Del Bigtree
Wow, I thought we were going to miss the word mandate that maybe we’re just stretching here. But there it is. I mean, I will say this, even though passports are insane, the one thing that I see being said there and we hear from different countries that is a lot different than the United States of America is at least the very least in the middle of this draconian takeover, they are recognizing natural infection, as you know, as being someone that should pass through any situation, which at the very least, that should be something that’s recognized by everywhere in the world. And here in America, they are just fighting tooth and nail to never let that be the case. I mean, it’s what’s quite different here. You’ll never hear Fauci talk about natural infection. You’ll never hear any of our, you know, our president talking about it. Yet it’s the most robust immunity that’s been scientifically proven through this entire covid experience. So I think that’s the one little flower in there. But clearly, double speak, right. Turning back here come the mandates. Here come passports and total control over your lives. If you don’t inject yourself with this, I’m currently still unlicensed product.
[00:26:36] Jefferey Jaxen
Right, exactly, and they’re already expanding or talking about expanding it, not just to concerts, as they did in Israel or large events, but now to in class lectures at colleges.And Prime Minister Boris Johnson, he’s also on the hot seat as well, this time from his members of his own parliament for backtracking. Take a look at this.
[00:26:56] Keir Starmer, UK
Ok, I have to say, even after 15 months of these exchanges, I can’t believe that the prime minister doesn’t see the irony of him spending freedom day, locked in isolation, and he’s announcing plans for a vaccine ID card.
[00:27:11] Boris Johnson
We do reserve the right to mandate certification at any point if it’s necessary to reduce transmission.
[00:27:19] Keir Starmer, UK
I remember what he used to say, hit an ID card if you ever had to produce one. Now he’s introducing them.
[00:27:26] Boris Johnson
[Clip from 2008] If people are obliged to have an ID card with the state then I will take that I.D. card and I will [inaudible] grind it and eat it on my cornflakes.
[00:27:35] Keir Starmer, UK
So, Mr Speaker, when it comes to creating confusion, the prime minister is a super spreader.
[00:27:43] Del Bigtree
First of all, I mean, I do love the U.K. parliament, you know, ah, you know, Congress and Senate when they meet, just so you know, doubt like this cold and glassy. I love that sense of humor that’s there. So it’s fun to watch that, but clearly grilling him over two completely different statements. In one moment, I’ll eat any ID card and in the next moment I reserve the right to mandate this on everybody. It’s outrageous, right?
[00:28:11] Jefferey Jaxen
It’s really interesting. And so as you’re looking across all of these all these parliaments and presidents, there are some people within these cabinets calling out the lies and one of these will save the best for last here. One of these people is a gentleman named Gideon van Meijeren. He is a member of parliament in the Netherlands and he did something pretty amazing, and here’s the headline. “Gideon Van Meijeren Destroys Mark Rutte in Corona Debate: “Lie after lie”. That’s the Dutch prime Minister, Mark Rutte.
And check out this video, it’s subtitles, so read along with me. All right.
[00:28:49] Gideon van Meijeren
Thank you chairwoman. More and more people are seeing it is a big lie, the current corona measures are meant to protect public health but this begs the question: then why all these awful measures that change our entire way of living, destroy our entire society? Now, there are a couple of influential globalists that, according to their own words, view the corona crisis as a huge opportunity to “reset” our world and one of these globalists is Klaus Schwab founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and he’s also written a book with the catchy title: Covid-19: The Great Reset. And my question to the demissioned Prime Minister is: How does he judge the contents of this book?
[00:29:43] Mark Rutte
I don’t know this book, but I’d like to advice Mr. van Meijeren to not go too much in to all of those conspiracy theories. I watch them too on YouTube and I think it’s fascinating how they explain 9/11 didn’t happen or that it’s all different. All put together very nicely, but usually it is what it is, a conspiracy theory.
[00:30:04] Gideon van Meijeren
It’s surprising to me that the first question I ask Mr. Rutte since I’ve been instated, it surprises me the first question is answered with a lie because i am holding a letter here, dated 26th of November 2020 and this is a letter from Mr. Rutte to Mr. Klaus Schwab in which he thanks him for sending the book and calls it a hopeful analysis for a better future. Would Mr. Rutte like to rummage through his memories, it’s not half a year ago, I don’t know how long your memories stay active, but probably it is still possible to dig this up. And then to answer my first question again, this time honestly please.
[00:30:58] Mark Rutte
Well, the honest answer is that that is a “nice” letter, in which you , although you can’t read every book cover to cover, like to make a kind reply to the sender.
[00:30:58] Gideon van Meijeren
Well then the PM is saying, he didn’t lie to me, but to Mr. Klaus Schwab.
[00:31:10] Jefferey Jaxen
Oh, that Great Reset book! Look, I forgot about that one.
[00:31:13] Del Bigtree
Oh, that is priceless. There’s nothing better than, you know, setting a trap and just having it work, you know? Precisely right. He just lays it out there. This connection with the guy gets up there like that’s a conspiracy theory. We can all read that on YouTube. But like, it is condescending way and then just, you know, rams the letter down his throat all the way through. Either way, you’re lying to somebody. What an incredible, you know, back and forth there. But again, I think we have to see the hope in all of this. Right. It can get really, you know, some of these stories happening around the world are really scary, the flip flopping, all of it. Who’s really in charge. But when we have these moments, we’ve shown so many of Rand Paul actually standing up for the people, really challenging the insanity and bringing facts and proof. It’s invigorating. And it gives me that hope that there is still that sort of that that human moral instinct inside of politicians and doctors and scientists around the world that are going to carry us through this. Question is just how long is that battle going to go on and how long is it going to take?
[00:32:25] Speaker5
And it’s time to not wait for heroes or people to stand up for you. It’s really that everybody’s time to stand up and do what you can at this moment. This is a very important time in history. So it’s nice to have a laugh there at the end with you, Del.
[00:32:37] Del Bigtree
All right. Awesome. Great work, Jefferey. Thanks for taking a glimpse around the world for us. We’re going to get into more details for the rest of the show. You’re doing awesome work and we’ll see you next week. Cool. Look, if you like the Jaxen report, then you should definitely go and read the articles that he’s writing. We have an entire opinion section now. We’re going to have other writers joining in there. We’re going to have you know, we have a new section on our new website, all of that. We’re getting such great feedback from all of you out there, the experience of our new website, the new watch page, and, of course, the community where you can get a profile and start having conversations with each other. And it also allows you to chat while we’re having the show on right now. So I hope you’ll introduce your friends and family and everybody that’s interested in knowing what the truth is, no matter where you are in the world. This website is built for those who are seeking the truth, especially in these crazy times around this pandemic, this virus, these vaccines, all of that. We’re going to continue to bring you the best that science has to offer. But as we journey now around the world, I think the one nation that stands out amongst many because it’s had such an about face and, you know, when we talk about France is we think about I think about Les Mis.
[00:33:59] Del Bigtree
I mean, I grew up that was one of the biggest shows on Broadway. We know about the French Revolution. But then this musical that captured our hearts and minds about the student revolution, standing up for their rights and in better living circumstances, all of that, the power of these people, the French to stand up. We’ve seen them marched for different reasons, whether it was for better wages. And, you know, those arguments that were happening for the pandemic came. Well, now the boom has dropped. You know, Macron has, you know, pushed these, this vaccination policy and passports in the future. And clearly, these images that are coming out of France are some of the most shocking. These are our brothers and sisters. And is this really just a glimpse into our future, the future of every nation when we think about if there is some global agenda and some smaller group of governing beings that are driving this, what is it they want in? Is France enacting it exactly the way they want? How is it they want the entire world to respond? When we look at France, ask yourself, is my president, is my leader, is my prime minister in meetings where they’re asking this to happen to my nation? Take a look at this.
[00:35:19] News Report
Thousands of protesters descending on Paris during the Bastille Day celebrations on Wednesday, as many are believed to be demonstrating against the decision for mandatory vaccines.
[00:35:32] News Report
For anyone over the age of 12 to be able to attend an event, a concert or a festival, a health pass will be extended to those places of culture and leisure activities. You will have to show either your health pass, your vaccination certificate or a negative test result. The health pass will be obligatory in cafes, restaurants, malls, hospitals, social medical centers, and anyone who wishes to travel by train, plane or other long distance travel. It is up to us to protect our citizens and we need to have faith and trust in science programs and reason.
[00:36:26] Del Bigtree
Incredibly shocking images coming out of France, perhaps some of the most aggressive police actions we’ve seen anywhere in the world around these protests and the issue around passports and vaccinations and lockdowns. I am joined right now by one of the founders of the CHD chapter of Europe. He’s also the French on the board of the French National League for Vaccine Freedom. I’m joined right now by Senta Depuydt from live from Brussels right now. So Senta, thank you for taking the time to join me.
[00:37:04] Senta Depuydt
Hi, Del. It’s really a pleasure to be on the show and especially at such critical moments, I really believe it’s time to tell what’s happening in France and in Europe because
[00:37:17] Del Bigtree
You’re covering it all. I mean, you’re you’re all over the place. You’ve been checking in in nations, as you did when we were when we were touring the world really with VAXXED. You were critical in getting us set up in Brussels and Germany and and making sure that the people there got to see the film. That sort of changed my life forever. So you’ve been at this a long time.
[00:37:43] Senta Depuydt
Yeah. And here we are on censorship.
[00:37:48] Del Bigtree
Right? Right. Well, we got it’s interesting, right? We all experienced censorship before it really became the norm. I mean, the censorship around VAXXED was really sort of the beginning of this assault. So many people now are recognizing what we were complaining about five years ago. But let’s look at France, because I think, you know, we were seeing these incredibly large protests in London, big protests in Berlin, which I think you were there, and Bobby Kennedy, of course, was out there. But France, it feels like it just went to another level that right there, Bastille Day. I mean, very weird timing sort of there, you know, celebration of freedom. And Macron decides to just do the opposite to tell the people I’m about to eradicate freedom as you know it. Tell me, you know, do you think that was planned for that time or is that just where this happened to land?
