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  1. “Build it and they will come.”
    When people finally see through the lies and haze, they see another way to go. Thank goodness for all the independent news sources popping up, reputable people taking a stand and leaving the main stream of corruption. Eventually the flock will follow.
    And as for new lockdowns and masking…I will do exactly as I did the first time…continue living as I always have, mask free and moving about as I want to. Hopefully this time around people wont fall for the “sky is falling” routine and do some research before they submit to giving away their freedom to draconian govts.

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Freedom Files presents the Host of The Sharpe Way Show, Larry Sharpe, who gives Jefferey Jaxen a firsthand experience of what it was like running for NY Governor twice, as an outsider, in the “pay to play” politics of New York, and how we win the censorship wars.