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“The High Road” Legacy Project allows you to put your love, your heart, your passion, your faith, into a place that will live on our campus forever, through an inscribed brick in ‘The HighRoad’, a road which connects the offices of the Informed Consent Action Network to our voice, the studio that houses our Media Productions and staff at The HighWire. Your inscribed bricks that become ‘The High Road’ will serve as a living, breathing, legacy for all of our generous supporters, staff, and visitors to enjoy when at the new home of ICAN and The HighWire. The High Road will be a tribute, a memorial, an enduring reminder of the many people and organizations that make up the foundation of ICAN’s accomplishments and success. That foundation is YOU.

Purchase your brick and leave your legacy, at www.icandecide.org/TheHighRoad today!

#TheHighRoad #ICAN #TheHighWire #DelBigtree #Community #Together

ORIGINAL AIR-DATE: November 13, 2020