[00:38:49] Senta Depuydt
Well, I absolutely I think you are you’re exactly where we need to bring this. I think world leaders are, if you look because it’s the same thing, more or less at a lower scale. But it’s interesting to see that Boris Johnson also made announcements of restrictions on freedom that was supposed to be that they were you know, they were going to lift the restrictions. And we can say is that overall the world in Europe and elsewhere, it’s as if all leaders, government leaders were trying to really infuriate people just by making these announcements that are completely out of proportion. When you say forty five thousand euros for any restaurant owner who would not check on the on the safety bars, this is just crazy. When they have promised, you know, we will never mandate COVID vaccine, we will never introduce or mandate the safety pass, et cetera. And then the next next thing they do is they completely change their mind. And then first it’s going to be one thousand five hundred people, then it’s fifty people, then it’s everywhere. Then it’s it’s really as if they were doing every possible thing to get people to make a revolution. Yeah, I think that I think that’s what they want to do. You have you know,
[00:40:25] Del Bigtree
Why do they want that? I mean, that’s something that we’re asking here. It’s like they’re pushing everybody to the edge and it’s just not good enough. They just you know, they just keep turning up the temperature in France. They sort of just hit with one blow. It seemed to come out of nowhere. Why do they want a revolution? Does that give them the ability to call in an emergency and then really just bring in government controls and say we had to do it? Is that what’s behind this in Europe?
[00:40:52] Senta Depuydt
But I have Discussed it with, you know, other people like Mary Holland. And we can see sort of a parallel, perhaps also in the United States, but in the, let’s say, a global centralized plan, really, you know, from the World Economic Forum, et cetera, in Europe what is at stake is that the the European Union wants to take control over the member states. So normally, ealth, for example, is a national competence, it’s a competence of the member states and European Union has nothing to say about this, but with the emergency it it comes under the cross-border health threats. And so now they’re trying to create chaos, to impose the restrictions. So it’s it’s it’s it’s a game between the member states and the union. And then to say, look, it’s a complete failure, let’s say, in terms of of circulation, free circulation of citizens, in terms of national management. And so you will absolutely need to have a centralized control. So to me, the end game is the destruction of the different national governments, the national powers, the sovereignty not only of the people individually, because, of course, with the safety pass, they will lose their individual sovereignty, but also of the member states so that they can say we are now introducing a European Union of health. And this isn’t a test This is in the European Parliament, or at least it has been presented by the commission where they would centralize the recommendations, the vaccines, the surveillance, the budget and even some new sanitary force, sort of Health police force to make it mandatory with the enforcement power and with also binding for member states so that after that they will have to harmonize regulations for everyone. And after that, they’re also calling for international health regulations. So I wouldn’t be surprised if something similar was also to be expected or at least attempted to at the level of the United States. It might be more difficult because I think the sense of Freedom of, you know, the American dream is really independence.
[00:43:44] Del Bigtree
I mean, it’s based on independence. I mean, we
[00:43:46] Senta Depuydt
I know people have guns, et cetera. So it’s different but I think we can see a trend there.
[00:43:55] Del Bigtree
How do you explain? Because, I mean, yes, that’s what it looks like. We’re all starting to ask the same question. But how do you explain the Macron and and, you know, maybe Boris Johnson or and if you’re right, Joe Biden, what what would make an individual like that say, I have power over a nation, I have a whole nation in my hands, but I’m going to pressure my population to get so out of control that then I will cede my power over to a more centralized government like the EU. And maybe there’s something even more centralized than that above all of this. Why would a world leader give up the power they have to join a a globalist government or approach? I mean, I know we’re talking about it, but what is the mechanism? Because it seems to go against the sort of ego of a person that would be in a position like that.
[00:44:52] Senta Depuydt
Well, I think they’re they’re not really leaders in the sense of of having such a strong personality, in my opinion, Macron is not, no, he acts like a tyrant and he is. But he clearly gets his orders somewhere. We don’t know where because he he is ruling like like a tyrant. So every day he’s regularly on a weekly basis, he’s meeting with the Defense Council because in the beginning of the pandemic, it was you made a Declaration like a war declaration. You repeat you made a speech in which you repeated, I believe, six or seven times, we are at war, the country is at war, and so this is really how it’s been happening. So he has these special powers, let’s say, given by the state of emergency, And then he just goes on, you know, dictating what needs to happen. His counsel, his defense counsel, we don’t know. There is no meeting notes, no reports. We don’t know what they say. We don’t know on which basis they make their decisions. So and then on two occasions and this is really unbelievable. This is really to prove that this is a dictatorship already. On two occasions, the parliament voted against the measures. One very important one was, I believe, in November, December, where they wanted to extend the length of the emergency state of emergency for several months, because that needs obviously to get, let’s say, an approval of the assembly. And so the Senate voted against and then the minister of health, the whole came in and just started to scream at them. And he said, if you don’t get it, you can just as well leave this assembly. And so they had to take another vote because [inaudible] and the same thing happened for the safety pass. So actually, the first vote, the safety pass, safety Covid pass, it changes name every five minutes. The first vote in the first vote it was rejected. And so they managed to introduce a new, rather quick, quick new amendment and to take a second vote and call in really people from [inaudibe] group, we just do what they’re being told to to have the final vote. So, I mean, this is just unbelievable. So they’re really pushing for a sort of civil war. Everything, I can’t predict the future. So everything here, I see very positive signs in, let’s say, the reaction of the population in general in the sense that, for example, they have made these crazy declarations. Some of the experts on television, one of them said we we will force vaccinate people even if we have to come at your home with yes, and with policemen. And another one said, you know, the new threat is the anti-vaxxers. It’s not the virus anymore because we can fight, we can treat. That is the anti vaxxers. And what is really exceptional, I believe, is that the population is not reacting in in what could be expected is us really fighting each other vaxxed against unvaxxed. And so they all go together out in the street and they say, you know, some people say, I have been vaccinated, but I’m against the safety pass. I want our freedom. I want medical freedom. I want this country to remain the country of liberty. We’re not going to take it. So that’s one very positive sign. For another example is some hospitals, you know, in the ICU where people just went on strike and said, we have no covid patients here, we have nobody. So we’re we’re just stopping it. In the beginning of the pandemic, everybody was clapping in their hands. We were the heroes and now we are the traitors because we don’t want to be vaccinated.And so they just stopped working and said, we’re stopping in until we get it done. So I don’t know what’s going to happen, it’s but it’s so extreme what has been announced almost, let’s say, mandatory vaccination of almost every. Professional category, except for the police. Really? Yes, yes, except for the police. So but a lot of the police and and also the military are siding with the population. So we don’t know what’s going to happen.
[00:50:09] Del Bigtree
Well, it’s certainly up in the air everywhere. But I am you know, it’s it’s really inspiring to hear that the people are standing together, that they’re not pointing each other out. And I think that that is a beautiful thing. And as soon as you said it, you know, I was reminded that our Statue of Liberty is a gift from France and the idea of liberty really, truly is in coursing through the bloodstream of the people of France. So our hearts are with you and all of your friends in France, and I’m so proud of them for the way they’ve stood up. And, you know, and I’m glad to hear that, you know, we show these images of police that are being very brutal. But it is nice to know that some of them are dropping their hands and standing with the people. So we’ll just see how this all plays out.
[00:50:58] Senta Depuydt
Actually, if I can just comment a little bit on that, because what’s happened, you have to put it in the context, context. If you see Germany had a lot of protests during during the whole year, the U.K. and other countries and France, not so much. You have to remember that there was the yellow vest movement two years ago. And so so the people have been on the streets for more than a year every week. And already the repression was extremely violent. The police repression, the black blocs, they were very, very aware that the government is working with Antifa or black blocs or whoever you want to call them. And so they are very aware of this. And we know that the repression has been extremely violent. So what could happen is that European forces or NATO forces are called in if the actually the local many times the local police or even people in the army say they don’t want to fight against the people.
And so, yeah, that’s that’s the risk that other forces would intervene.
[00:52:15] Del Bigtree
We hope we hope not. And Senta thank you for those details that, you know, as I’ve said, as we look around the world, I don’t know that you’re seeing our news. We’re really not seeing yours. It’s hard to understand what’s happening. So thank you for shining some light on it. And you are a courageous warrior, mother. And you stand with so many warrior mothers, I think, around the world that will, in the end be recognized for the great work that you did to bring truth to the people. So thank you. Keep up the good work and we’ll talk to you soon.
[00:52:48] Senta Depuydt
Thank you so much, Del. It’s really a pleasure. You’re doing a fantastic job. We need to translate to, you know, subtitles. We need to
[00:52:56] Del Bigtree
Work on that. We’ll work on that in the near future. We’ve got a new website now, so we’re kicking everything up a notch. We’re going to make that happen because that’s very important. All right. All right. Take care Senta. Bye.
[00:53:09] Del Bigtree
Well, you know, those are incredible images, the big crowds. We’ve seen them in the UK, in Germany and France. But what about smaller issues? What about just fighting for your own business, fighting for the ability to just feed your children? You know, how do how should police officers deal with a mother that is simply trying to run a business and they’re there to shut it down to see this incredible video in this moment that was captured? We’re going to go to a place that I once called the deepest, darkest vax-hole in the world. Of course, I’m talking about Australia. And though they have fairly low vaccine rates, they’re trying to push that. They’ve had incredibly powerful lockdown measures, distance restrictions, and we’re going to talk all about that. But first, take a look at this video. And a woman fighting literally for her life and the life of her family,
[00:54:06] Mom/business owner in Australia
[inaudible] our children. Do you actually understand that? I get you guys think we are in a pandemic, and as business owners we are struggling. [inaudible] one person. No, understand me, I’ve asked you, do you know why we are here? I’m asking you from your heart, do you think this is okay? People are struggling, families are struggling, she’s lost thousands, 25, 25 events in one week. Imagine that. Imagine that for one family times that by twenty. [inaudible] I don’t care who you are. I’m sorry for your loss, I say this on behalf of all the businesses that are struggling right now. I’m just one. Imagine the thousands. You gonna use all that force on one little person? I am 5’3″ come on what can I do possibly to all of you? I’m one person you can’t take me. Answer my questions, as a human.
[00:55:21] Officer
What is your name and address?
[00:55:22] Mom/business owner in Australia
My name is Megan. This isn’t even frustration anymore, this is hurt. We are hurting. We are [explicit] dying at home. We are losing things. We can’t pay bills, we can’t do anything. Listen to us. We have business and we are losing money. I can’t pay bills, I can’t feed my children. I do not [inaudible] as my business. I’m not lying. I have military events here. We have business, people. Where we have families. We don’t have money.
[00:56:39] Del Bigtree
Again, shocking image coming out of Australia. I think a woman that is expressing a sentiment that could be understood by business owners around the world as we’ve gone through this pandemic, none of it making any sense, but to get a better sense of, you know, the the morale in Australia and what’s really going on there. I’m joined by our good friends, Taylor and Frank Winterstein. First of all, just that video is that would you say that that’s sort of a common feeling or sentiment or is that, you know, an isolated incident in Australia right now?
