Actor & comedian, Jim Breuer, joins Del in studio in a hilarious and surprising conversation about his career, speaking his truth, and incredible moments that help shape his life in the limelight.
AIRDATE: August 16, 2024
Jim Breuer’s incident with the cardinal, and then letting his dad go the very week the bird left is what Robert F. Kennedy Jr. calls synchronicity .
Robert F. Kennedy Jr tells of an incidence were Carl Jung who coined the phrase after a woman in his office was telling him about a dream she kept having about an Egyptian scrabble beetle. At that very moment there was a persistent pecking at the window, till Carl Jung had to get up and see what it was. It was an Egyptian scrabble beetle in Europe, not the middle east where it belonged.
Synchronicity is when God breaks the laws of nature just a little bit, by tapping you on the shoulder and telling you that he is with you. That is Robert F. Kennedy’s thoughts on that.
Within the week of my mother’s death one year anniversary of her passing, I walked into her house and a bird flew in with me. It followed me into the garage and then into the house. It flew from room, to room, to room settling and looking around for a while. My father built the house. He even cut the timber for the house, my mother loved the house, I had worked on it for the past 20 years keeping it updated. I had moved far from home for employment but
I was lucky enough to come back to help them in their old age. We had some good times.
If ever there was a representee for my mother it would be the little wren, she was crazy about birds and an expert. On its way back out of the house and into the garage it stopped for a long while by their van. I was lucky enough to be able to drive my father around in it all over the country to keep depression away when he could no longer move. He had Parkinson, that began with a week of a flu vaccine.
Tap on the shoulder by God.