[00:57:15] Taylor Winterstein
No, that’s definitely a common feeling, and in fact, that’s my beautiful friend Meg down in Melbourne and they’ve been through it. Five Lockdown’s now, they’re crushing the small businesses and people are desperate for help. And fortunately, someone like Meg is really resilient. It’s certainly made her stronger.But a lot of businesses are closing down and you’re seeing people literally cannot put food on the table now. And there’s no assistance from the government. That’s not even an acknowledgment that, you know, they’re actually crushing real life families who are trying to earn a living during these times. So there is frustration and anger. But I feel like this is also making people stronger, in a sense too.
[00:57:52] Del Bigtree
So a lot of pushback, I mean, the strength there, you know, you’re a professional rugby player, Frank, and watching that that girl just take her jacket off and stand there, I’m one person. You know, when you see the courage in human beings like that, I mean, does that inspire, you know, citizens in Australia?
[00:58:15] Frank Winterstein
Yeah, definitely, as I said, you know, she’s a powerful woman and she’s had plenty of interactions with authority down there in Melbourne, but she knows her rights. She’s she’s a powerful mother. She’s a, you know, the leader of a family home. And, you know, if we can take anything out of Megan, you know, don’t be afraid to stand in your power. You have your rights as human beings here in Australia. And we know, why not rally around our community and get together because collectively, collectively, together as a unit, we have so much more power, so good on her. And we’re back in our all the way.
[00:58:48] Del Bigtree
Awesome. Now, you know, had the restrictions has been very strict. And just so my understanding of Australia, you’re a little bit different than really the rest of the world. New Zealand and Australia really have a unique opportunity because you’re an island and you know you don’t share borders with anyone else. So there is a concept, I think, that a virus I mean, I’ve always said you can’t hide from a virus because it’s just going to spread. But there is this thought that Australia I think we’ve all been watching, the one place you might be able to hide from this virus would be Australia if you don’t let people out and you don’t let people in. And I saw a brilliant interview that really made this clear where one of the head health experts in Sweden was being interviewed by the Sky and Australia. And they said, So you disagree with our lockdown? He says, no, I commend you on what you’ve achieved. I mean, you have held this virus at bay. But my question is, how will you ever open?
[00:59:47] Sky News, AUS
Tell us your thoughts. Are lockdown’s the correct way to go?
[00:59:52] Johan Giesecke
You introduced him by saying that I would say that you got it all wrong. I don’t think you got it all wrong, but you painted yourself into a corner. And I’m watching with interest how you and 100 other countries will climb out of the lockdown, because I don’t think any government that I know gave a minute’s thought about how they would get out of the different towns that are installed.
[01:00:13] Del Bigtree
At some point, you will either just starve, you’ll have no nobody flying in. There’ll be, you know, no resources that way. You’ll have no tourism. What is the end game? Are you getting a clear idea from your government what the end game is here?
[01:00:31] Taylor Winterstein
Yeah, definitely, our prime minister, Scott Morrison just announced yesterday that the end game is basically the population needs to get up to 80 percent vaccination rate with COVID. And as it stands today, we have 14% the population vaccinated. So you can say not many people are rushing out to get this vaccine. And it’s just unrealistic, these rates, these percentages that he’s giving us because he constantly says it’s not mandatory and yet you can’t go to the shops if you don’t have this vaccine. You can’t go to work. If you don’t have this vaccine, you can’t go and socialize if you don’t have this vaccine. So absolutely squeezing and suffocating us right now, because they can see the vaccination rate is so low and not everyone is racing out the doors to get it. But their end game is definitely to get as many people in Australia right now vaccinated as possible, which I just don’t believe it’s going to happen.
[01:01:18] Del Bigtree
What is it about this vaccine? Because Australia, you have been in this fight. You’ve been trying to wake up people to, you know, the dangers of other vaccines. It’s not just you’re not just one of these people that suddenly came to light because of covid. We’ve been interviewing you years back because this is something you care about your family. And you brought a lot of visibility to issues around the vaccination program, as I have. And and when I was talking to you a year or two ago, it seemed like Australia, they pretty much just step up and get their jab. I mean, they’re used to it. That’s just what they do. It’s it’s almost cultural. What is it about this vaccination that seems to have just had a reverse reaction that it’s not following the usual course that a vaccination program would in Australia? How do you explain that?
[01:02:08] Frank Winterstein
I think like everywhere else in the world, Del, you know, people are just concerned of how quick this has been made. You know, obviously the pharmaceutical industry and the vaccine manufacturers, they’re not claiming any responsibility for, you know, injuries or side effects or even deaths. Unfortunately, here in Australia, there’s been some well publicized deaths post covid injection. So, you know, the Australians are pretty witty. And I think they’re actually realizing well I can really smell the BS right now of this whole situation. So, you know, as they said, we’ll just see what happens in the next couple of weeks and months. You know, the prime minister’s pushing for that 70 to 80 percent vaccination rate, which, you know, highly because, you know, very unlikely. So we’ll just keep pushing on and we’ll just keep speaking our truth. You know, with the more this goes on, the more people, you know, sort of come to us and ask for advice. But, you know, we just keep shining our truth and keep staying in on our journey. And then, you know, all the other pieces of the puzzle will fall into place.
[01:03:05] Del Bigtree
Yeah, I mean, I keep saying the same thing, too. We’re really just vessels. I mean, who knows how this all ends up. We’ve got to speak our truth. We’ve got to stand in it. You two have from the beginning and you actually made it into the news recently in Australia for standing your ground. We have a little bit of video on that. So let’s take a look at what happened at the Winterstein household.
Take a look at this.
[01:03:26] Taylor Winterstein
Can I have some evidence that you are actually a police officer and also why you’re trespassing in my private property?
[01:03:31] Officer
We are not trespassing.
[01:03:34] Taylor Winterstein
Yeah you are. Dad, Dad, Dad, just hang on for a second. We need to see actual evidence, not a badge that you are a detective, can I please have actually have a proper proper look.
[01:03:48] Officer
Before we go on camera?
[01:03:50] Taylor Winterstein
Yeah. And I’ve got this camera on too and that’s fine.
[01:03:54] Officer
Legally I have to give you this one.
[01:03:57] Taylor Winterstein
OK, that’s fine. But where do you have grounds to trespass on a private property? Can I ask you first, how do you have grounds to trespass on private property?
[01:04:09] Officer
We’ve got [inaudible] rights to your property, would you like us to leave? Would you like us to leave?
[01:04:14] Taylor Winterstein
Yes I would. Ok thank you. That’s fine. Send it in the mail. Thank you. So they just said I’m going to be receiving infringement notices in the mail. I said, that’s fine. They can send in the mail.
[01:04:28] Del Bigtree
Well, that was relatively polite. It’s not you know, it’s better than some of the images we see coming out of France. So infringement you’re getting an infringement notice. What was the infringement? What does that what does infringement mean in Australia?
[01:04:43] Taylor Winterstein
Oh, well, who knows what it means, to be honest. But I think what they’re trying to refer to was a thousand dollar fine. That’s what the media is saying, that we were fined, but we haven’t received any fine. And it’s really interesting that they had to send two detectives to tell me that they’re going to send me a fine in the mail. So it was a very strange experience, to be honest. I personally got the feeling that the police, the detectives didn’t really want to be there. I guess, like they kind of feel like they could be using their resources elsewhere with true criminals out there on the streets finding the bad guys, not people who attended a protest. So, yeah, it was really strange, but interesting to put that out there because I feel like that video gave people a lot of hope and they didn’t have to feel scared anymore.
[01:05:24] Del Bigtree
Yeah, great. And so was the infringement because you’d been at a protest, was that the what you feel like this is about?
[01:05:33] Frank Winterstein
Yeah, definitely, there was a big protest last Saturday, and, you know, this is the biggest protest I’ve seen in all our years, tens of thousands of people were there. And I think at the time where everyone just had enough, though, because they put on restrictions for people and not be able to go to work that blocks certain communities within their own suburbs so they can’t leave. So people just had enough. And, you know, it’s time that we take our power back and just stand and let the people know that this is not that we can’t continue like this. The fine or the infringement apparently is in relation to the protests. But as I said, we’re still waiting for that piece of paper in the mail.
[01:06:11] Del Bigtree
You know, it’s interesting, the two of you, you’ve done some traveling because of your work. You know, as an athlete, you’ve you’ve played for a lot of different outfits in different countries. I think you were in France at one point? Correct? Now that you’re back in Australia, what do you feel about being in Australia? Do you think that when you look at the world and the world map and what’s going on and is Australia one of the safer places to be? Do you like it better than France? When you see what’s happening in France? You know, you’re a little bit more of a world traveler in the middle of covid. You’ve been traveling when most of us have been locked down. What is your perspective of Australia as it looks to the other countries you’ve been in?
[01:06:51] Taylor Winterstein
I feel like Australia is probably as safe as any other country, to be honest. It really comes down to the people and how much we rise up together. What we saw on the weekend was literally 40 to 50 thousand people in Sydney alone turn up to stand up for the freedoms. And we’ve never seen that. I personally that’s the biggest rally I’ve ever been to, especially when it comes to medical freedom in Australia. And I think that the tide is definitely turning. I personally feel really hopeful and excited because I’ve seen definitely a lot more people question this than just blindly accept that we have to take a vaccine. And that’s the only solution. And I think it comes down to also how well you get into communities, how you surround yourself with like minded people. I think this is the best motivation to actually start to live the life that you truly want to live, whether that be getting land going off grid, you know, finding someone to live with who maybe be homeschool the kids together, whatever it may be. So personally, we feel good about being in Australia right now but, you know, you get scary videos coming out of every country and it makes you feel like, oh, maybe there’s somewhere else that we could be maybe like Costa Rica or something.
[01:07:58] Del Bigtree
What gives you your strength even at this? I mean, are you getting tired? It’s been years now of, you know, getting attacked for your position by the media, getting attacked because you’re an athlete that’s been very outspoken. Are you wearing out? Because I mean, I was just saying, you know, before we started, you look like 15 years younger than the last time I spoke to you. So there’s got to be some secret that drives you. What is your motivation?
[01:08:24] Frank Winterstein
Well, to be honest, I’m actually professionally retired from sports. It’s been a massive what a long shot. To be honest, there’s no more, you know, looking out for the club or the organization now can fully stand in my truth. And I know that I have no one to answer to. So in that sense, it’s definitely made me feel, you know, stress free, a lot more baggage off my shoulders. But, you know, at the end of the day, it’s our boys. It’s our kids. It’s their future. You know, one thing that Tay and I have really, you know, glued our foundation of parenthood and our partnership is that, you know, our kids. What what what world do we want our kids to live in? You know, the legacy that we leave behind. So we’re just going to leave no stone unturned and just keep pushing, because at the end of the day, the people that know us and that are in our circles that can really see our hearts and, you know, whatever the haters want to say, they can say it till the cows come home. We just got to keep pushing through. And now the backlash that we get, it’s all worth it in the end.
[01:09:17] Del Bigtree
Fantastic, Taylor, what, you know, how do you keep going? For you- personally, Mother, Warrior?
[01:09:29] Taylor Winterstein
I mean, obviously, my kids keep me going, but also the community kept me going, too. I have had that many apologies write in to say, Hey, I used to call you every name under the sun. And I apologize for that because I realized, like, I looked into what you were saying and, wow, you are right. I actually need to investigate before I vaccinate. And I need to do my own research and not just blindly trust that the doctors or the government or the vaccine industry has my best interests at heart. So every time I see a message like that, I’m like, yes, that’s my sign to keep going.
[01:09:58] Del Bigtree
Fantastic. Well, you guys are an inspiration and it’s really nice to hear, actually, because, you know, some of the news does look scary coming out of Australia. But it’s really it’s a unique place because the lockdowns have been more of the story there than the vaccinations. Here we have a vaccination war going on. The vaccine is failing in Israel. Here in America, that story is really starting to take off. This week. We’re recognizing that the new Delta variant, if there is such a thing, whatever the variant is out there, this these vaccines are not stopping it. So when is that is that sort of news getting to Australia? You’re only at 18 percent. Are you hearing in Australia that what you know, are there people saying, why are we going to get this vaccine? How can this vaccine be the way forward if it’s already failing against the virus? How could that possibly be our way out? Is that a sentiment yet or are you still waiting for that wave to hit your shores?
[01:10:55] Taylor Winterstein
No it has definitely hit our shores and people are absolutely fed up with just being told that we have to get a vaccine in order to get out of this. I mean, personally, people, families like our we’re living our life, to be honest, and living in lockdown down, we’ve done that last year in France. We’re not doing that again this year. And yeah, people like Frank said they’re witty, they’re smart. They realize there has to be another way out of this. Like we have to find something else that is more sustainable rather than locking everybody down all the time because we’ve got, you know, one hundred cases or even just a handful of cases. Like, it’s absolutely ridiculous what they’re doing to different states in Australia right now. And yeah, I feel like the more that they keep trying to scare us and suffocate us, the more pushback there is. And like you saw on the weekend in Sydney, like forty thousand plus people turned up to say, hey, we’ve had enough.
[01:11:49] Del Bigtree
Oh, fantastic. I want to thank you. I know it’s super early there. I want to thank you for taking the time to join us here on The HighWire. Again, you’re just one of the many heroes out there that we’re visiting around the world. Keep up the good work. Keep us posted as to what takes place in Australia. And I know that you are changing hearts and minds. And it’s great to hear that you were hearing from some of the people. Sorry for the things that I’ve said about you. Now, I realize you really have been fighting for my freedom and we’re standing together. That type of unity, I think, is happening all over the world. And it really is sort of that silver lining on the edge of the clouds of this storm. So let’s stay focused there. I think we’ll all be celebrating on the other end of this incredibly bizarre time.
Thank you for taking the time.
[01:12:37] Taylor Winterstein Thanks, Del.
[01:12:39] Del Bigtree
All right, take care. Well, you know, from vibrant people in Australia, we think about, you know, all of the culture there and I think so many, and it’s one of my bucket list places I’ve wanted to visit. But when I think of vibrant people, I also, you know, let’s think about Ireland and, you know, all the movies that have around like that pub culture and out there singing and people that really love to just be arm in arm, side by side. What happens when you lock down those people? Do they listen? I mean, are you really going to separate that that they truly bonded culture? There was a short documentary piece that came out that really I found it chilling, almost post-apocalyptic. Take a look at this.
[01:13:31] Irish Documentary
I’m nearly 50 and I’ve never seen anything like this locked down. Yeah, it’s very dead, isn’t it? Apocalyptic. I think, you know? It feels more sad than one year ago, you know, hopefully the summer is about to come so it will improve. We had a few [inaudible] sandwiches of a Phenix Park to and I felt like it was in my bag. So, I mean, at this stage, I started to just go and I you know… There’s not much left to be a home for people our age, I don’t think, with all the events in the city. My parents was just making the most of the folk walks. And there’s been a few times where I’ve taken routes that I would normally always take and thought twice about it after because it didn’t feel as safe as it normally was, the streets are too empty, like the lack of green spaces in Dublin. And like I’ve never felt it as much as the past year. Definitely. I think everyone has lived in different [inaudible] hard.
[01:14:28] Irish Documentary
There’s like so few communal spaces for people to just like exist in. And I’m sitting on the higher sports steps a couple of weeks ago, middle of the day, coffee in hand, and like these guys who came off told us to move on, like gave us this whole like, do you know there’s a pandemic going on? I do, yes. Thank you. And then like, this is where we all lived. And then we we all told them we was all in our five K and and then we like laughed and I we all with the same direction. And he told me that I was going the wrong way, that I live that way. So I need to be going that direction. I was like, are you trying to tell me which direction I need to walk home? And like a three o’clock on a Tuesday, OK, like, it’s pretty intense.
[01:15:11] Irish Documentary
But we live at the bottom of [inaudible] you know, and it’s it’s become like half the shops that have been boarded are full of tents now. Every night I’d say we would say between in and around 200, sometimes more, sometimes less. You have seen some of the children there. Some of the girls are pregnant. So it’s from there really to be true to. We had an old man here. He’d be 70, 76. Lot of people have lost their jobs, obviously, even from the pandemic payments. If rent is due. I don’t care what the state says about us. No evictions. People are being made homeless and here. After nine o’clock now, there won’t be many people walking around town. Some people think that it’s kind of dead in here for sports nights. It’s much more bizarre when it’s quiet. Definitely loneliness is more about a chat than giving them the cup of tea. Yeah, we’re breaking the rules, but what about I mean, the government having an annual golf meetup after giving the [inaudible].
[01:16:21] Irish Documentary
We’ve heard a lot about schools and a lot about child care and stuff like that. But we haven’t heard anything about college and we’re missing our friends. You’ve been paying three grand a year for college and you haven’t been mentioned once. So it’s a bit hard to abide by what they’re telling us when we haven’t been told anything about what we’ve paid for.
[01:16:44] Del Bigtree
Obviously, very austere and vacant images coming from Ireland for a people that we think of just being so vibrant in pubs filled and dancing and clogging, clearly not the image that we’re seeing there. But to get a better understanding of what’s actually happening in Ireland, I’m joined by one of our favorite guests, Dolores Cahill, a scientist who has worked on international projects around the world, including the protein project, mapping the proteins of the body. All of this affects you more than just the science and the medicine. You know, we’re trying to reach out during this show around the world because we’re getting no news here. We’re all living in bubbles now in a modern age where we have the Internet and we have news that’s supposed to be broadcasting what’s happening. I don’t think I could have seen anything about Ireland. I hear murmur, you know, murmurs that you can only travel short distances. I’ve seen, you know, some videos of people’s doors being kicked in by the police. But I wanted to get a sense from you, you know, in Ireland, what has had these lockdowns? Do you think they’ve been more strict there than, say, in the U.K. or other parts of Europe? Is it the same? What are the rules and how is this going in Ireland right now?
[01:18:04] Dolores Cahill
So lovely to be back on again and I’m a great fan of The HighWire, thank you. So and I suppose in Ireland we have the longest continuous lockdown, I think, in the EU, the European Union, if not in the world. So it’s not going very well in Ireland on the one hand, and for maybe seven or eight months, especially in twenty twenty one, many children couldn’t attend classrooms and university. They did a lot of their education online and many of the businesses in Ireland have shut down and people are working from home and really, I think it has decimated the economy and there has been a huge increase in the number of people that have died by suicide. So that’s in a way, the reality and it’s quite similar to many countries around the world.
[01:18:58] Del Bigtree
Here I live in Texas, we’re a little more open even for America. America, though, basically sort of rolled back the mask mandate for a little while. We’re getting news right now that shifting masks are being discussed again, the future of lockdown. But we opened up for a while. Texas, Florida really seemed to lead that charge here in America. Did Ireland ever have that sort of maybe eye of the storm moment? Have you really relaxed some of the restrictions over the last couple of months in the middle of the summer here?
[01:19:32] Dolores Cahill
So I think I don’t really follow in the way a lot of these restrictions, but I do know or Wednesday around St. Patrick’s Day and also last year, they did have restrictions staying, which is entirely unlawful, that people can only travel within five miles of their home. And they have these called Covid-19 2020 statutory instruments where they’re saying they can only be limited number of people at funerals and weddings and gatherings. And I think, you know Del, I have traveled everywhere in Ireland throughout the whole thing and with out a mask and in the airport multiple times coming back. And I have presented voluntarily with people in court not wearing a mask, even all the judges and the police would be. And they say, well, you have to wear a mask. And I just go no, and I have inalienable rights to bodily integrity and I say, I take your oath to the judges and the police. Are you acting under oath? They don’t answer. And then you ask them their name and generally they don’t answer. And I’ve been partly involved in trying to provide information that people have freedom of travel throughout Ireland, freedom of speech, bodily integrity, and all of these covid 19 statutory instruments and are not from, you know, compliance with the rule of law and inalienable rights that are Enshrined in the Constitution. And when you say it to judges and police, they literally. No, stop talking unless you travel. Yes. You don’t have To wear a mask whether you’re in A court or in an airport or in the business. I suppose one is exposing what’s going on is unlawful. And the individual men and women who are doing it are generally committing multiple crimes, Like, coercion, You know, misrepresenting the law or unlawful detention by the police, even restricting you on the street or at the airport, trying to State that they have had the power to curtail Your movement and your travel, which is unlawful and they do not.
[01:21:44] Del Bigtree
What’s the morale of Ireland as you travel around now? Are people essentially complying? Do they agree with the government as a majority or do you feel like there’s a real push back? Is there a loss in confidence in the government? So I guess, really, would you say that most people feel like they’re being protected by the government or do they feel like their rights are being obstructed by the government right now?
[01:22:09] Dolores Cahill
That’s a very good question. So, for example, on Saturday, the twenty Fourth of July, we have to celebrate World Freedom Day and all that. And in Dublin there was around 30 to 40 thousand people walking the streets and we had a wonderful rally and a wonderful day. So that was one of the biggest peaceful rallies in Ireland. It was a real family atmosphere with families and children. So I think there’s kind of a divide, as we see in most countries, the people that are aware of the unlawfulness of what’s going on and that there are preventative treatments for influenza like illness, so therefore there was never any need to lock down only from the source of this and think those people will never go back. And they’re just doing what the politicians and the police and even the doctors and the medical profession. There is no need, for example, to wear masks, prevention and treatment is available and people understand that there is no need to fear and that these masks and a lot of these rules cause more harm than good. I suppose to answer your question, it’s very hard to know how many people, but I would say may be two in five people. So almost half of the population know what is going on and the lockdown is entirely unnecessary. And generally you have another half of the population and often they want a lot of the TV and listen to the radio like the BBC and they really are not given the information that all of this is unnecessary and they do believe and the many of them, sadly, have been taken the injections because they didn’t they are not really aware about their risk prevention treatment and that the lockdown and a lot of the injections and vaccinations are not necessary when you have prevention and treatment.
[01:24:10] Del Bigtree
Has the vaccine been mandated? Is it mandatory right now or is there any sort of we hear about passports from the EU or are there any restrictions for the unvaccinated compared to the vaccinated, or is everybody being treated equally right now in Ireland?
[01:24:25] Dolores Cahill
There has been an unlawful piece of information passed about a week ago and through our houses of parliament and the DOJ, and that is to discriminate against people based on their health status and their vaccination status and that is saying which is unlawful, that only people can eat in indoors, in restaurants that have been vaccinated. But of course Del, what this whole thing is unfolding is kind of crimes, including malfeasance and malfeasance in public office. And that is a crime of the ten years and is particularly directed at civil servants, at police, at the members of parliament, the prime minister and the president and the attorney general. And about two months ago now, I’ve written a notice of liability for harm and death to all of those that is actually a crime for up to 10 years in prison for them to, they must know about malfeasance that you knew or you should have known that there are prevention and treatments and therefore passing a piece of legislation that actively discriminates against people based on their health status is unlawful. So it would be like 20 years ago discriminating on someone and asking them what is your HIV status? Right. And then saying you have to eat outside. I mean, that is absolute discrimination. So so we are in Ireland they are passing discriminatory legislation, which is unlawful.
[01:25:58] Del Bigtree
Now, I saw footage recently ran for office in Ireland and, you know, you were just trying to get into the voting area to make sure that it was a fair vote. My understanding is you have the right to be in there, but they weren’t letting you in. Here’s just a little piece of that video footage right here.
[01:26:17] Dolores Cahill
[July 9th video] You are restricting my entry, my entry into this building.
[01:26:20] Officer
If you want to come in, all you have to do is put on the mask.
[01:26:22] Dolores Cahill
My name is Delores Cahill. I’m one of the election candidates and I want to supervise the vote. And no one has any authority to restrict our entry. A crime has been committed. Can you identify yourself? You are required under the Security Act to identify yourself. Who are you? Can you please take off your mask? We are at a distance. You are preventing us looking at the counts, are you afraid I might see that I might get elected. Listen, let me let me go. What are you afraid of? You are you afraid I might get elected?
[01:27:04] Del Bigtree
You know, you have a special and very sweet way to raise hell. We’ve watched it. You’ve been so dynamic. You know what is it’s weird, voting, all of these things are coming into question almost like a world order of sorts. When we think about the great reset conversation we’re having on The HighWire, never before have we seen, you know, all of the nations of the world sort of in lockstep with an idea, you know, against the population of the world. You know, I was talking the other day about, you know, like it’s like a world war again. But every other world war, it’s been one government against another government. This is all the governments aligned against the people. As a scientist, you know, you you have a different, I’m sure, a more vivid viewpoint. You understand how the immune system works. You’ve been very outspoken about, you know, the use of treatments that can handle this virus, the dangers of a vaccine that hasn’t been properly tested. But when you look at the future, do you think things are going to get worse or do you think they’re going to get better as you sort of test the climate of where things are moving in Ireland?
[01:28:17] Dolores Cahill
So that was an excellent question, Del. So I think what it is, is we have two kind of parallel worlds going on. We have a parallel world where, as you saw there, I stood for election in order to get standing, in order to see how the voting and Democratic process worked and as you know, in America, you also have have had issues around the transparency and integrity in the voting process in your country, yeah?
[01:28:44] Del Bigtree
Yeah, lots of questions.
[01:28:50] Dolores Cahill
So the thing is, I suppose what a lot of us are doing, and I’ve been writing to the Attorney-General and the head of the guard, the head of the police in Ireland is guard. And they, of course, have said if you are dealing with members of the police, somebody, as we say here, they have to show their warrant oath card that means they are upholding the law. And part of the rule of law in Ireland is you have unalienable rights to travel and the police cannot stop you. So what I was trying to do there was to get into a building and the person that was dressed up in police uniform did not show his oath card. So he wasn’t acting as a member of the guard
[inaudible] but he still was trying to prevent me from looking at my votes being counted. But that voting that day was not about me. That day in a way was to show the Irish people that when we have the next election that maybe everyone who does not, who wants to assert their inalienable right of bodily integrity or if they’re exempt and don’t wear a mask that essentially they’re saying there are two classes of people that can engage in the Democratic process, those at which is entirely unlawful and again, discriminatory. So I think when you are asking where is this going? Is it good? Going in a good way, or going in a bad way? What really is doing is these acts that are unlawful and essentially entirely irregular, because if you are a candidate under the Electoral Act and under the law, no one can prevent you from seeing your vote, which they did. But if that happens in our next general election, that means that people will not trust in the voting process, in the people that are elected. And essentially that is another way of undermining the cohesiveness and the trust in society. But what is the beauty of what happened? There is kind of showing that video got 600000 views within 12 hours. So it’s kind of the good news is that the people who are awake, who are probably half of the country, are saying, wait a minute, this is not right, because if you make vitamin D, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and zinc available, there’s no need for all of these lockdowns and preventing people going to meetings and children going to school and people going to their work. So the people that are awake are getting more information and more knowledge about the law and more kind of working together to hold people to account, whether they’re doctors and not giving treatment or doctors enrolling people in clinical trials which is what these mRNA injections are. And in the EU. There’s one point seven million on the 1st of July, have adverse events and seventeen thousand deaths. And these are clinical trials and normally in the world if 50 people die all of the clinical trials around the world would be stopped. So we have more than seventeen thousand people, and again, the regulators and the people and the Department of Health and the government are again not doing their job. And the pharmacies and the doctors should be telling people that there is significant death and adverse events in these trials. So it’s it may we may have a very tough year ahead, but I think in general what’s going on in the past 18 months is exposing a lot of things that are wrong in our society for the past 10, 20 years or 30 years. So, again, it’s it’s tricky enough at the minute. But I think over the next two to five years to 10 years, we will end up in a system where doctors will be held to account. Judges, police, politicians are engaging in passing legislation that they knew or should have known was an infringement on your right of privacy, bodily integrity problems, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly.
[01:33:03] Del Bigtree
You know, it’s brilliantly put and it’s really nice to reach out across the pond, as they say, and find that the sentiment in Ireland is very similar then to that in America, though, we’re not seeing your news and I’m not sure how much of our news you’re seeing there, but I would say the same is true. 50 percent of this nation is held strong, are awake or able to read the studies. All of the news reports and polls done show that those that are unvaccinated right now with the covid vaccine tend to be highly educated, capable of reading science and data, and are just making the decision to not be a part of this experiment of this unlicensed product. So it’s and I think you’re right. I think things are going to get intense. I do think we’re in for a little bit longer, haul a few years. But all of this is galvanizing those that are awake. And I think building that army of truth that will move forward and I think carry us into a new place of medicine, of representation. So I’m with you. Our hearts are aligned. And I want to thank you for taking the time to just give us a little glimpse into Ireland. Keep up the good work. Keep being a pain their ass, we love you, Dolores. Thank you take care.
[01:34:14] Senta Depuydt
Thank you very much. I promise I will Del and thank you for having me on again. I love I love The HighWire and thank you very much it’s an absolute honor. All right. Bye bye. Bye.
[01:34:26] Del Bigtree
All right. Well, just right next to Ireland, of course, you have the UK and some footage came out of there. That was one of the most shocking images caught on a cell phone that I’ve seen during this entire pandemic from all around the world. If this doesn’t send chills down your spine, then you are already dead. Take a look at this.
[01:34:55] Heathrow Quarantine Video
The exercise comes three times a week. Is this the time out? I will get a couple of times a day. You can’t. Oh, no, no, no. Excuse me.
He can speak to us, it’s his right. They’re not prisoners. I’m having a conversation with him. No, I’m talking to him. We are outside.
We’re outside. How are you? My goodness. OK, I’m up to seventeen hundred pounds you pounds sixteen. I’m sorry we got you to. [01:36:00] Del Bigtree
I suppose we’re not sure whether we should be laughing or totally horrified at that video. That is a fence chain link fence around some section of Heathrow Airport where people are being quarantined. My understanding is they’re quarantined. You know, once they’ve come in from a country that is in a high infection rate, it doesn’t matter whether they’ve tested positive or not. They have to pay with their own money. But just the idea that you can’t even speak for that fence as though somehow you’re a prisoner, you’re not a prisoner, you are a citizen that has done nothing wrong. And they’re just worried about your infection, supposedly, but really a horrific image. But to get more into, you know, that image and many of the images coming out of England right now, the marches and the just seems to be real unrest in the streets of England right now in London. I’m going to be joined by Anna Brees, former BBC reporter. She is a new media specialist. And in many ways, I’ve heard people reference her as sort of the Del Bigtree of the UK or maybe I’m the Anna Breeze of America. But either way, one of my compatriots out there that is telling the truth, using her understanding of media to interview world renowned scientists and specialists, talking about the lockdown’s and the the pandemic, the masking and the vaccine. So it’s my honor right now to be joined by Anna Breeze. Anna, thank you for taking the time today.
[01:37:31] Anna Brees
Hi Del, we’ve been watching you here in the U.K. and it’s been such a crazy time, I have to say, and I don’t know what’s going on, but yeah, the Del Bigtree of the U.K., I like that. I think you and I both got that background in TV. We understand how it works. You understand how the media works. I think we both hopefully come across as warm and caring, not just a robot reading an autocue.
We’re invested in this, we’ve got kids. We care about what’s happening to our society and we want to make a difference to the future. And clearly, You do that by the media and I’ve said so many times we’re all a product of the media brand we trust. And so many people have shifted Away from the likes of the BBC Sky News, and they will tune into The HighWire. And I know you’ve been off YouTube for a year, but you’re doing really well. You don’t need it, you don’t need YouTube, Del.
[01:38:23] Del Bigtree
No, we have proven that people are actually intelligent enough and committed enough to type in w w w dot The HighWire dot com. I think it’s blown certainly our government officials and Facebook and YouTube away. They never thought people were that intelligent. So I’m glad we proved them wrong. You know, when we look at these images, that image, I mean, is that still there? I mean, that’s a little bit I saw that a couple of weeks ago. It’s something I want to talk about. I mean, it smacks of concentration camp. I mean, the guys in shorts is not having to do forced labor. But the idea that you cannot go home, flying into your home country just because of where you’ve been, no test gets you out of it. You’re stuck in this facility. And then to see that sort of you’re not allowed to speak through the fence, I’m hearing that they get, you know, intervals of like five minutes or ten minutes out in fresh air. I mean, it sounds a lot like they’re prisoners. Is that still in place at Heathrow right now?
[01:39:24] Anna Brees
I would love to wake up one morning and not see a shocking video. That’s a hotel. So when you come into Heathrow, these people would be aware of this beforehand that they have to pay. I think it’s one thousand seven hundred fifty pounds to stay at a hotel and to get their food brought to them. And then they were allowed out, I think, for a couple of walks a day and yeah, you’re right. What I what I picked up from that was when. That lady said they are not prisoners. I can have a conversation with him. It’s it’s it’s not knowing the rules anymore. And obviously that guard didn’t even think that that person could have a conversation through the wire fence. But, yeah, these are quarantine Hotels and it depends what country you’re traveling in from into the U.k. there’s a traffic light System, Red and the green, I believe. And it’s changing all the time. It’s chaotic for a lot of people going on holiday to Portugal, to Spain. The rules can change and you’ve got to come back and go into some isolation, quarantine, and then you’ve got to miss work. It’s absolutely
Chaotic. And what’s happened to you in the U.K. is a lot of people have decided not to go on holiday. So you’ll find the , sputlins [?] And havens [?] and the holiday parks here are really busy, really expensive. It’s a great British summer at the moment and the beaches are full.
[01:40:34] Del Bigtree
Well, I guess that’s the benefit. You know, keep some of the funding inside of your nation. Is the BBC covering, you know, things like that? I mean, is it only social media that’s showing us videos like that of these sort of internment camps are wrapped around hotels?
Is the BBC, do you think? I mean, I’m not getting to see it, but is is it giving a balanced perspective right now of issues like that? [01:41:02] Senta Depuydt
I wouldn’t say ITB [?] probably more so on the morning show, but we have had an interesting relationship with the media over the last year and a half. And, you know, you’ve got eome elite descent and some really great media brands like The Telegraph doing some fantastic stuff. You see a little bit coming through from the sun, the mirror and the mail at times. So, you know, you do get a little bit of truth and they tend to be the BBC sky. I think one of the worst the BBC at times of being better. I mean, I’m in constant contact with people I used to work with at the BBC Sky. Interesting conversations going on. I’ve got a number of people who are whistleblowers, actually, and somebody who contacted me for the BBC. She said she was on the top table. She’s one of the senior editors. And she said to me she wants to reach out and speak to other people within the BBC if I could put her in touch with them. And I wasn’t sure what to make of this. I said, well, clearly I can’t do that because, you know, you could be doing this is some kind of phishing exercise to find out who they are and remove them. But she did tell me that, she said the story is going to go live at six p.m. today on BBC Health. Just so you know that I’m genuine and it is, so I know she is genuine. The people at the BBC are genuine. Some are trying to reform from within, is what I would say. They are really not happy with what they have, they are ashamed, they are ashamed and something really important, Del, and I only know little bits and pieces get through to you there on social media. We had a protest I think it was a couple of months ago and there were thousands of people outside BBC in London. BBC in Manchester, BBC in Cardiff shouting “shame on you, shame on you”. And I know that’s a big, big problem for journalists at the BBC. They feel deeply ashamed That they haven’t been covering the protests and that there were people outside New Broadcasting House in London, Cardiff and Manchester shouting this. They can’t ignore it. They know what’s going on. And they have failed to interview these professionals, these doctors. You know, the likes that you have spoken to, Mike Yeadon, Hodkinson, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Corey, [inaudible] Dr Robert Malone, Geert Vanden Bossche, Sucharit Bhakdi, they were all watching it and they’re all watching me.
They’re not doing anything about it.
[01:43:13] Del Bigtree
How do you explain it? Here in America you know, our system is you know, our television and cable news is all driven by advertising. I’ve tried to point out that, you know, when I was working for CBS, you just got to watch the commercials in the commercial break to know who is actually paying the check of those reporters and those those news anchors. And in most cases, you know, 70 percent or better or more of the financing to our news agencies and our television stations now are coming from pharma. But BBC actually gets funding from the government, too, doesn’t it? Or is it or is it strictly how is the funding work for BBC is a totally private organization?
[01:43:53] Anna Brees
We we pay a license fee. So if you have a TV and you watch live TV, even if you don’t want to watch the BBC, you just watch the other channels, you have to pay for your license. And I think it’s one hundred fifty nine point fifty. So they don’t, they’re not they’re not a commercial enterprise. They do have a commercial arm. But no, I think You would expect more from the BBC and I think some regional stations have been very good. There was a BBC presenter, Lisa Shaw, who died after the AstraZeneca vaccine and her husband went on the BBC and did speak about that. It was very emotional, very moving interview with him. But I know BBC NE are very frustrated because that’s where Lisa Shaw was working. She was a mum. She was well loved, well liked. And I think there’s some frustration there that the BBC aren’t reporting on of this vaccine reactions. So you’ve seen some stories leak out and some regional stations to the BBC and a lot better work’s happening in terms of journalism on a regional level, regional newspapers seem to be listening more to the people.
[01:44:56] Del Bigtree
We see the same thing here, you know, you won’t see CBS like the other than the national programs or NBC, but you will see local stories in states, you know, CBS, Dallas or things like that, telling a personal story of injury. Where does that pressure mean? You worked at the BBC, and it was clear to me that our pressure, much of it was coming down from our advertisers. Why is the BBC, which I think we do think of it as sort of being the people’s television, why? Who do you think is motivating them to be so locked on one particular side of this story and not giving a broader view? Is it is it government, do you think, or advertisers? Where is there pressure coming from?
[01:45:44] Senta Depuydt
I think I think we’re in a crisis, in a public health crisis and I think we don’t really know whether the virus is manmade or naturally, I don’t think we know whether we should be handling this with a vaccine or we should be allowing natural Infection and herd immunity. And I think the government have decided vaccination is the right path and they have to control the message. So if if the BBC started talking on a regular basis about all these stories that are coming out, then people would potentially stop taking the vaccine. So they have a policy and the government have a policy and they need BBC’s help to enforce that, because I think it’s finely balanced at the moment as to whether or not the vaccine works. Watching your program, if you watch watching all sorts of media on this, it is an absolute nightmare. What do you do in this situation when you know this this virus is spreading, is the vaccine working? Is it not working? Well, they’ve taken a decision that the vaccine works and they want as many people as possible to take the vaccine. And what I need to tell you about what’s happening at the moment in the UK is in the 19th of July in England, the mask mandates and everything was lifted. Lockdown was over. For the last nine days, cases have been falling and today hospitalizations decreased as well.
[01:46:58] Anna Brees
So what is going on still at the same time, is their planning on still bringing in vaccine passports to football stadiums, the universities, the nightclubs in the September October time, also mandating vaccination for care home workers in November. But it seems as if it’s over. Even politicians are senior politicians as it’s over, bother shouting. So why bring in vaccine passports in September and
October? People are incredibly confused. But what I would say is the vaccination take up here in the UK is a lot higher than in the US. Yeah, well, on the government website today, eighteen point four percent have had their first dose of adults and seventy one point four percent have had both doses here. So that’s pretty high. And I, I can imagine if I’d be vaccinated, I’d be thinking, well, maybe a vaccine passport is a good idea. I’d be vaccinated. I would like to get back to normal. We do not want Lockdown’s again.
You’ve got no idea how long we were locked down. We have had three and it’s over and life is great and we need to move forward.
But it’s a complicated picture here. It really is.
[01:48:02] Del Bigtree
Who’s driving this sort of descent when we see some of the biggest marches we’re seeing in the world are happening, and that’s what there’s a real dichotomy there, right? On one hand, you’re one of the highest vaccine uptake nations in the world that we can see. But we’re also seeing some of the largest protests being staged in the world. Is that driven by youth? Is that driven by people that are middle aged, highly educated, or is it a you know, when you look at it, does it just cover every demographic?
[01:48:33] Anna Brees
I think a lot of people protesting don’t have a problem, so much with vaccination of adults, they’re very concerned about vaccinating children and they’re very concerned about vaccine passports. Like I mean, I can’t speak for all of the people that are protesting, but I would say what’s been happening recently in France, the protests in France has been bigger than the protests here in the UK.
[01:48:53] Del Bigtree
Yeah, that’s true. And I think the pressure is greater right? They’re being more extreme. I mean, Macron came out and some of the languaging that you’re going to be fined if you go into a store, if the store allows you in, they’ll be fined. I mean, that’s scary stuff. People not really being able to get on with their lives. Well, it’s super interesting. And you’ve been out there and you and I both appeared in a documentary or two where they’re trying to come at us for spreading misinformation. What do you what is your answer? You just like me. I pride myself in the journalism work that I do. I feel like I was very well trained having worked for CBS, I
don’t regret that experience. I do regret some of the things that it could, the stories I couldn’t do because of where the pressures were coming. Some of it you understand. I mean, these are the people that pay your bills and write your checks. But when I’m attacked now, I think I think I’m doing the best journalism I’ve done in my entire life.
[01:49:52] Del Bigtree
And much of what we’ve said over the last year we just showed in our show last week has proven to be true because it was all in the trials. We can read these things. I mean, this evidence was there. We, as you have seen and you’ve interviewed world renowned virologist and immunologist and epidemiologists all told us where this was going to end up, that the vaccine was not going to be capable of stopping this infection or stopping transmission. So how do you answer the question? Because I know you’ve come under the same assault because I’ve seen you in documentaries that are attacking us. How do you talk about what you do? And I’m sure you get this question. So let me lay it on you and maybe you can help me with my answer, which is, the work that you are doing is making people afraid to vaccinate. That is putting their lives at risk. Do you not see that you’re responsible for people that may die from this virus because of the things that you say and the misinformation that you’re spreading?
[01:50:50] Anna Brees
Every single post or every share, every retweet, I’m incredibly careful what I say. I’ve never been anti-vaccine and I haven’t been criticized in documentaries. There was only one smear piece that I had in The Guardian, and a Guardian reporter came up to me in September 2020 when I was at a protest and said, well done for the work you’re doing, I’m deeply ashamed of what we’re doing here at The Guardian, and I’ve stayed in touch with that reporter. So my brand and my reputation means everything to me. And I absolutely 100 percent always focus on children, not just my children, But it’s not coming from a place of ego, of no, I’m not making any money. I was making a lot more money before all of this, I’m doing This because I’m compassionate and courageous and I’m really, really concerned about where this is heading. I do not want my child, children to be carrying around papers or some kind of phone or mobile device and being tracked everywhere they go. I want them to live free lives. It’s so important that journalists listen so to the journalists are listening to this. Please do the right thing. Do what Del has done, do what I have done. If you have tried to reform within and it hasn’t worked, it’s time for you to group together within your media organization and really do something about it. Walk out if you, strike, if you have to. But we haven’t got any more time to wait. now, this is really serious, I think- If you don’t care about your freedom it’s, you know, if you’re not going to fight for your freedom, you don’t deserve it. Quite frankly, we have a we have a short opportunity here to do something. So anyone listening that can make a difference and can change the public perception on this crisis, please do it.
[01:52:23] Del Bigtree
Well, you are doing it, and I know, like me, all we can do is the best that we can do. I simply am a vessel for the truth and where that leads and how this all ends up, only God knows. But I want to thank you for the work that you are doing. You’re courageous. You’re a hero to us here in America. And I know you’re a hero for the people that are following you in the U.K. So continue to do the work that you’re doing. It’s an honor to know you and we’ll check in with you as things progress and hopefully the progress in our direction towards sanity and truth.
[01:52:58] Anna Brees
You take care, Del. Keep up the great work.
[01:53:00] Del Bigtree
All right, we’ll do well. I mean, you know, the U.K. obviously was the center of where this really begins. The imperial model, Neil Ferguson, all of the, you know, these predictions that millions of people were going to die. But it just doesn’t make sense, right? It doesn’t make sense that you have to be locked in quarantine when you’re flying into an airport and then that you can’t talk to somebody through the fence. But yet being told you’re a free citizen. There’s a video as we move towards Canada that really blew my mind because one of the things we know is that, you know, viruses tend to really not travel well outdoors. And one of the things we need is vitamin D and, you know, doing outdoor sports and staying healthy. Isn’t that you know, what we should be doing? Is that a place where we really I mean, we’re not talking about large crowds in this situation. Look how few people are trying to enjoy themselves playing a little bit of hockey and one hockey player just decides apparently they’ve had enough. Take a look at this.
[01:53:59] Canadian Hockey Player
Just tell me what you want. What is it? What’s the health regulation?
[01:54:07] Canadian officer
So this is the thing we told you you’re going against the health regulations.
[01:54:14] Canadian Hockey Player
Yeah but what is the health regulation?
[01:54:15] Canadian Hockey Player Shut up. Let’s go. Let’s just go.
[01:54:18] Canadian officer
Hey, what’s this guy’s name?
[01:54:20] Canadian Hockey Player We’re just going to go.
[01:54:21] Canadian officer
You’re welcome to go, but you might want to help your friend.
[01:54:25] Canadian Hockey Player Whoa, why are you pulling a gun?
[01:54:27] Canadian officer
It’s not a gun. It’s a Taser. And he’s under arrest. And I have the authority to use force to effect an arrest.
[01:54:33] Canadian Hockey Player
We’ll just leave it alone. OK, ok. OK, let’s go.
[01:54:33] Canadian officer
You’re under arrest, off the ice.
[01:54:46] Canadian Hockey Player
What are you doing? Yeah, videotape. Hey, what are you doing? What are you doing? What are you. What are you doing? Why are you guys grabbing me? What do you mean?
[01:55:04] Canadian officer
Get on the ground right now! Get on the ground before I [explicit] taser you.
[01:55:04] Canadian Hockey Player
Why are you going to taser me? I will get off the ice. Why am I going on the ground? What is wrong with you? Stop. Stop. We are literally leaving you gave us a warning. Let him take off his skates.
[01:56:45] Del Bigtree
Shocking video again coming out of Canada there. I mean, apparently you can’t, you know, ice skate out in the open air with like two or three other people. This young man being arrested, just asking questions like, what are you doing? What am I doing wrong? You know, to speak to someone in Canada. We’re actually going to bring you a bit of a celebrity for us here on The HighWire because we played a music video of a couple of months ago, and so many of you wrote in about it that we reached out and thought, now, this would be a great perspective. For those of you that missed it, this is Just Say No by RC, the rapper. Take a look at this.
[01:58:04] RC the Rapper
[Just Say No Song]
[01:58:22] Del Bigtree
It is my pleasure to be joined right now by our see the rapper R.C. See, first of all, it’s great to finally get to talk to you. We were all inspired when we saw that music video. It’s something that we’ve been talking about a lot here that, you know, on The HighWire, we can keep presenting the news, but we really need artists, we really need musicians and we need comedians. And everybody has got to start sort of giving that perspective because I think that just reaches a far broader and wider audience. So your lyrics were amazing. It’s a great song. And so what inspired you? I mean, you know, what is that? What is the vibe in Canada? You’re in Edmonton, Alberta. Obviously, you must feel like you’ve got to say something. Are people your age pushing back or are they awake to the fact that their rights or what rights they had may be under threat?
[01:59:16] RC the Rapper
Well, first of all, Del just wanted to say it’s a pleasure, an honor to be here. You’ve been a huge part of my journey that led me to making this song that you then heard, which brought me on the show. So we’ve kind of come full circle here.
[01:59:28] RC the Rapper
But but, yeah, the the vibe in Canada is very interesting right now for the last year and a half or so, the government has been trampling all over our rights. They’ve basically just been acting like they don’t exist. We have something similar to the Constitution that you guys have in the United States called the Charter of Canadian Rights and Freedoms and written into the charter. There’s a couple of ways that they can limit those rights that are afforded to us by the charter. However, they never met the requirements necessary to limit any of the rights that are afforded to us as Canadians. And basically, we’re in a situation where they’ve just been acting with impunity right from the first stay at home order. All this stuff has been illegal. There’s no justification for it. And Canadians, for the most part, are, I would say indifference is is the general consensus around here, I hesitate to say apathetic because I do think that a lot of people are frustrated and fed up with the lockdowns and restrictions. However, at the same time, they just keep sort of allowing the government to continue to move the goalposts and just go along with it, thinking that, you know, this time they really mean it when they’re going to give us all the freedoms back that they took away.
[02:00:59] Del Bigtree
You guys had a fairly severe international lockdown in that your borders have been very tight, at least from my perspective. It seems like we’ve been hearing stories. Quarantine if you want to fly in to Canada as a foreigner, you know, you sort of immediately had to check into a hotel. We’ve seen videos like that. Is that still the case? Is it’s still that tight at the border of Canada?
[02:01:23] RC the Rapper
Yeah, so right now our border is actually closed to the unvaccinated international citizens, if you’re not a citizen of Canada and you’re not vaccinated, you cannot even come here right now. So that that pretty much sums it up. I mean, Canadians, we had the quarantine hotel program for a long time. That was basically where they force you into isolation at one of their facilities at your own cost. And this is I believe I believe it’s just been rescinded. But that was in place for a long time. But I mean, now they’re restricting the entire country to unvaccinated people.
[02:02:09] Del Bigtree
So how what kind of restrictions when you said restricting it to unvaccinated people? That was my next question. Really. Do you feel like the nation is trying to create a divide or a battle between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated?
[02:02:23] RC the Rapper
Absolutely, absolutely. You can see it in the media every day, I’ve been seeing it myself getting worse and worse because we’ve all got these smart devices now and the news feeds are programed right into them when they come factory. So I get all these these Canadian prompts, you know, for for our news media up here. And I’ve just seen it getting worse and worse the whole time. They are already basically blaming the unvaccinated for any future outbreaks. There’s countless articles like this floating around and more and more coming out each day. The the biggest example of of division going on these days in Canada, I think is, is segregation. In 2021, they just over the last month or so, at some point, they implemented two different lineups at the airport, so unvaccinated and vaccinated. And they were met with some huge pushback. So that’s a good sign. This is something that they did try to do. They they did have it in place for at least a few weeks here. But as it is my understanding that as of now, that policy of separating people into two different lineups at the airport has been rescinded because of public pushback.
[02:03:44] Del Bigtree
You know, is does Canada consider itself socialist? I mean, how is it to describe your political landscape?
[02:03:55] RC the Rapper
Well, I mean, Canada will tell you that we’re a democracy, OK, but there’s certain factors that show clearly that it’s not. First of all, the the federal government has decided to suspend their federal election and basically what they said is because of covid and the pandemic, it’s just too dangerous to have an election right now. And the way that they’re presenting it is, well, you know, this is just a measure that we have to take just out of precaution and safety, but. Because we’re all getting vaccinated now, then, you know, we should be able to have an election in the fall and I just saw an article the other day that was talking about this that was saying, oh, yeah, you know, we’ll be good to go for a new election in the fall. The only thing that could throw a wrench into those plans is some crazy new outbreak, some unprecedented or or extreme pandemic event. It’s basically the way they put it. So they’re already priming us for this stuff. We know that the cases and the deaths dropped off last year next to nothing in the summer without a vaccine. And that is because illness in general is seasonal. And it’s my belief that the exact same thing is going to happen this year. The vaccine isn’t really going to make a difference. If anything, it might make things worse based on certain things that we know. And so, again, they’re just sort of priming us. They’re they’re moving the goalposts, as usual. They’re telling us one thing, but they’re planning another.
[02:05:38] Del Bigtree
There is a video that came out this year of Prime Minister Trudeau talking to a group of people sort of about his opinion of China when it came to this pandemic. It was quite shocking. Why don’t you take a look at this.
[02:05:52] Justin Trudeau
A level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn the economy around on a dime and say we need to go green as fast as we need to start investing in solar. I mean, there is a flexibility that I know Stephen
Harper must dream about of having a dictatorship, that he can do everything you wanted. But I find it interesting,
[02:06:19] Del Bigtree
A lot of laughs and jokes from a prime minister saying he has a lot of admiration for China, it would be a lot easier if it was a dictatorship. It’s a weird joke and it is kind of terrifying sitting here in America. But, you know, sort of overseeing your life in your borders. Do you think that’s a joke or do you have a sense that Trudeau is working with, you know, some, you know, maybe more localized, smaller government, world, global government? Are those thoughts or conversations that are happening in Canada?
[02:06:55] RC the Rapper
Yeah, absolutely, within the the resistance, which is small but dedicated up here, this is yeah, this is it’s no secret that Trudeau is a globalist. It’s yeah, you’re absolutely right. It’s a terrible joke. Why did the crowd even laugh? Like, I don’t understand. He’s he’s talking about trying to convert our great nation of Canada, which I’ve known and loved my whole life, into something akin to what they have in China. That does not sound good to me at all.
[02:07:29] Del Bigtree
Right. All right. So you wrote this. I mean, I was amazed when I was listening to your the song that we played Just Say No. You have an incredible understanding, it seems, of the crisis of the vaccination. Where do you go to for your you know, for your information when it comes to this pandemic? Is it all on social media or is there any news that you can trust up there in Canada? Where where are you getting your information?
[02:08:01] RC the Rapper
Well, Del, at the top of that list is The HighWire with yourself, Honestly, you guys are fantastic. Like I said, I’ve learned so much from you and I really appreciate how you guys just make it all about the data itself, the science and the statements from the professionals whose statements we are supposed to be trusting. It’s like it’s really strange to me. It’s like there’s this there’s this narrative that it’s just sort of floating around in the air that that everyone’s picking up on. And everyone knows they’re supposed to acquiesce in certain ways. But if you actually followed the science, if you actually listen to the experts. A whole different picture emerges there straight up telling you that the vaccine may not be as effective as they thought it would be, the narrative is the most pervasive thing. It’s just taken over everyone’s mind. And no amount of data or statements of fact seems to be able to sway people at this point. It’s just it’s like it’s just on autopilot.
[02:09:10] Del Bigtree
But when it comes to that song, you obviously I think you’re taking a risk putting that to music. You’re one of the first ones to do it.
What has the response been?
[02:09:19] RC the Rapper
Well, we’re in an interesting position because we started releasing music, like my manager and I- I mean, we started releasing music in light of the pandemic under that umbrella. And so our entire audience was basically built. On this sort of, information. So right off the bat, we attracted like minds and there’s a lot of artists out there who were already established and they had large followings, but when that pandemic switch got flipped, it’s like, you know, half of their audience may have been more liberal to the left side of things like trusting government. And so for anyone to start speaking out after with an already established audience, that’s a totally different story. A lot of people have had a really hard time, caught a lot of slander. But for us, it’s been it’s been very positive, I think, for that reason. And, you know, of course, there is the haters. There’s always going to be. And we find that the support is very strong and the the denouncement is also very strong. There isn’t much middle ground. People either seem to really like it or they really don’t. But we get a lot more support than we do hate way more. It’s like it’s like 90 to 95 percent or maybe even higher supports and then, you know, maybe five percent haters and detractors.
[02:10:55] Del Bigtree
So you actually are one of these people. And I mean, I get reference this way in articles all around the world that saw growth in the work that you do through this pandemic, you decided to sort of use it and sort of stand. And I would say in much the way that, you know, so many of the great musicians we know, whether it was Bob Marley or the Beatles in the 60s and even U2 have used the platform of music to push back against oppression or wrongdoing by governments or powerful people. So in many ways, that’s the heart of music. And it’s fantastic that you’ve taken this moment to really tell the story in a way that I think music has a way of penetrating our heart deeper in many ways than trying to get through the intellect and language. So I want to thank you personally for taking obviously some of the work we do. I’m sure you have other resources, but it’s an honor to know that you’re taking that information and putting it in a way through music that I think it can reach people that we wouldn’t reach otherwise. So you’re you’re a hero of mine. And we’re watching what’s happening in Canada. Obviously, we share that border. Do you have hope? I mean, do you feel like, you know, if this continues to push forward, if there’s another lock down, do you and you look at a Trudeau sort of laughing and joking, you obviously have a sense that there’s global ties there. What is your you know, what do you feel like the future has in store?
[02:12:28] RC the Rapper
Well, I feel like there’s a spectrum of possibilities here Del and when I say spectrum of possibilities, I mean I mean what what the government is really up to here and what they really have planned for the future, because there’s two sides to this. There’s what the government has planned and what they think they can accomplish. And then there’s the people. So. None of I don’t think that any of the possible intentions that the government has are good or beneficial to the people, I think that at the very least what’s going to happen is cases are going to go back up in the fall. I mean, it’s kind of already starting. Cases are just starting to creep up again, as it does seasonally, and then I think what they’re going to do is once cases start snowballing again, going out of control, they’re going to say, OK, we need to lock down again. These variants are on the rise and it’s all the anti-vaxxers fault, you know, the 10 or 15 or maybe 20 percent, if we’re lucky, of Canadians who who have opted not to get the jab, they’re going to blame all of these new hardships on us, people like me and then they’re going to try to convince the 80 percent of people or so that have already gotten the shot to hate people like me and to get on board with things like limiting our rights and removing us from society, perhaps. On the other side, like I said, is the people, and I think that when that if and when that happens, I think this time a lot of people are going to have had enough. I think even that people who have gotten vaccinated and have, you know, behaved this whole time, so to speak, even even those people are going to start getting frustrated with this constantly evolving, never ending narrative and may even hop the fence over to our side.
[02:14:25] Del Bigtree
I think you’re right. I think they’re pushing too hard and in many ways, I suppose it’s what has to happen in order for everybody or at least the majority of people to recognize what we’re really up against. Well keep up the fight out there RC the Rapper. Thank you for taking the time today to join us. And I know you got some new songs coming out and a brand new one just dropped last week. We’ll keep our ears to the ground and listen to what you got going on. Keep up the great work. You’re doing an important work. You’re brave, you’re a hero. And it’s been an honor to have this time to talk to you.
[02:15:00] RC the Rapper
Likewise, you keep keep up the good work, too, I know you will, and thank you so much for having me, blessings.
[02:15:06] Del Bigtree
All right. Take care. Well, I mean, we could do this all day. Obviously, there’s nations every virtually every single nation in the world is having to deal with this pandemic. And I think we’re all starting to have this anxiety perhaps of, you know, a pending doom ahead. You know, the idea it’s one thing to go through an illness, even if you just think about getting sick. I mean, for me, every few years you get some sort of flu like symptoms and you feel like you’re going to die during it. You’re like, oh, my God, I’m going to die. And it’s amazing, sort of, you know, as you get away from it, it goes away. But you’re like, I don’t ever want to go through that experience again. In many ways, I think that we are not going to react the same way if they really, truly, truly decide to start masking us again, not just in America can we’re seeing it. And this is what should be shocking. Right. How weird is it? That doesn’t matter if you were a mountainous, you know, winter city or you live on beaches like Australia, surrounded by the ocean down under. It doesn’t matter where you live. Every government is dealing with a seasonal virus the exact same way the same lockdown’s promises that a vaccine is going to bring about some, you know, heavenly space, you know, that are promised land lies in the face, you know, in the hands of a vaccine that is clearly not working. It is failing, as we’ve pointed out so clearly in previous episodes, whether it’s Israel and now in America, the story just keeps going on and on.
[02:16:43] Del Bigtree
But I have to say, as we’ve reached out and looked around the world, in some ways I’m surprised. I kind of expected that the sentiment would be a little bit different, you know, that that people would have a little bit of a different energy and perhaps like places like France, that there would be more fear or places like Australia where they really would recognize that they seem to be more oppressed than the rest of us. Yet the sentiment is the same among all of us. There’s a sense of hope. There’s this idea, no matter where you are in this world, that somehow this draconian pressure that everybody seems to allude to a sense that is coming from a
more centralized and smaller government body that’s trying to bud or do the bidding of the entire world, perhaps driven from GAVI in the WHO where the UN but no matter what that bad guy is in the minds of people, as we look from continent to continent, the sentiment is the same, and that is they’re not going to get away with it. I mean, everywhere we look today, you know, it doesn’t matter how bad the news programing or, you know, the passport that’s coming or the the laws that are being written, the sentiment among everyone and we didn’t look for this. We simply went to whoever would speak to us and who we thought would be a good voice for that area. Everyone feels the same. There is a strange sense of hope that you would not expect in the middle of an oncoming train. A train wreck, I think really is what we must all be recognizing. And so I hope that your experience has been like mine. For those of you around the world that have been watching this show and continue to watch The HighWire, I want to thank you for your support. For those of you all around the world, maybe you want to get involved. We are bringing lawsuits here, but we do assist lawsuits around the world. But all the work we’re doing to continue to bring the stories from around the world, whether it’s Israel or Japan or France, all of that’s made possible because the context that we’re using around the world. And so if you can help us to continue to do this work, we, as I’ve said time and time again, is usually at the top of the show. We have no sponsors. We are not sponsored by Exxon or Mobil. We’re not sponsored by Pfizer or Moderna, most definitely. Or Pampers or, you know, any of the other things. We’re not even asking you, you know, if you’ve got milk, we’re asking you what you want to hear, what you care about. And you are who we are doing our programing for us. So if you can help out, definitely use our brand new website, thehighwire.com, go to our donate button. And even if it’s only twenty five or fifty cents a month, it really makes a difference. There’s millions of you out there and that helps us do more and more work to reach further and further around the world and to help in every way that we know we can.
[02:19:44] Del Bigtree
Of course, in 2021 we’re asking if you can donate twenty one dollars a month. That would be great. I think it’s still cheaper than Netflix that plans on vaccinating everybody that works for them. So remember, when you’re funding Netflix, you are funding the vaccine takeover of the world and the forced vaccination of the actors, directors and producers that you may actually appreciate, we’ve all got to start being more conscious of how we are voting with our dollars. Where is our money going? What are we supporting? I think we’re you know, we’re going to have to trim it up a little bit. I think we’re going to go into some darker times. But like everyone else, like every other guest today around the world, I have a sense of hope. I think they have made a major misstep. I think they’ve pushed too hard and I think they’re wrong. And wherever there’s truth and wherever right can be had, in the end, humanity always gravitates towards it. It is the light that guides us. It’s the light that keeps us alive, like the sun that gives us vitamin D. It shines on every beautiful brother and sister that we have on this planet. And as long as we are here, as long as we know the truth, there is always hope. There’s hope for the world. And today my hope is even deeper that we as a community of the world, will stand together in a brighter and more vivid future. Hold the line and I’ll see you next week on The HighWire.